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One Piece 538

Level Five Point Five, Newkama Land

+ posted by cnet128 as translation on Apr 2, 2009 19:26 | Go to One Piece

-> RTS Page for One Piece 538

One Piece
Chapter 538: Level Five Point Five, Newkama Land

[Insert text: The price of healing...]
Flashback!Ivankov: Ten years of your lifespan...!!! // From the life that you vould otherwise have lived from this day forth... / ...I vill take ten years and use it here... Strawhat-boy.
Flashback!Luffy: *pant* / *pant* // All right.
Flashback!Ivankov: ...However, even vith those ten years subtracted from your life, I cannot guarantee that you vill be saved...!! / All that this vill do is boost your chances of survival from zero percent... // ...to a mere two or three percent; no more than a tiny "possibility".

Flashback!Ivankov: From there on out, vhether you ultimately live... / ...or die...
Flashback!Luffy: *pant* / *pant*
Flashback!Ivankov: ...depends entirely upon your own villpower!! // If you die, that means the poison prevailed. // If you live, then it is you who prevailed. // Vell, then, enjoy your trip...
Flashback!Luffy: .........
Flashback!Luffy: ?!!

Flashback!Luffy: .................................!!! // Aannghhhh......!!! // NNNNGGGGUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

BonClay: .........!! // ......He's been screaming like this for ten whole hours...?!! / Straw-chan......!!!
Ivankov: "Villpower" and "hormones" - together, these two elements... / ...allow a human body to manifest its own "Vital Force".
BonClay: ........................!!
Ivankov: In other vords, all that I have done is drawn out the latent power of the Strawhat-boy's own immune system... / ...bolstering it to a level vhere it is capable of fighting against the invading poison. // Right now, cycles of destruction and regeneration are taking place at incredible rates throughout his body......!! // Only if he can endure this suffering to the end... vill his life be saved.........!! // If you are so vorried about him, then by all means take a look.
BonClay: ..................
BonClay: Straw-cha... // ?!!

BonClay: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~!!! // H... H... He's dying in there!!! / His body... it's falling apart... it's... it's... it's...!!! / No, he's dead already...!! / It's terrible!!! You have to do something!!! Something, anything, just save him, please......!!! / Unchain him... stop all that bleeding...!!
Ivankov: .........
BonClay: ...Anything, anything but that.........!!!
Ivankov: SILENCE, FOOL!!!
BonClay: Unghh!!!
Ivankov: Saving him is exactly vat I am doing!!!

Ivankov: Do not take the power of Life so lightly!!!
Luffy: GUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! / *cough*!!
BonClay: ?!!
Ivankov: Do you have any idea vat it means to recover a life from certain doom?!! // I am no God, no Buddha! "Miracle Vorker"? / You people may call me vat you vish, but let me tell you this... // Not once have I saved the life of a fool who relies only upon the help of others. Oh, I have saved countries drowning in poverty... / ...even countries defeated in battle and left in ruins... but all that I truly did vas to draw out their own vill to live! // Miracles can only descend upon those vith the vill to carry on!!!! // Do not take them so lightly!!!!
BonClay: !!!

Ivankov: ...In other vords, my abilities come from the "Horu Horu no Mi"... / I am a "Hormone-Creating Being". // Gender, body temperature, pigmentation, growth, emotional state... / I am an engineer of the human body, vith the power to remodel people from vithin. // Now, you strike me as a natural "Newkama" to begin vith... // ...but all my "candies", the people you see here around you, have truly transcended gender. / Those who you see as men may originally have been vomen......... // Those who you see as vomen may once have been men... yes... / Mmmmfufufu!! Truly this is a land of miracles!!!
BonClay: I see...!! So it was your "hormones" that turned that man into a woman......!! // ...but the more I find out about this place, the more I feel convinced that I can't possibly still be in that gaol!! I must be dreaming...!!
Ivankov: This is no dream...!!! This is the Land of Dreams!!!
BonClay: Mmphh!!

Ivankov: You see my candies over there? Once, they vere all vandering prisoners. / They found their vay to this place purely by chance... for it has many entrances.
BonClay: .........
Ivankov: From the field of needles, coated in blood... to the lair of vild beasts... / From the roaring inferno... to the resting place of the dead...... / In other vords... // ...ve can use these connections to procure supplies from all through the gaol. // And the gaolers never realise a thing! / How could they begin to guess that a paradise like this exists in the bowels of Hell?! / Ve, on the other hand, can monitor the goings-on outside as ve vish. / Ve have one of the same Monitor Den-Den Mushi that they use in their monitor rooms down here as vell, you see. So all the information from outside... // ...gets passed straight through to us down here. Ve steal newspapers from the trash-cans, so ve know all about the outside vorld as vell. // And as for your escapades vith the gaol's first-ever intruder, the Strawhat-boy... // You can be sure ve enjoyed every minute of it! It vas top-class entertainment!!!

