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Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation 14

Muhyo & Roujie 014


-> RTS Page for Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation 14

Page 01
Ghost: ああぁ・・・タス・・・ケテ・・・
Ghost: 苦シ・・・イ・・・ダレ・・・カ・・・
Text: エンチューが残した布(マント)が変化を遂げる・・・!!
The cloak Enchyu left behind changes it's form...!!
Roujie: う・・・わ・・・!!こ・・・これは・・・!!
Th- this thing...!!
Muhyo: ヒッヒ、怨霊の本体だ・・・!!
It's the main body of the Onryou...!!

Page 02
Muhyo: 街を飛来していた奴等もココが大本だ。エンチューは成仏できずさまよう浮遊霊を集めて
This is the source of the ones that were flying all over town too
Enchyu gathered Fuyuurei that couldn't make it to the other world
and trapped them in this cloak so that he'd be able to take them out any time
That's how he made so many of these Onryou...
Muhyo: 苦しみから逃れる甘い嘘は霊共には効果抜群だろうナ・・・
Sweet lies that promise relief from suffering
must work very well with ghosts...
Enchyu: こっちへおいで、いいモノあげる・・・
Come here
I'll give you something nice...
Ghost: コレ・・・モラッテイイノ・・・?
I can have it...?
SFX ニュッ *nyu*
Nana: いやぁぁ・・・!!!

Page 03
第14条 となり
Article 14 -- Beside You
Roujie: ムヒョ・・・!!
Muhyo: ヒッヒ、オメーラには地獄行きの切符をくれてやる
I'll give you all a ticket to Hell
Text: 執行の刻(とき)は来たれり!!
The time has come for the execution!!
Muhyo: 魔法律第1742条。『大量殺人未遂』及び『物体無断寄生』の罪により、『魔列車』の刑に
Magic Law, Article 1742. "Attempted mass murder" and
"Illegal inhabitance in object". For these crimes,
I pronounce the sentence of
Muhyo: 処す
the "Magic Train"
Examiners: おお・・・!!な、なんと・・・!!ま・・・魔列車・・・!!
Oh my...!!
By my word...!!
The Ma- Magic Train...?!
Examiner: きょ、強力すぎて高名な執行人でさえ使えないというあの魔法律・・・!!
It's the Magic Law that's said to be so strong that even
top Executors can't use it...!!

Page 04
Etc: くそう、きりがないぞこいつら・・・!!
Shit, there's no end to this...!!
-- What's this sound...?
Yoichi: へへっ、よくやったぞロージー・・・!!
-- Hehe
Good work, Roujie...!!
Ghost: クスクス・・・③
Nana: うう・・・
Roujie: だめだ、間に合わないよムヒョ--
No, it won't come in time, Muhyo--
SFX チャッ *whip*

Page 05
Muhyo: 魔列車が満席になりそうだナ
Looks like the Magic Train's gonna be packed

Page 06~07
Etc: あ、あれは・・・!!
Th- that's...!!
-- I- it couldn't be...!!
Yoichi: ムヒョの魔列車・・・!!エンチューとの今回の対決は
-- It's Muhyo's Magic Train...!!
This time around, in this fight against Enchyu...
Yoichi: ムヒョの勝ちだな
Muhyo has won

Page 08
Ghost: オオ・・・オオオ・・・
Yoichi: ・・・今回は・・・な・・・
...This time around...
Yoichi: どうせまた来んだろエンチューよ・・・!!
You're gonna be coming again anyway,
right, Enchyu...?
Examiners: おお!!すごいっ!!
By my word!!
This is amazing!!
Examiners: 次々と「魔車掌の手」が霊を・・・!!
The "Magic Train's hands" are taking the ghosts away one after another...!!
The "Magic Train's hands"...?
They're said to be the guards of the Magic Train with the job of pulling ghosts into the train...!!

