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Code:Breaker 56

+ posted by unok-kun as translation on Aug 30, 2009 15:32 | Go to Code:Breaker

-> RTS Page for Code:Breaker 56


Sorry about the delay. Now, read it and scram.


Now you can use it for scanlations and international translations, but crediting Ju-da-su as the TL-checker and HyoriFTW as the proofreader (no need to credit the proofer for intl translations).

Enjoy ¬¬

一人で技の鍛錬に 励む大神だが・・・・
Non-bubble: On his own, Ogami makes an effort to improve his skill....

『な・・・・!? 燃えな・・・・』
Ogami: Wha....!? I can't burn it....

code:56 まずは礼儀作法
code:56 – Courtesy above all

『あちちっ!! やだなー 大神君 そんなに燃やしたら火傷(ヤケド)しちゃうよーーー』
Nisemaru: Awww!! Watch out, Ogami-kun, you're going to give me a burnt wound......

大神の天敵 着ぐるみ生徒会長が 絶賛ロック・オン中!!
Non-bubble: The always-in-costume president of the student council, that is highly praised by Ogami's worst enemy!!

Ogami: !?

『せ・・生徒会長!? あんた そこで何をーーーー・・』
Ogami: P- President of the student council!? What are you doing here......?
『やっぱり一人で修業してると思ったよ 動くのもつらいハズの大ケガだってのにムチャするねえ』
Nisemaru: Right as I thought, you've come here to train on your own. You sure are pushing yourself really hard when your wounds are so severe that it should be hard for you to move.

『・・・・ほっといてくれ あんたには関係ないことだ』
Ogami: ....Let me be. That's none of your business.
Nisemaru: Sure.

『まあ気にすることないよ!! 「捜シ者」にボコられちゃったことなんてサ!!』
Well, don't be so worried about it!! It's “Him” who beat you down after all!!
Ogami: ....And so you're just gonna fuss about....?

I've said that it's none of your business....
『やだ しっぽも 燃えちゃってるー』
Nisemaru: But you got my tail burnt...
Ogami: Listen to me....

『そんな修業じゃただのイジケ虫が地団駄踏んでるのと同じ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」を斃すどころか人一人護れないよ 桜小路さんの時のように』
Nisemaru: That kind of training is nothing more than stamping your feet in the same place... / Let alone defeating “Him”, you can't even protect a single person, like with Sakurakouji-san.

Ogami: Again, that's none of your busi......

[T/N: Lol at Nisemaru's sword.]

『!? | い・・今のは | な・・・・』
!? / W- What was that just / now....


『あ・・あんた 「捜し者」(ヤツ)と同じ技を・・・・!? どうして!?』
Y- You can perform the same skill as “Him”....!? How!?

『まっ。 ちょっと飲もうか 大神君』
Nisemaru: Well, would you have some drink with me, Ogami-kun?

『ち・・ちょっと待てヨ!! | こ・・この鍵(キー)が元々 桜チャンので・・・・ 昔ココでそれを「捜シ者」に渡した・・・・』『それが今は”エデン”のトップ・シークレットーーーー!?』
Toki: W- Wait a minute!! / T- This Key was originally Sakura-chan's.... before she gave it to “Him”.... // And now it's “Eden”'s top secret......!?

『桜チャン・・・・ あんた一体何者なんだヨ!?』
Sakura-chan.... Who the heck are you!?

『・・・・す・・すまぬ これ以上何も思い出せぬのだ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」は今と同じ姿のようだったし・・・・ どうも記憶が曖昧で定かではないのだ』
Sakurakouji: ....S- Sorry, I can't recall anything else.... / “He” looked exactly the same as now.... So I'm not even sure if it's just my blurry memory or not.
『わーーーーー!! イライラする!!』
Toki: Waaaaaah!! You're getting me mad!!

『子供の頃の記憶なんて そんなもんやし』
Yuuki: That's how childhood memories are always like.
Toki: That doesn't justify anything, dammit!!

....Umm. // But that can't really be helped, right....?

『つ・・つまり えーと こーゆーコトだろ!?』
S- So after all, this is how it is!?
【今んトコのSTART | 子桜 | 「捜シ者」 | ? | ”エデン” | 人見 (死) | 桜 | 『子犬』 | 「捜シ者」 | ”エデン”】
[The Key Game =p : Start point / Child Sakura / “The one being sought” / ? / “Eden” / Hitomi (kanji below: Deceased) / Sakura / “Puppy” / (right: “The one being sought”) (left: “Eden”)

『わーーーー!! イライラする!! イライラする!! 【そもそもなんなんだヨ この鍵は!】』
Toki: Waaaaagh!! This is getting me mad!! This sure is getting me mad!! (small: What the heck is that key to begin with!)
Yuuki: You sure are really trivial about this, Fourth. Shouldn't it be fine enough already to conclude that this is just important?
Sakurakouji: ....

『すまぬ刻(トキ)君・・・・ 本当にこれ以上何も思い出せぬのだ』
Sorry, Toki-kun.... I really can't remember anything else.

