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Nurarihyon no Mago Oneshot : Nurarihyon no Mago

+ posted by shrimpy as translation on Apr 13, 2009 18:53 | Go to Nurarihyon no Mago

Reposting the original one-shot translation.

white top: 百鬼、闇より来たりて悪を討つ
Monsters, arising from the darkness, slay evil!

left is title: The grandchild of nurari hyon

bottom left: A new hero arrives from the darkness! A special youkai-action one shot in center color and 47 pages!

bottom right - author: Shiibashi Hiroshi

upper right: Behind the world that humans reside,
lower right: It is said there is a world where unidentified beings exist
upper left: If you were to meet with them...
lower left: 生きながらに四苦をあじわい―八苦からは・・・のがられない・・・
All throughout your life, you will experience "Shiku" (=physical suffering)...from "Hakku"(=emotional suffering)...there is no escape...**see below

語られる異形の世界 = It's the other world of legend!!
(lit. "the spoken of grotesque (by extension fantastic/unbelievable) world")

[----Digression----] 四苦八苦の語源・由来 (The origin of "Shiku-Hakku")
(taken from http://gogen-allguide.com/si/shikuhakku.html)

Shiku-Hakku is extreme suffering. Something that is incredibly vexing.

Shiku-Hakku is a Buddhist word that describes the suffering of all mankind.

"Shiku" (lit. 4 sufferings) is "Shouroubyoushi", or in other words, the four inevitable events in life (lit. birth/aging/sickness/death).

"Hakku" (lit. 8 sufferings) is the "Shouroubyoushi" and...
a) 「愛別離苦(あいべつりく)」 - Aibetsuriku = The pain of parting from a loved one
b) 「怨憎会苦(おんぞうえく)」 - Onzoueku = The pain caused by hatred and grudges against people we meet in life
c) 「求不得苦(ぐふとくく)」 - Gufutokuku = The pain of not getting what we want
d) 「五陰盛苦(ごおんじょうく)」 - Goonjouku = The pain caused by the attachment to the five emotional and physical elements that make up life (t/n - it doesn't list the five)

the four of those put together for a total of eight sufferings. It does not mean there are 4+8=12 sufferings.

(t/n - this explains the terms above, i've just typed them out up there).
it ends as: These represent the emotional hardships humans experience throughout life.

TAKE HOME MESSAGE: shiku = 4 sufferings, or the physical, hakku is the 8 sufferings, or the 5+3 = 8 emotional sufferings humans face. So, physical and emotional suffering.


-At this rate,
-You will be lead to hell

-How awful...
-What a pity for this house...

-百鬼魍魎 "Hyakki Mouryou"; All kinds of spirits and demons are here
-You had best do something before it is to lateeeeeee!!

-璞町 This is town of Aratama (t/n means an unpolished jewel)
-There's a certain old, battered building

-so-called "lingering spirits" have settled down

-Where 'ya goin?
-And I've never been late or absent!!

-Good morning, master!!

-You're always so punctual
-What happened to you today?

-I saw this strange show on TV yesterday
-I didn't realize how late is was!
-You're brushing your own teeth!!

-Since you're the young master of this house, Rikuo,
-You should leave everything to us!

-HaaHaaHaa! Just leave the dental work to me, Aota Bousanjou! (bousanjou seems to be a title, bousan is a buddhist monk and jou is upper rank. not sure what to put here)
-I-IT hurts, Ao!!
-Just leave it to me!!

-Master!! Here's your Y-shirt!!
-What the heck!?

-Huh...? Strange, it's all ripped up...
-Did you put too much detergent?
-Who left the laundry to that cat-eyed, clawed bafoon!?
-Didn't you, Karasu Tengu (karasu = crow, and tengu is kinda his monster class ...but i'll just leave it like this)

-Geez, you guys...can't you do anything right?
-You're making me look bad too!
-Don't be so upset, Karasu Tengu
-It's hard for us in the morning...since we're Youkai...

-Breakfast is ready!
-Come and get it!

-Huh? Where's the young master and the commander? (really says "supreme commander")

-The Commander?
small: Master has school...
-Hmm...haven't seen him

-huff...It looks like
-I'll make it on time!
-My home
-Is full of Youkai

box:Why is that, you ask? Well...

-Forgive me, I'm coming in!!
-Grandpa what are you doing in another person's house?!


-He found me...

