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Hokenshitsu no Shinigami 56

Miss Mysterious

+ posted by Lintwhite as translation on Apr 2, 2012 09:27 | Go to Hokenshitsu no Shinigami

-> RTS Page for Hokenshitsu no Shinigami 56

Reserved for Muda Scans.

Page 2
Kaburagi: あ!
What are you doing?

Ashitaba: あっ 鏑木さん
Ah, Kaburagi-san.
"What"...I'm about to go home as usual.
Aren't you going home, Kaburagi-san?

Kaburagi: 私?
私 今日まだハデス先生に会ってないから
I haven't seen Hades-sensei yet today.
I was thinking of going home after I drop by the infirmary.

Ashitaba: あ・・・そ そうなの・・・?
Tell him I said hi.

Cat: ニャーゴ

Ashitaba: ・・・猫?
A cat...?

Kaburagi: かなり近くから聞こえたよね
That sounded like it came from pretty close by.
I wonder if it's lost...

Page 3
Hades-sensei: あーっ 三途川先生 また猫を呼んだんですか?
やめて下さい 保健室に猫はダメですよ
Ah, Mitogawa-sensei, you called the cats again?
Please stop. It's not good to have cats in the infirmary.

Mitogawa: 中に入れてるわけじゃないんだ 別にいいだろう
It's not like I'm bringing them inside. It's fine.

Hades-sensei: だめです その子たちお腹いっぱいになるまでここを動いてくれないんですから
It isn't.  It gets filled up with them to where you can't move through here.
Please take them with you and go home!

Mitogawa: なんだ全く
おや君たち 今 帰りかね
Well, my goodness.
You've started to get an attitude with me.
Oh, are you two going home now?
Be careful on the way there.

Page 4
Hades-sensei: 三途川先生?
そうだね 確かに不思議な人だけど・・・
でも それがどうかしたの?
Yes, she really is a strange person...
But...is there something wrong?

Ashitaba: どうって・・・
Well, that's...

Kaburagi: 先生は気にならないんですか? 素性とか!
Doesn't her background and whatever bother you?

Hades-sensei: うーん 昔は気になってた気がするけど
Hmm, I think it did a while ago but...
Now her strangness has become something commonplace.
Even I know only a little bit...

Text: 三途川先生のゆるぎない真実 
・独身 ・運転が荒い
Mitogawa-sensei's unshakeable truths
(Hades's 2010 investigation)
・Likes sweets
・Single, drives wildly
・Works employees hard
・Does everything wildly

Ashitaba: 後半ただの愚痴になってますけど・・・
The second half turned into just complaints...

Kaburagi: ねぇ アシタバくん
Hey, Ashitaba-kun.

Ashitaba: はい

Kaburagi: 放課後あいてる?
Are you free after school?

Ashitaba: いやな予感
I've got a bad feeling...

Page 5
Kaburagi: あ!
遅い おそーい!
You're late, laaate!

Ashitaba: す・・・すみません・・・
なんで断れないんだ 僕・・・!
I knew it...
Why didn't I turn her down...!
Um...besides following her...
Do you know where Mitogawa-sensei is right now?

Kaburagi: ふふふ・・・
I thought this might happen...
So I already called someone out to help us!

Keiichi: お前ら面白そうなこと企んでんじゃねーか
Looks like you guys are plannin' something interestin'.

Ashitaba: け 経一さん・・・

Keiichi: こっちの方から千歳ちゃんのニオイがする
よし ついて来な!
I can smell Chitose-chan from this direction.
All right, come with me!

Ashitaba: は・・・はあ・・・

Page 6
Keiichi: な! ほら見ろ!
Hey, look!

Ashitaba: すごい 本当にいた・・・
Wow, she really was here...
He's on the same level as a dog...

Kaburagi: そういえば三途川先生ってハデス先生の恩師だったって聞きましたけど
By the way, I heard that Mitogawa-sensei was Hades-sensei's former teacher.
Was she yours too?

Keiichi: そうだよ  あと鈍ちゃんも
She was. And Niburu-chan's as well.
When we were kids, I followed her like this with Itsuhito once...
I lost my memory halfway through that time...
When I came to, she had strung the two of us up in a tree.

Ashitaba: ねぇ やめない? 今からでも これやめようよ!
Hey, why don't we quit? Like now...let's stop this!