『・・・・ま とにかく この鍵(キー)が何か突き止めねーとナ』
Toki: ....Well, anyway, we have to find out what this Key opens first.
『刻(トキ)君 すまぬが お願いできるか?』
Sakurakouji: Toki-kun, sorry, but can I ask you a favor on that?

Toki: ....That won't work.

『カードキーは複雑すぎて オレの「磁力」じゃ探索できネーのヨ | どーしたモンか・・・・』
A cardkey is something too complex for my “magnetism” to find out where it belongs. / So, what to do now....?

『・・・・遊騎・・・・ 遊んでネーで お前も少し考え・・・・』
....Yuuki.... Stop playing and help us think a bit....

Yuuki: Oh
Toki: !?

T- This duckie // is a music box....!!
[T/N: I CALLED IT!!!! I knew it was inside the duckie!!]

『人見の奴 オルゴールの曲に何かヒントを隠しタってのか?』
That Hitomi guy hides some hint in the melody of this music box then?

Let's start the music.

『・・・・あれ? なんの音もしネェ』
....Huh? There's no sound.


『・・・・やっぱ 音しネェな』
....No sound at all.

『コレ 壊れてんじゃネーの?』
Maybe it's broken?
Yuuki: Don't stop it. I can hear the sound.
Toki: Huh?

Yuuki: I can hear it just fine....

This is a high frequency sound that is out of the sound range that humans can hear.... // It's a sound that only I, who has the power of "Sound", can hear......

『「犬笛」のような ものか・・・・』『人見先輩殿 今度は遊騎君が絶対気づくと思って・・・・』
Sakurakouji: So it's something like a dog whistle, right....? // Hitomi-senpai-dono must have thought that Yuuki would notice for sure....
『なんの曲だ!? オイ!!』
Toki: So what's that music!? Hey!!

『ツーーーー | トントントン | トントン』『ツーーーー | ツーーーー | トン | ツーーーー』
Yuuki: Tsssss / Tap tap tap / Tap tap // Tsssss / Tsssss / Tap / Tsssss

『んだヨ!! そりゃ!! 曲になってナイじゃネーかヨ!!』
Toki: What the heck is that!! It doesn't even have a melody to it!!
Sakurakouji: ....It seems to be some kind of signal.

Yuuki: Signal....

『ば | し | ょ | は』『と | う | き | ょ | う | と』
It's / in / To / kyo // Me / tro / po / li / tan / Area

Toki: Huh....!? // (handwritten: What was that...)
Yuuki: It's not music....

『このオルゴールから出とるのは高周波の「モールス信号」 | きっと この住所がそのカードキーで開くモンがある場所や』
What was coming out from that music box were high frequency “Morse signals”. / What this cardkey opens must be there, in this address.

『マジかヨ!? やっぱコレが手掛かりだったってコトか・・・・ 【人見・・・・ お前・・・・】』
Toki: Really!? So this really is a clue....? (small: Hitomi.... damn you....)
『しかし遊騎君はすごいな・・・・ 「モールス信号」まで解読できるとは・・・・』
Sakurakouji: But Yuuki-kun, that's amazing.... Decoding “Morse signals” like that....

Yuuki: It's not me.

This is......

『よるな 「音」の化物(バケモノ)!!』『お前がしゃべると物がこわれる!!』『公害だ!!』【アハハ アハハハ】
-Look, it's that “Sound” freak!! // Every time you speak, things get broken!! // You're a nuisance!! // (handwritten: ahaha / ahahaha)

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー) 大丈夫か?』
-....Yuu, are you OK?

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー)は強いな | お前にとっておきを教えてやるよ』
....Yuu, you are strong. / I'll teach you something good.

A language to communicate without speaking. / This is just a secret between us too, alright?

Yuuki: ....Makoto taught me // a language to communicate without speaking, the “Morse code”.
[T/N: It just says "Morse signals", but it's obviously the Morse code. So I'm changing it here.]

Sakurakouji: ....Yuuki-kun?
Toki: ....

Yuuki: ....Let's go to that address.

Toki: A....

『またカーーー!! | ぜってーまた墓と一緒でオトリだロ!? もー騙されねーぞ!! 人見ィーー!!』
Again---?!! / This is gonna be a dummy just like with the grave! He's not gonna trick me again!! Hitomiii!!

『どー考えたって こんなボロ家に こんなハイテク カードキーなんて関係あるワケが・・・・』
How the heck can this hi-tech cardkey be related to a run-down house like that....?
Yuuki: Anyway, look at that.

In that nameplate it says “Shibuya”.
[Nameplate: Shibuya Manor]
Toki: !!?

『ウ・・ウソ・・・・ じゃあ今度こそホントに このカードキーはこのボロ家の・・・・』
No...No way... Then this is the real one? What this cardkey opens is inside this run-down house...?
『「渋谷」とは地名ではなく人の名前 だったのだな』
Sakurakouji: So “Shibuya” wasn't a place name but a person's first name.

