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UQ Holder! 1

Stage. 01

+ posted by Dowolf as translation on Sep 7, 2013 19:41 | Go to UQ Holder!

-> RTS Page for UQ Holder! 1

UQ Holder 1

p1: ========================================
Panel 1:
I am Evangeline A.K. McDowell.
/ A vampire.
/ / I have lived for seven hundred years.
What? You’re jealous?
/ Hold it, youngster. Enough of that.
Immortality isn’t as great as you imagine.
It can be pretty harsh, even.

p2: ========================================
Panel 1:
Well, it can be fun occasionally.

Panel 2:
Yet such moments are fleeting in a long life.
Goodbyes always come.

Panel 3:
No; before then, you grow bored of even that which you loved.
No more can you give your heart to passion.
And you fast begin to forget everything.

Panel 4:
It's completely worthless.

p3: ========================================
Panel 1:
This... is the story of those who were somehow cursed
to become such worthless beings.

p4-5: ========================================
Panel 1:

p6: ========================================
Panel 1:
Hey, Touta. Did you know jellyfish are immortal?

Panel 2:
Village Boy Konoe Touta
Huh? You serious?! They don’t die?

Panel 3:
Yeah, I know that. Must be nice, being an immortal jellyfish. Wish I were one.
/ You’ve got it all wrong. They just have an indefinite lifespan; they still die like normal.
/ / What? Oh, hey! Then why’d I get surprised?! Me getting shocked was a complete waste!!
Nah; he’s right. Being immortal means they have no lifespan. Something that don’t die no matter what you do’s called “invincible.”
/ Oh, I get it.
/ / The famous invincible waterbear-senseis can live for 120 years without eating anything; they’re even fine in space.
/ / / Seriously?!

Panel 4:
They still die if you step on ‘em, though…

p7: ========================================
Panel 1:
She’s here.

Panel 3:
Ah, Yukihime-sensei’s here.
/ Her ass’s as great as ever, huh.

p8: ========================================
Panel 1:
All right! If all five of us attack her at once, I figure we’ve got a shot.
Today’s the last day with that devilish teacher!
/ Let’s go!

Panel 2:

p9: ========================================
Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Panel 6:
Prepare yourself!!

p10: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
A wall?!

Panel 5:
Ah… Wai—

p11: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 5:
Thank you very much!

p12: ========================================
Panel 2:
Damn you, Uukihime! You could hold back a little!
Sh… She’s strong!
/ You’re too damn strong, you teacher….!
Huh? Me, hold back? Why should I? It’s your fault for being weak.

Panel 3:
Ahahaha! Those kid’s will never learn.
Aside: Ahahaha
They’re doing it again.
Even though they have no hope of winning.

Panel 4:
But all the same, those kids seem pretty amazing. They’re like monkies.
Aside: Hohoho.
They’re special. They are Yukihime-sensei’s students, after all.

Panel 6:
Ah, morning. It seems some people have gotten the wrong impression, so let me set things straight:

p13: ========================================
Panel 1:
The village chief may have said that those who defeat me can head to the Capital,
/ but if you think you’ll have a rose-colored future if you go the Capitol, you’re dead wrong!
The only ones who can succeed are those with extraordinary talent or who were born to rich parents.

Panel 2:
And what’s wrong with the countryside?! These days, those of us in the countryside who own land are really the winners.
/ Watermelons are great~! So grow watermelons and live.
The village chief made me the wall standing before you because he didn’t want you average people to start having weird dreams and stray from the path, like a parent should.
/ ----------In other words,

Panel 3:
You should consider yourself a hundred years too early to defeat me!!
Aside: Ahahaha

p14: ========================================
Panel 1:
Especially you, Touta.
Do you think you can best me with your novice swordsmanship?

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
But Yukihime-sensei,
/ there was something like an inexplicable barrier when we challenged you earlier.
/ / I can’t accept that.

Was that the rumored…
Ah, it’s that, it’s that!

Panel 4:
Ain’t that the “magic” thing I’ve heard rumors about?!
There’s no way somethin’ like that’s normal.
/ If you’ve been really usin’ “magic” and not tellin’ us about it, then the fight was unfair!