Kaburagi: お・・・
She's practicing her golf swing.
She's like a salaryman...

Page 7
Mitogawa: くたばれ!
Go to hell!

Kaburagi: 違った! くだばれとか言ってる
I was wrong! She's saying "Go to hell!"
Just what is she aiming that killing intent at?
Maybe there was a mosquito or something in front of her.

Ashitaba: そ・・・そうかな
I hope so...

Kaburagi: ・・・あ
Ah -

Guy: いよぉ ゴスロリ女
Hey, goth loli woman.
We met at just the right place, didn't we?

Mitogawa: 餓鬼が何の用だ
What do you brats want?

Guy: なんでもいいからツラ貸せや
今 スゲェムカついてんだよ 相手してくれよ
Anything's good so talk to me for a second.
I'm super pissed off right now. Be my opponent.

Mitogawa: いいだろう
Today I'm definitely going to teach your body how to talk to superiors.

Keiichi: なんかやべェ雰囲気だな・・・
I'm getting kind of a bad feeling...

Kaburagi: 大変! すぐ助けなきゃ!
Oh, no! We have to save her right now!

Page 8
Mitogawa: 超必
Special move
Strawberry on the shortcake!

Guy: グワァアアああああああ
ちくしょう もう一回だ
Shit! One more time.

Mitogawa: 聞こえんなァ
I can't hear you.

Guy: ざけんな 再戦だよ クソが早くしやがれ
Don't fuck around. I want a rematch. Let's hurry up and do this shit!
Please go against me one more time. Please.

Mitogawa: 悪いが 今日は用事があってな
I'm sorry but I've got something to do today.
We'll do it again some other time, Dogeza-kun.
[T/N: "Dogeza" means to kneel down on the ground.]

Guy: ババアアア ふざけんなァァ
Don't screw with me, you old hag!

Keiichi: なんだよ ゲーセンかよ 俺が相手してやろうかな あいつ
Wow, an arcade, huh? I wonder if I should go against her...

Ashitaba: よ・・・「用事」ってなんでしょうかね・・・
I wonder what it is she has to do...

Keiichi: 時計を調べて・・・
She's checking her watch...
Is she meeting someone?

Page 9
Cat: ウニャウニャン (お待たせー)
Meow meow meow. (Sorry to keep you waiting.)

Mitogawa: ニャニャンウニャーゴ (いや今来たところだよ)
Meow meow meow. (No, I just got here.)

Text: また猫
Another cat

Cat: ミャオンファニャンゴ (とりあえずどっか店は入ろうよ)
フニャフニャ (お腹空いちゃってさー)
Meow meow meow meow. (First off, let's go to a shop somewhere.)
Meow meow. (Cause I'm hungry.)

Cat: ウニャニャミャオンニャ (そんで湯水のように金をつぎ込むわけ 電化製品に)
ニャーゴゴロニャゴニャ? ウニャ (似たようなの この間買ったばっかじゃん? っていう)
ナオナオフニャーニャ (マジ猫的にはドン引きなわけ人間貪欲すぎ)
Meow meow meow. (And so you've been spending a lot of money on electronics?)
Meow meow meow meow. (You said you just bought something similar to that the other day.)
Meow meow meow. (What's really off-putting to cats is too much human greed.)

Mitogawa: ウミャミャニャゴニャーゴ (まあ世の中には色んな人間がいるからなあ)
Meow meow meow. (Well, there are a lot of different humans in the world.)

Keiichi: ニャンニャン言ってて全然わからん・・・
They keep going "meow meow", I don't understand any of it...
Just what kind of conversation are they having...?

Page 10
Waiter: お客様 ご注文は
Sir, your order -

Keiichi: おっとそうだったな
よーし お兄さんオゴってやろう
Oh, that's right.
All right, oniisan will treat you.
Let's see...
Three Perriers without carbonation.

Waiter: お水でございますね
That's water.

Cat: フニャァニャウニャンニャン (マジ 金ない男って魅力ないわー)
ニャゴンミャウフニャニャン (ネコ缶くらい毎日食わせろって感じ)
Meow meow meow meow. (I'm not attracted to men who are really poor.)
Meow meow meow meow. (It's like, eat out of this cat tin everyday!)

