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Hokenshitsu no Shinigami 55

White Hot! The Neighborhood Sports Meet Part Two

+ posted by Lintwhite as translation on Apr 2, 2012 08:33 | Go to Hokenshitsu no Shinigami

-> RTS Page for Hokenshitsu no Shinigami 55

As always, reserved for Muda Scans.

Page 1
Text: 常伏みどり町
Tokofushi Midori-chou
Netakiri Akane-chou
Tokofushi Sumire-chou
The others

Title: 白熱! 町内運動会・後編
White Hot! The Neighborhood Sports Meet Part Two

Text: ~前回のあらすじ~
Last time's summary
It had been arranged that the teachers and the students would participate in the neighborhood sports meet being held at Tokofushi.
But no one thought the vice principal, who had plans to participate, would have strained his back!
The true identity of the mysterious sponsors who are standing against Hades-sensei, who is participating instead is...?

Page 2
Mitogawa: 私だ!
It's me!

Yodobashi: なんとスポンサー殿の正体は小柄な女性と暑苦しい男性の2人組でした!
Wow, sponsor's true identity was a two person group - a short woman and sweltering man!
I can't take my eyes off the direction of this surprising battle more than ever!

Hades-sensei: 三途川先生・・・
What are you doing here -

Mitogawa: この私がこんな面白い行事に一枚噛んでないわけがないだろう
There's no way I wouldn't particpate in an interesting event like this!

Keiichi: びっくりしたか 逸人!
Were you surprised, Itsuhito!

Hachiya's mom: ズルイぞ! みどり町っ! 二人人組なんて反則だろ!
That's not fair, Midori-chou! Having two people for a one person team is foul play!

Otemoto's dad: スポンサー殿に反則も何もないでしょう 奥さん
There's no foul play for the sponsors, ma'am.

Motoyoshi's mom: かえって不利かもしれませんわよ・・・
Rather, it's probably a disadvantage.
I hope it won't end up with you ringing your own neck...fufufu...

Page 3
Yamada: なんだか大変なことになってきましたが・・・淀橋さん競技の解説をお願いします
Things have gotten somewhat serious...Yodobashi-san, please explain this game to us.

Yodobashi: えー 障害物競走は走行中に立ちふさがる数多の障害を突破してグラウンドを一周してもらう競技ですが・・・
まさに天王山! 各町内会強力な面子を揃えてきています
Mmm...It's a game that has the participates break through lots of obstacles that stand in their way during the course of the race and goes once around the sports ground.
It's an important game that adds 200 points to first place team.
Truly a decisive battle! Every neighborhood association has gathered together their honor!
Well, then, please get ready, players!

Mimasaka: オモシロそーな展開になってきたな! もっと前行って見ようぜ!
Things have taken a pretty interestin' turn! Let's go on ahead and see!

Ashitaba: う・・・うん・・・
Um...Fuji-kun is still passed out, though...

Motoyoshi: デフォルトで寝てる奴だし 放っといていいんじゃない
He's just asleep by default. It's all right to leave him alone.

Girl: シンヤちゃんがんばれー!
Go get 'em, Shinya-chan!

Senoo: 姐さーん ぶっちぎりっスよー!
Anee-san, win the heck outta it!

Keiichi: 本気出せよォ 逸人! 勝負だかんな
Go all out, Itsuhito! Cause this is game over!

Hades-sensei: ・・・代走する以上手は抜かない
まあ お前に負けたくもないけどな
I won't slack off since I'm a substitute runner.
Well, I don't want to lose to you either...

Page 4

Yodobashi: それでは位置について
Now, take your positions...
Get ready...

Yamada: よ 淀橋さん まさか その袋で・・・
Yo...Yodobashi-san, that bag can't be -

Yodobashi: スタート!

Page 5
Yodobashi: さあ 始まりました 障害物競走
Now the obastacle race has begun.
The one currently running at the forefront is Sumire-chou's represenative, Hades-sensei!
Running right behind him is Akane-chou's represenative, Kaburagi-san.

Motoyoshi's mom: ああっ・・・
や・・・やったわその調子よ がんばって・・・
ううっ・・・ゲホッ! ゲホ  がはぁ
Ahh...that's the way to do it. Good luck...
Uuuh...gehoh! Gehoh...gahah!

Otemoto's dad: 奥さん あんた帰ったらどうだね
Ma'am, why don't you go home?

Hachiya's mom: え~い シンヤちゃん もっと腰入れて走んなァ!
Heeeey, put your back into it and run!

Yodobashi: ハデス先生は意外に俊足ですね
毎日のリヤカー牽引(むだなりょく)が効いているでしょう  かなり足腰は強靭かと思われます
Hades-sensei is a surprisingly fast runner.
I suppose that useless power he uses everyday is taking effect. His legs seem to be quite tough.

