Chapter 36 - Creation | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 36 - Creation


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
OMG sorry snoog I promised 3:45 but I got stuck in traffic

also sorry about this long chapter but I just needed to get this story out of my head, also I wanted to elaborate on the prologue for awhile now so this was my chance to do it.

Enjoy :D

It's definitely been a wierd ride, thought Lione, I have alot of exorcists with tragic pasts and tragic tomorrows. I can't say my own life isn't tragic, but compared to these kids I've had it easy. Maybe I'll just sit back for a bit and take it easy after all this paperwork will still be waiting for me no matter where I go and what I do. Lione yawned as he lay back in his very comfortable chair, maybe I should invest into getting an assisstent I can' everything <yawn> by myself....


"This land is gorgeous! Just look at the trees, and the early settlers are moving about like this is normal."

"This is normal for them Lione, for us we are travelers from a land that has oppressed them for quite some time" said a woman dressed in exorcist garb. She wore her hair up in a bun, and had a soft look to her face. She had piercing blue eyes and whenever she looked at you it seemed as if she was gazing into your soul, and her piercing eyes were set on skin as white as alabaster.

"Julia Rose Shefield, commander of the mission to the Colonies to seek out and nullify an akuma insurgence." Lione shot out in respect of his commanding officer.

"Stand down Lione we are equals in everything, from battle to intelligence. I don't even want to be a leader of an operation such as this, I shouldn't even be here If my family sees me it could raise some unnecessary questions." Julia turned her head out towards the ocean with a contemplative stare on her face.

"Don't worry Julia, I've already dispatched some finders to locate your family and keep an eye on them and with the golems we'll know wherever they are."

"Lione you think of everything, I'm sure It would be better for you to lead this mission and not me." Julias gaze was still aimed towards the Atlantic her eyes beginning to glisten

"Julia The Black Order chose you, YOU! If they chose you it meant that they believed in your capabilities as a leader. This mission is pretty dangerous we have no idea how much akuma we might encounter, It could be hundreds and we don't even know how strong they are. 100 akumas are enough to wipe out 2 normal exorcists out but you and I could wipe out that many easy." Lione walked next to Julia and put his hand on her shoulder and looked into her beautiful eyes "I trust in your capabilities you and I can prevail!"

Julia looked at Lione for what felt like an eternity before she regained her senses "Your right Lione, I should have trusted the judgement of the Black Order."
A finder came running to the port he was huffing and puffing by the time he arrived next to the 2 exorcists.

"I came <huff puff> to tell you<huff puff> that<huff puff> we fou-"
"Listen stop and catch your breathe we don't want one of your lungs to collapse on us" said Lione in a calm and direct fashion. The finder with his hands on his knees kept huffing and puffing for a few minutes before he could continue

"We found out that there might be an innocence somewhere out in the forest about 20-30 miles deep. villagers have been reporting spottings of a werewolf on the prowl and apparently it has killed about 20 people who've wandered into the forest, the people were most likely akuma."

Lione stood trying to absorb the information he had just been given, We were sent here to destroy akuma but to be able to find an innocence at the same time...if we didn't take it now we might not get another chance

Julia spoke up " I think getting our hands on an innocence at this point would help us tremendously and we can't risk it being destroyed, but it does sound like it might be a parasitic innocence so it might be able to protect itself-" Lione interuppted

"I think we should go after it right away, we still don't know what we're dealing with so the help of another person who has an innocence can help us even if it's just a little bit, also we must also consider the possibility of it being the heart." Lione was looking toward the ground ashamed for disaggreeing with Julia and for interuppting her mid sentence as well.

This time Julia put her hand on Liones shoulder "I like your idea, how about you investigate this innocence while I investigate the akuma here?"

"What if the akuma attack while I'm gone?" he asked with a worried look on his face

"Do you really think that I'm that weak? Now you'll leave in 30 minutes take 5 finders with you and when you find the innocence contact me using the golem ok?"


"No buts! I am your commanding officer and you will do as I say!"

Lione nodded his head in agreement.

The trek to the forest was long and even though nobody was complaining Lione was sure they were annoyed with the journey.

"Ok lets stop for a couple of minutes and rest up everyone"

The finders found little places to rest each one of them quiet and lost in their own thoughts. Lione sat next to the finder who reported the innocence, his name was Newman.

"So Newman, you have a family at home?"

Newman shook his head "No sir, I'm an orphan with no real family except the order they took me in, when nobody else would have, Do you sir?"

