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Samurai High School 6

+ posted by lucifell as translation on Nov 10, 2010 19:28 | Go to Samurai High School

-> RTS Page for Samurai High School 6

Reserved For Red-Hawk Scans

Samurai High School Chapter 06

=Pink page on the inside cover=

Kou: I don't like being made to look like this~~~!!

>txt next to him: I look like the daughter~~!!

Tsukiko: Really?

Tsukiko: I think it really suits you though.

Kou: Well, if Tsukiko says so I guess I can live with it~~~~

Tsukiko: Mmhmm.

>txt: Is that really okay, Sakakido twins?!

=Contents Page=

Chapter 06
The twins, Tomii, and the physical exam

Chapter 07
Tsukiko, the young master, and the red apple

Chapter 08
Kou, Miss Kaya, and the camp fire

Chapter 09
The twins, Namisa, and the fated prince charming

Chapter 10
Tsukiko. Namisa, and excessive expressions of love



Chapter Title: The twins, Tomii, and the physical exam


Igami: SA~~KA~~KI~~DO~~

Kou: Eh?

Kou: Ehh~~!?

Igami: KO~~~~~~~U!!!

Igami: I know you're really a guy!!

Igami: Grahh!!


Igami: Bwah!!

Igami: Ah...I also know...

Igami: ..that you are a girl...

Igami: Gah!!

Igami: When...
>I expose..

Igami: Your,

Igami: You will..

Igami: Both be...

Igami: The moon forever...bwah!!

>sfx: The txt all over this panel is sfx of tsukiko beating the hell out of him to make him shut up.


Tsukiko: ---And that's why you shouldn't be hanging out with dangerous people.

Kou: But I didn't do anything...

Kou: Wha~~~~~~~t!?

Kou: That person found out our secret?!

Tsukiko: Yeah...I'm not that certain,

Tsukiko: But it seems he's someone who bullied you where we used to live.


Kou: Really? But who could it be? I was bullied by everyone in the area, so...

Tsukiko: Really...

Kou: Tsukiko always came to rescue me, so I've totally forgotten~~

Kou: I love you Tsukiko.

Tsukikko: R....really..

Box: Is that really okay, Sakakido twins...?

Tsukiko: Well anyway....for the time being we need to be on guard, since we have no idea what he intends to do!

Tsukiko: Yeah!


Sensei: Ummm...today,
>Continuing on from yesterday's physical assessment test,

Sensei: We will be having a physical health exam~~!!

Tsukiko: What~~~~~~~~

Tsukiko: ~~~~~~?!!

Sensei: However, today it's just class A. As apology for yesterday's trouble.

Kou: That's great, right!


Igami: Ahahahaa~~~ That's certainly..

Igami: Some good news~~~

Igami: Don't underestimate the president of class B....

Box: Above the ceiling.

Igami: This physical exam is the perfect opportunity!!

Igami: You'll have to strip in front of everyone, and then everyone will find out the truth!!

Sensei: Well then, everyone,
>Please begin making your way to the infirmary!


Tomii: Oni hunny~~

Tomii: Knock knock~~!

>lil txt inbetween panels: Onikanda-sense = Oni hunny

Tomii: I...couldn't wait any longer,

Tomii: So I decided to meet you.

Tomii: Hey, hey, Oni hunny! I wanna talk to the boys! Introduce me, introduce me, introduce me!!

Oni: B..back off!!


Tomii: I am Oni hunny's lover, Tomita. But I prefer the boys call me Tomii, kay?

>lil txt next to him: Oh my~~~

Oni: Who is your lover?!
>This is the school nurse, Tomita, who will be administering today's physical examination!

Girl: Ah...uhmm~~ The girl's too?

Girl: We would really prefer a female nurse...

Tomii: My hear is female!!

Tomii: You ugly dogs!!

Girls: U..ugly...!?!

Tomii: I have no interest in you girls anyway.

Tomii: I belong to O-NI-HUN-NY.

Oni: Didn't I say not to touch me!!

Boy: Uhmm....if you're heart is female...

Boy: Then maybe it would be best if us boys had a male nurse.....


Tomii: My body is a perfect specimen of manliness!!
>Feel it!! Here, go ahead feel it~~~!!

