Chapter 51 - Act Two | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 51 - Act Two


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
And again...switched chapters with DJmewmew cause she's moving. :3
Furthermore, cause it is so much fun, songs to hear while reading. The links are in the Author's Note before the certain part. ^_^

Chapter 51 - Act Two

Part 1:
Magier was sitting at Jaques' side until he fell asleep, forced by tiredness and the pain his fever caused. Then, she moved away in order to get new cold water to care for his fever and lower it. She took the bin where a puddle of luke water rested in. When she passed Amaterasu by who was still sitting at the fire and had taken on the job of poking the ember with a stick, she stopped and turned her head to him.
" going to get new water", Magier said tersely and she walked off to the little lake close to the place they were staying, not paying attention to Amaterasu's reaction.
"Do what you like to", Amaterasu replied still staring at the core of the fire. "But be careful."

Magier reached the lake she had intended to go to and filled the bin with fresh, crystal clear water. For a while, she just kept staring at the water surface as she had done it some nights ago and the water caressed her hands. It was cold as it should be.
"As cold as I am", Magier whispered into the night. When she stood up, she could see something flashing in her canthus. It came from the other side of the lake. What was it? Slowly, Magier lowered the bin, put it on the ground and turned her head to Amaterasu. Instead of looking, he was still busy with poking the ember. It was her chance to leave without making a noise in the world to follow the suspicious shadow she had seen.
She had a hunch and wanted to prove its realness. The dark gave cover to her. Furthermore, a Noah was used to the dark so it was no problem to move in it, even if bushes and branches bared the way. The closer Magier came, the more the unknown shadow was released. It was a person, that was sure but who exactly?
Something flashed under the coat the person wore and long hair blew in the wind. Suddenly, he stopped. Did he see her?
"Aaargh, I haven't eaten since days. I guess I can't repress it anymore. if this continues on, my stomach rumbles will draw Akuma", the person complained under the noise of a rumbling stomach.
"I guess you won't have time to eat anything, you bastard", Magier said loudly, coming out the hideaway. The black katana flashed in her hand in a dangerous way and her eyes were full of anger and obsession. She was obsessed with killing and torturing when she had found out who the person was she had followed.
"You", Zeran said grinning. "What's the reason for your visit, Noah?"

A dark lightning approached Zeran and he was able to avoid it with his right arm. When the dark light was gone he faced a Noah who was obsessed with dark desires and craziness. It was readable on her face where the bloody crosses slowly appeared and the skin colouring greyish.
"I will kill you, vermin. For what you've done to Jak-kun. I will torture, tear and rip the heart out of you. When I am done with you, you would wish to die", Magier said with a creepy voice and her steps were coming closer and closer. Zeran wasn't impressed by her words but rather stood up to prepare for an upcoming fight. Where the black arm had been, a white katana took it's place. It was the direct opposite of Magier's one. The only thing they had in common was the vibrating sense of cutting through something or someone.
"Such harsh words, young lady. Don't worry, the fight won't last for long", Zeran replied and lifted his sword pointing at Magier's throat.

Part 2:
The air seemed to vibrate under the influence of tension that arose between the Exorcist and the Noah. Crows were flying above the battle field and delivered the message of an upcoming fight and a possible corpse they could refresh themselves on. But strangely, the crows were gathering behind Magier. Zeran tried to take this unlikely appearance out of his mind. He had to focus on the fight. It was a Noah after all.
"She seems to be really upset, but why worrying", Zeran thought. "With my normal power I will be able to beat her. She doesn't look very strong anyway, more frightening but not strong."
"Here I come", Magier announced and with a speed, Zeran hadn't thought her of being capable of, the Noah approached him. The two katana met and the sound of colliding steel was hearable, accompanied by the cawing of the crows. For some seconds, Magier was really close to Zeran and he could clearly see a flash in her left eye. A pushing back and the attack began from anew. Several black thunderbolts appeared when the blades hit each other. But so far, it was easy for the Exorcist to avoid the attacks. Then suddenly, the Noah disappeared, popping up behind him unexpectedly. He turned around and could avoid the attack with his blade just in time.
"You're too slow", Magier shouted and carried out a graceful jump over Zeran's head, bracing her sword on his one and landed in the going-in position they were in at the beginning of the fight.
"I won't take you easy, I said", Magier responded. "Remember it when I stab my katana in your body and viscerate you."
"Tche, stupid girl. You won't even reach my body", Zeran jeered. "Let's enjoy this fight."