Lione shook his head "Nope I was an orphan too, except I was compatible with innocence. I grew up in France where I stole to survive then the orphanarium took me in, but nobody wanted a streetkid like myself."

Newman was looking at the ground "It's bad isn't it? You know the situation with the akuma, I've heard that akuma ore overrun in places other than europe and asia."

Lione stretched his arms and then rested them at his side again "Thats true, but thats why...thats why we exorcists exist, to stop the akuma."

Lione then stood up "I'm going to investigate a little further you guys wait here but when I come back be prepared to depart."

Lione went ahead he wasn't as good at tracking as a finder but he was good enough. The forest was in view now all that was left was to enter the forest and find the wolf-man. So akuma have been killed by this wolf-man, does that mean that they are after him ? "Oh crap!" Lione rushed back to the finders when he got back they were ready to leave "Bad News guys! the Akuma are after this innocence and if we don't get there fast enough this innocence might be destroyed by the akuma!"

The finders all had alerted looks on their faces, they looked at each other and then looked at Lione.

"I just need one of you the rest can go back to warn and help the Commander!"

Newman stepped forward, "I'll go with you Sir!" Lione nodded his head and then the rest of the finders left. Lione began to run and after a few seconds Newman ran too.

The forest was quiet, almost too quiet. As Lione and Newman ran through the forest the stillness was becoming increasingly more disturbing.

Lione halted and Newman stopped behind him "Lets walk from now on I don't want to be ambushed." Newman nodded his head

The only sound in the forest was the crunching of leaves under the footsteps of the two intruders of mother natures sanctuary. This was indeed a phenomenon that Lione was aware of. When akuma invaded a town or anything all life migrat away from the akuma. It was sad that the only living thing oblivious to akuma were humans.

<crack> Lione swung his head to the right something just stepped on a branch to the right of him. The tension in the air was beginning to thicken and Newman looked as if he would dive under the pressure. His face was sweating and he looked absolutely terrified. Lione put his hand on Newmans shoulder and his body was shaking feverishly. Lione tightened his grip and Newmans gaze shifted to him "Don't worry I'll take care of the situation." <crack> Lione looked to his left now then he went back to Newman "Whatever it is I can handle it so don't worry, ok?" Newman nodded but he looked extremely frail now it was obvious this was his first time on a battlefield like this where the enemy used a combination of guerilla warfare and psychological warfare, going into the mind of it's enemy and creating a debilitating fear.


It was the cry of a wolf or most likely the wolf-man, thought Lione "That was coming from the SSW direction, Newman we're going to head in that direction so I want you to lead so I can keep an eye on you" Newman nodded and he began to run in the direction of the howl

The trees were blurs to the two as they headed towards the wolf-man, Lione was trailing behind Newman but was watching out for an ambush.

"So far so good" Lione yelled to Newman from behind. Then Newman began sinking. "Newman!"

"Help me! please The ground just started sinking in!"

Lione ran up the tree to a branch he swung on it and then he wraped his legs around it and reached down towards Newman. "Just grab my hand!"

Newman grasped at the air trying to get a hold of Liones Hand but he couldn't reach it. Lione loosened his grip a little on the branch and Newman was able to grab ahold of his hand. Lione pulled him up onto the tree branch where he was able to catch his breath. Lione looked at the ground. It was definitely quicksand the question was, How did quicksand appear in the middle of a forest? "Thanks sir you saved my life." The tree shaked a little and then it began to sink

"Don't thank me yet we're still not out of the woods!" Lione scooped up Newman and hopped from branch to branch with a precision and agility that was almost inhuman. One after another every tree that Lione landed on began to sink. Lione was beginning to think that this wasn't just a coincidence it was surely the work of an akuma. Then Lione saw it, it looked like a man crossed with a wolf it must be the innocence wielder. Lione leaped forward and landed on a patch of dirt that was maybe 8 feet in diameter. The wolf-man had several injuries a couple which looked fatal including a deep slash across his chest but he was laying there and the injuries were slowly healing.

"Oh my god!" Lione turned around to the sound of Newmans voice and he saw it too. The three were stuck on an island of sorts surrounded by quicksand.

