Favorite Battle
Everything from Chapter 1 to 306 is eligible for manga-related categories. As for the anime-related ones, it's everything from Season 1 to 4.
Use this site as source for references/nominations.
- Hawks vs. Twice & Dabi: 4.
- Shigaraki vs Endeavor and co: 4.
- All For One vs All Might: 3.
- Shigaraki vs Re-Destro: 3.
Stain vs. Deku, Iida, & Todoroki: 2.Endeavor vs Hood: 1.UA Sports Festival Cavalry Battle: 1.Deku vs. Gentle & La Brava: 0.
- Shigaraki vs Endeavor and co: 10.
- Shigaraki vs Re-Destro: 6.
- All For One vs All Might: 5.
- Deku vs. Gentle & La Brava: 4.
- Endeavor vs Hood: 4.
- Hawks vs. Twice & Dabi: 4.
- Stain vs. Deku, Iida, & Todoroki: 4.
- UA Sports Festival Cavalry Battle: 4.
Deku vs Bakugou (2nd Fight): 3.Deku vs Muscular: 3.Deku and Bakugou VS All Might: 2.Deku vs Todoroki: 2.Toga vs Curious: 2.
To view the rules and general info about the event, click [HERE].
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