Chapter - Tower of God Chapter 578 Spoilers & Discussion | Page 19 | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Tower of God Chapter 578 Spoilers & Discussion


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
So reading shin's translation.... laura is not actually lobadon's daughter but rather a descendant of hers that gets to be called her daughter? I struggle to believe anyone in the family gives a shit about her just in general. Her social status is barely a formality. To me it's also a bit of a stretch that she has much of a hold over elbaba. If the sea snake gets distracted even for a second elbaba can end laura before anyone can do anything about it...


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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So reading shin's translation.... laura is not actually lobadon's daughter but rather a descendant of hers that gets to be called her daughter? I struggle to believe anyone in the family gives a shit about her just in general. Her social status is barely a formality. To me it's also a bit of a stretch that she has much of a hold over elbaba. If the sea snake gets distracted even for a second elbaba can end laura before anyone can do anything about it...
The only woman of a prestigious bloodline who is also the wife of a FH will always be valuable/important. Plus with what she said about Baam coming he couldn't do anything.

Very strong Ranker can certainly wipe other Rankers but not without noise and not without using their high end skills.
When I mentionned Baam's performances respective to Pan and Charlie, it was to prove that the gap between low level Rankers and those descrived as "elite" Rankers isn't considerably large. As in, I doubt Charlie can beat Pan without his high end skills or tricking him.

Now about Ren, his abilitiy is part of his strength and even when it was countered, Baam still needed a high end move using shinsu loops to get rid of his insects and a flare wave explosion (probably his most destructive skill) to subdue him and jsut like most "elite" Rankers, Ren isn't that much stronger than an average Ranker.

I know the current Baam is way stronger than when he fought Charlie but he's still in the advanced Ranker spectrum. So, he'd still need some noise and the usage of his best skills to put down a random Ranker in base.

" According to SIU, because of his abilities as a Jeonsulsa or Lightning User, he is stronger than Ren. "
Also, Hansung was only toying with him as stated by SIU later. He could've effortlessly fodderize him as someone comparable to a DivCom.
Your links don't really show that Lero-Ro is stronger.

When Baam kidnapped Laura he also one shotted her bodyguard with Reverse Flow Control. You think it was a Regular? We don't even see how he caught her but he did it with ease that's for sure. It's also possible that she surrendered.

Anyway, there is no way a Ranker out of practice could hold a candle to Baam.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2019
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Galactic Empire
Your links don't really show that Lero-Ro is stronger.

When Baam kidnapped Laura he also one shotted her bodyguard with Reverse Flow Control. You think it was a Regular? We don't even see how he caught her but he did it with ease that's for sure. It's also possible that she surrendered.

Anyway, there is no way a Ranker out of practice could hold a candle to Baam.
SIU said Lero Ro > Ren in a fancafe, don't know why we should think otherwise.
Also, it's not the only argument about the proximity between Rankers from the lowest level to the very top advanced Rankers.
Jordan, an advanced Ranker, can't decisively beat low/average level Rankers (R, Tall) decisively without his 3rd transfomation, Mule Love proved he can at least trade some blows with Sicarius, Lero Ro who is stronger than the elite Ranker Ren said it would be difficult for him to face a Ranker without a lighthouse, and the list goes on.

All in all, we've had countless evidence that the gaps are small between Rankers, it only becomes wider as we hit entry HR level.

About Laura's bodyguard, I doubt he's a Ranker, probably just a random fodder, maybe he isn't even a reg' and we know that Baam subdued Laura casually without making a noise or having any kind of struggle doing so.

Anyway, there is no way a Ranker out of practice could hold a candle to Baam.
Base Baam would need to go all out or play some tricks if he wants to one sidely overwhelm even the weakest Rankers. The same goes for most advanced Rankers.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

SIU also said that someone who can match 3 Rankers working toguether is definitely a HR :
"Frog may have a lower ranking than Yuri, but is still a High Ranker
It’s pretty evident from how Frog managed to stop the train alone,
while three Rankers had to collaborate together to stop it..
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 11, 2021
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United States
So many tl;dr posts.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
The only woman of a prestigious bloodline who is also the wife of a FH will always be valuable/important. Plus with what she said about Baam coming he couldn't do anything.
But... she can't be the only one. She is a few generations away from lobadon and lobadon probably has hundreds of kids and thousands of descendants. On top of that her job is already done, she produced princesses and doesn't seem like she has produced more kids since. Her only real card at this point is lobadon having familial feelings towards her but as we have seen within the families being someone's daughter or son is more of a status thing than a real connection. If even powerful branch heads are disposable then clearly someone with no power to speak of has at best situational standing.