The wolf-man got up and he looked all around them, Lione followed suit all he saw was trees though then from behind each tree emerged an akuma most of them were level 2 so that meant there was a leader who was level 3 or stronger. Then emerging out of the quicksand came an akuma. The akuma was horrendus, If it had legs they were submerged under the quicksand and its long wirey arms were attached to a body that was long and lean. Lione stood in astonishment before a Level 3 akuma he had only faced one under a simulation and then he kicked his ass but this monstrocity seemed as if the one in simulation was a weakling

"AHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" The wolf-man howled at his opponents and began jumping from tree to tree taking down akuma. Lione was hypnotized at the sight

"Help Lione! Lione!" Lione was snapped to reality when he spun around and found Newman being dragged into the quicksand by a hidden appendage of the Level 3 akuma. Lione grabbed Newman and severed the akumas tentacle with a powerful chop from his hand. The tentacle flailed before going back under the quicksand, Lione wanted to help the wolf-man but he had to protect Newman he had promised him.

"I have to do it!" shouted Lione, he hated Invoking his Innocence, but if he wanted to protect Newman he would definitely have to do it. 10 o'clock the Level 3 akuma was planning on spearing Lione with three tentacles at once from three different directions. "Invocate Innocence!" All three of the tentacles went through Lione like he was air then he dissappeared. Liones shadow appeared and began to swallow up the Level 3 akuma slowly, meanwhile Liones body was guiding Newman away from the scene to a place that he could hide. About 30 feet away Liones body found an orifice in a hill that could be hidden with Leaves

"You be careful Newman I can't fight the akuma and protect you at the same time so from now on your gonna hide until I come and get you." Newman nodded his head and hid in the cave.

Lione headed back to the battlefield and when he arrived the shadow had nearly swallowed all of the Level 3 akuma he just had to dodge the rest of the akuma or else he'll have to start all over again. Four akuma appeared before Lione. He looked around for an opening but there wasn't any visible. He'd have to wait for them to start attacking. One of them whipped tentacles at him while another jumped into the air for a aeriel attack. Lione found his opening he ran and cartwheeled through the tentacle attack, then he launched himself into the air with his hands. The akuma in the sky anticipating this began to strike but Lione grabbed a branch and pulled himself out of the way.

"God that was extremely dangerous, if it was anyone but me that is" Lione jumped from branch to branch avoiding the akuma. Then 2 akuma appeared before Lione on an adjacent branch while the 5 were still following him, he looked and saw that the Level 3 akuma was almost completely swallowed by his shadow. He smirked as an akuma leaped towards him. Unfortunately The akuma never made it because the wolf man leaped and caught the akuma and began to tear the akuma apart with its claws and fangs. Then another akuma lunged at Lione ,whatever it's ability was it wasn't gonna affect him, The akumas claws became steel as it slashed at his throat, but again it passed through him like air then his shadow appeared in a split second and consumed the akuma.

"Over here!" Shouted Lione from the little island. The akuma came and Lione knew that he had to end this quickly, The wolf-man has already killed about 30 akuma but he had to finish up what was left. The akuma surrounded him on the little island, slowly closing in smaller. <swish> one of the akuma shot a volley of spikes towards Lione, he ducked and it impaled an akuma that was behind him.

Now was the time for Lione to start his onslaught on the akuma, as a master of the Hagakure style and the Koen-ken he hoped this would be easy, he punched the the akuma that shot the spikes and then Liones shadow began swallowing him up. Lione took the akuma that was being swallowed up and threw him into the other akuma. After the spiked akuma was swallowed up, the shadow began taking in the akuma that it fell into. Lione felt a a presence behind him and used a sweeping back kick then launched the akuma in the air where, the shadow began to swallow it. Each akuma that approached Lione met its end as the shadow swallowed them up.

Lione was standing in the Koen-ken stance as the last akuma was consumed in his shadow. God there must have been over 100 akuma, thought Lione. He looked around for more and he didn't sense the presence of anything else except the wolf-man. He ran around looking for the wolf-man and he found him collapsed against a tree, the wolf-man had turned back into his regular form and he was a tall native with long hair and he had an earring on that was a small feather in his left ear. Lione picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and headed back to find Newman. "Newman! Newman! I'm done come back and help me carry this guy!" Lione put down the native and went to go check on Newman because he began to get worried when the finder didn't answer. Lione found the little cave that he hid Newman in, as he went inside there was nothing not even a trace of a fight, he exited the cave and looked around frantically"NEWMAN! NEWMAN!" Lione dropped his head, He must've gotten so scared that he ran back to the village. Lione picked up the native and began to head back to the village.

The trip back wasn't easy, most of the ground was still quicksand and Lione had to travel through the trees. Holding the native and rushing back to the village was suckig up alot of stamina and he was beginning to feel the fatigue of the battle. When the exited the forest Lione noticed that it was dusk already and stopped to get some water from a flask he had been carrying.