Hades-sensei: む・・・無駄って・・・

Yodobashi: さらに圧倒的歩幅で鏑木選手に差をつけます!
Furthermore, player Kaburagi is gaining a lead at an overwhelming pace!

Ashitaba: 先生 すごい!
Wow, sensei is amazing!

Mimasaka: アレに追いかけられたらひとたまりもねーな・・・
If I was being followed by that, I wouldn't stand a chance...

Yodobashi: しかしここでひとつ目の障害が立ちふさがります!
But now the first obstacle stands in their way!
The first one is...

Page 6
Yodobashi: 猫!
愛くるしい猫がダンボール箱と一緒に捨てられています! 捨てた奴出てこい!
無理もありません かわいすぎます
この状況に葛藤しない人間がこの世にいるのでしょうか  いるなら教えて欲しい!
なんと ここでみどり町代表のスポンサー殿がトップにおどり出る!
They've been thrown off by both an adorable cat and a cardboard box. Throw it aside and go!
Hades-sensei fall down on his knees!
You can't blame him - it's just too cute.
All the other players are falling head over heels in love too!
Is there any human in this world who wouldn't have a problem with this situation? I'd like you tell me if there is!
Now the Midori-chou represenative, the sponsors, have jumped in the lead!
They picked the kitten up without hesitation and are running ahead!

Page 7
Yodobashi: 序盤は重量のせいか苦戦していたスポンサー殿ですが
ここに来てすばらしい判断力と経済力を見せつけてくれました! 子猫も幸せでしょう!
Maybe it was because of the weight of the opening game that the sponsors put up a good fight but Since coming here, they've shown us wonderful judgement and economic power! Even the cat is pleased!

Otemoto's dad: うわはははははっ どうだあっ!
Uwahahahaha, how about that!

Hachiya's mom: ぐうううう おのれぇぇ えええい!
Guuuuu, you bastard...!

Motoyoshi's mom: 転べ・・・!
Fall down...!

Yodobashi: ああーッ 転倒!
どうしたことでしょう  スポンサー殿転んでしまいました  短い足のくせに!
Ahh, they fell over!
What happened here? The sponsors have fallen over! Although he has short legs!

Mitogawa: なんと

Yodobashi: なんとか子猫をふり切った後続にどんどん抜かれてしまっています!
Somehow, right after shaking off the cat, they keep on messing up!

Page 8
Yodobashi: さあ 現在トップは鏑木選手!
次の障害物は金魚すくいです! 一匹以上すくってから走ってください!
Now player Kaburagi is in the lead!
The next obstacle is goldfish scooping! After you scoop one of them, run!

Hachiya's mom: よっしゃ!
All right!

Motoyoshi's mom: ちいい

Kaburagi: えっ

Yodobashi: おっと どうした鏑木 動かない!
Oh, what's up with Kaburagi? She isn't moving!
Does she have some sort of trauma with goldfish scooping?

Kaburagi: くっ・・・
Th...this is...

Hachiya's mom: はっ・・・

Hachiya: シンヤって運動神経は文句ないけど手先がめちゃくちゃ不器用なんだよね
I don't have any complaints about Shinya's reflexes but she's extremely clumsy.
Depending on what's in the obstacle race, it could backfire on us.

Hachiya's mom: ま・・・まずい!
I've got to do something...!

Page 9
Yodobashi: なんとシャチだーっ!
Whoa, it's a killer whale!

Kaburagi: ぎゃあああああああーっ

Yodobashi: これは驚き! 鏑木選手の水槽からシャチが現れました
This is surprising! A killer whale came out of player Kaburagi's water tank!

Yamada: よ よ 淀橋さん! これって非常事態じゃないですか?
Yo-Yo-Yodobashi-san! Isn't this an emergency?

Yodobashi: 絵面が非常に面白いので細かいことはきにせずいきましょう
Since the impression I'm getting from this is really interesting, let's go on without worrying about minor details.

Otemoto's dad: ええええっ?

Hachiya's mom: よっし いいぞ シンヤちゃんぶちのめしちゃいな!
All right, good. Shinya-chan, knock it down!

Yodobashi: では鏑木選手はシャチを倒してから進んでください
Well, then, please go ahead after you've brought the killer whale down, player Kaburagi.

Kaburagi: できるわけないでしょーっ!
As if I can do that!

Page 10
Saizaki: あら・・・
アシタバくん 美作くん そんなに急いでどうしたの?
Ashitaba-kun, Mimasaka-kun...what's got you in such a hurry?

Ashitaba: あ えっ? みのり先生?
Ah? Ehh? Minori-sensei?