Panel 5:
Yeah, you’re right!
/ Yeah—it’s unjust!
Well? Answer us!
/ If it really was “magic,” then say so!

p15: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
I’m sorry,
but I don’t recall raising you to be that pathetic.

Panel 4:

Panel 5:
You’re showing off your own immaturity,
constantly complaining about how things are “injust” or “unfair.”

Panel 6:
I have no business with men who are all talk!
/ All of your chores on the village farms will be tripled!

Panel 7:
/ maybe you were a little harsh.

p16: ========================================
Panel 1:
All kids want to go to the big city at that age.
Mind your own business. That was fine.
Hmmm…. Well, it’s rare to see kids with that much spirit nowadays. Hahaha.

Panel 2:
By the way, Yukihime-sensei,
can you really use the Magic I’ve heard rumors about?

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
I knew it!
/ Man, that’s amazing! It’s rare to find someone in a rural place like this with the Gift!
/ / It’s only been ten years since Magic was revealed to the world!!
/ / / I’ve heard that there are even applets lately that let normal people use it without any training…
<aside: Can I have your autograph?! >
If you mean the “Physical Applet,” it costs hundreds of thousands of yen for a single slot of the simplest magic.
/ Well, I’m sure the price will down if it becomes more widespread… But on the other hand, there’s been a rise of specialist criminals using Magic….
Hahaha! You really do know a lot!

p17: ========================================
Panel 1:
But that’s exactly why!
/ This is going to be the age of Magic!
There would be meaning to teaching them Magic, for the sake of their futures.

Panel 2:
No, no, no. If I taught brats like that Magic, who knows what they’d get up to.
Give me a break, please.

Panel 3:
Hmmm… Well, I guess you have a point.

p18: ========================================
Panel 1:
I’m doing great today, too,

p19: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:
and Grandpa.

Panel 3:
----Well, I couldn’t beat Yukihime today, either!
She’s just too strong!

Panel 4:

Panel 5:
Touta, you don’t visit their graves every day, do you?
What is it, guys?

Panel 6:
Touta… I guess you really are…

Panel 7:
still... upset with Yukihime-sensei?

p20: ========================================
Panel 1:
Hm? What are you talking about?
You didn’t know, Nikumaru?

Panel 2:
Both his parents got in an accident in Yukihime-sensei’s car on the way to this village, and passed away. ------That was two years ago.
The only survivors were Yukihime-sensei and Touta.

Panel 3:
And since he no longer had anyone, Yukihime-sensei took him in.
/ There were a lot of people in the village who objected, though.

Panel 4:
Ah, ah….. Seriously?

Panel 5:
Which means Touta, you’re you’re challenging her every day
to get vengeance on her?

Panel 6:

p21: ========================================
Panel 1:
Of course not, stupid.
/ Yukihime’s a good person.
I respect how strong she is.

Panel 2:
You’re pretty dry, you know.
You’re too damn accepting,
/ Right?
/ / Right~?
But I’ve got no memories of before the accident, so I’ve got nothing to make me upset with her.

Panel 3:
I get it. Yeah, you don’t remember anything…

Panel 4:
But still, in that case—
Yeah. There’s still the license to go to the Capital.

Panel 5:
Yeah, yeah, the Capital.
/ Yeah; I think I can barely make out the base of the Tower today.
So that’s it….. the Capital.
/ It’s so far.
/ / Ah…. Man, I wanna go there…

p22: ========================================
Panel 1:
you’re mistakne.

Panel 2:
“The capital is very, very small.”

Panel 3:
That’s right, isn’t it.
The Capital’s nothing more than a waypoint.
/ Our real goal………

Panel 4:
Did you know? I heard…

Panel 5:
came from above the Tower.

p23-24: ========================================
Panel 1:
Huh… You serious?
/ That’s the first I’ve heard of it.
I’m serious, yep.
/ She told me herself recently, when she was drunk.

Panel 2:
I’m sure that, above the tower,
people more amazing than even Yukihime are all over.

Panel 3:
Let’s defeat Yukihime-sensei
/ and climb the tower!
And then,

Panel 4:
we’ll go beyond the tower!
/ And then, beyond that!
/ / We’re going to the far side of everything!!

p25: ========================================
Panel 1:
/ Right, guys?
Yes, sir.
Of course!