The native was beginning to come around, Lione went to his side "Here have some of this it'll make you feel better" The natvive opened it's eyes and he looked at Lione, he moved back as if he was afraid.

"(Words Lione doesn't understand)" The native was afraid now and he looked as if he was afraid of Lione

Lione was worried and ten he sad in a clear and calm voice "Don't worry, I am a friend" then he said "Follow me" Lione stood up and beckoned the native in the direction of the village. The native stood up as well and then pointed with a look o shock "(more words Lione didn't understand)" Liones gaze followed the natives finger. On the horizon were flames coming from the direction of the village, Liones stared in disbelief, There is now way I have to take this guy and go and help. When Lione turned around the Native was running away and back into the forest. Lione didn't have time to go after him he had to go and help Julia.

The town was burning down and nobody was around, Lione ran to the port to see if maybe Julia and the finders were on the ship. When he arrived Lione suddenly realized where everyone was. All of the villagers were at the port except they weren't villagers they were akuma every last one an in the center was about 20 finders and Julia. She had her Innocence Invoked and she was protecting the finders.

An akuma was approaching Lione and this akuma was wielding 6 swords and it spun like a top. Lione did a back flip to avoid the blades but he flipped into a corner the blade cut the front of his shirt revealing a tattoo in the center of his chest, it was a cross. "Innocence Invocate" shouted Lione his tattoo glowed and then when the akuma went to cut off Liones head it was eaten by the shadow. It's time to activate my second ability, Lione looked to Julia who hadn't noticed him and then he said "Shadow Eclipse!" Liones shadow slid back to Lione it covered all of Lione from his head to his toe until Lione was nothing but a shadow.

Lione ran through the mass of akuma, He fought each one and every akuma that touched him was immediately sucked into the shadow. He was moving towards Julia but the amount of akuma was paramount. There must be at least 2000 akuma here, Lione grabbed an akuma and it was sucked into him he jumped on top of an akuma and started to run across them each akuma being sucked up one after another.

"Lione!" shouted Julia her blue eyes had a look of extreme fear.

"Whats the situation commander?!" Lione asked as he landed next to her

"Whats the situation?! It's dire thats the situation ! We have over 2000 akuma and they are all a mix of level 1s, 2, and 3s! and all I can do is defend eventually they'll destroy my barrier and then we're done for !" Her eyes were beginning to tear up

"Julia snap out of it ! if you lose hope now we ARE done for! Your barrier is as strong as your will to protect, If you lose hope death will follow!" Lione shouted

"Your right! I can't lose hope, and now that your here we can start the offensive"

"Ok I'll use my other skill, Shadow Hole in combination with shadow eclipse! After I do that I'll have they're attention and you can use your Spectrum Ring to start your attack!"

Julia nodded her head as Lione ran into the center of the crowd or akuma, his shadow surrounded him again and he fought off the akuma until he was in the center of them all Lione bent his knees ready to jump "SHADOW HOLE!" his shadow melted off of him and created a circular shadow on the ground then he jumped into the air and the shadow turned into a dark hole sucking in all of the akuma.

Julia held up her hand her ring glowing "RED!" The gem on the ring turned red and and then she pointed it into a big crowd of akuma. The akuma were surrounded into a bubble of red light and then it began shrinking and began to crush the akuma together destroying them.

Liones attack was very effective with that one attack so far he destroyed about 200 not including the amount he killed before that attack. He landed on top of the shadow hole and he stuck his fist inside of it "Shadow fist" The shadow enclosed around his hand and he then used it to punch an akuma. The akuma was sucked into the fist "Shadow Kick" The shadow slid to Liones leg and he sweep kicked a group of akuma. He kept transferring the shadow to whichever part of the body he as attacking with fluidity and precision.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A sharp scream echoed throughout the port. Lione turned around and he saw Julia impaled by an akuma, Lione went deaf to everything but Julias screams, He used shadow eclipse and ran to her, all he saw was Julia and all he heard were her screams he was was running but it didn't feel fast enough, he ran faster but he felt like he was runnning slower. When he finally got there he felt like everything went by at a super speed he destroyed the akuma and Julia was saying something, but she was talking too fast he couldn't understand. Then time moved again at it's normal pace and all the sounds and sights rushed to his senses like a flood. He stood up and he was surrounded by akuma.

"I shall avenge you Julia." Liones voice was calm but his heart was full of anger and hate towards the akuma. "Shadow Rave"

[Exiting Dreamworld]

Lione opened up his eyes, It was that nightmare again how does it end ?


