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Attack!! 1

+ posted by PROzess as translation on Apr 16, 2011 11:20 | Go to Attack!!

-> RTS Page for Attack!! 1

Attack!! Chapter 01:

His name is Katou Harutaka, also called "Star of Hope".....or so he would like!! It doesn't go that well!? A youthful story about volleyball!!
Please.... Become our "Star of Hope"...

Katou Harutaka, Class 1-A. Enters the male volleyball club as the "Star of Hope".
[Table of content, no TL]
P1.T1: Being so happy it makes you cry
P2.T1: or getting hurt by the trivial things.
P3.T1: We'll always hold the memories of it in our chest----
P4.T1: If you call that youth,
P1.T1: We all were certainly here----
[no text]
P3.B1: ~~~~!
P5.B1: Ah.
P6.B1: I found
P6.B2: Hello~
P6.B3: a cute little sunflower <3
P1.B1: !!?
P2.B1: ....
P2.B2: ~~~
P2:B3: Ah, // my bad!
P3.T1: A single boy in a haste
P4.B1: Gotta hurry~~!!
P1.T1: I finally
P1.T2: did it...!
P2.T1: Before my brother notices it, I have to return his rental card into his wallet
P2.T2: and watch the DVD at home before my family gets back.
P3.T1: I finally rented it.
P4.T1: My hardship to get this porn video finally end.
P4.B1: Yahoo
P6.B1: ~~~
P6.B2-6: Haa
P7.B1: Damn train.
P7.B2-3: *low breathing*
P1.B1-2: *pissed*
P2.B1-2: *Brr* [Brr= Motorcycle noise]
P3.B1-2: *Brr*
P3.B3: .....
P4.B1-2: *Brr*
P4.B3: ~~~
P5.B1: Guh.
P6.B1: Ow...
P7.B1: The hell are you doing...
P7.B2: Sorry, but I'm in a haste.
P1.B1: So I'm borrowing this.
P2.B1: ....
P3.B1: ....
P4.B1: *stare*
P5.B1: !
P8.B1-2: *clatter* [train driving by]
P2.B1-2: *Brr*
P4.B1: Hurry, hurry!
P4.B2: Every second counts.
P6.B1: I can't waste a single one!
P7.B1: !!
P1.B1: !!?
P1.B2: Uwa!?
P2.B1: Wha--
P3.B1-2: *Brr*
P3.B3: The heck... // Don't scare me.
P5.B1-2: *Brr*
P7.T1: B- Bastard~
P7.B1: Challenge, huh.
P8.T1: Interesting!
P1.B1: ~~~~!!
P1.T1: Bring it on!!
P3.T1: Pwnd!
P1.B1: *Brr*
P1.B2: !?
P3:T1: Huh!?
P3.T2: So persistent.
P4.B1: ~~~!
P5.T1: Coming at me in the corner!?
P6.B1: Not with
P7.B1: me~~~~!!
P1.B1: Hah,
P1.B2: Farewell, wanna-be wheelie!
P2.B1: Bugh
P3.T1: Aww...
P3.B1: Oww
P4.B1: ~~~!!
P1.T1: Soul coming out~
P1.B1: ...
P2:B1: Are you okay?
P3.B1: ...
P4.T1: Huh...?
P6.T1: Is this
P6.T2: heaven...?
P8.T1: A sweet fragrance of lemon
P8.T2: Nice----
P4.B1: Hey.
P6.T1: This is heaven
P6.T2: all right.
P1.B1: Ah... // I... Ehm...
P1.B2: I- I'm okay!
P2.B1: Yeah?
P2:B2: Good.
P4.B1: Suddenly you flew all over.
P4.B2: Sorry...
P4.B3: Are you a middle schooler?
P5.B1: Yes... // Wait, no. A High schooler starting tomorrow.
P5.B2: I see.
P6.B1: Why were you staring at me?
P7.B1: *thump*
P8.B1: W- Well...
P8.B2: Really surprised me. I though you were challenging me. [said by the girl]
P1.B1: S- Sorry...
P3.B1: Katou-kun... is it?
P4.B1: Eh...
P4.B2: Why do you know my name?
P5.B1: [small text] A bit earlier for a high school student. [/small text] You dropped this.
P6.B1: *crack*
P6.T1: Turned into stone
P6.B2: Here.
P1.B1: You have to take better care of your important things.
P1.B2: *wink*
P1.B3: Remember that, Boy.
P2.B1: ~~~~
P3.T1: Sweet lemon----
P4.B1: *thump* // *thump*
P4.B2: *Brr*
P4.B3: *thump* // *thump*
P5.B1: ~~~~
P1.T1: What a nice
P1.T2: fragrance-----
P2.B1: ?
P3.B1: ....
P4.B1: !
P5.Box1: Katou Harutaka
P5.B1: Hmph
P6.Box1: Spring at 15 years.
P1.Sign: [Name of the school. It hasn't been said how it is read, so leaving it out for now]
P1.Sign: Join!! // The male basketball club // Become the new Sakuragi Hanamichi!! [Sakuragi is some dude from slam dunk. but can he use the name that easily?]