Boy: Uwahh~~~~~~~~~~~!!
>He's super strong!!

Igami: Whoa...what a dangerous teacher...

Igami: He might be a problem for me...

Tomii: Oni hunny, I'm scared!! It feels like someone is staring at me, it's giving me the creeps!!

Igami: Holy shit~~!!


Oni: Ah...

Oni: Anyhow, everyone, go to the infirmary~~~!!

All: Yes sir.

Kou: Tsukiko, let's go switch in my room.

Tsukiko: All right.

Tomii: What's this...

Tomii: Switch~~~~??


Kou: Wah!?

Tsukiko: Nurse Tomita!!

Tomii: You two are the famous Sakakido twins I've been hearing so much about aren't you?

Tomii: I finally get to meet you.

>lil txt next to him: Ufufu

Tomii: Mmm~~~~hmmmmm So handsome~~~

Tomii: ....huh?

Tomii: I wonder why...

Tomii: My heart isn't beating wildly while in front of such a handsome young man...?

Kou: Hold on a second! Tsuk--...Kou doesn't like being touched like that!!

Tomii: Huh!? What's with this girl!!


>txt above kou: Shine

>txt on tomita: DOKI!

Tomii: Wh...why is it...

>txt next to kou: Wh...what?

Tomii: That this girl is making my heart throb.....!??

>txt along bottom of panel: Dokun *heart beat sfx*

Tomii: I absolutely love guys just like oni hunny, big, strong, and mature!

Tomii: But my favorite meal is the pretty boy who is at the brink of becoming a man!!

>txt in front of him: Ahhhhhh

Tomii: But why is this girl so...??

Tsukiko: Uhmm, are you okay, nurse?


Tomii: I'm completely fine~~!!

Tomii: Well then~~ Shall we head to the infirmary?!

Tsukiko: There's no way...

Tsukiko: We can switch places like this!!

Igami: Hahahahaha....

Igami: Preparations complete!

Igami: That violent bitch, Tsukiko. I'll strip you naked in front of everyone and expose you for what you truly are~~!!

>txt next to him: Hahahaha

>sign: Infirmary


Tomii: Oka~~y, everyone gather round!

Tomii: The physical exam will now begin!!

Girl: Right on the other side of this curtain are...

Boy: All sorts of cute girls...!!

>txt above them: *Them breathing hard*

Boy: Waaaa~~~ My hearts beating really fast!

Boy: Mine too!!

Boy: I hope I get to see something great!!

Igami: Good morning.


Igami: This morning, I will be assisting you with the physical examination. I'm Iga-.....errr, my name is Mikami.

Igami(thought): Sha--hahaha!! My disguise is perfect!! Nobody will figure out it's really me~~!!

Tomii: Hmmm.....I don't remember hearing anything about an assistant.

Igami: Sha-hah.

Tomii: First things first, I need to give you a "check up".


Tomii: Ufufu. Healthy.

Igami: I....I feel violated...!!!

Tomii: Now then, everyone. You will all change into this!!

Both: Ehhhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~?!?!


Tomii: I will examine the boys, so you will take care of the girls, all right?

Igami: Huh?!

Igami: Of....of course!

Boy: The girls are changing on the other side of this curtain~~

Boy: It's such a great thing~~!

Girl: You boys had better not think of peeking!!

Girl: Nurse Tomita, please turn away as well~~!!

Igami: This isn't what I originally planned on, but what a lucky situation!!

Igami: Who to look at first..

Girl: Don't look!!

Girl: Boys are really just perverts!!

Igami: I seriously didn't want to "ever" see that!!


Kaya: Wow....you're quite fast, huh Tsukiko?

Kou: Y...yes!

Kou: I wonder if Tsukiko is okay.....

Kamiyama: What's this? What are you trying to hide for, common samurai!

Boy: Seems even Sakakido can be embarrassed, eh?


Kamiyama+Other: F....for some reason...

>txt on them: We can't look away~~!!

Tomii: Something is wrong with this!!

Tomii: My nose would normally be squirting blood while watching such a handsome youth change clothes!!

Tsukiko: D...

Tsukiko: Don't watch me strip!!

Kou: Kou, are you all right~~!?


Tomii: Bu-shyuu~~~~!!

Kou: What the hell~~~~~!!?