『あれ? みんな』
Nisemaru: Huh? You're all here.

Toki: P- President!?
『いかにも いかにも』
President: Sure, sure.

『ア・・アンタ なんでこんな所に・・・・』
Toki: W- What are you doing here....
『ん? ああ今夜のおナベの材料の買い出しにね 【今日はとりナベだよ】 | まあ こんな所で立ち話もなんだし』
Nisemaru: Uh? Well, I was buying ingredients for the dinner tonight. (small: I'm going to cook chicken stew) / Well, what are you doing talking here?
Yuuki: Chicken stew......

『ひとまず あがってよ』
Nisemaru: Come on, get in.
Toki: ---!?

『ここ会長の家!? | ・・・・まさか・・・・ アンタが「渋谷」サン!?』
So this is the president's house!? / …No way... You are “Shibuya”-san!?
『いかにも 私は「渋谷」だが? 【言ってなかったっけ?】』
Nisemaru: Sure I'm Shibuya. (small: didn't I tell you that?)

『ちょ・・・・待てよ!! だって この鍵(キー)は”エデン”のトッポ・シークレットで・・・・ | 人見が奪い 「捜シ者」が狙っててーーーー・・』
Toki: W.... Wait a min!! But this Key is “Eden”'s top secret.... / that Hitomi stole and “He” looked for......
『ん? ああ いかにも いかにも みんなヤンチャな悪ガキだってよ』
Nisemaru: Huh? Ah, sure, sure. You're all such naughty evil kids.

Toki: Eh?
『懐かしい なあ』
Nisemaru: I miss them so much.

『人見も・・・・ そして 「捜シ者」も』
Hitomi.... and “The one being sought”.
[T/N: If he knows “His” name, why the heck doesn't he say it??? Damn president/Shibuya/Nisemaru...]

『以前ここで暮らしていたことが あるんだよ』
They used to live here.

『ハァ!? | ひ・・人見と「捜シ者」がーーー!?』
Toki: What!? / Hi- Hitomi and “Him”---!?
Sakurakouji: W- Why's that....?

『お・・・・ 大神ーーー!?』
O.... Ogami---!?

『お・・お前 何やって・・・・』
Toki: H- Hey, what are you doing....?

『し・・師匠・・・・ お・・お帰りなさい ま・・せ・・・・』
Ogami: M- Master... W- Welcome.. home....

『いかにも 大神君は 今日からここで私と一緒に暮らす ことになったんだ』
Nisemaru: Sure, Ogami-kun will live with me starting today.

Toki: What!?
『まずは基本の礼儀作法から・・・・ 出来は65点と いった所かな?』
Nisemaru: I'll start with basic courtesy.... Maybe 65 points for this?
Toki: Say what....

Nisemaru: Ogami-kun has become my apprentice and is about to start the training to become

the strongest powe user, like Hitomi and “The one being sought” did in the past.

着ぐるみ生徒会長が 着ぐるみ師匠に早変わり!! 謎の「渋谷荘」で何かが起こる!?
Non-bubble: The always-in-costume president of the students council quickly becomes the always-in-costume master!! What will happen in the mysterious “Shibuya Manor”!?

next: Ogami-kun's maid life

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#1. by juUnior ()
Posted on Aug 30, 2009
Big THX! *x*
#2. by Ju-da-su ()
Posted on Aug 30, 2009
一人で技の鍛錬に 励む大神だが・・・・
Non-bubble: On his own, Ogami makes an effort to improve his skill....

『な・・・・!? 燃えな・・・・』
Ogami: Wha....!? I can't burn it...
== It's 燃えな(い)

code:56 まずは礼儀作法
code:56 – Courtesy above all

『あちちっ!! やだなー 大神君 そんなに燃やしたら火傷(ヤケド)しちゃうよーーー』
Nisemaru: Awww!! Watch out, Ogami-kun. You're going to get me burnt down......
== Actually...it's more like "giving him a burnt wound"...since Ogami can't "burn him down", but...

大神の天敵 着ぐるみ生徒会長が 絶賛ロック・オン中!!
Non-bubble: Ogami's natural enemy, the higly praised president of the students council in a cartoon-character costume!!

Ogami: !?

『せ・・生徒会長!? あんた そこで何をーーーー・・』
Ogami: P- President of the students council!? What are you doing here......?
『やっぱり一人で修業してると思ったよ 動くのもつらいハズの大ケガだってのにムチャするねえ』
Nisemaru: Right as I thought, you've come here to train on your own. You sure are pushing yourself really hard when your wounds are so severe that it should be hard for you to move.

『・・・・ほっといてくれ あんたには関係ないことだ』
Ogami: ....Let me be. That's none of your business.
Nisemaru: Sure.

『まあ気にすることないよ!! 「捜シ者」にボコられちゃったことなんてサ!!』
Well, don't be so worry about it!! It's "him" that beat you down after all!!
Ogami: ....And so you're just gonna fuss about....?