Mitogawa: フニャウウミャウミャ (ふむ 概要は大体わかった)
ニャオンゴ (では ぼちぼち向かうとしよう)
Meow meow meow. (Hmm. I more or less get the general idea of it.)
Meow meow. (Well then, let's head on.)

Cat: ニャアゴ (悪いね~)
Meow. (Thanks...)

Keiichi: あっ・・・
しまった タクシーを使われちゃ見失っちまう
Crap, if she uses the taxi, we'll lose her.
We're going after her!

Ashitaba: もうあきらめましょうよ
Let's just give up already.
I think Mitogawa-sensei is going to make us regret this...

Page 11
Kaburagi: アシタバくん これ持ってて!
Ashitaba-kun, hold this!

Ashitaba: え?

Keiichi: ぬおおお

SFX: ガッ

Keiichi: え?

Ashitaba: ひえええっ

Keiichi: ま・・・! マジか あの嬢ちゃん
お~い ちょっと待ってくれ~!
Is...is that girl for real?
Heeey, wait up!

Ashitaba: たすけてえええ
Save meeeee!

Page 12
Man: なるほど  いい品だ
I see. It's good quality.
Is that a done deal...?

Mitogawa: ああ 助かった
Ahh, you really helped me out.
If there's anything else, I'll call on you again.

Kaburagi: アシタバくん・・・
ちょっとぉ 返事してよ!
何が見えるの? ねぇ!
やだ 気絶してる!
Hey, answer me!
What can you see? Hey!
Oh no, he's passed out.

Mitogawa: では気をつけて
Well then, take care.

Page 13
Kaburagi: 大変! またどこか行っちゃうわ
アシタバくん 起きて! 起きてったら
Oh, no! She's going somewhere again!
Ashitaba-kun, wake up! I said wake up!

Ashitaba: うっ うっ・・・うう・・・
も・・・も もうや・・・だ・・・

Keiichi: ハア ハア
おい兄ちゃん! このあたりで喪服いてーなカッコした小さい女の人見なかったか?
Haa, haa...
Damn it...I'd thought they'd gone to this area but...
Hey, niichan! You haven't seen a small woman dressed like she was in mourning around here, have you?

Guy: てめえその人に何の用だ・・・どこの者だ?
What do you need with her? Who are you?

Keiichi: あ? 見たか見てねェか聞いてんだよ 質問に答えろよ
Huh? Tell me whether or not you've seen her. Answer the question.

Guy: ああ? うちのシマでナメた態度取ってんじゃねーぞ
Huuuh? You gonna get a fuckin' attitude with me on my turf?

Keiichi: っだと テメー やるかコラ
...the hell'd you say?! You wanna fight?

Page 14
Cat: ニャフニャウニャー (それ さっきのおっさんの趣味?)
Meow meow meow. (Are you interested in that ossan from earlier?)

Mitogawa: フニャフニャニャンゴ (まあそう言うな あれで中々いい男だぞ)
Meow meow meow. (Don't say that. Despite how he looks, he's a pretty good man.)

Cat: ニャオナーナ (あ そこ右)
Meow meow. (Ah, that one on the right.)

Mitogawa: 運転者さん すまんがその角を右へ頼む
Driver, excuse me but please take the corner on the right.

One of the kids: ふえてる
There's more of them!

Page 15
Text: 夜

Keiichi: なんだかんだで夜になっちまったな・・・
Somehow or another, it's gotten to be night...

Kaburagi: 結構遠くまで来ちゃいましたね
We've gone a pretty good distance.
There's a place like this in Tokofushi town.

Keiichi: しっかしやべェな~・・・
But this is bad.
I can't believe the next place she went was the neon district...if Itsuhito finds out that I brought the students along, he's certainly going to kill -

Kaburagi: えっ?
うそ! なんで なんで!
No way! Why, why!

Page 16
Kaburagi: なあんだ 2人で待ち合わせだったのね
Wow, the two of them were waiting on each other.
I wonder what they're going to do in a place like this...

Text: ピンときてしまった
He definitely gets it

Keiichi: な・・・なんてこった・・・まさか・・・あの2人に限ってそんなことが・・・
W...what the hell...those two would be the last people to do something like that...
Right inside the neon district...to be perfectly honest...
It's the hotel district!
The age difference, uwaaaah!

Page 17
Keiichi: あ・・・あれ・・・?
Itsuhito-san...why are you...

