Chapter 74 - A Game of Darts | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 74 - A Game of Darts

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
I didn't have time to write much, but I really did want to write something, anything, so I turned something I'd hoped to write as an omake into a larger chapter.......thing............Well, after camp, I'm going to have (most) of the summer to myself, so my next chapter will be much bigger!



What the heck? Tabby looked around to try and locate the source of the noise.

Woosh………..clatter “ARGH!!!”

Lione…? The noise was coming from the room on her left.

“My GOD, you really are horrible at this!”


Tabby had to see this. She opened the door a crack and peeked inside. Sure enough, it was Lione and Lyra. Lione was blushing and Lyra was almost in hysterics. But what were they doing? Tabby tried to open the door a little more to get a better view. The door though, decided at that moment to creak. Loudly.

Oh crap, Busted! Sure enough, both of them turned to look at her. “Um……sorry for intruding, I just was walking by and some weird noises…..and…um….yeah,” Tabby said blushing.

“That’s okay, Kitty! We were just playing darts!” Lyra said with a smile, gesturing towards a dart board on the far wall. “I thought Angsty-No-Fun-Cripple needed to do something other than brood all day about the end of this branch. But as you can see, he’s not that good.” There was one dart on an outer ring, one in the wall, and one on the floor. Lione shot her a look.

“Oh, that’s nice…….wait….Kitty?” Tabby questioned. Lyra just kept smiling.

“That’s your name, right? I remember it was something cat-ish like Kitty or Persian.”

“It’s Tabitha. Tabby for short,” Tabby sighed.

“See? I was right Kitty!” Lyra said, obviously pleased with herself.

Well, ‘Kitty’ is thousands of times better than ‘Angsty-Cripple’ Tabby idly thought, I’ll just let it go. “Can I try?”

“Sure, do you know how? ‘Cause I’m already going to have to teach Butterfingers here how to, you can watch that.”

“I already know how. My brother taught me,” Tabby said as she attempted to pull the dart from the wall.

“Oh? You have a brother? What’s his name?”

Lione and Tabby stiffened a bit. “Ah……Lyra? Her brother is well-“ Lione started to say

“Edward.” Tabby interrupted, her voice flat, returning with the darts.

“That’s a nice name! How old is he?” Lyra asked as Tabby proceeded to put the three darts in between her fingers. “Hey that’s a funny way to hold darts, isn-“

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Both Lione and Lyra’s jaws dropped. Two of the darts were in the bulls’-eye, the third in the second closest ring.

“Oh darn it!” Tabby pouted.

“What are you talking about, that’s amazing!” Lione managed to say.

“Yeah, you’re a billion times better than Soap-hands here!!” Lyra exclaimed. Lione shot her a look. “Wow that was cool! You threw those like kunai huh? Amazing Ninja-Kitty!!!”

“It-t’s not that great, Edward could get all three in the middle, every single time!” Tabby said with a reddening blush.

“Really?!?!?!? Your brother is frightening! When can I meet him? He sounds like fun!” Lyra said with a big grin.

“Well, you see-“ Lione started, sure that Lyra’s bluntness and curiosity would cause Tabby a mental breakdown.

“I’m sorry, but it’s not possible. He died a couple of months ago.” Tabby said, looking at the floor with a sad smile on her face. “…But yes, he was a lot of fun to be around!” She said turning to look Lyra in the face with a big smile.

“And I bet he was cute too,” Lyra pouted.

“As his sister, I’m really not the best judge of that.” Tabby said with a laugh.

“That’s probably true.” Lyra sighed. “Well, anyway, after that performance, my teaching motivation is out the window so I think I’ll excuse myself.”

“Wait.” She turned around to see Lione looking somewhat guilty. “There is something that I have to tell you. A week ago, I had this weird experience in which you threatened me and tried to become branch leader. You were pretty scary.”
Lyra gave him a weird look. “I might be scary, but you know that I am not that type of person. Besides, I don’t want that kind of responsibility. You must have been hallucinating.” A stern look appeared on her face. “Were you taking any drugs?”
He nodded and admitted, “It was to help me calm down.”
“I thought so.” And with that, she left. Tabitha decided that she does not want to know what was going on.