I've said that it's none of your business....
『やだ しっぽも 燃えちゃってるー』
Nisemaru: But you got my tail burnt...
Ogami: Listen to me...

『そんな修業じゃただのイジケ虫が地団駄踏んでるのと同じ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」を斃すどころか人一人護れないよ 桜小路さんの時のように』
Nisemaru: That kind of training is nothing more than stamping your feet in the same place... / Let alone defeating "him", you can't even protect a single person, like with Sakurakouji-san.

Ogami: Again, that's none of your busi......

[T/N: Lol at Nisemaru's sword.]

『!? | い・・今のは | な・・・・』
!? / W- What was that just / now....


『あ・・あんた 「捜し者」(ヤツ)と同じ技を・・・・!? どうして!?』
Y- You can perform the same skill as “him”....!? How!?

『まっ。 ちょっと飲もうか 大神君』
Nisemaru: Well, would you have some drink with me, Ogami-kun?

『ち・・ちょっと待てヨ!! | こ・・この鍵(キー)が元々 桜チャンので・・・・ 昔ココでそれを「捜シ者」に渡した・・・・』『それが今は”エデン”のトップ・シークレットーーーー!?』
Toki: W- Wait a minute!! / T- This Key was originally Sakura-chan's.... before she gave it to “Him”.... // And now it's “Eden”'s top secret......!?

『桜チャン・・・・ あんた一体何者なんだヨ!?』
Sakura-chan.... Who the heck are you!?

『・・・・す・・すまぬ これ以上何も思い出せぬのだ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」は今と同じ姿のようだったし・・・・ どうも記憶が曖昧で定かではないのだ』
Sakurakouji: ....S- Sorry, I can't recall anything else.... / "He" looked exactly the same as he is now as well...so I'm not even sure if it's just my blurry memory or not.
『わーーーーー!! イライラする!!』
Toki: Waaaaaah!! You're getting me mad!!

『子供の頃の記憶なんて そんなもんやし』
Yuuki: That's what childhood memory is always like.
Toki: That doesn't justify anything, dammit!!

...Umm, / but that can't really be helped, right...?

『つ・・つまり えーと こーゆーコトだろ!?』
S- So after all, well, this is how it is!?
【今んトコのSTART | 子桜 | 「捜シ者」 | ? | ”エデン” | 人見 (死) | 桜 | 『子犬』 | 「捜シ者」 | ”エデン”】
[The Key Game =p : Start point / Child Sakura / “The one being sought” / ? / “Eden” / Hitomi (kanji below: Deceased) / Sakura / “Puppy” / (right: “The one being sought”) (left: “Eden”)

『わーーーー!! イライラする!! イライラする!! 【そもそもなんなんだヨ この鍵は!】』
Toki: Waaaaagh!! This is getting me mad!! This sure is getting me mad!! (small: What the heck's that key to begin with!)
Yuuki: You sure are really trivial about this, Fourth. Shouldn't it be fine enought already to conclude that this is just important?
Sakurakouji: ....

『すまぬ刻(トキ)君・・・・ 本当にこれ以上何も思い出せぬのだ』
Sorry, Toki-kun.... I really can't remember anything else.

『・・・・ま とにかく この鍵(キー)が何か突き止めねーとナ』
Toki: ....Well, anyway, we have to find out what will this key open first.
『刻(トキ)君 すまぬが お願いできるか?』
Sakurakouji: Toki-kun, sorry, but can I ask you a favor on that?

Toki: ...Sorry, but that won't work.

『カードキーは複雑すぎて オレの「磁力」じゃ探索できネーのヨ | どーしたモンか・・・・』
A cardkey is is too complex for my "magnetism" to find out where it belongs. / What to do now then...

『・・・・遊騎・・・・ 遊んでネーで お前も少し考え・・・・』
....Yuuki.... Stop playing, and help us think a bit....

Yuuki: Oh
Toki: !?

T- This duckie // is a music box....!!
[T/N: I CALLED IT!!!! I knew it was inside the duckie!!]

『人見の奴 オルゴールの曲に何かヒントを隠しタってのか?』
That Hitomi guy hides some hint in the melody of this music box then?

Let's hear the start.

『・・・・あれ? なんの音もしネェ』
....Huh? There's no sound.


『・・・・やっぱ 音しネェな』
....No sound at all.

『コレ 壊れてんじゃネーの?』
Maybe it's broken?
Yuuki: Don't stop it. I can hear the sound.
Toki: Huh?

Yuuki: I can hear it perfectly....

This is a high frequency sound that is out of the sound range that humans can hear.... // It's the sound that only me, who has the power of "sound" can hear it......

『「犬笛」のような ものか・・・・』『人見先輩殿 今度は遊騎君が絶対気づくと思って・・・・』
Sakurakouji: So it's something like a dog whistle, right....? // Hitomi-senpai-dono must have thought that Yuuki would notice for sure....
『なんの曲だ!? オイ!!』
Toki: So what's that music!? Hey!!