Page 09
Examiners: しかし今回これだけの霊をあやつる者といえば
However, there's only one person I can think of who can control the number of ghosts that appeared this time:
Why, it's his friend...!!
When you get to the bottom of it, this is a fight between Sir Muhyo and Enchyu
Perhaps we should forbid him from entering this town--
Muhyo: 来いロージー話がある
Come Roujie. I wanna have a word with you
Nana: ど、どーしたの?
Wh- what's wrong?
Roujie: う、うん!!すぐに戻るから・・・!!
Uh, yeah. We'll be back soon so don't worry...!!
Nana: オイ・・・!!
Nana: ちょっとそこの役立たず共っ!!!
Hey, you useless bums!!!
Examiners: ヒッ!!
Nana: 街の恩人にする態度なの、それ?!
Is that how you treat the hero of this town?!
Examiner: い・・・いや・・・あの・・・
Nana: なによオジジ!!
Speak up, you old bastard!!
(Examiner: オジジ・・・
Old bastard...)
Examiner: これには深いワケが
Well there's a reason for this...

Page 10
Muhyo: どこまで聞いた?
-- How much have you heard?
Roujie: え?
Muhyo: ヨイチからエンチューの事をだ
From Yoichi. About Enchyu
Roujie: な、なんでそのこと知って
-- Wh- why do you know--
Muhyo: フン、まあいい
Hmph, never mind
Muhyo: 今日の事はこれからオレや協会が奴から受ける呪いの一端に過ぎねぇ
What happened today is only the beginning of the sort of curses
the Association and I'll be getting from him

Page 11
Muhyo: 耐えられるか・・・?
Will you be able to take it...?
Roujie: ・・・ど、どういう事・・・?
What do you mean...?
Muhyo: エンチューは攻撃を続けるだろう
Enchyu'll probably continue his attacks
Muhyo: オレが奴を闇から引きずり出さん限り
unless I
manage to pull him out of the darkness...
Muhyo: あるいはオレが死ぬまで
I die

Page 12
Muhyo: どの道待つのは苦痛
Which ever way things go, there'll be a lot of suffering awaiting us
Muhyo: オメェに耐えられるとは思えん
I doubt you'd be able to take it
Nana: だからなんなのよっ!!!
Nana: エンチューだかシカクチューだかが性格悪すぎるのよ!!
Enchyu, Shikakuchyu, whatever his name is; it's his fault for having such a bad character!!
Instead of making it all Mr Muhyo's fault, why don't you old men do something too?!
(Note: Enchyu is simliar to the Japanese word for cylinder, so Nana calls him Shikakuchyu = a quadratic prism)
Examiner: (シ、シカクチュー・・・)し、しかし・・・
(Shi- Shikakuchyu...)
H- however...

Page 13
SFX くる② *twirl*
Yoichi: まったくもってそのとーりだナナちゃん
You're perfectly right, Nana
Examiner: ヨ、ヨイチ裁判官・・・!!
J- Judge Yoichi...!!
Yoichi: これは奴一人の問題じゃねぇ・・・
This isn't only his problem...
Yoichi: そこで
-- And that's where
Yoichi: お願いがあるんだ、ナナちゃん
I'd like to ask a favor of you,
Muhyo: オレが何を言いたいかわかるな?
-- You understand what
I'm trying to say, right?
Text (Roujie): ・・・まさか・・・お別れ・・・?!そんな
...Could it be...
he wants to dismiss me...?!

Page 14
Muhyo: 要は
What I mean is
Text (Roujie): いやだムヒョ
-- I don't want that, Muhyo --
Muhyo: くたばんねェようにしっかりついてこいってこった
You'll have to stick behind me so that you don't die
Got that?
Muhyo: この先益々命の保障はネェからな・・・
After all, it's gonna get even more dangerous from here on...
Roujie: フン・・・なんだ、そんな事か・・・
-- Hmph... That's all you had to say...?
Muhyo: ナヌ?
-- What?!