-Can you get him to stop eating our breakfast every morning?!
small no bubble: It's such a pain
-I-I'm sorry!!
-I'm really sorry!!

-stop entering people's houses without permission!! How many times do I have to tell you!!
-Calm down...show some pity for your elders

-Stupid grandson! Why can't you get it?
-We're supposed to bother humans! That's what being a Youkai is all about!
-And that means me, Nurarihyon!

-Since you're half youkai in my family line you should want to try it too!
-I'm only a quarter!!

-That's right...This old man is my grandfather
-Thanks to you, our neighbors give us the cold shoulder!
-And I'm his real grandson, by blood

-So what?
-The Supreme Commander of Yokai

-That's why hundreds of Oni reside in this home
-"They're indecent monsters that enter people's homes when they're out, helping themselves to things like cigarettes and tea"

-That line from the old books only applies to grandpa
-To tell you the truth, it's worse than that...
-Once he's inside, he does something terrible...next to him is...

-Aw crap! I'm late because I started explaining things!
-What should I do? I'm going to be late!!

-I've got something you can use

-See? With my oboro-guruma** you can get to school in no time!
-What are you saying, grandpa!?
-I can't go to school in something like this!!
-M-master Ri-Rikuo...h-hurry

-I'm so stupid to think you were actually going to have something useful!
-Why do you always have to be so sadistic?!

-My, my...even though he's my grandson, why does he always have to be so mindful of humans?
-Perhaps he's learned not to copy your bad example (反面教師)? small: hohoho

-Damn it!! I'll never, ever be like grandpa!!
no bubble: Ah, Good morning! Thank you for putting up with my grandfather...
-I'll find peace at school!!

Digression: 朧車 Oboro-guruma (hazy + carriage)
taken from http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%A7%E8%BB%8A

Oboro-guruma is a mythical Japanese monster.

In Kyoto, during the Heian period (794-1185), nobles used ox-drawn carts. Women who died in the battles nearby were said to have their malice possess these carts and create this monster. (t/n - kind of unsure about how to interpret "ushiguruma no basho no toriai")

On a night where the moon is blocked by the clouds (t/n - Oboro-duki = hazy night, that's where the oboro comes from), if you walk along the streets it is said the sound of a ox-drawn carriage can be heard from behind.

If you turn around to take a look, it is said you will see a the large face of a yasha (that resembles a giant woman's face) in the part where the screen covering the carriage usually is.


-Quit pushing!


-Sorry i'm late!

-Ah...There's 5 loaves of Yakin (baked/toasted) b-bread...
-Oh...there's even a sanshoku-bread for me... (t/n - three color bread, i think it means the filling which is like a jelly filled donut kinda. something like cream, chocolate, & jam)
-E-even m-melon bread!!

-Rikuo!! You're amazing!!
top middle: You did great!
bottom middle: There's no one like you!
top left: N-nah...
bottom left: You're the bread-man! (パン無双)

-All right! I was able to make everyone happy!

-(一日一善) = I've done my good deed for the day
-Namely, the complete opposite of what a Youkai would do

-I won't be hated like grandpa!
-This is what it being human is all about!
box: Note: Because Rikuo is a quarter Youkai, he actively looks for ways to escape it (その分若干ヌケている)

-That nura-kid is really a goodie-goodie, isn't he?
-I got him to do all my cleaning duties for the next two weeks! I wonder if that was a little unfair...
-Why not? He's the one who offered!
-I know, right! Kyahaha!!

-Usami-san! Let me help you!

-no thanks...
-Oh, I insist!

-KYAHAHA!! He's doin' it again!!

sign: public preparation room (t/n - what is a preparation room??)

-Do class officials have to do this kind of stuff every day?
-Must be tough
-Wonder if I should run for office...(立候補)

-Are you really doing all this because you want to?

-Could it be?

-Someone threatened you?

-No!! Not at all!
-I want to help everyone!
-I just want everyone to be happy!

-And then, life will be peaceful...

-Nura-kun! You're just being used by everyone!

-That's not true! Everyone's happy!
-You really haven't figured it out?!

-C-come to think of it,
-Although no one hates me, no one really likes me either...
-This isn't good. I shouldn't start to doubt people...

-There's nothing wrong with wanting to get along with everyone
-So, things like whatever people are talking about, or tv shows...
-It's best to focus on that kind of stuff!

