Chapter 80: End of religion | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 80: End of religion


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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decided to write it before going on ym trip. It was pretty late when i rwrote it so please overlooks the spelling errors ^^


The train was crowded luckily Lyra was able to “convince” a group of people to leave the cabin. “If we ever get separated in town” she started her speech in the worst thinkable way. Madeline was shocked by that thought while Eny looked annoyed because she knew a better way.
“If we ever get separated go into a Restaurant called “Green Olive Creek” it belongs to a friend of mine wait there for one hour if we don’t get there go back to the HQ. Everyone understood that?”
The cabin was quite again.

After her escape she rode around town then she sent the horse into the forest and walked back to their meeting point.
As if god gave her a favor a hard rain washed away the horseshoe marks and kept the people inside their houses. Nobody should have seen her she thought.
To her amusement the restaurant’s owner was a male copy of Lyra and quickly offered her something to warm up. Madeline waited drinking a hot cocoa with, as the owner described it, a special seasoning (Rum) and a bit to warm up (even more Rum).
Half an hour has passed as a knocking woke her from rum-dizziness.
“Cousin Grim I’m home have you seen a,” shouted Lyra as she entered the building, “Oh you really found it! Where have you send or militant musician?”
She made herself comfortable on the other side of the desk Eny and Rinvak took the remaining two seats.

“This place belongs to your cousin? Why didn’t we go her right away?” asked Eny still shivering.
“Because she owes me quite a sum of money well to be exact her father owes my father quite a sum of money you munchkin. And my name is Grimoir not Grim. So when will you pay cousin Lulu?” said Grimoir with a tablet with three cocoas on it.
“As soon as my Mission is over so don’t worry Grim. But for now let’s think about our next steps the nomads are about three hours away from here we could be there by sunrise and the rain disguises hour scent and trails.
Rinvak you better get back and send Daniel and Zane on a little vacation trip just tell them we threw you of the horse as soon as we left the camp.”

Our group of three made their way to the camp. Rinvak still sat in the Restaurant thinking if she should have let them go that easily.

Belial sat in front of a mirror.
“A skin like porcelain, hair like the nightsky yet still, all she gets from Jacques-sama was a caring touch on the head while Gabrielle sometimes even gets a kiss. That woman is the embodied sin yet still his most precious guardian.” Quickly she dismisses the thought. “Envy is a deadly sin.”
She whispered to herself and began practicing the song for the morning sermon.

Jacques and Gabrielle lay on the bed sheet. Gabrielle took care of his wounds while moving closer and closer to him.
“How long will you keep up the play?” she whispered in his ear, “I know you’re no priest, the earl knows, you know, everyone knows. Abstinence is simply not suited for a body like this.”

He leaned back resting his head on her shoulder.
His skin turns black “When I get my dearest toy. This body is for your use.” he said with a hungry tone.
Suddenly he backs away, his skin turning back to white.
“It’s better of you go now Gabrielle. I feel a storm coming.”
Gabrielle stood up putting her dress back on. “Say what,” she said as she leaves, “it is already pouring.”

The three arrive at the campsite. Despite it being after sunrise already the storm clouds still keep it pitch black.
Suddenly it becomes unpleasantly bright in front of them.
“Wow Gabby, Bel,” said a male voice,” we’re lucky running an errand for Jacques-sama this late. We where supposed to deliver the captives’ innocence to Uriel and now we get to smash some cockroaches for free.”
“It would be easier for us if you don’t tell them our number you moron!” said Gabrielle.

This was the worst case scenario for them.
Being caught off guard by three enemies melted away their chances of success.
Suddenly Eny jumped in front of them. “Where is my Fermuim?” she screamed pointing her bazooka at the three angels,
“That Fat cat?” answered Gabrielle,” it’ with Master Ameratsu and that Akuma’s sister on the other side of the camp. Right next to Jacques-sama’ s tent.” She points roughly at the north way through the camp.
“But I fear you won’t get so far kiddo.” said Michael while drawing his sword.

Eny and Ying are inside Ying’s Lab.
“I need a bookman to record my data of the enemy’s weaponry.” Said Ying holding up the axe of late Raphael , “It’s seems they found away to turn scraps of destroyed Akumas of a high level into forgeable material giving the weapons the ability too turn emotions into energy very similar to innocence.
I think I could do that as well with the akumas destroyed during the ambush.”
Eny looks at Ying and asks “ So you could make me a weapon with it? Something to get my fermium back?” Ying shock her head making a strict face like lecturing a pupil.
“You know what Akumas are made of? These are crystallized souls, the darkness inside the human being. This is what they collected. It lives! It grants power but the price is your own soul. You still want to use it?" "Yes will I have the right idea for it don't worry.”

“I only have three of these shells but I guess angry as I am now I do not need any more.” She things while pulling the trigger.
After that the situation becomes a mixture of light and noise and all whats left after it is a big chasm between Madeline and Belial, and Eny,Lyra, Michael and Gabrielle.
Lyra looked at eny, who was still amazed of the new gained firepower and tried to sort out the facts. One was out of reach the other nowhere to be found. All they could do was to follow the obvious thing.
The shining objects in the hands of the two angels running front of them. The trap was soo obvious but at least these where no Noahs.

Madeline and Belial where looking at each other.

“Innocense activate!” the both scream simultaneous.