Page 15
Roujie: まぎらわしい事言って・・・
You had me worried...
Yoichi: ムヒョはオマエを選んだ
Muhyo chose you
Roujie: おどかさないでよ・・・!!ムヒョ・・・!!
Don't scare me like that...!!
Text (Roujie): ムヒョ、僕は本当に
-- Muhyo, it's really ok
Muhyo: あ?
Roujie: ・・・そんな事言われなく・・・たって・・・ついていくもん・・・
...Even without you...saying that...
I'll stay right behind you...
Text (Roujie): 君の助手でいいんだね・・・!!
for me to be your assistant, right...?

Page 16
Text (Roujie): 君のとなりに居ていいんだね・・・
It's ok for me to stay by your side, right...?
Roujie: ムヒョのバカ・・・!!
Stupid Muhyo...!!
Muhyo: うるさくて・・・!!きこえねーよ
It's too noisy...!!
I can't hear you
Muhyo: まったく・・・!!
Muhyo: コノハナタレめ・・・
You crybaby--
Roujie: ムヒョ!!
SFX スー・・・ *zzzz*②

Page 17
Roujie: よいしょ・・・へへ・・・自分はハナチョーチンのくせに・・・
Here we go...
Hehe... And you're such a sleepyhead...
Roujie: おつかれムヒョ・・・!!
You did a great job, Muhyo...!!
Roujie: 帰ろう・・・
Let's go back...
Yoichi: 魔列車が刑を終えて帰っていく・・・しかも
-- The Magic Train's finished it's job and it's going back...
Nana: あ・・・
Yoichi: ムヒョのことだ
knowing Muhyo,

Page 18
Yoichi: きっと黄泉行きだろ・・・!!
they're just being sent to the Other World...!!
Yoichi: みろみろロージーっ!!
Take a look at this, Roujie!!
Yoichi: メアド聞いただけでこのザマ-- あ
I just asked for her mail address and I got--
Nana: フフン、いい気味よ、このスケこまし~!!(証拠写真とったる)
Hmph, it serves you right, you perve!!
(This shot'll be a proof of your perviness)
(Roujie: またか・・・
Yoichi: だってだってメアド聞くついでにオッパイ触っただけじゃんかぁ~
But, but, I was asking for your address and I just touched your breasts while I was at it
Nana: ついででなんでさわるのよ!!
While you were at it?! That doesn't make any sense!!
Yoichi: (ボソッ・・・)いいじゃんDじゃなくてEカップだったし・・・
Well, it turned out you've got E-cups, not D, so why the fuss...?
Nana: まったく、さっきはあんなにマジメそうだったのに・・・!!
Really...! And when your were so serious just a while ago...!!
Yoichi: コレオレの連絡先・・・持っててほしい・・・!!
This is my contact number...
I want you to keep it...!!

Page 19
Yoichi: 奴らに何かありそうな時、報せてほしいんだ・・・!!
If it looks like they're in danger
I want you to let me know...!!
Nana: いい奴なんだけどね
But he is a good guy
Yoichi: ロージー、試験延期残念だったナ・・・!!
Sorry to hear that the exam was postponed...!!
Roujie: ううん、いいんです。ヨイチさんからムヒョの事とか聞けたし、早く帰って休ませないと・・・!!
No, it doesn't matter
I even got to hear about Muhyo from you...
And I have to go back quick and let him rest...!!
Yoichi: そうか、じゃあ試験管がオマエの活躍を見て特別に発行したコノ一級書記官の仮免許は要らんナ
Oh, it doesn't matter?
Well the examiner issued this provisional First-Class Secretary license especially for you to commend your action,
but I guess you don't need it then
(Guess I shouldn't have brought it with me...)
Paper: 仮
SFX ペリ・・・ *rip*
Roujie: ナナちゃんムヒョたのんだぁぁぁ
Nana, please take care of Muhyoooo
Nana: やっぱやな奴・・・
Did I say "good"...?
Side text: 葛藤を乗り越え、成長したロージーに昇級(仮)のご褒美!!でも精神(こころ)の昇級はまだまだ先・・・?!
Cleared of his doubts, Roujie becomes stronger and gets his reward of (provisional) advancement!! But his mind's still got a lot of growing up to do...!!

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