-Humans...sure are complicated!
-What the heck!?

-Listen, if you're being threatened than tell me!
-I can help you out!

-We're neighbors, after all!
-This is also a part of getting along with each other,


-Usami-san is such an amazing neighbor
-I mean, like today when grandpa...
-Ooh...now I owe two people...
-I wonder what I'm gonna do...

-Hah? TV?
-...what about it? (small - why you askin' all of a sudden)

-I was just wondering what everyone like to watch...
-Hey...did anyone see that show "Temple of Gouma"?
[t/n - "降魔の神殿" gouma no shinden = "the temple of destroying evil"]

-Oh! I saw that!
-Me too!
-What's that?
-You don't know? It's a show about that spirit medium...槃蛇院大覚 Bandain Daikaku (t/n - fixed. this was his name (a very odd one at that))

-Wow, you mean "Youkai" are real?
-He can get rid of them in a flash!

-Wait, was it that...?

-Bandain is a high class monk that specializes in "taima" (=driving out evil/exorcism)
-Wow, you know a lot--
-I'm a fan! His kind eyes are so cute!
-And he has such a soothing voice! Even if he told a lie, anyone would believe it!
I couldn't help but by the CD (t/n - what is "okan"?)

-That's the scary show I saw!!
-Must be real popular now
-Looks like next episode's at the Golden shrine
-It's popular!? It's really that popular?! small: eh??

-H-hey did you guys see "Saiyuki"?
(t/n - if you don't know what saiyuki is you need to take asian lit! Chinese novel re-made thousands of times - journey to the west, also known as monkey magic!)
-Quit changing the subject!!

-Are you all idiots or something? There's no such thing as a "medium"!!
-It's all just a scam! A waste of time!

-What's with our class rep?
-First I've ever seen her like that
left: Usami-san?


-I'm sorry...I...
-I hate spirits and every crazy story related to them

-I-m sorry...I apologize...
-What for?

-Ah...Well, this morning, grandpa caused some trouble again...
-Oh as always?
-Don't worry about it

-My mom hates his guts but,
-I guess kinda like my grandfather, that's just his sense of humor (small - it's no problem)

-If there's anything you want me to do than please tell me!
-We're neighbors, after all!!

-are you trying to steal my line? (パクリ - rip off)
-N-no, that's not what I meant...

-You're really kind, Nura-kun

-Same to you, Nura-kun, if there's anything I can do for you in school let me know!
-It's a promise!

-are you home?

-Oh...Yura-chan is back
-That's right, it's Wednesday?
-You going to make dinner?

-Aw, grandfather, dust is collecting all over again
-If you don't clean (清潔) up you'll get sick again

-Your weak constitution...
-Is the work of Youkai

-His body cannot withstand them, Usami-san
-They are like poison to him

-I'll say it once more--it is their doing
-At this rate evil will befall your entire family as well...

-Bandain Daikaku...
-Just think about it

-This store is right next to the station, but no customers come.
-This is proof that the building is possessed

-That's right, Usami-san!
-How lucky for you that the great Daikaku has come by to visit!

-But...if I leave here, I have no place to go

-Please understand
-I'm doing this for your sake

-H-hey!! What are you all doing!?
-Just leave everything to them
-They will lead you in the proper direction

-Please, I can't just...
-Everything will be fine if you leave this shop!!

-I'm saying this out of kindness
-See? All you need to do is trust me...

-Get away from my grandfather, you creep!!
-We don't need your kindness!



-what do we have here?

-This is terrible!!
-This girl has been possessed!!

-See? It is as I predicted! Calamity has spread to your family!!
-Before it is too late, give me the legal rights to this land!

-What's with him?
-Since it's wednesday I thought I'd visit some of my friends I haven't seen in a while, but...
-Youkai? Doesn't seem he's talking about me...

-Grandpa!! Where did you go this time?!
-You gotta stop walking around on your own!
-I just went to play some chess

-Quit lecturin' me! (small - you're just like grandma)
-Good! I'm glad I don't take after you!
-Just chess? Are you really telling the truth?

-Well, I wanted to challenge Usami
-and eat her food while I was there, but...


-Wha...huh?! What happened to Usami?
-She was attacked?
-What are you doing? Knock it off!
-I don't know all the details, but...the old guy with the shop in front of the station. Looks like they provoked some yakuza guys (t/n - in case you didn't know yakuza = japanese mafia)
-That's all

-That's all?! Why did this happen!!
-I'm sure...there's some misunderstanding!