『ツーーーー | トントントン | トントン』『ツーーーー | ツーーーー | トン | ツーーーー』
Yuuki: Tsssss / Tap tap tap / Tap tap // Tsssss / Tsssss / Tap / Tsssss

『んだヨ!! そりゃ!! 曲になってナイじゃネーかヨ!!』
Toki: What the heck is that!! It doesn't even have a melody to it!!
Sakurakouji: ....It seems to be some signal.

Yuuki: Signal....

『ば | し | ょ | は』『と | う | き | ょ | う | と』
It's / in / To / kyo // Me / tro / po / li / tan / Area

Toki: Huh....!? // (handwritten: What was that...)
Yuuki: It's not music....

『このオルゴールから出とるのは高周波の「モールス信号」 | きっと この住所がそのカードキーで開くモンがある場所や』
What was coming out from that music box were high frequency “Morse signals”. / Something that this cardkey can open must be there, in this address.

『マジかヨ!? やっぱコレが手掛かりだったってコトか・・・・ 【人見・・・・ お前・・・・】』
Toki: Really!? This really is a clue then....? (small: Hitomi.... damn you....)
『しかし遊騎君はすごいな・・・・ 「モールス信号」まで解読できるとは・・・・』
Sakurakouji: But Yuuki-kun, that's amazing.... Decoding “Morse signals” like that....

Yuuki: It's not me.

This is......

『よるな 「音」の化物(バケモノ)!!』『お前がしゃべると物がこわれる!!』『公害だ!!』【アハハ アハハハ】
-Look, it's that “Sound” freak!! // Every time you speak, things get broken!! // ________!! // (handwritten: ahaha / ahahaha)
[T/N: I have no clue at all of what "公害” means, in my dict it says pollution, but that makes no sense here... unless the kids -the bullies- mean noise pollution, without knowing what it means, and even if they knew, that wouldn't stop them from bullying.]
== Something like a nuisance...but I don't know if that word is a bit...too high for kids...or is it just because it's too high for me... .__."

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー) 大丈夫か?』
-....Yuu, are you OK?

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー)は強いな | お前にとっておきを教えてやるよ』
....Yuu, you are strong. / I'll teach you something good.

A language where you can communicate without speaking / This is just a secret between us two, alright?

Yuuki: ....Makoto taught me. // The language that we can communicate without even speaking, the "Morse Signal."

Sakurakouji: ....Yuuki-kun?
Toki: ....

Yuuki: ....Let's go to that address.

Toki: A....

『またカーーー!! | ぜってーまた墓と一緒でオトリだロ!? もー騙されねーぞ!! 人見ィーー!!』
Again---?!! / This surely must be a dummy like with the grave for sure He's not gonna trick me again!! Hitomiii!!

『どー考えたって こんなボロ家に こんなハイテク カードキーなんて関係あるワケが・・・・』
How the heck can this hi-tech cardkey be related to a run-down house like that....?
Yuuki: Anyway, look at that.

In that nameplate it says “Shibuya”.
[Nameplate: Shibuya Manor]
Toki: !!?

『ウ・・ウソ・・・・ じゃあ今度こそホントに このカードキーはこのボロ家の・・・・』
No...No way...then this is the real one then? Something that this cardkey can open is inside this run down house...?
『「渋谷」とは地名ではなく人の名前 だったのだな』
Sakurakouji: So “Shibuya” wasn't a place name, but a person's first name

『あれ? みんな』
Nisemaru: Huh? You're all here.

Toki: P- President!?
『いかにも いかにも』
President: Sure, sure.

『ア・・アンタ なんでこんな所に・・・・』
Toki: W- What are you doing here....
『ん? ああ今夜のおナベの材料の買い出しにね 【今日はとりナベだよ】 | まあ こんな所で立ち話もなんだし』
Nisemaru: Uh? I was buying ingredients for the dinner tonight. (small: I'm going to cook chicken stew) / Well, what are you doing talking here?
Yuuki: Chicken stew......

『ひとまず あがってよ』
Nisemaru: Come on, get in.
Toki: ---!?

『ここ会長の家!? | ・・・・まさか・・・・ アンタが「渋谷」サン!?』
So this is the president's house!? / …No way... You are “Shibuya”-san!?
『いかにも 私は「渋谷」だが? 【言ってなかったっけ?】』
Nisemaru: Sure I'm Shibuya. (small: I didn't tell you that?)

『ちょ・・・・待てよ!! だって この鍵(キー)は”エデン”のトッポ・シークレットで・・・・ | 人見が奪い 「捜シ者」が狙っててーーーー・・』
Toki: W.... Wait a min!! But this Key is “Eden”'s top secret.... / that Hitomi stole and “He” looked for......
『ん? ああ いかにも いかにも みんなヤンチャな悪ガキだってよ』
Nisemaru: Huh? Ah, sure, sure. You're all such a naughty evil kids.

