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Hoop Men 4


+ posted by Mr. Prince as translation on Mar 21, 2009 02:23 | Go to Hoop Men

-> RTS Page for Hoop Men 4

Things turned out quite different than I thought...I was all week busy planning April fool's for two homepages I'm working on and therefore didn't have much time for the translation. But now I'm done with it and it wasn't that difficult! I have quite some confidence in this one. : )

-page 1-
Atsumu: …? …A match?

あ...いや おれも よくわかんねんだけど--!!
"通訳くんは スゲー才能 秘めてっからいつか小牟田...くんを追い抜くかもよ"って
Yuuho: Ah…no, I also don’t really understand but…
“Interpreter-kun has some really amazing talent hidden so therefore maybe he’ll surpass Komuta-kun some..day”, he said.
Really, Josh, what are you talking!

Josh: What’s it? (small, other stuff is cut off and doesn’t make sense)

ジョシュがいつもやってる感じでコムタ ブチ抜いて 必殺のレイアップだ...!!
Yuuho: I can do it…!! I got my weapon…!!
With the dribble I did everyday in my freshman special training menu
I will get past Komuta’s position like Josh also always did!
And then the killer move, the layup…!!

I challenge you…for the sake of my dream!! (side) [TN: Kanji are “ideal” but shall be read “yume” which is “dream” in Japanese]

-page 2-
行くぞ 小牟...
Yuuho: Let’s go, Komu…

-page 3-
No…no way!

Hoop Men

第4話 あきらめ
Chapter 4 – Resignation
Kawaguchi Yukinori

-page 4-
first bubble on page: Uff!!!! [TN: Dunno how to write such kana xD]
smaller: Ouch…

Yuuho: Damn…

Josh: What are you doing? You alright!?
We still have to practice dribbling more!!

Atsumu: You’re alright?

クツ...うっせージョシュ...今のは ちょっとしたミスなんだよ!! クッソ これ まだ勝負[バトル] 始まったねーし"負け"にカウントされねーかんな
Yuuho: I’m alright!!
Shit…shuddup Josh…That just now was a little mistake, that’s all!! Shit, it’s like this battle hasn’t even started yet, so it doesn’t count as “loss”

てか そいつジョシュっていうの?バスケ部なんだよな?
Atsumu: Hey, can you say the following words to Josh? “What’s the deal about the basket ball club?”

あ ウン まあ オレもバスケ部なんだけど!! 佐藤雄歩 ヨロシク!! ま ジョシュの通訳として入部したけどガンガン力つけ
Yuuho: Ah, yeah. Well, I’m also in the basketball club!! I’m Satou Yuuho, nice to meet you!! Well, I entered the club in order to act as Josh’s interpreter but I’ve gained strength really fast!

Atsumu: I see...

オレ 鐘
Atsumu: I’m Atsumu
Haha…nice to meet ya, Josh!

Josh: Nice to meet you, Atumu [TN: No spelling error here! He can't pronounce the name properly]

オレも今日から練習出っから! 後でな!
Atsumu: I’m also attending training starting today, therefore: see you later!

うおっ 通じた!!! <なぜだ>
Yuuho: Woah, he understood!!! <why’s that!?>
What’s this, damn…!?

-page 6-
Captain: Yo~

-page 7-
鐘ゥ!! 戻ったか!!
もう ケガは大丈夫なのかよ!?
Captain: Atsumuu!! You’re back!?
Is your injury alright already!?

Atsumu: Completely recovered.

.........ケガ? そういえば...
詳しくは知らねーけどケンカで謹慎したって言ってたよな...でも そのわりに...
何かフツーに歓迎ムードだし... ...何があったんだ?
Yuuho: …an injury? Now that he mentions it…
I don’t know the whole background but they said disciplinary punishment for fighting…but it’s a somehow…unexpectedly normal mood of welcome back…what’s this all about?

Josh: Yo-…oh!

へーーーイ ジョシュー!!
Atsumu: Heee~y Josh!!

Josh: Ohh, Atumu!!

