Best Plot Twist
Everything from Chapter 1 to 306 is eligible for manga-related categories. As for the anime-related ones, it's everything from Season 1 to 4.
Use this site as source for references/nominations.
- Twice's murder by Hawks : 5.
- Kurogiri being a Nomu and Aizawa's friend from way back : 4.
- Shigaraki killing his own father willingly : 3.
Dabi filming Twice's death : 1.Dabi being Endeavor's son : 1.
- Kurogiri being a Nomu and Aizawa's friend from way back : 8.
- Twice's murder by Hawks : 7.
- Dabi filming Twice's death : 5.
- Dabi being Endeavor's son : 5.
- Shigaraki killing his own father willingly : 5.
Midnight's Death : 3.Shigaraki being Nana's grandson : 3.Toga's Awakening : 3.The League of Villains merging with Meta-Liberation Army : 2.
To view the rules and general info about the event, click [HERE].
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