Toki: Eh?
『懐かしい なあ』
Nisemaru: I miss them so much.

『人見も・・・・ そして 「捜シ者」も』
Hitomi.... and “The one being sought”.
[T/N: If he knows “His” name, why the heck doesn't he say it??? Damn president/Shibuya/Nisemaru...]

『以前ここで暮らしていたことが あるんだよ』
Before, they lived here.

『ハァ!? | ひ・・人見と「捜シ者」がーーー!?』
Toki: What!? / Hi- Hitomi and “Him”---!?
Sakurakouji: W- Why's that....?

『お・・・・ 大神ーーー!?』
O.... Ogami---!?

『お・・お前 何やって・・・・』
Toki: H- Hey, what are you doing....?

『し・・師匠・・・・ お・・お帰りなさい ま・・せ・・・・』
Ogami: M- Master... W- Welcome.. home....

『いかにも 大神君は 今日からここで私と一緒に暮らす ことになったんだ』
Nisemaru: Sure, Ogami-kun will live with me starting today.

Toki: What!?
『まずは基本の礼儀作法から・・・・ 出来は65点と いった所かな?』
Nisemaru: I'll start with basic courtesy then...maybe 65 points for this?
Toki: Say what....

Nisemaru: Ogami has become my appentice and will start the training to become

the strongest power user, like Hitomi and "him" in the past, from now on

着ぐるみ生徒会長が 着ぐるみ師匠に早変わり!! 謎の「渋谷荘」で何かが起こる!?
Non-bubble: The always-in-costume president of the students council quickly becomes the always-in-costume master!! What will happen in the mysterious “Shibuya Manor”!?
#3. by hyoriFTW ()
Posted on Aug 31, 2009
Proof alone. If you want me to take another look once you compile all the changes, just tell me.
一人で技の鍛錬に 励む大神だが・・・・
Non-bubble: On his own, Ogami makes an effort to improve his skill....

『な・・・・!? 燃えな・・・・』
Ogami: Wha....!? What have I burnt....?

code:56 まずは礼儀作法
code:56 – Courtesy above all

『あちちっ!! やだなー 大神君 そんなに燃やしたら火傷(ヤケド)しちゃうよーーー』
Nisemaru: Awww!! Watch out, Ogami-kun, you're going to burn me......

大神の天敵 着ぐるみ生徒会長が 絶賛ロック・オン中!!
Non-bubble: Ogami's natural enemy, the highly praised president of the students council in a cartoon-character costume!!

Ogami: !?

『せ・・生徒会長!? あんた そこで何をーーーー・・』
Ogami: P- President of the student council!? What are you doing here......?
『やっぱり一人で修業してると思ったよ 動くのもつらいハズの大ケガだってのにムチャするねえ』
Nisemaru: Just as I've thought, you've come here to train on your own. But I bet those wounds must hurt when you move.

『・・・・ほっといてくれ あんたには関係ないことだ』
Ogami: ....Let me be. That's none of your business.
Nisemaru: Fine.

『まあ気にすることないよ!! 「捜シ者」にボコられちゃったことなんてサ!!』
Well, I don't care if “The one being sought” beats the hell out of you or whatnot!!
Ogami: ....And so you're just gonna fuss about it....?

I said that it's none of your business....
『やだ しっぽも 燃えちゃってるー』
Nisemaru: But you got my tail burnt...
Ogami: Ju da su's "Listen to me" works here....

『そんな修業じゃただのイジケ虫が地団駄踏んでるのと同じ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」を斃すどころか人一人護れないよ 桜小路さんの時のように』
Nisemaru: Well, that training is as useless as a bug stamping its feet.... / Even if you manage to kill “The one being sought” by yourself, you can't protect Sakurakouji-san.

Ogami: Again, that's none of your busi......

[T/N: Lol at Nisemaru's sword.]

『!? | い・・今のは | な・・・・』
!? / W- What was that just / now....


『あ・・あんた 「捜し者」(ヤツ)と同じ技を・・・・!? どうして!?』
Y- You can perform the same skill as “Him”....!? How!?

『まっ。 ちょっと飲もうか 大神君』
Nisemaru: Wait. Would you like something to drink, Ogami-kun?

『ち・・ちょっと待てヨ!! | こ・・この鍵(キー)が元々 桜チャンので・・・・ 昔ココでそれを「捜シ者」に渡した・・・・』『それが今は”エデン”のトップ・シークレットーーーー!?』
Toki: W- Wait a minute!! / T- This Key was originally Sakura-chan's.... before she gave it to “Him”.... // And now it's “Eden”'s top secret......!?

『桜チャン・・・・ あんた一体何者なんだヨ!?』
Sakura-chan.... Who the heck are you!?

『・・・・す・・すまぬ これ以上何も思い出せぬのだ・・・・ | 「捜シ者」は今と同じ姿のようだったし・・・・ どうも記憶が曖昧で定かではないのだ』
Sakurakouji: ....S- Sorry, I can't recall anything else.... / Anyway, that's what it seems to me, that it was “Him”.... I don't remember it very well, I'm not sure.
『わーーーーー!! イライラする!!』
Toki: Waaaaaah!! You're getting me mad!!