The ember crumbled under the constantly poking from Amaterasu. "Where is this girl?", he complained and finally looked up. He couldn't spot her from his place so he stood up searching for her. His search quickly ended when he stepped at the bank of the lake, seeing the bin half-filled with water. He took it and went to Jaques who should be firmly asleep but when Amaterasu kneeled down, Jaques opened his eyes and stared at the dark blue night sky. "Where is she?", he asked tersely in a monotone way.
Amaterasu looked at him and answered in the same monotone way: "She's gone. I don't know where she disappeared to but..."
He was interrupted right within his sentence by a rude response of Jaques.
"Then look for her!"
"Are you kidding me? She's sixteen years old. She can look out for herself. I am not her nanny."
In his slightly occuring anger, Jaques grasped the collar of Amaterasu and stressed what he had said.
"Look for her! She isn't able to look out for herself. She's too childish. She will do anything stupid otherwise."

Part 3:
The ground quaked caused by the strength that was about to be released. Zeran's katana vibrated and his long hair blew from the arising wind, releasing a white eye-patch. Gladly he was able to find a new one for the time being. But he wasn't sure how long this patch could be of any use. Magier stared at him with a look that could kill. Pure obsession flew through her whole body and the thrill was palpable in every
vein of it. But then she noticed the air that began to circle Zeran and her look lost its staunchness. What was he about to do?
"I never said, I won't spare you either. So, here I come!", Zeran shouted and with a similar situation which had happened at the beginning of the fight, Zeran hit Magier's blade with full strength causing it to tremble. Suddenly, the air around Zeran seemed to take shape and slashed Magier's cheek. Blood was dropping down her face but she just licked it appreciatively with her tongue. "This is going to be fun", she said.
"Don't think you can get off so easily", Zeran talked back, releasing another attack with his katana. The air surrounded Magier and slashed several superficial wounds in her arms and legs. But she didn't seem to care. Instead of getting angry she began to laugh like mad.
"Now, I know it. How I will torture you to dead", she said perfidiously.
She moved back several steps and the crows that had been resting on the branches of the trees which surrounded the area, gathering around Magier. "I will show you what pain is."
She lifted her katana highly above her head and the crows began to fly around the blade in circles, causing a storm to appear that origin lay at the pike of the blade. In a, for Zeran unknown language, Magier shouted: "Heerschar der weissen Kraehe (Host of the White Crow)!"
The storm began to take shape. The shape of a huge crow with minatory wings and claws. With maximum speed, the crow approached Zeran. He could avoid the attack but not without touching the sharp air that surrounded the huge crow. Blood splattered out of a wound at the left leg and when he landed, he slightly stumpled. But he wasn't aware of the crow's true ability. The huge animal splitted up into thousands of normal-sized crows who began to attack Zeran from everywhere. Soon, he was surrounded by a wall of black feathers and he lost sight of his opponent.
"What the hell-", he said, turning around in his living cage. A creepy laughter was hearable from the other side of the constant rotating wall.
"Like a captive bird in a cage."
"Shut up!"
"Shall I release the pitiful bird?"
Suddenly the voice was behind him and Zeran was able to see Magier materialising out of the wall and slashing after him just in time to avoid the attack anew but it pushed him back against the wall and the razor sharp feathers bored into his back. Blood spilled against the feathers and plunged them into a dark red colour. A scream and a harsh attack from Zeran's side destroyed the wall of feathers and they were falling on the ground, bursting to dust before they could touch it.
Suddenly Zeran’s right eye began to click mechanically. "You bitch."