On another note... the chapter says elbaba doesn't have a spirit wolf? perhaps the implication is that elbaba isn't the original head of the wolf branch but rather someone that took over after the progenitor of the branch passed. Perhaps this plays into his overall low social status.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
So many tl;dr posts.
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Wonder how many BH
Cha is going to take
After all he stopped whole 4 SQ


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 5, 2018
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United States
I suspect Laura and Goruro are working together! AA already called out Goruro and hours later Laura wants to rush Bam off to her “father”. How does she know her father’s gate code and her way around the PB dock station, Goruro. Cadede couldn’t get Robadon to reveal anything due to his low rank but Laura is somehow aware of his plans, Goruro!!!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Goruro does not want to reveal Robadon’s position to Elba(Traum) and to Tiara! It was his idea to dock and resupply!
I would not be surprised if he’s already on the warp fleet Laura mentioned


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 2, 2023
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Speaking of Lobadon, how come there aren't any descendants from the 10 great families who are as handsome / beautiful as their respective family heads (except for the Khun family, perhaps)

Gustang, Traumerai, and Yurin for example ; they look like the faces/visuals of a K-pop group and are more attractive than any of their family members we have seen so far


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
As far as I can tell we have seen plenty of people from the po bidao and lo po bia families who are pretty much identical to their respective family heads. The lore is pretty specific in yuri heavily resembling yurin.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I wonder how many branches each family has, I don't think we have that many specific references. From what I recall:

LPB: 20 branches but multiple dead branch heads (pudily, perseus, dokoko)
Ha: Yurin had two kids who dispute being heir to yurin and odds are their kids function as branch heads.
koon: lots of kids so I would assume a lot of branches.

in any case, lets say each family has 20 branches. That would mean a total of 200 branch heads. And branch heads are usually high ranker level folk. And presumably there are roughly 1000 rankers at a time. to that you add non branch head high rankers from families like princesses and obviously the family heads... I suppose it's not THAT strange in context but it's pretty clear the great families easily dominate the high ranker spots. And this gets easily even more one sided towards the empire in general if you add zahard's army. We have seen two full corp divisions and they each seem to have at least 6 high rankers. If zahard has 10 divisions then it's another 60 high ranker level people. And then you can also add red and the rest of the zahard family... I suppose the empire is fractured right now but it seems like a solid bet that at a point the empire had at least a third of all high rankers. Probably more.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Very strong Ranker can certainly wipe other Rankers but not without noise and not without using their high end skills.
When I mentionned Baam's performances respective to Pan and Charlie, it was to prove that the gap between low level Rankers and those descrived as "elite" Rankers isn't considerably large. As in, I doubt Charlie can beat Pan without his high end skills or tricking him.

Now about Ren, his abilitiy is part of his strength and even when it was countered, Baam still needed a high end move using shinsu loops to get rid of his insects and a flare wave explosion (probably his most destructive skill) to subdue him and jsut like most "elite" Rankers, Ren isn't that much stronger than an average Ranker.

I know the current Baam is way stronger than when he fought Charlie but he's still in the advanced Ranker spectrum. So, he'd still need some noise and the usage of his best skills to put down a random Ranker in base.

" According to SIU, because of his abilities as a Jeonsulsa or Lightning User, he is stronger than Ren. "
Also, Hansung was only toying with him as stated by SIU later. He could've effortlessly fodderize him as someone comparable to a DivCom.
baam literally os Holan a HR who was in berserk mode with ease and you are talking about rankers... seriously...

Davy Clyde

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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 16, 2016
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United States
It doesn't matter if they behaved like some trash human beings before, just proving his point is more important to him. That's what likely goes on in the back of his mind, even if he doesn't realize how delusional he is. Endorsi was almost killed by the twins? Well she should make up with them as they are in the same family at the end of the day. Why? Because He as a good person can do it so everyone should do the same given the chance.
What he said about the Zahard Princesses is nonsensical considering everything he knows.

There was the NHS incident previously, they fought just recently at the hotel. If Baam wants the Princesses to get along fine, but that "protect your family" line is just stupid. Plus it's not like he has ever tried to smooth things out between the three.
Yup totally agree, I find it strange that he'll think Androssi should care about the twins knowing how the princess system works. If this is another attempt by SIU to make baam look pure, innocent and naive well it's not landing it's just makes him look dumb and stupid tbh.

Androssi has good reason to dislike them, yet Baam glosses over that and seemingly expects her to default to forgiving them or tolerating them just because they are "sisters" of a family in name only. By minimizing Androssi's animosity towards the twins and the harm they've caused, Baam fails to acknowledge the simple reality of the Princess system, where Princesses are rivals and enemies rather than true siblings.

Androssi understands better than Baam the harshness of the Princess hierarchy that forces them to fight one another ruthlessly. For Baam to simply tell Androssi to think of the twins as her "sisters" reveals a naive and idealized viewpoint that disregards Androssi's actual experiences and relationships with the twins based on violence, cruelty, and manipulation; not sisterly love.