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
-----------Well, even so,
/ I’ve got no memories or nothin’ from before the accident,
so I can’t think of doin’ anything but move forwards.

Panel 4:

Panel 5:
I don’t have a super-clear goal or an awesome technique like all of you do.
/ Hey, hey, hey. What made you suddenly lose your nerve, Touta?
/ / You’re the best of all of us with a sword or barehanded.

Panel 6:
Being strong at fighting doesn’t mean anything.
/ Yukihime still leaves me black-and-blue.

Panel 7:
------But all the same,
/ these last two years have been fun ‘cause I knew you all.
I gotta thank you guys.

p26: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
That hurt! What the hell?!
/ That was cause you started spewing such sappy lines!!
It ain’t like you.
/ It’s truly nothing like him.

Panel 4:
-------Dammit. Don’t say you’ve got nothin’, Leader.
(big): If you ain’t got a goal, then you just gotta start makin’ one now.
(little): Like a ???<blurry, sorry> champ,
or a manga artist.
You’re being too vague.

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
That’s right!

Panel 7:
All right!! The five of us are aiming for beyond the tower!!
/ Yeah!
We sure as hell ain’t gonna rot in this village!
/ Yeahhh!

p27: ========================================
Panel 2:
Sign: Night Watch Room

Panel 3:
I’m back,
/ Touta.

Panel 7:

p28: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Panel 5:

Panel 6:

p29: ========================================
Panel 1:
Why’d you look like you were trying to kill me?!
/ No; I just got happy because you attacked me so well.
Aside: Hah Hah
What do you mean, “just”?!! What sort of a pervert are you?! What if I actually died?!
/ Argh! Now I’ve gotta fix the floor again!

Panel 3:
Hey, Yukihime,
/ next time, start teaching me Magic.
“A little bit of courage is the real magic.”
/ Stop dodging the question!
There’s no such thing as “magic.”
Don’t treat me like an idiot just ‘cause I’m from the sticks!

Panel 4:
I mean, do you even know how many attacks I sent at you?

Panel 5:
Five, I think?
*Bzzz* It was seven. The last two strikes were repelled by that barrier-like thing. / <small: They made a “Ping!” sound. >

p30: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:
Wait… Hm.
Ah… You’re right.

Panel 3:
I guess you’ve gotten pretty good.
Hm? Heh heheh.
/ What’s with you, Yukihime? Have you finally recognized me?

Panel 4:
Hmmm… This really is…

Panel 5:
What? Did it taste bad?

Panel 6:
No, it’s delicious!
/ Right? Hahaha. My justice is aim to be the strongest in everything, not just fisticuffs!
Then you’d better focus on your studies, too.
/ ……….
/ / Don’t avert your gaze. By the way, are you going to eat all that?
/ / / I’m a growing boy!
<Aside: Wahahaha >

p31: ========================================
Panel 1:
Oh, yeah, this is great! Man, I’m awesome!
But I’m still nothing compared to Nikumaru.

Panel 2:

Panel 4:
/ Take this child…

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
/ already….

Panel 7:

Panel 8:
This is…
I see…

p32: ========================================
Panel 4:
Sign: Night Watch Room

p33: ========================================
<no text>

p34: ========================================
Panel 1:
/ What?
/ / Are you going somewhere next Sunday?
/ What are you saying? We’ve got club practice in the morning.

Panel 2:
Hm… i see.

Panel 3:
Well, umm,
you see…

Panel 4:
I’ve got this thing.

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
Why do you have a ticket to the zoo?
/ Ah, no, you don’t understand.
/ / This was just an extra they had at the village meeting.

p35: ========================================
Panel 1:
I mean, I thought you said you wanted to go once before.

Panel 2:
S—Stupid! That was two years ago, when I was 12.
/ Why would I be happy with going to the zoo now?!
Thanks for the food!
I—I see.
/ Well, I guess so.

Panel 3:
Leave the plates out.
I’ll clean them up once I’m done.
Ah, hey!

Panel 4:
You’re the one who said I had to do Yukihime’s Special Demon Menu every day without fail, right?!
If I took a break after eating, I’d never finish in time!