BonClay: ...But where?! Where are you hiding a place like this?! / How do you have all this space?!
Ivankov: ...Vell, of course, all this space never existed to begin vith. / A long time ago, there vas a prisoner vith a Devil's Fruit vhich gave him the power of "tunnelling". // It is said that he vas the original founder of this Prisoners' Paradise. / Like a great big ants' nest hewn into a gigantic piece of rock... // ...this place exists in the space between Level Five and Level Six. / Smack bang in between!
BonClay: Wait, wait... "Level Six"?!! A floor like that actually exists?!
Ivankov: Mmmmmfufu... that's right. Most people don't know about it... // ...but it exists all right. That's vhere the really dangerous prisoners are kept!! / Every one of them vith either a death or a life sentence...!! Level Six, the "Eternal Hell". // Those prisoners have caused truly inhuman incidents that the Government has seen fit to cover up completely...!!

Ivankov: ...That, or incidents that vere... inconvenient for the Government themselves. // For instance... You know how you people rampaged your vay through the Levels all the vay down to Level Four...? / Vell, if you had tried that just a little vhile ago... I doubt it vould have gone quite so vell for you.
BonClay: ?!
Ivankov: This gaol vas once home to yet another mighty force to be reckoned vith, you see... The Head Gaoler of Impel Down... // Shiryuu of the Rain. His strength vas comparable to that of Chief Varden Magellan...!! / Indeed, considering the... limitations Magellan has on his vorking hours, Shiryuu vas the more dangerous of the two.
BonClay: As strong as Magellan...?!!
Ivankov: It vas these two "stars" of Impel Down that made the gaol truly "impenetrable"...!
Flashback!Magellan: Shiryuu.........!! // What are you doing...?!!!
Flashback!Shiryuu: .........What, you ask?

Flashback!Magellan: The prisoners are not here for you to go around slaughtering for pleasure, Shiryuu!!!
Flashback!Shiryuu: .................. // What's the big issue... // ...if I slice up a few pieces of trash.........?
Ivankov: He vent on a massive rampage, slaughtering any number of prisoners for no good reason. / As such, he vas labelled a menace... and is imprisoned still on Level Six.
BonClay: ...But I've never even heard about an incident like that...!! Even if it was before my time here...
Ivankov: The most dangerous voman ever to be imprisoned here in the entire Pirate Age, Catarina Devon... / Colossal Battleship San Juan Volf... Mighty Drinker Busco Shot... / The kinds of pirates whose names alone are enough to make those who hear them quiver in fear...
[TN: For the record, that's "San Juan Wolf". The "V" is just Ivankov being Ivankov =p]

Ivankov: The kinds of legendary people who caused incidents so cruel that they vere suppressed from even appearing in the newspapers... that's who you'll find in Level Six...!! / Your former boss is down there, as vell... he's quite the crazy one.
BonClay: .........!! Zero-chan?! .........Crocodile?!
Ivankov: Yes, I hear you fought alongside him against the Strawhat-boy in Alabasta, did you not? An interesting relationship you two have...
BonClay: Such enmities mean nothing in the face of Friendship!!
Ivankov: Hahahah! Let's see... the "Knight of the Sea, Jimbei", the Shichibukai, is being held down there as vell.
BonClay: Whaat?!
Ivankov: And of course, the very person your Strawhat-boy friend came here to save... / ...Second Division Commander of the Vhitebeard Pirates, Portgas D Ace!! / From vat I heard over the communication systems, they're brothers, aren't they?
BonClay: ...That's right. Straw-chan told me he came here to save that man.
Ivankov: Mmfufu...! Successfully infiltrating the gaol alone vas a superhuman feat... but I'm afraid now... // ...he vill have to give up on that goal... // His own life comes before his brother's, after all......!!! And since the time has passed midnight already...... / ...the execution date is upon us; the Ace-boy vill be executed at 15:00 today... He vill be taken away to Marine Headquarters vhen morning comes.........

Ivankov: ...So, let's see... / ...in seven or eight more hours, the Ace-boy vill no longer even be here in Impel Down. // Meanwhile, the Strawhat-boy's poisoning vill take around two more days to heal... and even if he survives that long... / ...he vill have to sleep for a further three days in order to regain his energy... by the time he awakens, it vill all be over.
BonClay: Wait a minute... Straw-chan has to survive another two days of THAT?!!
Ivankov: A normal person could never make it!! As I said, if he survives, then that vill be the miracle! // You need to get a little rest yourself as vell, you know! // Get some food in that belly of yours, and then get back to bed! / I'll show you vhere to find a quiet room!
BonClay: ...............!! // No!! I'll stay in Straw-chan's room!!!
Ivankov: !
Newkamas: ...A... Are you sure about this...?
Ivankov: .........
Newkamas: You really shouldn't get your hopes up... // Th... this is crazy... what's the point?!!

