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Prunus Girl 1

Who is the girl I met amongst the falling cherry blossoms?

+ posted by boke as translation on May 16, 2009 04:27 | Go to Prunus Girl

-> RTS Page for Prunus Girl 1

[boke's comments in brackets like this]

[there are lot's of little sound effects in this manga which don't translate well, like the sound of suddenly standing up. I have skipped many of these and have focused on the sfx that make more sense to translate.]

Page 1 Panel 1

When they announced the high school test results

I waited past noon because I hate crowds

1-2 Whoosh

1-3 Mm? A test ticket?

1-4 Number 0215

Aikawa... Kizuna

1-5 Ah, sorry

The wind blew it out of my hand...

We met there by pure coincidence

and everything started from there...

2-1 But at that time

I had no idea-

Puranus Girl

Matsumoto Tomoki

Chapter 1: Who is the girl I met amongst the falling cherry blossoms?

3-1 My name is Aikawa Kizuna

And despite how I look, I'm male!
Nice to meet you

3-2 Yeah, that "she's" a guy...

3-3 It's been a month since that shocking first day of school

The classroom's pretty damn noisy, so...

sfx: chomp chop

3-4 I'm eating by myself up on the roof

Dude. It's like, seriously cold...

sfx: Wheeeoooo

3-5 Ah

There you are!

4-1 Maki-kun!!

4-2 Aizawa....

I told you to stay in the classroom, didn't I!!

4-3 Stare

5-1 It's a little late to say this, but dude,

You totally look like a girl...
Even your voice

5-2 Oh my! You've fallen for me?

What should I do? [handwritten]

No, that's not what I'm saying

5-3 I just find myself thinking

That you're might really be a girl from time to time

sfx: chomp chomp

Maybe you have some reason to pretend to be a guy [handwritten]

5-4 ...hmmm

sfx: smirk

5-5 If that's the case

Want to feel me up and find out?

6-1 Hah Whaaa?

sfx: drop

6-3 Go ahead. Anywhere you like.

6-4 It shouldn't bother you since we're both guys, right?

sfx: wobble wobble

6-5 Didn't you have something you came here for!?

Ah, you're changing the subject!

You're embarrassed! [handwritten]

sfx: shove

sfx: th-thump th-thump

6-6 I came about this...

sfx: rustle

7-1 Here

It's a love letter

7-3 Ah, it's not from me, ok?

7-4 Ahaha, yeah, I got it. I understand.

7-5 No, no, no!
I don't have my hopes up!
Nope! I don't!

Anyway, "she's" a guy!
So calm down already!

sfx: tweet tweet tweet

sfx: slurp

8-1 Nab

8-2 step

8-3 You better read it!

A girl poured her heart into that, ok?

8-4 Hey! My strawberry milk!

My classmate, Aikawa Kizuna...

8-5 What I can say about him is

To all appearances, "she" is amazingly cute.
Personality's on the rough side

9-1 Good at sports

Bad at schoolwork

sfx: oh god

9-2 He's got a sweet tooth.
In general, he's got more girl friends

But he's strangely popular among the guys

9-3 And

There's the fact "she" is a guy

Oh man [by his arm]

10-1 The next day

10-2 And that takes care of the little matter of the love letter

10-3 Ever since I started high school

I just can't get worked up about letters like that...


10-4 I wonder why.
I'm stopping myself for some reason.

10-5 Aaaah, these worksheets are soooo heavy!

They're totally oppressing me to make a weakling like me carry all this

10-6 Ah! Maki-kun!
What a coincidence to find you here!

Y-yeah, I guess so, Satou-san...

What the...?

sfx: Erk

11-1 ...looks heavy.
Want me to carry that?

That's great!

11-2 And I've also managed to give myself a chance here!

I'm going to get you today, Maki-kun!


sfx: happiness

11-3 Maki-kun, you really are nice. And good looking.
Compared to me, totally great at sports and studying!

11-4 Mm?

11-5 ....ooo

So heavy

11-6 I've really thought you were nice since the the first time I saw you. Kyaa! What am I saying!?

Seriously. Only this much.

...sorry, Satou-san


12-1 You'd better carry this after all

Hey, Maki-kun!?

sfx: whump

12-3 Aikawa, lemme get that for you

Ah, Maki-kun! Thank you!