P2.B1: Ohh! Katou.
P3:B1: You're Katou, right!?
P3.B2: Come over here!
P4.B1: I was waiting for you.
P4.B2: Remember me? From Toyotake Middle School, Tanabe.
P5.B1-2: *glance*
P6.B1: Joined a club already?
P6.B2: If not, please join our basketball club.
P1.B1: Sure
P1.B2: !?
P1.B3: Just temporarily though.
P2.B1: W- What happened to you? [small text] You look like a balloon. [/small tex]
P2:B2: Ah, my face!? // Well...
P3.B1: I know.
P4.B1: On your first day, the sport clubs got in a fight over you?
P4.B2: ....
P5.B1: Yeah.
P5.B2: I so knew it.
P6.B1: I remember Sugiyama-san wanting you for the swimming club.
P6.B2: Mhm.
P1.B1: Just between us, // come closer.
P1.B2: ?
P2:B1: Here <3
P2:B2: ....
P3:B1: Bribe.
P4.B1: It got the 100 latest albums on it.
P5.B1: Y- // Y- Yo- You can't do that!
P5.B2: What's with you? Not like it's your first time getting bribed, is it?
P6.B1: *fizzle*
P7.B1: N-
P1.B1: No, I won't take it.
P3.T1: What club are you in?
P3.T2: Gardening club.
P4.B1: Great music---
P5.B1: Let's say I borrowed it.
P6.Sfx: *thump!*
P6.B1: Hey, freshman.
P7.B1: Eh... No, this....
P7.B2: Don't panic. Just some recruitment talk.
P8.B1: Eh?
P8.B2: Want to join the Male volleyball club?
P9.B1: You know, I have some great news for you. [small text] Come closer. [/small text]
P1.B1: ...
P2.B1: How about a bribe?
P2.B2: !!
P3.B1: N- No, I already said I don't take any...
P3.B2: C'mon, don't be like that.
P4.B1: Huh!?
P4.B2: ---Besides, we got another plus.
P5.B1: Our manager is cute.
P6.B1: ....
P6.B2: *smirk*
P7.B1: Nah~~~
P7.B2: You'll be surprised. Let me introduce, a freshman like you... // Kobayashi Maiko from class 1-C!
P1.B1: Hello,
P1.B2: welcome to the volleyball club.
P1.B1: ~~~~
P3.B1: Eh...
P4.B1: You're surprised, huh?
P4.B2: Oh.
P1.B2: Wah.
P2.B1: W- W- W- W- Wh- Wh- Wh--
P2.B2: Y- Y- Y- Y- Yo- Yo- Yo---
P3.B1: You don't have to be THAT surprised.
P4.T1: What!?
P5.T1: Why is she here....!?
P6.T1: Eh!? // No...
P6.B1: Look, you're scaring her.
P6.T2: That can't be...
P1.B1: ~!
P2.T1: Her hair.
P2:T2: It's her hairstyle.
P3.B1: !?
P4.B1: Hey, // Untie that ponytail...
P4.B2: ~!?
P5.B1: Hey...
P6.B1: ~!
P7.B1: Stop it~~!!
P1.B1: Guh.
P2.B1: Ow...
P2:B2: Man, you can never be too careful. Good thing I was prepared.
P2.B3: You! I never said you could touch her! Apologize.
P3:B1: Shut up! You stay out of this!
P3.B2: Wah.
P4.B1: Mh!?
P4.B2: What's going on!?
P4.B3: A fight!?
P5.B1: No. // Hey...
P5.B2: Ah.
P6.B1: Wai--- [cut off]
P1.B1: Oh, it's Katou.
P1.B2: Who!?
P1:B3: Katou from Toyotake Middle School is in a fight.
P2.B1: What?
P2.B2: ~~~
P3.B1: !?
P4.B1: She...
P4.B2: What!? He hitting
P4:B3: and threatening!?
P5.B1: I didn't threaten anyone! Let me through...
P5.B2: A freshman threatening a junior. The hell you think you are!?
P6.B1: I said I didn't threaten! [small text] Move it [/small text]
P6.B2: Oh, you wanna go at it!?
P7.B1: I may not look like it, but I'm in the best 16 in the prefecture Judo Tournament. [small text] He looks ready for a go... [/small text]
P1.B1: Shut it. Move.
P1:B2: Ng!?
P2.B1: ~~~!?
P3:B1: ~~~
P4.B1: He--
P1.B1: !!
P2.B1: He flew!
P2.B2: He friggin' flew!
P2.T1: I won't let her get away!
P3.T1: I'm sure it's her!
P3:B1: He flew.
P4.B1-3: Haa
P5.B1: Hey
P5.B2: Stop!
P5.B3-6: *sound from running on gym floor*
P6.B1: ~~~
P6.B2-3: Haa
P1.B1: No use in running!
P1.B2: Give up!
P2:B1: She...
P2.B2-3: *climbing stairs*
P3.B1-2: *climbing stairs*