-Just leave 'em be...It's their problem

-I can't believe Usami would be attacked over a reason like that...
-What is grandpa talking about!!

-What's wrong?

-Th-that medium..
-took her...

-Does he mean the one from TV?

-Hey, kid!! Who said you could come in here!
-Same for you, gramps!
-This place already belongs to the Shuuei-gumi! (t/n - gumi means a lot of things. like group/gang/squad. i leave it this way because I don't know what's best to say - co. or gang, plus nura uses it later.)
-We'll sue ya for tresspassing! (不法侵入)

-Uh...my granddaughter...my shop...give them back...!

-Who cares about this ol' shop anyway?

-Hey, stop!!

-Did'ja say somethin', kid?!

-Master Rikuo!!
-What have you done!!

-He's getting hurt because this shop is cursed
-Ain't that what the famous guy said?

-Good for you, getting away from the curse and all!
-Why you, human!!
Since it's come to this, I, Karasu Tengu shall...!!


-Why are you two doing this?
-What have these people done?


-M-master Rikuo...now's...not the best time...
-No...don't you find it strange?
-It doesn't make any sense

-Watch your mouth!
-Just who do ya think we are?

-We're the Shuuei-gumi! We're so strong even the cops can't touch us!
-You think we'll let ya go just 'cuz your a kid?! HUH?

-We'll kill you!
-You'd better be afraid!!


-Why should I
-be afraid of some Yakuza? (t/n - the kanji used for "yakuza" here is actually "an ordinary human"...so do what you think is best here)

-Master Rikuo...

-Hey, Karasu
-You shouldn't be out in front of humans

-I can say the same for that form of yours,
-Master Rikuo

-I guess this means there's also humans in this world I can't get along with
-I'm starting to act like gramps again...
(t/n - his speech is no longer polite. it's hard to show this in english)

-The darkness is coming
-Karasu, go get everyone

-Look up there
-Isn't that the university's temple?

-For real?
-That's what it was
-It's totally decked out

-Is it just me or did it get real cold all of a sudden?
-Think so?

-Here, take a sip you guys
-No way, I'll get drunk

-Wh-what is that...?
-Ain't that a cat?


-I-I must be drunk...
-Hyakkiyakou? (t/n - 百鬼夜行 - it means something like pandemonium, but in this context, it is what it literally means - 100s of demons roaming the night. you may remember this from xxxholic. I left the line that way because of how the person asks what it is next page)

-W-what the hell's that?!
-A line of monsters!
-You know, that TV program about the university?
-Ha ha...you mean to tell me...they actually walk?

-Wait up!

-Master Rikuo!
-Is this really okay?
-Coming out in front of humans?

-What difference does it make?
-It's nighttime anyway

-Monsters come out at night
-What's wrong with that?

-Listen up, this is my turf (t/n - i do not know how to trans "deiri" here, this is a guess)
-A friend of mine was kidnapped
-so I'm counting on you guys for help

-Leave it to me, master!
-Hah, what can you possibly do drunk, Aota-bou
-I may not be a mornin' guy but I can sure handle the night!

-That's right...
-The night is ours

-I am human
-But one quarter of me
-Is nurari-hyon

-So for a quarter of a day,
-I've just got to let loose

-Your holiness,
-That was amazing

-Thank you for your fantastic "exorcism"
-Just leave the rest to us, the Shuuei Contracting co. (t/n - the "doken" in my dictionary can refer to either civil or general construction, so the point is this is some type of company involved in development. Is this a good fit? If not change it.)
-The land, I mean

-What a valuable piece of real estate that was...I'm sure you will be able to use it for a more profitable business
-Yes, of course

-Why's the boss on his knees for this guy?
-Idiot, don't you get it?

-Bandain Daikaku is not only a famous medium but really the greatest "real estate speculator"...that means we can get land through him
-Every time we send that monk, we net thousands
-It's a win-win situation
-Here's a token of our appreciation, your holiness

-Well now,
-What to do with this girl...

-So you were all after grandfather's land after all!

-I knew it!
-You're a phony!!

-Oh, no...she's become delirious! (世迷言)
-This girl is already done for!

-I have to purify you right away!
-What are you...


-Ho-how the hell is this an exorcism!?

-huhu, if I remove these clothes the evil spirit will come out!