12-4 Ah Aaaah
So that's the Aikawa they're talking about...!

Is he plotting to steal Maki-kun away!?

sfx: crumple

12-5 And that means I'm losing to a guy!

I'm just a lump of a girl that's inferior to a guy...

Go ahead and laugh...!

sniff sniff

whisper whisper

sfx: flutter

13-1 ...so what's up with all these worksheets?

Well, we had and English test yesterday, right?

13-2 So I bet you couldn't do it at all, right?

So this is your punishment?

13-3 I toootally didn't get it


13-4 So I turned in a blank test

...you really do some reckless things sometimes

Pure white [handwritten]

Scary... [text by his neck]

13-5 Well, I'll just have you carefully tutor me

What? Why!?

So you turned down that letter you got yesterday?

14-1 ...yeah

14-2 Why!? Why!?

How could you do that!?

14-3 I'm not gonna go out with someone I don't like

I haven't even talked with her [handwritten]

Just what era do you think this is!? [handwritten]

Geez! Are you hard-headed or what?

14-4 If you're gonna say all that, then why not go out with her yourself?

You're a guy, after all.
Well, in general

14-5 ...Oooh?

So I should go out with her

sfx: stare

15-1 We're totally in love

bling [at top]

sfx: screech

15-2 ...that's awkward somehow

Sorry, my bad


15-3 Heheh

15-4 But I guess I'm relieved

You seem to have it together

15-6 N-not really!

15-7 But there's one thing I've got to say to you

Since you've got it together, Maki-kun...

16-1 We tests the day before yesterday, right? Math and history.

And those were blank too? Dude...

sfx: shhflump

16-2 That's why I have to carry two stacks

Ah, crap! I'm not helping you anymore!

16-3 It's one thing to help you on the way to the classroom, but

I'm not about to going back with you for more!

16-4 So you're not going to help me after all?


16-5 I bet you're you're going to make me pay with my body
Men are all such animals...

Say what you want [small text]

No, no, no!
You're a guy too!

sfx: squeeze

sfx: whip

16-6 ...but, as far as I'm concerned..

17-1 I don't mind

If it's you, Maki-kun

17-2 ...don't be

That's not... what I...

sfx: whump

17-3 I mean, you're a guy... [handwritten]

sfx: sweat sweat

17-4 Oh man! You took it seriously!?

You perv! [handwritten]

17-5 You get all excited?

Don't cling on me!

You stud [small]

sfx: cling

18-1 Look!


You're always doing...

sfx: grap

18-2 slip

18-3 Wha?

18-4 Gyaa


18-5 Owwww....

19-1 Oh shit!

I really did it this time!

19-2 Mm?

19-3 Dwaaah


19-4 ...er, so why am I getting worked up over touching a guy's chest?

Calm down
Calm down
Calm down

19-5 Anyway

You ok, Aikawa?

Better check if he's injured...

19-6 Waittasec

20-1 I can check if Aikawa's a guy or a girl right now...

If I check, which would it be?

20-2 I could do it.. right now!!

sfx: pound pound pound

21-1 pound pound

21-2 Oh man, just what the hell is my right hand doing?

I can't
I couldn't do that!

21-3 It's true that Aikawa's chest is totally flat

It's enough to believe "she" is a guy

21-4 But those long eyelashes

That smooth hair, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a girl

21-5 ...there's no way I could stop now

The only way is to check it out directly

sfx: gleam

22-1 Now

22-2 Ah


sfx: stop

22-5 So you really pushed me down...

And right here...

No, no, no!
It was an Act of God!

I slipped! [handwritten]

23-1 A-anyway, my bad!

To make up for it, I'll carry all the worksheets, ok?

Feeling awkward [box]

23-2 Ah, Maki-kun

Ok, later!

23-3 Please don't let him find out

I was about to do something bad

23-4 Well...

That surprised me a little

sfx: th-thump th-thump

24-1 ...ah

I feel way more tired than usual today...

sfx: siiiiigh

24-2 Come to think of it, it all started when test results were announced

24-3 It's like I've always been jerked around

by Aikawa since school started

24-4 Just like "she" is totally blasé about

handing me love letters from other girls

24-5 I've got no idea what he's thinking


sfx: tap tap

25-1 Hey there

26-1 Yahhaaa

Ah, you're awake

26-2 Everyone's gone home already

26-3 What about you...?
Just why are you here? [small]

I thought I'd thank you for helping me out earlier today

sfx: chomp

sfx: th-thump th-thump

26-4 Thank me?