Why doesn't Lione know how it ends?
Isn't it a part of his past?????

So thrilling but I knew that Julia was going to die. At least she didn't have to die by Lione's hands ^^
Completely awesome. XP Now we have 3 ppl trying to compete to write a long chapter

COMPLETELY SIDE NOTE: In D. Gray Man chapter 80-something. THe old-panda counted how many exorcists were left in the world... 9 in Edo and the three generals.... Meaning... this HAS to take place b4 or after D. Gray Man. If it's before then all our characters have to die off. Such a problem.... ><


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
AthrunZala222 said:
Why doesn't Lione know how it ends?
Isn't it a part of his past?????

So thrilling but I knew that Julia was going to die. At least she didn't have to die by Lione's hands ^^
Completely awesome. XP Now we have 3 ppl trying to compete to write a long chapter

COMPLETELY SIDE NOTE: In D. Gray Man chapter 80-something. THe old-panda counted how many exorcists were left in the world... 9 in Edo and the three generals.... Meaning... this HAS to take place b4 or after D. Gray Man. If it's before then all our characters have to die off. Such a problem.... ><
It has something to do with the "shadow rave" attack thats all I'm saying

btw I hope the fight scenes were understandable cause in my head Lione was moving WAY faster than I could portray in writing and I wanted to describe everything.

also now everyone knows how badass Lione truly is


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
OOOoooo~! Lione's Neat =D *glomps* *gets eaten by shadow*

*ends up in shadow land*
???: Yo! over here!
Me: meh?
*all the deafeated akuma are sitting around and playing poker*
Me: ..................O_O?

@Zeran: Right now, we're prolly about rewinding town-ish time or something ((I dunno, I'm guessing XD)) Maybe we can have something happen that makes us look like the North American branch has been destryed, but it hasn't just almost destroyed, so techincally, the main branch would think we're 'dead'. Or something like that. If you use this tohugh, we wouldn't have to worry about for a really long time. Oh~ And then maybe, we can join to help the main cast or something XD ((Lets not do that last thing for a reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyy long time though, if we ever do XP))


did u just call me Zeran? :blink :blink :blink
ah well I don't particularly mind XP


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Oh em gee, I did XDDD

klahrn vgios5otynwetob8w

Excuse me, I haven't had dinner yet, my mind is all 'woah' and stuff

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Wow... Lione's Innocence sucks... literally (I hope you get the joke).

Anyway, sweet chapter. I predicted Julia's death considering Lione's the branch leader. What a painful way to die. What happened to Newman? It's nice to know that someone went over the prologue in greater detail since it was kinda vague.

I'm curious; how many pages did your chapter take? ::please <8, please <8::

AthrunZala222 said:
COMPLETELY SIDE NOTE: In D. Gray Man chapter 80-something. THe old-panda counted how many exorcists were left in the world... 9 in Edo and the three generals.... Meaning... this HAS to take place b4 or after D. Gray Man. If it's before then all our characters have to die off. Such a problem.... ><
Well, we don't have to follow the manga exactly. This is an alternate universe after all :amuse


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Lione was standing in the Koen-ken stance

-> I should ask author rights for using my name koen :D


snoogen0120 said:
Well, we don't have to follow the manga exactly. This is an alternate universe after all :amuse
If it's an alternate universe, then what about my reference to all the original D. Gray chars? Do the other OCs think that Zeran made them up in his deranged head??????


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
guys, everybody can make mistakes in the story -> that's why it's from now on better to review the chap in the new topic...

about the alternate universe - it's a detail

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
AthrunZala222 said:
If it's an alternate universe, then what about my reference to all the original D. Gray chars? Do the other OCs think that Zeran made them up in his deranged head??????
It could be an alternate universe with the manga characters; we just don't have to follow the manga storyline exactly. I mean, we have 3 Noahs; when all of the identities are revealed in the manga, do the Noahs in our story have to change their identities? Think of this as our version of a doujinshi.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
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there's no way i won't like lione's background :D now i can continue ying's background story since lione's innocence ability is revealed :) partially i think...

if i'm not wrong, lione's ability is kinda like tikki's except it's a vacuum of sorts?


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
cool *o*
and it's totally oaky to write suvch a long chapter but don't expect I could ever write a chapter with this lenght xD. This volume is full of parts of the past of the characters. Lione's Inncence is great...a shadow-technique, how amazing.
It kinda seems that in every past we heard so far, someone had to die xD.