P3.B3: You won't get away!
P4.B1: Wait!
P4:B2: *clack*
P5.B1: Hey.
P6.B1: !!
P7.B1: It's you, right!?
P8.B1: !!
P2.B1: *lock*
P3.B1: Oww...
P4.B1: That bitch~~~
P5.B1-2: Haa // Haa
P6.B1: Haa~
P7.B1: Bike Girl-----!!
P8.B1: You think you got away?
P8.B2: I'll chase you to the end of the world. Come down!
P8.B3: ~~~
P1.B1: ....
P1.B2: Screw your "Remember that, Boy". // You're the same age, so stop playing with me.
P3:B1: *sticking tongue out*
P4.B1: She...
P5.B1: Damn bitch~!
P5.B2: *tap* // *tap* // *tap*
P5.B3: Your last chance, get down here!
P6.B1: No way.
P6.B2: You'll just bully me, Katou-lun.
P7.T1: Hah, see. You know my name.
P8.B1: Ah, // Here he is.
P1.B1: If you aren't coming down, I'll come to you.
P3:B1: ~~~!
P4.B1: Make your testament!
P1.B1: ~~~~~!!
P2.B1: !
P3.B1: Huff
P4.B1: !!
P1.B1: .....
P2.B1: ~~~~~ [the author really loves those....]
P4:B1: ....
P4:B2: Whoopsy.
P5.B1: ....
P5.B2: W- Wow...
P6.B1: Kukukukuku.
P1.B1: I told you,
P1.B2: that I would chase you until the end of the world.
P1:B3: .....
P2.B1: What you going to do now?
P3.B1: You still got room,
P3:B2: *click*
P3.B3: *click*
P3.B4: go ahead and run.
P5.B1: ....
P5.B2: *click*
P6.B1: Yesterday on the bike, that was you, right?
P6.B2: *click*
P7.B1: ...
P8.B1: C'mon
P1.B1: Untie your hair.
P4.T1: She appeared
P4.T2: again.
P1.B1-3: *thump*
P1.T1: When I thought I would never see her again-----
P2.B1-2: *thump*
P2.T1: She was this close....
P3.B1: ~!
P4.T1: The sweet lemon
P4.T2: fragrance-----
P5.T1: Can people really
P5.T2: change so much just with a different hairstyle?
P5.B1: We meet again,
P1.B1: "Boy"
P1.B2-3: *thump*
P2.B1: ...
P4.B1: Come over?
P4.B2: ~~~~
P6.B1: Kyaa
P6.B2: Eh!?
P6.B3: What?
P1.B1: I- Is your right cheek alright? [Small text] Now that I look closer... [/small text]
P2.B1: ~~~
P3.B1: It
P4.B1: Kyaa
P4.B2: It hurts! Don't screw with me!
P5.B1: It's all your fault with the race!
P5.B2: Why me? It was you, who challenged me, right?
P6.B1: Shut it. Besides why
P6.B2: is a high schooler riding a bike? [small text] You got a license!? [/small text]
P7.B1: ~~~~!?
P1.B1: Do you know?
P1.T1: *thump*
P2:B1: A high schooler having THESE THINGS isn't any better.
P3.B1-2: *thump*
P4.B1: Right?
P4.B2: *tap*
P4.B3: ....
P5.B1: ~!
P5.B2: Katou!
P1.B1: !!?
P1.B2: You're Katou Harutaka from Toyotaka Middle School, right!?
P2:B1: Impressive movements.
P2:B2: ....
P2:B3: I heard you did a bit of Judo before?
P3.B1: Won't you aim together with me to become the new "Sanshirou of Heisei"!? [there's a novel about a Sanshirou Sugata, some real awesome judo dude]
P3:B2: Huh!? What are you saying, Kinoshita-san!?
P4.B1: He already promised to join the basketball club!
P4.B2: No, the soccer club!
P4.B3: The heck? He was saying he would join the baseball club.
P4:B4: The swimming club.
P5.Sfx: *clap*
P5.B1: !
P1.B1: ~~~~!?
P2.B1: He'll join the volleyball club.
P2:B2: End of story <3
P1.B1: ....
P2.B1: Right!?
P2.B2: ~!
P3:B1: W- Wh- What
P3.B2: are you saying....
P4.B1: The "dangerous girl"
P5.B1: b-e-g-s y-o-u <3
P6.B1. *tap*
P2.Sfx: *stamp*
P2.Sign: [Top:] Joining Formula // [Box 1 small:] Year, Class, Name [Big:] Class 1-A Katou Harutaka [Box 2 small:] First choice [Big:] Volleyball Club [Circle:] Forced
P2.T1: Wh--
P3.T1: Why am I joining the volleyball club!?

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Level [C] Translator

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Alias: PROzess
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