Candy or something?

You keep eating that 'n you're gonna get fat

26-5 Want it? I'll pass it to you in a kiss

Why do you have to go and do things like that?

26-6 It's ok, right? We're both guys, see?

No, no, no! It's weird to say that in this situation!

27-1 smile smile

27-2 Crap. If Aikawa were a normal girl...

I wouldn't have these worries...

27-3 You just thought "If he was a girl", right?

sfx: blink

27-4 Eh?

27-5 I know. After all

I'm a guy, so I know what guys are thinking

28-1 A girl who knows a guy's heart.
Dude. Talk about ultimate weapon

28-2 Yeah, the girls all come talk to me because I understand guys

28-3 ...since you wear those clothes

You must wish you were born a girl, right?

You must be a touchy subject, so I haven't asked [handwritten]

28-4 Well now

I wonder, hm?

28-5 Eh?

29-2 Am I a guy? Or a girl?

Which do you think is true?

29-3 W-which? Well, a guy...

No, you totally look like a girl, so...

29-4 I'm fine with whichever you end up thinking

29-5 Oh, yeah...

30-1 Crunch crunch crunch

Sounds of chewing candy [box]

30-2 I'm sure...

30-3 Yep, yep

30-4 I have here, magic candy

Two of them!

30-5 yank

30-6 crinkle

31-1 This peach candy
Makes me a girl, body and soul

This cola candy
Makes me a boy, body and soul

31-2 Maki-kun, pick one and feed it to me

32-1 "Magic Candy"....

32-2 Here

Hurry up

32-3 I can't tell

If Aikawa is just playing with me here...

32-4 Of course, there's no way there's magic candy

This candy right in front of me is just candy

33-1 But in the fact that this choice has meaning

It's a fact that these are not just ordinary candy

33-2 If I chose peach

What will Aikawa think...?

33-3 If I choose

That he become the girl he looks like...?

34-1 So, if Aikawa really becomes a girl...

So this equation...

Say ah


That would be ideal...

FANTASY [at bottom]

34-2 Er, but Aikawa...

Not matter how he looks, won't be able to change one thing


34-3 Ok, so if I choose Cola?

And he becomes more boy-like?

34-4 No, no, no
Something's not right

It's not wrong, but
Something's not right!!

A man among men?

35-2 What the hell am I doing?

35-3 Just what the hell do I want...?

To have to choose whether Aikawa is a girl or a guy...?

35-4 gulp

35-5 ok, this...

36-1 Gulp

36-2 Crunch

36-5 Maki-kun

I'm pretty sure there wasn't a peach-cola candy, right?

37-1 Iyahahaha

It's hard when you put me on the spot like that!

This guy chose both [box]

37-2 I mean, both are kinda extreme choices

I just couldn't get comfortable with it

37-3 As far as I'm concerned, how you are now...

Is more like you, or...

37-4 To have you not be a guy while being a girl is...

It just doesn't suit your image, Aikawa!

37-5 ...heheh

What are you talking about?
So wishy-washy

38-1 Ngulp

38-2 snicker

39-1 When I'm with you, Maki-kun

That candy suits me fine

39-2 ...peach

39-3 crunch

39-4 So...

A girl...?

40-1 ...wha?

40-2 Ah!

Hey, waitta second!

40-3 Hey! So which are you after all?

Well, now you get to find out using your very own eyes!

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#1. by c_k (Global Moderator)
Posted on May 16, 2009
After reading your review/summary on the manga's page- I was really interested in reading this manga. Especially the- is she really a guy or a girl? The premise reminds me a bit of Tenshi na Konamaiki. :P Thanks for translating the chapter though. I'll be looking forward to the next translation. ^_^
#2. by MisterRee ()
Posted on May 20, 2009
Hello Boke-san.

I have used your translation for my scanlated release of
Prunus Girl.

I will post it there for your convenience.

Also, I would like to use the translation for chapter 2 as the series has intrigued me.

Thank you kindly sir.

I also put you in the credits, ok.
#3. by mayoi ()
Posted on May 20, 2009
Me too...c-k
thank you very much!!

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