A fox of fire shot towards Madeline who shielded herself with a blue cube.
Madeline thinks

“My barriers a stable for about 30 seconds in this heat. Changing the colour need 3 seconds. She need about 20 seconds to create a blast and another 5 the reach me. It looks like time is on her side.”

She changes to yellow and sent small triangles towards the angel while heightening the distance between them. Belial shields herself with a strong flame shield and barely avoids the shots.

“My projectiles are a lot faster and her fire can only slow them down.”

thinks the nun. She changes her strategy and charges at Belial while firing different shaped barriers at her. Belial gets hit and is thrown back by the impact. Madeline changes to red and creates a cube around the guardian.
“Don’t even think of destroying this, I would have send you down the chasm before it would even show signs of instability. Where are the captives? And why didn’t you fight seriously?” asked Madeline shocking Belial.

“You’re look just proofed my theory, while you where defending your flames where a lot hotter then while you attacked me otherwise my shoots would have wounded you.”
Belial looked at the nun and suddenly started crying,
“I simply can’t do that. You’re deceived by a false god but you’re still human. Killing is a sin I cannot commit.” “But your master killed people and your fellow Noahs did as well.”
“The Noah clan are gods holy apostles they do not seek salvation but instead they will die for us ending this hellish world offering us gods eternal bliss.
But first the world must be cleansed with fire.”
“You are talking about Genocide! A God born suffering can never create a paradise.
Accept this world and change it by your own. This is god’s true will!”
Belial suddenly looked at Madeline like a child that heard Santa Clause did not exist.
Such pure faith could not be from a bad person.

“Well it seems you two have a hearty conversation about religion. May I join?”

The Noah looked at the red barrier around Belial and with a swift strike he scattered it.
“Belial, t seems you failed capturing another toy for magier-chan but don’t you worry I’m not angry with you.” Belle looked at Madeline an thought about Magier’s way of treating her “toys”.
“Jacques–sama could you please spare this woman? She could become a new warrior for god.” The Noah’s expression changed into the well known smile.
“I fear not Belial this woman is already too much poisoned by impure thoughts.
You heard her speech.”
“But didn’t you say every man, every sinner can be helped and brought to salvation?” Jacques took a step to her direction.
“Well this was not quite correct you could even say I lied. Yes lying is the right word for it.” His skin turn black and his smile becomes a grin.

This face would hunt both women in their dreams from that day on.

Belial looked at the man in front of her. The man, who dragged her out of the darkness and bathed her in the light of hope, now he looked like the darkness itself.
“What bout bringing mankind salvation?”
“I lied”
“What about bringing us god eternal bliss?”
“I lied.”
“What about saving the exorcists from the poisonous innocence and relieving their sins?”
“I lied”
The girl fell on her knees,
“What bout always loving and caring for Magier, Gabrielle and me?”
Jaqcues took another step towards her.
“Magier is my dearest sister and Gabrielle a very useful tool but again I lied.
I will destroy mankind and turn this world into hell.
This is the mission given to me by Duke Millennium as the Noah Jacques LaCoix.”

Suddenly a red prism surrounds Belle and Madeline moving them deep into the forest.

Lyra and Eny ran for minutes but the could not catch up to the Guardians.
In the distance they saw a glowing red object moving through the forest and Lyra decides to go after it.

“Won’t you go after her Jak-kun?” said Magier stepping out of the darkness.
But the male Noah simply smiles and steps into the camp while his skin turns back into normal.

His rosary lies in the mud slowly thinking into oblivion

I hoped you like it ^^ yes Jacques is now officially no priest anymore.
which also means no abstinense (this is a little present for you magier-chan ^^).
I hoped you liked it.

now: off to Leipzig! yay Games convention XD
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rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
time out! did jacques sleep with gabrielle? it appears that if all of the noahs got laid, everyone would be happier, wouldn't they?

such a great chapter! i especially liked the "i lied" part. so kick@$$. such a shame that it looks like the others will have to retreat when they were so close to retrieving the others.

have fun on your trip.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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time out! did jacques sleep with gabrielle? it appears that if all of the noahs got laid, everyone would be happier, wouldn't they?

such a great chapter! i especially liked the "i lied" part. so kick@$$. such a shame that it looks like the others will have to retreat when they were so close to retrieving the others.

have fun on your trip.
no he hasn't yet slept with her ^^ but the tease was great wasn't it?
since he, or better his black side, has abbandoned his identity as a priest, everything could happen now


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
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United States
Tee hee! That was so flippin' cool! I love the 'I lied' part. Really quite awesome. =3


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 13, 2007
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United States
That was a cool chapter. Like everyone else I like the "I lied" part. Thats cool that Jacques isn't a priest anymore. And aslo did Madeline want to join the noah? Oh well have fun on your trip.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
i think belial joined madeline and the others, not the other way around ^^;;


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Now, again as Magier xD. I keep on logging in either as ttx or magier when I am here, haha.

But to the chapter:
It's great. Especially, and I can just agree with the other, the "I-lied"-part. Jacque is such a fascinating character. And Rai, I could cuddle you for the desicin to end the abstinence. Magier will be really glad and this gives me a new idea for my chapter ^_^v.

I hope I can write it down on Sunday evening and Monday. I'll try my best to finish it just in time, yakusoku ne.

Rai, have fun at the convention. Woah, I am kinda jealous xD.