Ivankov: ......... // ?
Ivankov: ............!!!
BonClay: HANG IN THERE~~~~~~~~~~~!!! STRAW-CHA~~~~~~~~~~~N!!! / *cough* // DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! // HANG IN THERE~~~~~~!! / STRAW-CHA~~~N!!
Newkamas: ..................
BonClay: DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~~!! // DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~~!! // DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~!!
[Box: Level Three]
Sadi: Why can't you even... mmmmmmm~~~~!♡ // ...find a single stupid okama?!!
DemonGuards: ..................!!!

Newkamas: DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~~!! STRAW-CHA~~~~~~~N!! // STRAW HAT~~~~~~~!!! // DON'T GIVE UP~~~~~~!!!
[Box: Three hours later...]
[Box: Chief Warden's Office]
Gaoler: Urgent report for the Chief!! / Reports from Level Five suggest that Straw Hat Luffy...
Magellan: Hm?
Gaoler: ...has vanished completely!!
Magellan: ?!
[Box: Level Four]
Someone: Ehhhh?!! V... Vice-Chief Hannyabal, what are you doing here?!
Hannyabal: Mmmmmphhhhh!! (Get me down from here!!)
[Box: Seven hours later...]
[Box: Level Six]
Jimbei: Ace-san... I... don't know too much about that woman, but......... // Surely you'd be better off... assuming she was lying...
Ace: ...What, you want me to believe she came all this way just to lie to me?!!
Jimbei: ............!! // .........!!
Ace: ......!! ...I... I'm sorry... but look, Jimbei...

Ace: This is just what my brother's like... He's always doing crazy stuff like this......!!! // Ever since he was a kid......... He never does anything but make me worry about him... / ...That idiot...!!!!
Jimbei: .........
[Box: Eight hours later...]
Domino: Chief Warden! Chief Warden Magellan, good morning!
Magellan: I'm on the toilet!!
Domino: Well, please hurry! // The time has arrived for Portgas D Ace... // ...to be transported to his execution!
BonClay: Blood... // His voice... it's...
Ivankov: The pain should not cease at any point during the healing process......!! // In other vords, if he stops crying out at this point... it means...

BonClay: ............!! // .........!!
Ivankov: It's a pity... but still...!! // Twenty hours...!! He put up a brave fight...
BonClay: Straw-chan......
Everybody: ?!! // Aahhh!!
BonClay: Huh...?
[BubbleSFX: CRASH!! // CRASH!!]
Luffy: Nnnghhhhhhhh...
BonClay: ...Wha...?

Everyone: ??!!
BonClay: STRAW-CHAN?!!
Ivankov: STRAWHAT-BOY~~~~~!!! // I... It's impossible, surely............?!! What's going on?!! // It hasn't even been a single day...!!
[Insert text: He's back!!]

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#1. by gumin/zx ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
#2. by d3death ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
thanks for the quick trans
#3. by rukori ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
#4. by dengus ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
Thanks cnet :)
#5. by mstarsup5 ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
One of the best chapters, and translated on top of that by the best One Piece translator :)
cnet, you're great :)
#6. by coungpow ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
Thanks for the fast trans!
#7. by Flow9 ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
#8. by Kaizokuou ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
thanks for the amazingly quick translation man and still so well written. i was wondering if you knew what "NABURU" meant and why Iva keeps saying it? and i wonder if "MIRAKURABURU" is supposed to sound like "KYABU KURA", haha. i'm also surprised you didn't use the word "diarrhea" since it seems like "geri" is such a wonderfully naughty word. but i love that you translated "fukkatsu" to "He's back!" instead of "revival" or whatever, just sounds so much cooler that way, more fitting. anyway, thanks again, solid work.
#9. by cnet128 (MH's Best Translator)
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
...No, I don't have any idea what's up with the "naburu" / "~buru" thing. If anybody else does, an explanation would be much appreciated ~~

As for the "geri", well, much as 今ゲリだ!! is wonderfully, erm, to-the-point in Japanese, it just seems a little unnatural to try and work an actual description of what exactly he's doing in English ~~ I mean, you can't exactly say "I'm diarrhoea-ing!" in English, can you? You'd have to say "I have diarrhoea!" or something, and that just sounds like stating the obvious ~~ Something with "shitting" might work, but just ends up sounding too crude.

...Besides, I think "I'm on the toilet" is already plenty far into the TMI-zone regardless ~~
#10. by thatwouldbeawesome ()
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
Thanks man, this and your excellent Claymore translation have really brightened an otherwise lousy day.
#11. by Sarvorva ()
Posted on Apr 3, 2009
Thankyu Boy...
#12. by Kaizokuou ()
Posted on Apr 3, 2009
thanks for the reply Cnet, that's true, didn't think about the "今". and it's always so difficult to translate those extra and fun little verbal quirks Oda gives his characters, haha, "ナブル", "何とかガネ", etc.
#13. by sakura_hime04 ()
Posted on Apr 3, 2009
Level [B] Translator

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