I like how you sign your name in your post just in case we'd get confused by the unexpected loli avatar right '-'
Oh! This ended, and the winner is Son Hak... who?

estas muerto...
Thanks Sky for the event! Those are fun and are becoming more common^^ It's funny how you're always behind the clashing events, the War Master.
Thx Van, Zasz and Ahmado for helping out as well^^
Thx, Magu for the materials you provided me! Even the things that would have interested Reebi more lmao, if people only knew the perv you are...
Gratz, Zirc! You got so far with a non sexy-type in the middle of all this steam... Great work^^ (I should have read more of your materials, I love reading your stuff).
Gratz, Erin-chi! You gave me such a hard time ç.ç I agree with Lambu, you're for sure the most passionate one around here, glad you ended up in the podium^^
Gratz, Lambito! Now I can say it (since I didn't want to risk going for a self sabotage ç.ç) but you had me super worried for days

Kogami is indeed very sexy and appealing and every time you guys would spam pics I was like "oh boy, why ç_ç" Idk Psycho-Pass, but he looks like a very interesting character as well, like all the picks you bring into these competitions. You always show up with things that some people adore but that get little recognition out there, and you end up introducing great stuff to others by doing so. No wonder people love your taste and trust your calls.
And finally, thx guys for the support *-* I was very comfortable with my nominations this time, 'cause Ik Hak is amazing and ANY is more known than my underdogs

(Kuchiha from Amatsuki and Nana). I appreciate the ones that helped me out promoting Hak (kudos to Gry and Xad), specially in the first round against Lelouch, when there were more, and then later on against Marian and Kogami, which were complicated matches. My fav match was still against Saeki, engaging with Holy was freaking interesting from my PoV and I got to know her better (and the universe my bf is addicted to lmao).
I honestly hope people use this to check on ANY^^ It's worth the ride. Fun characters and interesting plot, a good call for casual times when you wanna chill, imo. It's also nice to see a shoujo promoted here (although ANY has a lot of shonen elements), it's not my cup of tea, but I'm all in for diversity o/
One last time here, pardon my french, and thx for the compliments about my campaigns, those took too many hours of my life xD so I'm glad people enjoyed it.
This is a gift for all '-' So you can bring Hak into your homes! (and do wtv with it