Saying to get along with the twin Princesses is no different than if Androssi told Baam to get along with Rachel, who has similarly threatened and caused Baam harm on more than one occasion at this point in the story. Rachel and the twin Princesses have both threatened and harmed Baam and Androssi respectively through manipulation, cruelty, and violence. Through his experiences, Baam will never forgive Rachel for what she has done to him. Likewise, Androssi has no reason to forgive the twin Princesses for what they have done to her and her friends. If Baam expects Androssi to easily forgive her enemies, he should hold himself to the same unrealistic standard by forgiving Rachel, although neither Androssi nor Baam should feel compelled to do so against their better judgment.

Shilial has already shown signs of being manipulative and crafty recently. As it has happened in the past, trusting enemies like Rachel ended up badly for Baam. There is already precedent over what happens with trusting bitter adversaries. It makes sense to doubt the twin Princesses based on precedent, rather than blindly believe or accept their cooperation at face value.

King Dryst

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 17, 2018
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Shilial has already shown signs of being manipulative and crafty recently. As it has happened in the past, trusting enemies like Rachel ended up badly for Baam. There is already precedent over what happens with trusting bitter adversaries. It makes sense to doubt the twin Princesses based on precedent, rather than blindly believe or accept their cooperation at face value.
OK, but what exactly are you imagining those two being able to actually DO to him? Yes, they probably are not people he should trust. No, it probably doesn't matter because they're Regulars who he can atomize by breathing hard enough in their general direction.

This isn't Season One Baam any longer. He can get away with doing things like this because there are so very few people who can make him pay for whatever mistakes he makes. Right now the twins are somewhat undeserving beneficiaries of his goodwill and they would do far better not to squander that. We'll see soon enough how stupid they and their mother are capable of being.

Nowadays it's rather impossible to ruin his day as hard as what Rachel did to him back then.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2019
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Galactic Empire
baam literally os Holan a HR who was in berserk mode with ease and you are talking about rankers... seriously...
Thorn buffed Baam who used his strongest move and had someone take care of the shineuh arround him simultaneously.
I'm talking about base Baam who is drastically weaker.
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Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Thorn buffed Baam and he used his strongest move.
I'm talking about base Baam who is drastically weaker.
thorn or not it's a part of baam power and also baam didnt really use everything either... it's like saying that wait holan shouldnt use his summons too... and even without thorn first time baam fighted holan he almost killied him just with levi power and holan was saved by his summon in the last second...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2019
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Galactic Empire
thorn or not it's a part of baam power and also baam didnt really use everything either... it's like saying that wait holan shouldnt use his summons too... and even without thorn first time baam fighted holan he almost killied him just with levi power and holan was saved by his summon in the last second...
And I was never refering to Baam as a whole in my earlier posts, just in his base form with no multipliers. the current base Baam can't beat an average Ranker easily without going all out is what I was saying.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ha: Yurin had two kids who dispute being heir to yurin and odds are their kids function as branch heads.
The twins are more like Kirin and Lobadon with many branches beneath them.
The LPB family is probably a good representation of how a GF looks like in average.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 5, 2018
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United States
It’s easy to come to the conclusion that Androssi is being childish and annoying AGAIN!!! BUT I believe the true reason for her sourness/uneasiness is because she already knows where the location is S3ch133. The traveler already told her, Androssi is even uneasy and does acknowledge that part when speaking with Anak!!!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Traum and his BHs already know where it is! I sense a bit of sarcasm from Goruro in the briefing room dialogue, seems like he knows too! AA is most likely intentionally withholding information… b/c of Yuri!?!?!


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Lo Po Bias probably have more branches than most considering Traumerei's love of domination, his numerous Shinheuhs and his experiments. It's been stated that the Ha don't have many branches. Arie as well IIRC.

Davy Clyde

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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 16, 2016
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United States
OK, but what exactly are you imagining those two being able to actually DO to him? Yes, they probably are not people he should trust. No, it probably doesn't matter because they're Regulars who he can atomize by breathing hard enough in their general direction.
Baam's biggest weakest is his attachment to people. By hurting or threatening the people he is attached to, you are able to control the actions or priorities of Baam. That's why Baam is involved in a colossal war in the first place. Maschenny manipulated Baam to war through Baam's connection to Jinsung. No matter how all-powerful Baam becomes, the vulnerability of his friends, allies, and role models is never going to go away.

Rachel wasn't expected to be a significant threat when going to the Hidden Floor alongside Baam's team, but in the end, her powerlessness didn't matter; she was able to exploit Baam emotionally as well as mentally by implanting a bomb within Khun and causing Khun to be in a coma for 2 years. The Twin Princesses cannot do anything to Baam directly, but they do have the influence to impact the people close to him.

Baam won't be there to always protect the people close to him. Whether they get hurt on a different floor, or if they get unexpectedly separated while being relatively near him, these scenarios can happen and have already happened with no remedy.