Part 4:
Jaques let go of Amaterasu when a creepy sound let them shrink back for a second. It came from the north, the way Magier had headed to.
A bright light had caught the attention of both Noah. A shadow of a crow loomed ahead and Jaques sat up in a rush.
"What's wrong, Jaques? Do you think..."
"She can't..."
Jaques never finished the sentence. Instead, he stood up and rushed towards the direction where the bright light already had disappeared, followed by Amaterasu. "Hey, Jaques. Don't exert yourself too hard", he shouted.
But he didn't care, running as fast as his pitiful circumstances allowed it. He had to stop her, no matter what.

Magier stared at Zeran who crouched on the ground, touching his right eye with one hand. He seemed to desperately hold something under.
"What are ya doing there, you vermin?", Magier asked sadistic. "Already completely defeated?!"
"I said shut up!", Zeran shouted. A hard impact hit Magier and hurled her against a tree what caused the crows to startled up and crawing anew. Blood dropped out of a corner of her mouth but she wiped it of with the back of her hand.
"What was that", the Noah thought but there wasn't enough time to think about it cause the next attack approached. Magier succeeded dodging the attack but the tree bursted into pieces. Zeran appeared out of the dust the attack had left and attacked anew. Every attack pushed Magier several steps back although she could impede them with her katana. Finally, the bombardment of harsh hits ended and it gave Magier the opportunity to calm down her breathing.
"T-this bastard. I guess he gives me no other choice", Magier whispered.
Zeran stared at the Noah who squated on the ground, exhausted by the amount of attacks she had to take. His look was Magier's. She stood up facing him.
"You made me really angry, ya know", she replied. "There weren't many on account of whom I have to release the next step of total destruction."
Her left hand, covered with several bleeding scars, wandered to her left eye. She shortly touched it, then pulling her hand away. The once yellow colour in it disappeared and left a darkish blue colour. The cross-like sign under her eye began to merge together with her left pupil and a pitch-black reticle emerged within her eye.
"You won't be able to attack me anymore", Magier jeered.
"Don't joke around", Zeran said and released another attack but Magier dodged the attack with ease, jumped into the air and attacked where Zeran left a gap of defense. Both blades clashed anew and the blow of the attack was senseable till the edge of the forest where Amaterasu and Jaques had arrived at in the meanhwile.
"What's with your eye, you monster?", Zeran beged under the force of Magier's weapon.
"As I said, you won't be able to hit me cause I can foresee your attacks, you idiot."
"Then, there's an easy way to surpass it", Zeran replied with defiantness. "Being faster than you won't be too difficult."
"Quit joking around, you asshole. There's no way you can be..."

Magier stopped in her sentence cause Zeran disappeared and popped up behind her. She turned around but was able to dodge the attack just halfway. The attack of Zeran's deadly white blade slashed her right shoulder and blood spread out of the wound, sharing out on Zeran's face.
"!", the Noah squalled under the pain the wound produced.
"You already said so", Zeran talked back equal.

Part 5:
Jaques and Amaterasu were close to the events. They could already see two figures facing each other. Amaterasu had to prop Jaques who nearly collapsed under the painful fever.
Then, the final blow had begun. Magier stood up, prepared for the deadly hit as well as Zeran. They were facing each other seriously. The next blow would decide the outcome of the battle. As in slow-motion, both lifted their weapons. The black one on the one side, the white one on the other one. Light and shadow. Good and evil. Hope and misfortune. Exorcist and Noah. One can't excist without the other one.
"LET'S GO!!!", both shouted at one go.
One step, bright lightning and a creepy sound of blades cutting through human flesh. Blood splattered along the whole ground, spotting trees and leaves in a dark red. Jaques and Amaterasu just came at the right time to look at the calamity. Amaterasu's eyes widened when he saw it. His strength left his body and he barely could prop Jaques who just stared at the carnage in front of his eyes.
Magier's sword had dipped into Zeran's chest, barely missed his heart. But also Zeran succeeded in his attack. He grinned at the girl and she grinned back. His white katana stuck in the Noah's left eye and blood dropped down the blade. It was a horrible sight. A puddle of blood cummulated under their feet and didn't seem to be willed to stop. To the surprise of the Exorcist, Magier began to laugh like mad. Then she faced him furtive.
"You~are~trapped~Exorcist", she said gaily. Then she moved towards the shocked Exorcist, causing the sword to run deeper in her head.
"What are you doing, you fool", Zeran shouted slightly panicky. But Magier just kept grinning.
"Stop, you fool!", Jaques screamed and delivered Amaterasu from his rigidity. "You will die!"