『子供の頃の記憶なんて そんなもんやし』
Yuuki: So that's how your childhood memories are.
Toki: That doesn't justify anything, dammit!! - Again, Ju da su's change is good.

....Oh, well. // You're gonna kill me, right....?

『つ・・つまり えーと こーゆーコトだろ!?』
S- So after all, this is how it is!?
【今んトコのSTART | 子桜 | 「捜シ者」 | ? | ”エデン” | 人見 (死) | 桜 | 『子犬』 | 「捜シ者」 | ”エデン”】
[The Key Game =p : Start point / Child Sakura / “The one being sought” / ? / “Eden” / Hitomi (kanji below: Deceased) / Sakura / “Puppy” / (right: “The one being sought”) (left: “Eden”)

『わーーーー!! イライラする!! イライラする!! 【そもそもなんなんだヨ この鍵は!】』
Toki: Waaaaagh!! This is getting me mad!! This sure is getting me mad!! (small: What the heck is that key to begin with!)
Yuuki: Fourth, this isn't something trivial, it's important.
Sakurakouji: ....

『すまぬ刻(トキ)君・・・・ 本当にこれ以上何も思い出せぬのだ』
Sorry, Toki-kun.... I really can't remember anything else.

『・・・・ま とにかく この鍵(キー)が何か突き止めねーとナ』
Toki: ....Well, anyway, we have to find out what's with this Key.
『刻(トキ)君 すまぬが お願いできるか?』
Sakurakouji: Toki-kun, please forgive me.

Toki: ....That's too bad.

『カードキーは複雑すぎて オレの「磁力」じゃ探索できネーのヨ | どーしたモンか・・・・』
A cardkey is something too complex, my “magnetism” can't search for it. / Somehow....

『・・・・遊騎・・・・ 遊んでネーで お前も少し考え・・・・』
....Yuuki.... Stop playing, you could think a bit too....

Yuuki: Oh
Toki: !?

T- This duckie // is a music box....!!
[T/N: I CALLED IT!!!! I knew it was inside the duckie!!]

『人見の奴 オルゴールの曲に何かヒントを隠しタってのか?』
That Hitomi guy, who'd leave a hint for some secret in a damn music box?

Let's start the music.

『・・・・あれ? なんの音もしネェ』
....Huh? There's no sound.


『・・・・やっぱ 音しネェな』
....No sound at all.

『コレ 壊れてんじゃネーの?』
Maybe it's broken?
Yuuki: Good thing that weird sound stopped already.
Toki: Huh?

Yuuki: I can hear it perfectly....

This is a high frequency sound that is out of the sound range that humans can hear.... // With my power, “Sound”, I can hear all ranges of sounds......

『「犬笛」のような ものか・・・・』『人見先輩殿 今度は遊騎君が絶対気づくと思って・・・・』
Sakurakouji: So it's something like a dog whistle, right....? // Hitomi-senpai-dono must have thought that Yuuki would notice for sure....
『なんの曲だ!? オイ!!』
Toki: So what's that music!? Hey!!

『ツーーーー | トントントン | トントン』『ツーーーー | ツーーーー | トン | ツーーーー』
Yuuki: Tsssss / Tap tap tap / Tap tap // Tsssss / Tsssss / Tap / Tsssss

『んだヨ!! そりゃ!! 曲になってナイじゃネーかヨ!!』
Toki: What the heck is that!! You means it isn't music?!!
Sakurakouji: ....It seems to be some signal. (I admit that this is a stretch from the translation, but I think "code" should replace signal")

Yuuki: Signal....

『ば | し | ょ | は』『と | う | き | ょ | う | と』
It's / in / To / kyo // Me / tro / po / li / tan / Area

Toki: Huh....!? // (handwritten: What was that...)
Yuuki: It's not music....

『このオルゴールから出とるのは高周波の「モールス信号」 | きっと この住所がそのカードキーで開くモンがある場所や』
What was coming out from that music box were high frequency “Morse code”. / The thing this cardkey opens must be there.

『マジかヨ!? やっぱコレが手掛かりだったってコトか・・・・ 【人見・・・・ お前・・・・】』
Toki: Really!? But didn't you say that that was the clue....? (small: Hitomi.... damn you....)
『しかし遊騎君はすごいな・・・・ 「モールス信号」まで解読できるとは・・・・』
Sakurakouji: But Yuuki-kun, that's amazing.... Decoding “Morse signals” like that....

Yuuki: It's not me.

This is......

『よるな 「音」の化物(バケモノ)!!』『お前がしゃべると物がこわれる!!』『公害だ!!』【アハハ アハハハ】
-Look, it's that “Sound” freak!! // Every time you speak, things get broken!! // ________!! // (handwritten: ahaha / ahahaha)
[T/N: I have no clue at all of what "公害” means, in my dict it says pollution, but that makes no sense here... unless the kids -the bullies- mean noise pollution, without knowing what it means, and even if they knew, that wouldn't stop them from bullying.]