-Your holiness, you shouldn't be so rough
-I need this girl to do some work for my business later!

-You think you can defy me?
-Just give it up! It's useless!

-Anybody, HEEEELP!!

-What's going on?!

-Excuse me

-Who the hell're you?!
-What was that sound?!

-This is a temple!
-We're in the middle of a holy ceremony...!

-Entering without permission
-Is just a part of my nature (性分)


-This girl is an acquaintance of mine
-Sorry but I'll be taking her with me

-Just who does he think he is!?

-W-who are you?

-I keep my promises no matter what
-That's a rule of all Youkai

-Listen up, Nura-gumi! (lit. youkai family nura gang)
-We're going to pay these guys back for what they did to Usami and her family!

-Nura-gumi?! What Yakuza group is that?!
-Just who do you think you're dealing with here?!

-Get 'em!

-Do it.

-W-what the heck!?



-Let me cool you down...

-Oh, not bad
-You look good on ice

-W-what is this?!
-Eeek!! D-D-Daikaku save me!!!

-They're Youkai!!
-that's impossible...

-Thanks for letting us join the party
-Aren't you going to "exorcise" us
-your holiness?

-You use the name of Youkai to gain money and fame
-Some medium you are
-Your life is nothing but a scam

-I dare you, come at me. Let's see if that ability of yours is real
-Or maybe...you're just another stupid human?

-F-Fine!! I accept!
-You'd better not regret it! I, Bandain, shall send you to the depths of Hell!!

-Perish into darkness!!
-Begone, foul Youkai!!

-fuha...fuhahahaha! (small: did ya see that?)

-See? This is my power!
-Youkai are nothing before me! You lose, foul demons!

-I-impossible...wh-what the...? huh?
-I am well known on TV and...huh...aren't you dead? eh? eh?

-What, was that supposed to be some kind of sacred blade?
-You're going senile there, pops

-Huh!? (small: when did he...!)

-P-please stop!!
-W-w-w-hat do you want?!

-I am Nurari-hyon the 3rd
-Passed down from my grandfather...the blade of a hundred demons, which bears our great seal
-It is my duty to look after it

-Eek! Youkai!
-Help me!


-NO, NO, NO, NO NO!!
-This is backward!
-How can a well-known exorcist like me be done in by Youkai?!

-W-who are you?!
-Exactly what are you...?!

-I am the future lord
-of 魑魅魍魎 - chimimouryou (= all evil spirits and monsters). Suggestion: "of evil spirits everywhere"
(t/n - don't know if I really need to do a digression here, but this word is basically an expression that encompasses all make-believe monsters. more literally it means spirits of lakes and rivers, which is referring to different kinds of Youkai. It's one of those words that kind of grew in scope over the centuries, and in today's world it's pretty all encompassing)

-This morning some time around dawn, Bandain Daigaku, the self-titled spiritual medium, was found heavily bruised from the scene of the great fire last evening
-Still unknown is what connections he may have to the criminal organization also found on the scene...investigators say--

-Good morning, master!

-Yesterday I got a carried away all of a sudden...
-A fire, huh...I didn't want to trouble the neighborhood, but...must've been his fault
-Are you aware of the time?

-Kuora!! You were supposed to wake me up!!
-I'm gonna be late!!

-Hey...did you hear about how Bandain was a fake?
-It's all over the morning news

-Oh yeah, isn't the morning break way too long?
-Think it has something to do with the explosion last night?
-No way!
-I'm probably the person most involved with that accident
-But since I went unconscious halfway through, I can't remember well

-Promise...? Who made me a promise?
-I promised to help out Nura-kun but that's got nothing to do with this

-Huh? Come to mention it, he's late today
-What is...that?

えっちゃらほっちゃらじゃないよ! (t/n - NO CLUE)
-Will you all pipe down?! (t/n - the thing he's commenting on is the sfx looking black text in the panel...as to what it means, i dont know. wild guess would be heave-ho, like pushing the cart)
-Damn...I lost to grandpa!
-Master, we'll be there in a moment
-Let me off NOW!

white text bottom right: The road to a normal life is long...

/end. next: The Future Golden Cup "2nd shot" is Aimoto Shou's MUDDY!



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#1. by Mysticsorcerer ()
Posted on Apr 23, 2009
I really like it
Please continue to translate this manga
I can't wait to read it.

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