Third Round - Houseki no Kuni vs. Haikyu!!! | MangaHelpers

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Third Round Houseki no Kuni vs. Haikyu!!!

Who wins?

  • Houseki no Kuni

  • Haikyuu!!!

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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Houseki no Kuni
Haruko Ichikawa
Haruichi Furudate


The Witch of Certainty
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 24, 2017
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Good luck @Asachi! :zomg

Part II:
The writting on characters

«There must be thousands of guys in this country, whose last season gets cut short.
Winning all the preliminaries and going on to the nationals.
If all this were a work of fiction, those guys who go to the nationals would be the protagonists, and the rest of us would just be extras.
But regardless, we got to play volleyball» (
Hayato Ikejiri)

As mentioned previously, one of the most important aspects of Haikyuu is the writting on each one of the characters.
Even if Hinata’s steps are the follow of the story, Haruichi Furudate never ignores the focus on any character, they all have hardships and motives, and not only necessarly volleyball players.

Its a rarity for animes to concentrate on the extra characters or those characters who are created merely to make the protagonist(s) shine even more brightly. They even have a long part of expressing their regrets and their thoughts about losing, the author makes you hestiate in who support, you start caring and debating about each individual of every team, every manager and every family member of the characters.

This is why, not only in the sport aspect but even as a shonen manga, Furudate's writing is great because she focuses on the world-building her series is developing: a realistic world setting where you can either lose or win, and where all the efforts of characters developed in many chapters and arcs can still result in defeat. Not only she cares for the protagonists, she gives the spotlight and the importance to every other that relations with the MCs.

You know what each character's personality is like. What their role is on the court and on the team. Even the characters that are on the bench, you really feel it and connect with them even if they aren't the ones playing in the main match (i.e. their disappointment at not playing, their desire to be on the court, their feelings of support for their team).

But this not only happen with the male characters that fill most part of the cast: HQ! is also great when it comes to the writing of female characters.

Volleyball female teams, managers, families or friends female characters all get their own focus and there's respect in the writing of them, they're not written for fanservice or for the sake of serving the male cast, each one of them have their own role and personality, they matter as much as the matches/battles of the manga.

They too have their goals and passions, frustrations and ups and downs, where Furudate writes so much it gives room for readers to know the characters enough to decide if they like them or not, if they can identify with them or not; they don't end up being a cute face for background character.

Haikyuu's art and action focuses, of course, mostly on the matches. But the matches aren't emotional and exciting just for the sake of the volleyball, the plays and abilities, it's because the author managaes to introduce such an EXTENSE cast while focusing on each one of them no matter their role in the entire story. While watching/reading the matches, you get exited because you care about character, because you cheer for certain people and the background behind them.

You really get a sense of the character's ability, athletically and emotionally. Their maturity levels (both mentally and sports-wise). Their tendencies and characteristics that make them, well, them.

Even a lot of the teams the protagonists face, you can easily fall in love with the opposing players, because they make sure to develop them as well. This is what makes matches and plot much more interesting and makes you more emotionally invested in them.

Hope that HQ! gets another chance! <_>

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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I find it funny that this round mangas don't match at all
In one side we have haikyuu that makes your blood rush form excitement and the desire for winning
Then we have houseki no kuni, you laugh at how miserable you are while having an existential crisis about your existence and your self worth



The Witch of Certainty
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 24, 2017
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I find it funny that this round mangas don't match at all
In one side we have haikyuu that makes your blood rush form excitement and the desire for winning
Then we have houseki no kuni, you laugh at how miserable you are while having an existential crisis about your existence and your self worth
I think it makes it more interesting too, both mangas have great writing in general so you gotta pick which series is more your style as well, and personally I love both HnK and HQ! ironic because I promised to support you no matter what and now look at us so if I wasn't campaigning for one of the series this would be a super hard decision.


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I find it funny that this round mangas don't match at all
In one side we have haikyuu that makes your blood rush form excitement and the desire for winning
Then we have houseki no kuni, you laugh at how miserable you are while having an existential crisis about your existence and your self worth
I-I planned to start reading it this week...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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I-I planned to start reading it this week...
Read it I promise once you start it you won't stop reading it.