Author's Note:
Here's the song for the following part:
I dislike Orochimaru but the song is nice :3.

Part 6:
Magier moved towards Zeran, their bodies nearly touching each other, so that they could almost hear each other's heartbeat. The girl lifted her hands, touching Zeran's cheek and cramping her black fingernails in it. The ground began to crumble and darkness approached.
Black wings spread out the Noah's back and the katana in Zeran's body turned into a scythe which caused Zeran to spill out more blood. What was happening here?
Magier was so close to Zeran that he could feel her heavy, cold breath. The breath of death. The katana still stuck in Magier's left eye but Zeran already let go of it cause it had got a way to hot. It was a wonder that the blade didn't melt away.
"Heerschar der weissen Kraehe, Zweiter Akt (Host of the White Crow Act Two)."
"Stop it!!!"

The bright white crow appeared a new but this time, behind Magier. With deadly flashing eyes, it focused Zeran. A clock whose clock hands kept rotating, loomed behind Zeran and the fingers began to move towards twelve o'clock. His remaining life-time. Shortly, the crow's eyes turned red and what happened then, struck within seconds. Magier kissed Zeran on the lips. Zeran, too surprised to struggle, just saw the crow approaching and felt the cold spreading out in his body. Then, the crow cut through Magier's and Zeran's body who was trapped in the Noah's grip. He was unable to flee or defend himself. So he was at the mercy of the attack. He felt a piercing pain running through every nerve of his body when the crow's claws bore through his chest and interpenetrate. It was like facing the death, standing on the abysm of complete misery.
Nevertheless, the attack had effects on the Noah either. Magier's wings began to burst to dust. Indeed, they had blocked a great amount of the attack but they were unable to avoid the whole power of it on Magier's body. Apart from that, the attack cost Magier all her strength. Letting the death running through the opponent's body wasn't for free after all.
Suddenly, the white eye-patch lost its grip and fell on the ground. The process of the attack was disturbed by a creepy howl. Magier shrinked back and the attack stopped in its process. The scythe turned back to the old black katana. Moreover, it bursted into pieces when Zeran pulled it out. Magier's eyes widened when she saw what was happening there right in front of her. A short look at a totally changed Zeran with an uncontrollable killer instinct in his eyes who pulled out his katana from Magier's left eye, then a mechanically click, a scream and Zeran turned back to normal. But with the upcoming light in which the bright white crow disappeared, Zeran vanished too.

Author's Note:
Aaaa~~~nd a song for the last part:

Part 7:
Magier lifted her hand while falling. Maybe she thought she could reach her opponent but he wasn't there anymore, disappeared in a flash of bright light. Magier hit the ground with her back and she spitted blood when she felt the hard, stony soil boring in her spinal cord. Blood dropped down her chin, merging together with the bloody puddle on the ground. She didn't notice in what a rush Jaques and Amaterasu ran to her, even not how Amaterasu kneeled down to look at her fatal wounds, especially the one she had in her face. It was inconceivable that she was still alive. Her left eye had been almost excelled.

"You blessed yourself again?"
"I-I am sorry."
"I sometimes really got the feeling you're doing it by your own choice. But that's absurd."
"Y-yeah it is...Ouch."
"It looks serious. What did you do?"
"I...fell down the stairs cause I was in rush."
"In rush?"
"I wanted to meet you so badly", Magier thought.