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー) 大丈夫か?』
-....Yuu, are you OK?

『・・・・遊騎(ゆー)は強いな | お前にとっておきを教えてやるよ』
....Yuu, you are strong. / I'll show you how to bring out the best in you.

Don't speak, just communicate with this. / That way we can talk to each other in secret, okay?

Yuuki: ....Makoto taught me. // We didn't talk to each other. Instead, we communicated using “Morse code”.

Sakurakouji: ....Yuuki-kun?
Toki: ....

Yuuki: ....Let's go to that address.

Toki: A....

『またカーーー!! | ぜってーまた墓と一緒でオトリだロ!? もー騙されねーぞ!! 人見ィーー!!』
Again---?!! / That ducky in the grave was a red herring (red herring = false clue in case you didn't know), for sure, right?! He's not gonna trick me again!! Hitomiii!!

『どー考えたって こんなボロ家に こんなハイテク カードキーなんて関係あるワケが・・・・』
How the heck can this hi-tech cardkey be related to a run-down house like that....?
Yuuki: Anyway, look at that.

In that nameplate it says “Shibuya”.
[Nameplate: Shibuya Manor]
Toki: !!?

『ウ・・ウソ・・・・ じゃあ今度こそホントに このカードキーはこのボロ家の・・・・』
H- Hum.... Well, so it's true, this cardkey is from this run-down house....
『「渋谷」とは地名ではなく人の名前 だったのだな』
Sakurakouji: So “Shibuya” wasn't a place name but a person's first name.

『あれ? みんな』
Nisemaru: Huh? You're all here.

Toki: P- President!?
『いかにも いかにも』
President: Sure, sure.

『ア・・アンタ なんでこんな所に・・・・』
Toki: W- What are you doing here....
『ん? ああ今夜のおナベの材料の買い出しにね 【今日はとりナベだよ】 | まあ こんな所で立ち話もなんだし』
Nisemaru: Uh? Well, I was buying ingredients for the dinner tonight. (small: I'm going to cook chicken) / Well, what are you doing talking here?
Yuuki: Cook chicken......

『ひとまず あがってよ』
Nisemaru: Come on, get in.
Toki: ---!?

『ここ会長の家!? | ・・・・まさか・・・・ アンタが「渋谷」サン!?』
So this is the president's house!? / …No way... You are “Shibuya”-san!?
『いかにも 私は「渋谷」だが? 【言ってなかったっけ?】』
Nisemaru: Yeah, I'm Shibuya. (small: didn't I say it before?)

『ちょ・・・・待てよ!! だって この鍵(キー)は”エデン”のトッポ・シークレットで・・・・ | 人見が奪い 「捜シ者」が狙っててーーーー・・』
Toki: W.... Wait a min!! But this Key is “Eden”'s top secret.... / that Hitomi stole and “He” looked for......
『ん? ああ いかにも いかにも みんなヤンチャな悪ガキだってよ』
Nisemaru: Huh? Ah, sure, sure. You're all such naughty evil kids.

Toki: Eh?
『懐かしい なあ』
Nisemaru: I miss them so much.

『人見も・・・・ そして 「捜シ者」も』
Hitomi.... and “The one being sought”.
[T/N: If he knows “His” name, why the heck doesn't he say it??? Damn president/Shibuya/Nisemaru...]

『以前ここで暮らしていたことが あるんだよ』
Before, they lived here.

『ハァ!? | ひ・・人見と「捜シ者」がーーー!?』
Toki: What!? / Hi- Hitomi and “Him”---!?
Sakurakouji: W- Why's that....?

『お・・・・ 大神ーーー!?』
O.... Ogami---!?

『お・・お前 何やって・・・・』
Toki: H- Hey, what are you doing....?

『し・・師匠・・・・ お・・お帰りなさい ま・・せ・・・・』
Ogami: M- Master... W- Welcome.. home....

『いかにも 大神君は 今日からここで私と一緒に暮らす ことになったんだ』
Nisemaru: Sure, Ogami-kun will live with me starting today.

Toki: What!?
『まずは基本の礼儀作法から・・・・ 出来は65点と いった所かな?』
Nisemaru: I'll start with basic courtesy then...maybe 65 points for this? - this works
Toki: Say what....

Nisemaru: Ogami-kun will do what Hitomi and “The one being sought” once did.

I'll train him to improve his powers to the max.

着ぐるみ生徒会長が 着ぐるみ師匠に早変わり!! 謎の「渋谷荘」で何かが起こる!?
Non-bubble: The always-in-costume president of the students council quickly becomes the always-in-costume master!! What will happen in the mysterious “Shibuya Manor”!?

next: Ogami-kun's maid life

Areas to check:

Everything ¬¬

About the author:

Alias: unok-kun
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