Tomii: I....I...

Tomii: This is....

Tomii: The first time I've ever felt love for a female...!!

Kou: It feels like I'm seeing something strange~~~!!


Tomii: Switch with me. kiddo~!!

Tomii: I'll have to examine the girls after all!!

>sfx: Smack!

Igami: Gah!

Igami: Damn it! Such a flaky guy...

>lil txt above him: That hurt...

Igami: But like this it's finally time to start "operation strip Tsukiko"!!

Tsukiko: Kou...

Igami: Wh...

Igami: Whoa wow...!!

>txt on him: Do-kin (heartbeat)


Igami: W...well then. Sh..shall we start then...?!
>With you miss!

Tsukiko: Yes.

Igami: No doubt about it.

Igami: This is definitely Tsukiko!

Igami: So...

Igami: Now I'll strip you naked so everyone can see the truth~~!!


Igami: My eyes~~~~~!! My eyes~~~!!

Tsukiko: Hmmm...178 cm.

Igami: Oh no! My pen...

>lil bubble bottom right: Squish

Igami: My....head~!! My head~~~~!!

Tsukiko: 49 kg....

Tsukiko: What's with this guy...


Boy: Hey...don't you think this guy has been acting strange?

Boy: You don't think he has the same weird tastes as Tomita do you...

Tomoza: Is getting to me what he's really after!?

Igami: No way!!!

Igami: This is the strange one!!

Igami: Sakakido Kou...in truth,

Igami: Is a girl~~~!!!

Tsukiko: Igami!!

Tsukiko: Stop spouting nonsense!!

Igami: Hehehe....

Igami: Then, shall we do your chest measurement in front of everyone~~?

Igami: "Kou"?

Tsukiko: K...

Tsukiko: Kou!!


Tomita: Well now---

Tomita: Tsukiko.

Tomita: Let's measure your height now~~~~

Kou: He's doing the measurements with his own body!!?

Tomita: Oh, I see....you're shy dear....

Tomita: Okay baby....

Tomita: Then, let's go ahead and measure your weight.

Kou: Uwahh~~~~~~!!

Kaya: AH, uhm, nurse Tomita....Tsukiko doesn't seem to want to, so I can...


Tomita: Don't try to interfere, you stupid rabbit!!

>lil txt nect to him: You're so selfish.

Kaya: Kya...!

Kaya: Do you not understand what "doesn't want to" means, you dumb ass~~!!

Tomita: Obwah!!

Igami: Come on, Kou! You should just give up and strip down for us now~~~~!!

>txt above him: Shahahahaha

Tsukiko: Damn!


=No Txt=


Girls: Kyaa~~!!

BOys: All right~~~!!

Kaya: Serve's you right!

Kaya: Shit head!

Kou: Owww...

Kou: Tsukiko!!


Igami: You can't escape any longer, Sakakido~~~~~

Boy: Class president, are you okay?!

Tomita: Oh my. What a lovely discovery.


Igami: No!! This isn't what it looks like~~~~!! I'm just trying to prove that Sakakido Kou is really a...

>lil txt above boys: That's class B's....

Tomita: I won't stand in the way of your feelings....I understand how scary coming out is.

Kaya: How....dare....you...!!

Girls: This perverted bastard!! We're going to castrate you!!

Igami: Shut the hell up!! Take a look at this~~~!!

Igami: This guy is really a girl~~~~~!!!

Kou: Stop it~~~~...

Igami: Y..you! When did you!?

>lil txt bottom left: tazzer buzzing


Girls: You pervert!! Peeper!!

>sfx: Him getting his ass kicked.

Igami: Sha-haa~~~~~~!!

Box: Igami has once again become a star in the sky.

Tsukiko: Thanks Kou. You really saved me.

Kou: Tsukiko! Hurry and switch with me!!

Box: Earlier underneath the curtain.

Kou: But...it was you who discovered Igami was in disguise...

Kou: And besides, you don't need to thank me at all.

Tsukiko: Don't you bully Kou!!

Kou: You've always protected me. From now on,

Kou: I want to protect you...!

Tsukiko: Is that so.

Tomita: I knew it Oni hunny!! You're the only one for me~~~~!!

Onikanda: Guwahhhhh~~~!!!

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