Jaques kneeled down as well.
"What a stupid girl", he said, touching her head. Suddenly, Magier's hand grasped the one of Jaques. The grip got tighter and tighter and Jaques stared at her in a surprised way.
"D-doctor", Magier whispered. "I have blessed myself again. Please help me."
Then she fainted, her grip broke away and she dived into eternal darkness and nightmares. The blood kept running and running and running.
"Magier-chan...", Jaques said.

"I...killed him..."
Magier stared at the blood that was dropping down her hands, through her fingers. Then, her look the graveyard.
She took the person she just had killed at the collar and pulled the corpse to the dark place where every person shared the same destiny. Death.

*coughs* I am obsessed with tragic things, I know. *coughs* Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And I promise, when Magier awakens, she will be in such a bad mood that she acts funny again. :P
The italic printed parts are again something from her past. As you can see, I love to release it piece by piece. Shortly before the BIG EVENT happens, I will tell ya the whole story ^__^. I am sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the last one I wrote but it's really difficult to write fighting parts. And it takes double the time. @.@
So, now to those who ask, Zeran acts a way too cocky in the scneario, doesn't he? My answer: Yes, maybe. But I was too lazy to edit it xD. Furthermore, I love his arguments, even if they sound cocky. I just thought too much of Kanda while writting it. I am sorry, Athrun-kun. But I am glad you like it though. :-) Moreover, Zeran doesn't use his eye to redirect the attack. Why? First, he enjoyed the fight too much and doesn't want to use it and at the end of the fight, he doesn't get the chance to it. No more reasons why he doesn't use his eye...maybe I just forgot about this possibility *coughs* ^_^". Moreover, the fight would have ended too early with him using this ability. Zeran, you're just a away too strong. :P
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
this is sooooo great!
magier is just unconsious right?
she can't be dead @~@


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Don't worry. She's still alive ^_^. Furthermore, we need a Happy Ending for her.
She just fell asleep for some days but I already imagined a scene when she wakes up.
Watch out!


In order for Magier to not shiver, Jaques has carpet Magier with his priest robe (dunno why, just imagine it xD). Then, after a few days, she woke up. Jaques was unable to take his robe back cause Magier crampled her hands in his robe. When she saw Jaques standing in front of her...nose-bleeding and she turned her head so that Jaques can't see her face and the blood that dropped down her face. Jaques was topless ( I just imagine him to have a good body ^_^").

Amaterasu: "You're bleeding again?!"


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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lol ^^
since I'll write the next noah chapter I might add this


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Okies ^_^.
Hm, yummy, KitKat. :3


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Whee~! Good chappie =D


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
United States
Whoo! =3 Nice one. Poor Magier-chan. Is it werid if I say she scares the crap out of me? Well, she does. She's just so creepy cool!~


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hehe, thanks a lot ^_^.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
amazing chapter! i love the fight especially the crow attack. hehe so bloodthirsty...

don't all noah have regeneration skills? so magier should be out and about in no time. it's kinda frightening how you kinda hinted one of my idea in the chapter i plan to write... :sweat i think you should stop using that eye jk jk


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
omg magier I agree with you 100% fighting scenes take forever to write out.

Your chapter was great as usual Magier your talent is awesome. i especially love the part

Magier lifted her hand while falling. Maybe she thought she could reach her opponent but he wasn't there anymore, disappeared in a flash of bright light. Magier hit the ground with her back and she spitted blood when she felt the hard, stony soil boring in her spinal cord. Blood dropped down her chin, merging together with the bloody puddle on the ground.
I love that sort of stuff it gives me a thrill


since Ir ead this already my comment need not be posted

Ah well if Zeran becomes a cocky bastard so be it

in my next chapter he will revert to a emo bastard XD XD XD XD


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So, Zeran is either a cocky bastard or an emo bastard. But 100% a bastard xD?

don't all noah have regeneration skills? so magier should be out and about in no time. it's kinda frightening how you kinda hinted one of my idea in the chapter i plan to write... i think you should stop using that eye jk jk
Really? I have? ^_^"....

@Deathshadow: I love such sort of stuff too. I love it when blood splatters around xD.