Panel 5:
/ Hah.

p36: ========================================
Panel 2:
You guys
/ again?!

Panel 3:
You don’t even have a one-in-a-million chance of winning!
/ As such, you’ll never leave for the Capital!!

Panel 4:
That’s all!

Panel 5:
/ We can’t win.
That really is magic, ain’t it?
/ Kh… She’s cheap.

p37: ========================================
Panel 2:
Allow me to lend you power.
Would you like to learn how to use Magic?

Panel 3:
/ Huh…

Panel 5:
Pura Kute Bignarl <someone yell at me if I screwed up the transliteration>

Panel 6:
Ardescat! <Light, fire!>
Oh! That’s amazing!
You lit a flame!
It’s magic.
/ Whoa!
/ / Amazing!
Aside: Hahaha.
Dammit! Nothing’s coming out. What the heck?

p38: ========================================
Panel 1:
Hey, Tachibana-sensei,
why are you helping us like this, in secret from Yukihime?
/ Do you have something against her?

Panel 2:
Don’t misunderstand me.
/ Yukihime-sensei’s style is also amazing, in its own way.
There are lots of dangers in the Capital, after all.

Panel 3:
You’ll screw up, sure.
/ But what do you think about being held back before you can even take your first step?
That goes against one of Yukihime-sensei’s favorite sayings:

Panel 4:
“A little bit of courage is the real magic.”
I want to give you the opportunity to reach the starting line of the stories of your lives.

Panel 5:
SFX: Ohhh.

Panel 6:

p39: ========================================
Panel 1:
Aside: Dammit, dammit
/ Nothing’s happening.
Ahh, Touta-kun.

Panel 2:
/ The truth is, there’s another way to assure victory.

Panel 3:
This bracelet is…

Panel 4:
SFX: Bacaw! Bacaw!

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
I don’t really like cheap things like this, but…

Panel 7:

Panel 8:
He said to just…
but I’ve never really given Yukihime a present…

Panel 9:

Panel 10:
Argh! Let’s go for broke!!

p40: ========================================
Panel 1:
/ Yukihime.
What’s wrong? Your face’s red. Did you catch a cold?
No, umm, well….

Panel 2:
T—Take this.

Panel 3:
What’s this?

Panel 4:
Umm, well, I got my hands on it, and thought it’d be good as a thank-you gift, or somethin’…
/ I mean, it’s fine if you don’t like it. Just throw it away. Umm… Ah!

Panel 5:
S—See ya’!

Panel 6:
What’s with him?

Panel 7:

p41: ========================================
Panel 1:
Thank ya!

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

p42: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 4:

Panel 5:
Binding Ivy!!
Double Shot!!

p43: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 4:
/ Magic…? Where did you….?
/ / No.
That was quite impressive!

Panel 5:
Ha hahahaha! Now it’s our turn to boast,
/ Yukihime-sensei!!
Thanks to these new magic applets, you can no longer move.
/ We’re completely different than the guys we were till yesterday!!

p44: ========================================
Panel 1:
Lick Lac la Lack Lilac!

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
I can’t…
use magic?

Panel 5:
Today, you’re going to pay the piper!!
Time to get our ticket
to the capital!!

Panel 7:

Panel 8:

Panel 9:

p45: ========================================
Panel 2:
Well done,
my students.

p46: ========================================
Panel 1:
/ Tachibana-sensei?!

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
Oh, Yukihime-sensei. I was getting worried. I moved here for this job half a year ago, and you hadn’t shown any weaknesses.
/ No wonder you have a 600 million yen bounty.

Panel 6:
What do you mean, being unable to use magic means I’m incompatible with the applet?!
/ And now only I have to walk?!!

Panel 7:
Damn you all!
/ You better not end things before I get there!

Panel 8:

p47: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
Heh… A bounty hunter?
/ I’m impressed you went six months without me noticing.

Panel 5:
Yes; it was truly quite rough.
/ However, half-a-year is a short time in the pursuit of 600 million.

Panel 6:
So then, now that you’ve honored me, let’s end our little chat.
/ I wouldn’t want to be the idiot who gives you, a vampire, the opportunity to turn the tables.
As such, allow me to promptly kill you and end this.