Hades-sensei: お前の独り言は非常にうるさい
You talking to yourself is incredibly annoying.
Hang on, I'm looking for a convenient blunt object.

Mitogawa: それならあっちにビール瓶が落ちていたぞ
In that case, someone dropped a beer bottle over there.

Keiichi: うわーっ 先生たち ストップ! スットプ!
あ・・・あの これには色々事情が・・・
Uwaah, teachers, stop, stop!
U...um...there's a lot of reasons for this -

Mitogawa: 広い世の中だ 病魔による事件は我々の与り知らぬ所で今も起こっている
It's a wide world. Incidents with disease demon are occuring even now in places we have no connection to.
I don't have the power to detect disease demons like Itsuhito-kun.
And so I don't have any choice but to keep investigating.

Ashitaba: じゃ・・・! じゃあ今日はそれでずっと
Then...! Then today, this whole time...
With...that cat...?

Page 18
Mitogawa: お
Oh, it seems somehow they settled things peacefully.

Hades-sensei: すみません 先生
I'm sorry, sensei.
Since this area really isn't where I usually go...you really helped me out.

Mitogawa: なあに いつだったか言ったろう
ウニャ? (なあ?)
What, I said it a long time ago.
There's nothing happening in this town I don't know about.
Meow? (Well?)

Cat: ウニャオンナ (お兄ちゃん ありがとねー)
Meow meow. (Onii-chan, thank you!)

Hades-sensei: さあ 送って行くから君たちは帰ろうね
Well, since I'm seeing you home, let's go.
Don't go off with that ojisan anymore!

Kaburagi: で・・・ですから先生! 誤解なんです
経一さんは悪くないんです 本当に!
I...I'm telling you, sensei, it's a misunderstanding!
Keiichi-san isn't bad! Really!
I'm sorry, Ashitaba-kun.
Because of me, you got told off...

Ashitaba: え? いや! いいよ・・・
(怖かったけど) 割と楽しかったし・・・
Huh? No, it's fine...
(I was scared but...) It was pretty fun...

Page 19
Mitogawa: 起きたか
Are you awake?
You really had to learn the hard way too.

Keiichi: なんだよこんなエサの供給みたいなマネしてさァ
What's with you acting like you're supplying the bait?
Even you're still against him keeping the disease demon.

Mitogawa: ・・・それはどうかな
私の元を離れ それぞれ自分で決めて選んだ道を今は歩いている
私は それの応援をしたいだけどよ
What about it?
You guys and Itsuhito
You've moved on from me - now you're each walking the path that you've decided and chosen for yourselves.
I just want to help you.
I don't think about what's right and what's wrong.

Page 20
Keiichi: ・・・俺らは千歳ちゃんほど大人にはなれねェよ
We can't become as much of an adult as you are.

Mitogawa: なる必要もないよ
飲みにでも行こうか 経一くん
You don't have to.
To me, you guys and Ashitaba-kun and company won't change like that.
You're all
My precious students.
That said, I am glad that you've reached the age where you're interested in alcohol and cigarettes.
How about we go for a drink or something, Keiichi-kun?
I'm sure you know this area well.

Keiichi: あ~っそれ完全にイメージで言ってんだろう
Ahh, are you saying that's how you see me?
Well, I am familiar with it but...hehehe...

Text: 翌日
The next day

Hades-sensei: ああっ・・・

Page 21
Hades-sensei: 三途川先生!
もうハト呼ぶのやめて下さい 糞の掃除するの大変なんですから
Please stop calling the pigeons already! It's hard to clean up their feces!

Mitogawa: なんだ じゃあ君動物に糞をするなと言うのか 残酷な
What? Then, you're saying they can't poop? That's cruel.

Hades-sensei: 論点を摩り替えないでください! あ~もう
Please stop avoiding the issue at hand! Aw, come on!

Pigeon: クルッポ ポッポ! (ねえねえ! 駅前のドーナツ屋今なら並んでないよ)
Coo coo coo coo. (Hey, hey! If you go to the doughnut shop right now, you won't have to stand in line.)

Mitogawa: ポポッ? (なんだと?)
Coo coo? (What did you say?)
I've got urgent business!
I'm leaving.

Hades-sensei: えっ・・・
No way...

Kaburagi: 三途川先生ってなんか・・・
Mitogawa-sensei is kind of...
The more you know her...

Fuji: 変
She's weird.

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