Death Note (Alternate Ending - My Version) | MangaHelpers

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Death Note (Alternate Ending - My Version)


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 31, 2005
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United States
Well I know some people were disappointed with how Death Note ended. Here is my fanfic sort of version of how I would have wanted it to "end", And by end, I mean until the continuation is picked up for next chapter.

Page 1

Title: Kira has been this the end?!?

Page 2

Light: (thought bubble) No, this can't be the end. There has to be another way out.

Near: Face it Yagami Light. You have been captured. I would rather take you in peacefully than by using force.

Light: (thought bubble) Smug bastard...wait, thats it! The piece of the Death Note is still in my watch...but there isn't enough time to even use it without being seen.

Near: ...

Page 3

Matsuda: Light, how could you let your own father die to protect yourself! (overwhelmed expression on face)

Light: (thought bubble)This is the chance, its now or never.(/thought bubble) To tell you the truth Matsuda, I wanted to avoid my father's death. But since he opposed the will of Kira, there was no choices left.

Matsuda: So you even planned to kill us all here tonight because we opposed you!?

Near: Light's need to be a saviour has overcome his judgment. It wasn't ever about doing justice, was it Kira? You were just playing the game.

Page 4

Light: (thought bubble) I'll let them believe what they want to believe. I don't need to explain my actions to them (/thought bubble) You forgot one little detail Near. This game isn't over. You may have think you captured me right now but your fate is inevitable.

Light: Because I have something that you don't. A death god on my side. (turns to Ryuuk) I promise you Ryuuk, what happens next will be interesting if you just go along with me.

Ryuuk: ....I told you I have no loyalties.

Light: (thought bubble)All according to plan so far...(/thought bubble) Fine, just watch then. (Light pulls the paper out of his watch slowly)

Page 5

Near: ...As I said, its over. Men, apprehend him.

Ryuuk: I've become bored (across the page in big font: !?!?!) (pulls out his notebook)

Light: What are you planning to do Ryuuk? Kill everyone here? (turns to Near) Do you all see now? I have the power of a Shinigami on my side! No one can stop me.

Page 6

(The men become startled and pull out their guns. Each one begin shooting rapidly while the bullets just pass through Ryuuk)

Light: (During the shooting Light, wrote a name on the Death Note slowly and secretly) Heh, I've won Near.

Page 7

Ryuuk: It doesn't matter how many times you shoot me. I can't die. Besides, its not even your names I'm writing.

Light: (smiles) It's mine isn't it Ryuuk? You've become bored so that time has come to let me die, correct?

Ryuuk: ...Still thinking ahead, Light? Maybe this might be interesting after all...

Light: No matter what happens now Near, you will all die.

Near: ....

Mogi: What do you mean?

Page 8

(Light pulls out the paper from the death note again, then pulls out a pen)

Light: (thought bubble) I'll have to write down everyone's names as fast as I can. (/thought bubble)

Near: That's a piece of the death note.. stop him! (Light turns his back on them)

Page 9

(Everyone starts shooting at Light, each bullet merely grazing him.)

Light: Mikami, quickly, what is Near's real name?!?

Page 10

Mikami: Nate Rivers!

Light: The final name has been written.

Matsuda: How...did our bullets not hit any vital points?

Mogi: They just grazed him, barely leaving flesh wounds.

Near: So we're all going to die in 35 seconds huh?

Page 11

Light: 10 seconds...This is what you get Near for getting over your head in what you can't handle. Your no successor to L.

(Everyone in the room drops dead except Light)

Ryuuk: I don't get it. You should have died 60 seconds ago.

Light: Now Ryuuk, is where it gets interesting. We are to do this quickly. I don't have much time. About 23 days to be precise.

Ryuuk: Ah, so you wrote your own name to void what I wrote. That explains why they only grazed you with their bullets. Your still going to die anyway.

Page 12

Light: If what I think is correct, then there is a way out. But since I'm left with such a mischievous shinigami, I'll have to go to the source myself...your king!

Ryuuk: ?!? (begins to laugh) This is the most excited I've been in years Light.

Light: So your going to take me to your world?

Ryuuk: Yes...

Page 13

(The journey begins, Text: Light begins his most interesting task yet! Enter Shinigami World)

I know it may be inconsistent with a few things but I just wanted to see the story go on and figured this may have been the only way unless the whole thing was setup before hand(Which it obviously wasn't to Light's surprise in Mellow and Near's plan.)


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 9, 2005
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there is a huge mistake in deathnote allready. thats why i only like the first part of it till the first L dies. after that for some reason kira gets stupid. he found out the second Ls name ( the one with the scar, not the lil kid). just by knowing his name he could have had him finish of both the lil L AND THE OTHERS WHO WERE IN HIS WAY. this was possible with the deatnote as other far more harder things were even possible with it. but he didnt do it and instead got stupid and made plans that dont even seem like the style he had with the first L.


Manga Editor
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 18, 2006
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United States
Well this isn't a bash deathnote session because your favorite character died.

I have to say this was an enjoyable chapter, a bit predictable plan though. Also Takada wasn't there she was dead. You were speaking of Mikami. Other then I have no qualms. Though if that became the real ending Death Note would lose its realism.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 31, 2005
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United States
Its my fault, Name mix up. ILl change it.

And yeah, this is a fanfiction ending more than anything. Its just I was really rooting for Kira and didn't want Near to win. But then again, what realism is actually in any manga?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 26, 2007
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YEah I understand your frustration (if that's what it is). I wanted the bad guy L to be captured but i didn't want the series to end


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 26, 2010
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there is a huge mistake in deathnote allready. thats why i only like the first part of it till the first L dies. after that for some reason kira gets stupid. he found out the second Ls name ( the one with the scar, not the lil kid). just by knowing his name he could have had him finish of both the lil L AND THE OTHERS WHO WERE IN HIS WAY. this was possible with the deatnote as other far more harder things were even possible with it. but he didnt do it and instead got stupid and made plans that dont even seem like the style he had with the first L.
Kira got lazy not dumb, he didn't know that Wammy's house had anyone note worthy, he was caught off guard. First time he spoke with N he was told that L is a fake, Kira was among them and whoever was suspected of being Kira by original L was most definitely kira.

All he could do from there is set up a reverse trap as he knew Near would try to trap him, he tried to catch Near once and failed so he decided to simply stay one step ahead of him and not make any judgements. He couldn't kill Mello because he had never seen his face, that's hwy he begged his father to write his name. And finally Light had done a perfect job, his only fault was that Mello forced Mikami to take action and kill Takada which meant Mikami would show Giovanni, the guy trailing him where his Death Note was and thus Light's plan to one up Near by making him exchange a fake book for a fake book failed.

ep26 was a fine ending, and 27-37 wasn't as good as L's story arc, but it was still great as a sequel.