Panel 7:
/ farewell.

p48: ========================================
Panel 3:

p49: ========================================
Panel 2:

Panel 3:
What the hell’s with you?!
/ What are you doin’ to my pals and Yukihime?!!

Panel 4:
You all right, Yuki—

p50: ========================================
Panel 4:

Panel 6:

Panel 7:
Too bad, Konoe Touta-kun.

p51: ========================================
Panel 1:
Your story ends here.
/ Ugh…
Why…? Well, because you gathered your courage, took a step, and screwed up.

Panel 2:
If someone succeeds, then someone else has to fail.
/ It’s survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle. That’s the way God made the world.

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
I’m saying that there are evil people out there who eat simpleton idiots like you.
Have you learned your lessen? …Well,

Panel 5:
It’s too late for that.

p52: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
How can you move? You were caught in the highest-level binding curse; you shouldn’t have been able to use magic…

Panel 5:

Panel 6:

p53: ========================================
Panel 1:
Your strike earlier was great.
So was your pals’ surprise attack.
/ I’ll give you a passing grade.

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
Come to think of it, that was the first present you’ve ever given me…
That, well…

Panel 4:
It made me happy.

p54: ========================================
Panel 1:
I get it. So, your heart makes you want to protect what’s important to you.
It even let you overcome my special binding curse.

Panel 2:
It must be love~.

Panel 3:

p55: ========================================
Panel 1:
Stuff like that
means nothing.

p66: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 7:
I was happy.

Panel 8:

p67: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 2:
/ hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Panel 3:
It’s because… It’s all because
I gave this to Yukihime…

Panel 4:
Because I trusted this bastard just a little,
I… I did this to Yukihime…

p68: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 4:
My, my. I can’t say I like the feeling of laying hands on a child with potential.
Well, I hope you’re friends with her on the other side.

p69: ========================================
Panel 1:
…It’s over.
Is… …this it for me?

Panel 2:
D…ammit… Dammit…
Sorry, Yukihime… And everyone… I screwed up.

Panel 3:
In a place like this…
without having done anything…
without having become anything…
while still being no one, will I…

p70: ========================================
Panel 1:
You buffoon.

Panel 2:
Is this enough to make you give up?

Panel 3:
I don’t recall raising you to be a weakling who’d give up after only this.
Ahh…. Haha… That lecturing tone must be Yukihime.
What’s wrong? Open your eyes.
…Dammit. You’re a stubborn woman, even though we haven’t gone to that world yet…
/ On your feet, young man.

Panel 4:
Shuddit. If I could stand up when I’m like this, I’d just be a monster…

Panel 5:
You’re wrong,
/ you fool.
Look. Look in front of you, you idiot.

Panel 6:

p61: ========================================
Panel 1:
I’m over here…

Panel 2:
Yukihime?! Y—You’re!!
You’re still alive?!
I’ll explain… later.
/ Just listen... Touta.

Panel 3:
First, we’ve got to call an ambulance----

Panel 4:
/ There’s no time.

p62: ========================================
Panel 1:
Twenty seconds from now, that man will kill those four.
/ You see how I am.
Understand, Touta? Here and now,
/ the only one who can save your pals is you.

Panel 2:
Don’t you think it’s strange? Why can you still talk, even though your heart was stabbed?
Er… well,
/ huh…?
/ A normal human would have died, but you’re different. Why?

Panel 3:
Because right now, you’re an invulnerable monster.
But right now, you’ve only got a temporary license. …I did that to you, two years ago.

Panel 4:
/ What are you saying?
This is too sudden; you’re making no sense…
You have two choices.

p63: ========================================
Panel 1:
A, you give up.
/ Return to dust as you are now, having done nothing.
You’ll be left with regrets, but you can fulfill a live as a man.

Panel 2:
B, you stand up.
/ Be reborn as an invulnerable monster.
Neither option is pleasant. Sorry.

Panel 3:
It’s all up to you.
/ If you want to stand up,
then drink of my blood
/ by your own free will.

Panel 4:
…Dammit. You’re making no sense.
How am I supposed to get this? What are you even saying, Yukihime…!