エ 何? 2人 もう 知り合い?
しかも何か ですに 意気投合してるし!!鐘 英語とか わっかんないでしょ
Koganei: Eh, what? You two already know each other?
Moreover they seem to share the same spirit!! Atsumu, you don’t speak English or anything, do you?

ま ♥[コレ]なんで ♥[コレ]と✪[コレ]があれば言葉とか いらねーし
Atsumu: Well, by the means of this (♥), if we have this (♥) and that (basketball), we don’t need words or anything!

いやー やっぱエース同士通じるモンがあんのかなー!!
Captain: Well~ just as I thought, aces have a way of understanding each other!!

-page 8-
てか もう通訳とかいらなくねー?
Koganei: So there’s no need anymore for an interpreter and such?

Somebody: We didn’t need that guy from the beginning!

今度 "通訳"って単語使った奴パンチな
Somebody: This time…let’s punch any guy who uses the word “interpretation“!

Koganei: My ♥ and Atsumu’s ♥ are in ♥, because of that ♥ is ♥.

オオ!! 奇跡だ!!何故か急に日本語ペラペラに
Josh: Ohh!! It’s a miracle!! I can speak Japanese fluently for some reson!!

Box: Persecution complex

Guy1: He should give up on it!

-page 9-
あいつの いつものパターンじゃん
Guy1: That guy…it’s the same pattern as always, isn’t it?
In order to get a girl, he starts something.
He gets dumped, is getting bored and retires from doing it.

見た? さっきあのデカいイケメン君と麻央ちゃん
アレ絶対そうでしょ いやー コレ 雄歩じゃ 勝ち目ねーよ!!
Somebody (I think it’s still „guy 1“ xD): Did you see just now? That tall good looking guy and Mao-chan?!
They look like a perfect couple. No, Yuuho has no chance winning in this one!!

-page 10-
雄歩 何見てんの 映画?
Guy 2: Yuuho, what are you watching? A movie?

ちげーよ 研究
先輩に借りた バスケの本にDVDついててさ
Yuuho: Nope, it’s research.
There was a DVD in the book I borrowed from senpai.

Guy 2: I see…

見て コレ レイアップシュート!! カッコよくねー?
Yuuho: Look, it’s the layup shoot!! It’s cool, isn’t it?

ああ 今 練習してるって言ってたシュートな
Guy 2: Ah, it’s the shoot you said you were practicing currently.
It really is cool!

まあ もう 70%くらいの確率で入るかなー
Yuuho: Yeah!!
Well, I already have a chance of about 70% of scoring
Hehhehehhe (small)

Guy 2: Wow!

Guy 1: Huh,
the layup is the basic of the basic isn’t it?
I know that. (small)

あんなの 勘のいい奴だったら体育の授業中にできるよーになんじゃん
そんなんで調子乗んな アホ
Guy 1: If you were a guy with good intuition you would have learnt it in PE, wouldn’t you?
Don’t get ahead of yourself, idiot.

反復練習して 成功率上げねーと試合じゃ使えねーんだよこれだからシロートは…
Yuuho: If you don’t practice it over and over again your success rate won’t rise and you can’t use it in a match, that’s how it is, you amateur…

おめーもシロートだろ!! ちょっと朝練したくれーで できる気になんな!!
Guy 1: You’re also an amateur!! You’ve not become great just because you did a little morning practice!!
バカが オレ もうコツつかんだんだよ!!「高く跳ぶこと」をイメージするんだよ!! ゴールに手が届くイメージで
Yuuho: You’re an idiot, I already mastered the tricks behind it!! “Jumping high”, I can already imagine it!! Reaching the goal with my hands, all in my imagination

つか イイよ もう バスケの話は!! 最近そればっかじゃねーか!!
Guy 1: Whatever just let it be already, this basketball talk!! It’s been all about it lately hasn’t it!?

-page 11-
ナイスパス ジョシュ!!
高く跳ぶ...この感じ...!! 決まる...!!!
Yuuho: Alright…!!
Nice pass, Josh!!
Jump high…this feeling…!! I’ll decide it…!!!