“She was the one who made that awful throw, right?” Tabby asked as soon as she was gone. “I heard someone shout ‘ARRGH’ right before I came in, and unless you can suddenly change genders, I don’t think it was you, Lione.”

“Yeah, that was hers,” Lione said. There was a sort of awkward silence.

“Well, I’d better get going, I was on my way to help Ying and now I’m really late.” Tabby said, starting for the door.

“…You handled that very well, Lyra’s questions about Edward.” Lione suddenly said.

Tabby stopped. There was another silence. After a minute, Tabby seemed to find her voice, “I did, didn’t I? …I guess you could say I’m over it. I mean, it still hurts to think about, but I’m not crying at the memories. I know I’ll never be perfectly fine with it, but I also know that he can’t come back, and that dwelling on it just holds me back.”

“I meant to say this earlier, but I think you’ve grown quite a bit.” Lione said with a small smile.

Tabby turned to look at him, and gave him a small smile back. “Thanks.”

Down in the cafeteria, Eny was still fuming. “Noisy Munchkin” was bad enough, but this, these dresses, were unforgivable. If Lyra had meant to get Eny to stop, she had failed. She had just poured gasoline on the fire. But a Finder didn’t know this as he sat down across from her.

“Nice dress.” He commented. Eny gave him a death glare. “Err……sorry.” That was a pretty good prank though; you have to admit, with the dresses. A little harsh, but the best prank I think we’ve had at this branch. Out did your paint bomb and Steph’s green hair by a mile!” Eny glare deepened. That was the other thing she was pissed about, more than the hideousness of the dress. She’d been outdone! That stup-wait.

“Stephanie’s green hair?” Eny asked.

“You haven’t heard about that? Apparently, a year ago on April Fool’s Day, Tabby replaced Steph’s shampoo with green hair dye. It took a week for her to wash it out!” Suddenly, Eny’s face twisted into a sadistic grin.

“You’ve just given me a wonderful idea! Come on!” Eny said jumping up and pulling the Finder with her.

“Wait!” He complained. “I didn’t get to eat!!!”

Eny's gonna try to dye Lyra's hair hot pink with permanent dye. =D I would have written it, but I don't really have permission to do that XD So if steph's sis wants it to happen or doesn't mind, I guess Lyra could just show with the pink hair ((Or a new hat)) I think it'd be funny if everyone knows something has happened to Lyra's hair, they just don't know what. And I really hope I got Lyra right. *crosses fingers*
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MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Wow, nice, little chapter ^^.
OMG, next is my turn. I will do my best to finish my chapter quite soon, I promise.
Hm~~~ I can use Eny's plan as a good scene for my chapter ^^.
But to this chapter first: it was such a nice interaction between Lyra, Lione and Tabby.
Lione = soap-hand, wtf xD.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Sorry, but I forgot to mention what the prank was... *edit first post*

Anyway, my pm response to djmewmew: lol My sister and I loved your chapter! You got the characterization right according to my sister. This is what she told me via im:

I can imagine another reason that Lyra walked out is b/c she felt bad that she mentioned Edward since she didn't know that he's dead so it was a foot-in-mouth kind of situation.

For the hair dying prank, I think it would be hilarious. But Lyra loves colors so she would definitely love the bright pink and show off to everyone. I can imagine it now:

Next morning, a groggily Lyra woke up and prepare to get ready in the morning. She looked at herself in the morning and stared at it. While she was holding a few strands of her newly pink dyed hair and studying it, Eny would snicker in her bed. After a few seconds, Lyra would scream, "OMG, I love it!" :luv and wake up everyone to show off her new hair. The only complaint she would have is that she wished that it was highlighted as well.

So Eny still have to figure out Lyra's weakness which she will prolly find out in a battle since people will start pressuring her to activate her innocence power. Too much pressure = snappy Lyra

Anyway, I figured out how Lyra would "retaliate", but I would probably put it in my omake (I decided that it would take place between magier and raijatsu's chapters). At least their pranks will keep the now nonexistant branch lively for a while. :amuse
if you want to write about the aftermath of the prank, it's fine with me.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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nice chapter ^^ pink huh? Eny and Lyra are really a great couple


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Okay, then....I will write about the turmoil in my chapter, or just hint at it..if this is okay. I just need a reason why Lione left HQ at night xD