Mimasaka: いや なんか障害物競走が面白いからゴール前で見ようと思ってて・・・
Well...the obstacle race was interesting so I thought we'd go ahead to see the goal...
Minori-chan, what are you wearing a swimsuit for!

Saizaki: ああ・・・これはビーチバレーの競技で欠員が出てしまってね
ほら そこでやるのよ
Ahh...there was a vacancy in the beach volleyball game.
It ended up with me entering instead.
Look, we're doing it over there.

Sign: ミス常伏 
Miss Tokofushi
Beauty Contest

Ashitaba: 思いっきりミスコンって書いてありますけど・・・
They've already written "Beauty Contest" with all they've got...

Saizaki: えっ?

Mimasaka: みのりちゃん ダマされたんじゃねーの
Minori-chan, you got tricked, didn't you?

Saizaki: そ・・・そんな 何かの 間違い・・・
N-no way...something's...it's a mistake -

Girl: あ いたいた みのり先生
はい これ付いて準備してください
Ah, you're here, Minori-sensei.
Here, attach this and get ready.

Saizaki: ええっ?

Sash: ミスあかね
Miss Akane

Saizaki: ちょっと待ってください! 私は・・・
Wait a second! I'm -

Mimasaka: ・・・なっ
なぁ アシタバ 障害物やめてやっぱこっち観戦しねーか?
Hey, Ashitaba. Why don't we give up on the obstacle race and watch this?

Ashitaba: えっ? で でも・・・
Eh? B-but...

Page 11
Text: 障害3・アメ探し
Obstacle three: candy search

Keiichi: ・・・おっ
There it is!

Hades-sensei: なんだ・・・次は足場が砂なのか
What...the next foothold is sand?
It's hard to run -

Kaburagi: あっ 先生 気をつけてください!
Ah, be careful, sensei!
If you get swallowed in by the sand swirls, you won't be able to get out!

Hades-sensei: 死んじゃうじゃないか
Won't we die?
F-for some reason, this situation has been weird for a while now...
It can't be...

Page 12
Text: 病魔名称: 反目(ライバル)
Disease demon name: Rival

Motoyoshi's mom: ああ・・・そろそろ
Ahh...it seems it's about time
For the beauty contest to start...

Otemoto's dad: あれもまた点数関わる重要な競技
That's also an important contest affected by points.
I think it'll be okay if we go watch.

Hachiya's mom: ふん・・・いいだろ
Hmm...all right.
My win will be decided with the obstacle race.

Otemoto's dad: 何をきさま よくもそんな口が
What did you say - how dare you say that -

Hachiya's mom: なんだと やるかハゲ
What'd you say? Wanna have a go, baldy?

Hades-sensei: や・・・やっぱり・・・ああっ!
しまった 動けない・・・! 待っ・・・!
I...I knew it...aah!
Damn, I can't move...! Wait...!

Page 13
Yamada: 進行アシスタントの山田です!
I'm the progression assistant, Yamada!
Since the obstacle race has run into a bit of trouble, we're going ahead to the next area where the beauty contest is.

Yodobashi: 野郎が砂にハマってる  絵など誰も見たくないのでさっさと決着をつけてください
These bastards are stuck in the sand. Since that's an image no one wants to see, please hurry up and settle things.

Person: ひどい
So mean!

Yamada: えー このミ常伏美女コンテストはご来場の皆様の投票により優勝者の決まる競技なのですが・・・
今回はすごいです! なんと・・・
This Miss Tokofushi beauty contest is a contest that will be decided according to the votes of everyone in attendance.
The contest this time is amazing! Wow...
For Midori-chou's represenative, they have entered the idol Ushiromaeda Atusko-chan!

Screen: 後前田熱子 (18)
Ushiromaeda Atsuko (18)

Hachiya's mom: いちいちやり方が卑怯なんだよ
Doing it that way is really unfair!

Otemoto's dad: 悔しかったらコネでもお金でも好きに使えばいいでしょうが
If it bothers you, how about using your money or connections however much you want?

Yamada: さぁ 皆さん 大きな声で熱子ちゃんを呼んでください! せーの・・・
Now, everyone, please call out Atsuko-chan loudly! Get ready...
Here she is!

Page 14
Mimasaka's mom: はぁ~い!
Here I am!

Sash: ミスみどり町
Miss Tokofushi

Yamada: ・・・が今回スケジュールの都合で出られなくなってしまいましたので・・・
But, due to scheduling circumstances this time around, she couldn't come here...
Midori-chou housewife Mimasaka Hasue has come out in a flash.

Mimasaka: ふざけんなーっ!
You gotta be kidding me!

Ashitaba: み 美作くん! しっかり!
僕見てないよ 何も見なかったよ
M-Mimasaka-kun! Hang on!
I'm not looking! I didn't see anything!