-page 12-
no text

-page 13-
おおー!! 格好良ェ!!
あれでしょ コレ ダンクって いうんでしょ!?
Guy 2: Woah!! How cool!!
That’s it, isn’t it!? The thing called dunk!?

そうそう!! ヤべーだろ!!
Yuuho: Yeah, yeah!! Holy crap!!
It’s super cool!!

Guy 1: Ah…the dunk, hm
But I always thought it’s against the rules but it isn’t

でも まあ こーゆーのができるよーになってからエラソーな事 言えよな
Guy 1: But well, after you learnt how to do this, you can talk about how great you are!

ゴールの高さって3m5cmあんだぞ!! 身長の2倍近くあんの!!
単純に考えて それよか上に 手が届かなきゃダンクできねーんだよ!!
Yuuho: Tch…you really are an amateur
The height of the goal is 3m5cm!! It’s about twice my body height!!
Simply think about it like this: if you can’t put your hand higher than this, you can’t do a dunk!!

日本の高校生で ダンクできる奴とか あんま いねーんだよ!!
Yuuho: There are barely any guys who can do a dunk among high school students in Japan!!

あ ゴメン 何か 眠い 俺
Guy 1: Ah, sorry. I’m kinda drowsy.

聞け オイ
Yuuho: Hey, listen!!

てか 今のスゲー!! 巻も戻して!! もっかい見たい!!
Guy 2: But that just now was amazing!! Wind it back!! I wanna see it one more time!!

-page 14-
no text

-page 15-
Guy 1: Oohhh…

-page 16-
Atsumu: Ouch…!!

バカ 危ねーよな!! 何 体当りしてんだ 雄歩!!
モロ反則たし!! シュートの着地際が一番ケガしやすいんだぞ
Captain: Idiot, watch out!! What are you hitting the body, Yuuho!?
That’s a foul play!! The moment you land after shooting is the easiest point to get injured!

Yuuho: Ah…I’m sorry…I was fired up…

Guy 3: Awesome…he did a dunk…

てか あの雄歩[アホ]は何してんだよ何か怒られたぞははは...
Guy 1: But what was that idiot doing anyway, being angered or something hahaha…

-page 17-
Atsumu: You’re alright?

Yuuho: …ah…I’m sorry…

Atsumu: It’s nothing…

雄歩[コイツ]... あんだけモロにブロックされた後で
That guy…to that degree, after I completely blocked him
Without hesitating, he ran after me in order to stop me...

...あの ヘタレの雄歩が...
Guy 2: That always lazy Yuuho…

Atsumu: A guy who doesn’t accept his fate…

-page 18-
Guy 2: …haha…
This time…he might continue basketball for quite some time

ハ? なんで?
Some guy: Huh? Why?

Guy 2: Dunno, just my feeling…

Yuuho: He might surpass Komuta-kun…

ジョシュの言う通り伸びっかもな アイツ
(オレを抜く、つ、のは ナイけで)
Atsumu: That guy really might grow, just like you said, Josh.
(But, heh, he won’t surpass me though)

...? あ ああ 確かに!! さっき ユーホはバスを出すべきだった!!
Josh: …? Ah, aha, definitely!! Yuuho should have passed that time!

ダンク? 知るか!! それが できっから ナニ? さっきのは不注意だ!! "負け"にカウントされねーから!! つか!! てゆーか オレ もう 負けません!! マジで!! オレはアイツと戦うために生まれてきた...
Yuuho: A dunk? Who cares!! So what if he can do it!? I was just careless back there!! Therefore it doesn’t count as a “loss”!! That’s right!! I didn’t lose yet!! That’s true!! I was born to fight this guy…

いや~~あ イイ走りだったよ 君...
Tameyoshi: Wow~~, you really ran well…

-page 19-
そうだ 若人は走り あきらめず走りつづけるんだ
未来の自分を追いかけて な
Tameyoshi: That’s how it is, young people run. They continue to run without giving up
And chase after their future self

Captain: Woah!!!


Sunglasses that are too well-matching!!
The basketball club’s advising teacher has appeared

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Level [C] Translator

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