It's really good

Well I still have this campaign so you can decide after reading it

.... @Nii you too I been waiting too long for you to pick it up


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Read it I promise once you start it you won't stop reading it.

It's really good

Well I still have this campaign so you can decide after reading it

.... @Nii you too I been waiting too long for you to pick it up
This weekend hopefully :D.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Previous campaign Part 1- Introduction, how the manga was born and more
Part 1.5 - Kintsugi and how it's included in the manga

Houseki no Kuni World

after being hit by seven meteors, the earth only had a small land left, humans are also gone instead we have gems that lives in the land
it rather peaceful life if it weren't for the fact they may "die" at any moment
well i say die but gems don't have a concept of death, as they only momentary inanimated if they dont have enough pieces of their body intact
they what could be called the bones of humans

instead the one that can experience death are the ones that looks the most none human, the flesh... the Admirabilis society wise they may be the closest to humans than the gems, as they die they need to socialize and have record knowledge to life and survive

both species enemy are the lunarians the final remains of humans, the spirit , for some reason they abduct both of them, it may be the desire to return to what their were.....or is it?

this manga have a lot of mystery elements to it, mostly what really are the lunarians goal and why they doing this, so ofc i won't reveal it in this most as i want dear readers to try the manga out themself, it really worth it
but what i can say is that this manga does is figuring out what part of us makes of human and what doesn't
what could happen to our remains if we go extinct and the effect that have of the new species that evolved from us
how do they deal with their human remains inside of them ?
not only that but one of the author goals is to figure out what really cause us to be compassionate or guilt especially to species that are completely different to us expect in appearance
why do we emphasize with objects that appear human
(welcome to philosophy ....yea the author really philosophical and i love it)
i must say ichikawa really nailed the fact that the gems are a totally different form us expect in appearance, you understand what i mean when you see their journey but not only that but also how they deal with what part remains human inside of them
there also the fact that one of interest of ichikawa is how good intentions can lead to misfortune, we see this a lot in history and she explore this a lot in this manga....

Story Flow

you be surprised how smooth the development in this manga is, for cliches it manage to avoid them instead turn them into jokes
the development of the characters is also super smooth with the fact it build on slowy and with time you see the effect of the events that you sometimes don't think much of it you see later how serious it was to the characters...

not only that but the way ichikawa foreshadows, you only notice them if you reread the manga as it's really hidden and not hinted into your face.
it also really manage to surpass a lot of expectations in what may happen and doing the unexpected, you will know the feeling when you read it, i can't really describe it but you really cant predict thing with this manga, the little you can predict is mostly on the surface and thanks to the manga following path to enlightenment to reach Nirvana but even with that take it to grain of salt considering one of the purpose of this manga is to show the flaws of this religions while also showing it's beauty ....
Combined with Buddhism, the love that this manga have for surprises and discovery with the author exploring all these philosophical topics you get a really interesting story that gets you hooked.


it just elegant, the art is really unique, it's not something you see everyday considering the way ichikawa draws the characters but also the panels

her art is just captivating to the eye, houseki no kuni definitely couldn't be the same if it weren't for the art

she a master of handling black and white, and direct the eyes of readers, not only that also uses her unique drawing to shows the emotions of the characters

she also uses the manga panels to her full advantage, something that couldn't be recreated in any media no matter what
all this mostly thanks to her graduating university form visual image design major and now she fully uses her techniques in creating this manga

the battle thanks to that combines with the fact that the gems body can be rebuild create really unique art to see

she also designed her own art book and it honestly a pleasure to see her art

i really really hope you guys check this manga out, and support it

hey we also have butts

what guys, did you think i won't mention the butts


houseki no kuni have a lot of butt shots for any man of cultures
honestly the real different between Gems and Admirabilis if you're team butts and thighs or team boobs

Bet the human that liked butts became Gems and the one who liked boobs became Admirabilis

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 7, 2020
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Amazing campaigns for both (I definitely need to read the Houseki no Kuni manga - only watched the anime) but I'm supporting Haikyuu!! all the way.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Amazing campaigns for both (I definitely need to read the Houseki no Kuni manga - only watched the anime) but I'm supporting Haikyuu!! all the way.
I hope you do read, I consider it a win if more people read it and talk about it in it's thread
I already know I'm losing to haikyuu this round
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