Hachiya's mom: ざまあみろ 卑怯なマネすっからこうなるんだよ
Serves you right. This is what doing things unfairly gets you.

Motoyoshi's mom: まだまだお若いわね 蓮江さん・・・
Hasue-san is still quite young...
I'm jealous...

Yamada: えーでは気を取り直してあかね町代表・・・
あっ やめてください 物は投げないでください!
Uh, well, then, let's pull ourselves together and the Akane-chou represenative will -
Ah, please stop, please don't throw things!

Page 15
Yamada: 現役体育教師みのり先生25歳!
The current gym teacher, Minori-sensei, age 25!
She was brought along when she was tricked into entering into beach volleyball!

Saizaki: こ・・・こんなばかな事が・・・!
A stupid thing like this -

Sash: ミスあけね町
Miss Akane-chou

Yamada: 会場の皆さんが一気にごきげんになってくれました
Everyone here has gotten into such a good mood all at once!
As expected, it's the number one power of the Toko middle school teacher who you'd want to brag about getting into trouble with!
Now, then, please tell us your three sizes starting from the top.

Saizaki: すっ・・・
教師が こんな浮ついたものに参加するわけにはいきません!
Wha -
As if a teacher would participate in a silly thing like this!
Stop it!

Yamada: あーん 怒られてしまいました
Ah, I got scolded...

Text: その頃の安田
Yasuda at that time

Page 16
Keiichi: どりゃあっ

Hades-sensei: わ・・・悪い 助かった・・・
鏑木さん 大丈夫?
Th-thanks for that, you really helped us there.
Are you all right, Kaburagi-san?

Kaburagi: な・・・なんとか・・・

Keiichi: こりゃあ一時休戦するしかねェな
Well, we don't have any choice but to have a temporary truce.

Mitogawa: 確かにこんな演出は私も聞いていないなあ
Even I didn't hear about a part like this.

Hades-sensei: いえ もう原因はわかっています
No, I know the source of this now.
Let's hurry!

Yamada: えーでは続きましてすみれ町代表の・・・
Uh, well, then, moving right along, here's the Sumire-chou represenative...
Hanamaki Miku-san, 14-years-old.
Perhaps it's because she was similarly tricked and brought along that she won't move a muscle.

Mimasaka: は・・・花巻・・・

Ashitaba: かわいそうに・・・
So pitiful...

Page 17
Motoyoshi's mom: 何してるの・・・そんなことじゃあ
What are you going...? Akane-chou can't win
With something like this...!

Hanamaki: へっ・・・
あっ・・・か 身体が勝手に・・・?
Ah...my...my body is moving on its own...?

Sash: すみれ町

Yamada: おっと花巻さんここでセクシーポーズ!
Oh, now Hanamaki-san is doing a sexy pose!

Hachiya's mom: むっ!
You bitch, you're fighting a losing battle - !
I will not lose!

Yamada: あーっ! どうしたことでしょう!
みのり先生の水着がまるで乾燥機にかけたかのよう! 縮む縮むーっ!
Ah! What's going on here!
It's like Minori-sensei's swimsuit has been put into a dehydrator! It's shrinking!

Saizaki: きゃああっ なっ・・・!
Kyaaa, wha -
Hang on - this is -

Yamada: 会場は大興奮です!
The assembly hall is going wild!

Page 18
Hades-sensei: 待ったあっ!
J-just in time...

Person: あーっ

Keiichi: ゆ・・・許せ 鈍・・・!
F-forgive me, Niburu!
I wasn't fooling around...!

Person: てめー 余計なことすんじゃねー
You bastard, you overdid it!

Page 19
Mitogawa: まったく
We weren't given a budget for you to foster your own personal grudges.
Even though the children gave it a fair fight, the good adults were pathetic.

Hachiya's mom: か・・・返す言葉もございません
I...don't have anything to say to that.

Otemoto's dad: 大変申し訳ない・・・
I am incredibly sorry.

Hades-sensei: まあまあ三途川先生そのへんで・・・
Now, now, Mitogawa-sensei, that's a bit...
By the way, what happened with the obstacle race?

Keiichi: そういえば・・・
Now that you mention it...
We left it alone and came over here.

Yodobashi: 障害物競走一位は常伏本町!
In the first place for the obstacle race is Tokofushi Hon-chou!
They get 200 points!

Keiichi: あっ・・・

Hades-sensei: まだやってたのか・・・
They were still doing it...?

Text: 結局 総合優勝も常伏本町でした
In the end, the overall champions were Tokofushi Hon-chou.

Otemoto's dad: くっ・・・

Hachiya's mom: 来年こそは・・・
Next year for sure...

Mimasaka: もう付き合ってられん
I'm not gonna have anything to do with this anymore.

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Alias: Lintwhite
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