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
But still…!
…Thinking back,

p64: ========================================
Panel 1:
these two years I’ve spent living with you as a normal human
were… somewhat pleas…

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
But you know…
But there’s no way in hell…

Panel 7:

Panel 8:
that I’d
make any other choice,
you idiot!!
(bubble): Push!

p65: ========================================
Panel 2:

Panel 3:
So then,
we’ll just have you all go missing…

Panel 6:

p66: ========================================
Panel 1:
You little.
Just you try to do anything else to my pals.
/ You’ll never make it out of this village alive.

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Panel 5:

Panel 6:

p67: ========================================
Panel 2:
I have to defeat him, as quickly as possible…!
Yukihime’s still alive!

Panel 3:
I’ll defeat him, and save Yukihime…!!

Panel 4:

p68: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 3:

Panel 5:

Panel 6:
Hahahahahahahaha! You really surprised me!
You really are just a kid!! I’ll kill you along with the girl…

p69-70: ========================================
Panel 2:

p71: ========================================
Panel 2:

p 72: ========================================
Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 5:
My hand?! My chest?!
Didn’t I die…?!

Panel 6:
And your hands, too, and your legs… You were d—
I did not die.

Panel 7:
The person who saved those four
was undeniably you. Be proud.

Panel 8:
Ah, umm, I don’t really get it…
/ but what exactly happened?

Panel 9:
…This is all
my responsibility.

p73: ========================================
Panel 1:
My name is Evangeline A.K. McDowell.
I am a vampire who has lived for 700 years.

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
Because of my whims… no.
/ Because of my selfishness,
you, young as you are, were caught up in my curse.

p74: ========================================
Panel 1:
Two years ago, at the wishes of your parents on their deathbed,
/ I succumbed to temptation.
I lied to myself, saying it was to save you,
/ but I did not even confirm your own will.

Panel 2:
I took you, one bereft of sin,
/ and dragged you into the same perpetual curse as I.
….I’m sorry.

Panel 3:
Wh—What are you sayin’?
/ It’s nice, being immortal and invincible!
Isn’t this somethin’ everyone wants to be?!

Panel 4:
Many speak such words.
But once one becomes like this, he realizes that…
/ ….I am truly sorry.

p75: ========================================
Panel 1:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
Why are you apologizin’ to me while lookin’ so meek?
You should stick to your normal self-satisfied, full-of-confidence look when you lecture me.

Panel 5:
And… well… how do I say it…
I’m glad you’re invincible.

Panel 6:

p76: ========================================
Panel 1:
The thought that you’re still alive
made me breathe a huge sigh of relief.
/ I was glad.

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
I’ve made some friends over the past two years,
but you’re the only one I can call family.

Panel 4:
Hey, Touta!
/ You awake?
/ / Damn, that was sweet.
/ / / There’s so much I want you to explain.

Panel 5:

Panel 6/7:
And furthermore,

p77: ========================================
Panel 1:
if I’m together with you,
livin’ forever doesn’t sound half-bad.

Panel 5:

p78: ========================================
Panel 1:
Dammit, Touta. You get to go to the Capital first, you bastard.
What do you want from me? Now that Yukihime’s identity’s gotten out, some other insecure idiot might come try to attack her.
/ We can’t stay here.
I’m sayin’ I’m jealous, man!
/ Switch places with me.

Panel 2:
See ya.
You better believe we’ll be followin’ after you.
/ Let’s meet again beyond the Tower.

Panel 3:
Yeah; I’ll be waitin’
beyond the Tower!

Panel 4:
So then, shall we go…

p79-80: ========================================
Panel 1:
to the Capital,
to New Tokyo, Ama-no-Mihshira City.
<TL/N: Lit: “Pillar of Heaven”>

p81: ========================================
Panel 1:
All right!
/ So then, let’s go beyond the Tower!

Panel 2:
The Tower?
Ahh, you mean Japan’s Space Elevator, the Ama-no-Mihashira?

Panel 3:
That’s my—our dream!!
Hmm… That’s good, too, but that only costs money.
It’s still under construction, so it’ll run maybe 4 million?
That’s expensive! And that’s no dream!
[inset]: The road and his spirit are pointed straight ahead!!
Not even a destiny of misfortune can impede a man who burns with a dream!!
To be continued in Issue 40.

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Alias: Dowolf
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