Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 177 - Spoilers & Discussion | MangaHelpers

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 177 - Spoilers & Discussion


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Chapter starts to show Ryu's past and that he was a sorcerer back then.

The fight continues between Ishigoori and Yuta, and then Takako joins in the fight.

Yuta faces Ryu's blast bare handed & he even punches him deep into ground

At the end, Ryu fires a blast but Uro distorts the space due to which Ryu's hit back

The rooftop explodes & Rika gets exposed


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Is it me or is this arc like.....really super repetitive?

Like the formula so far is

a) Two sorcerers meet (One from the main cast, a new one we don't know)

b) They fight.

c) The fight ends with one of them winning.


There's no new twists. Like it's all very straightforward. At least in Shibuya there was stuff like Sukuna intervening. Or even Toji appearing (As BS as this ended up being).

So far the arc just feels too vanilla. But maybe I am in a minority with this opinion here.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Is it me or is this arc like.....really super repetitive?

Like the formula so far is

a) Two sorcerers meet (One from the main cast, a new one we don't know)

b) They fight.

c) The fight ends with one of them winning.


There's no new twists. Like it's all very straightforward. At least in Shibuya there was stuff like Sukuna intervening. Or even Toji appearing (As BS as this ended up being).

So far the arc just feels too vanilla. But maybe I am in a minority with this opinion here.
You're not wrong. This whole "culling game" thing is just another iteration of the "only the strongest will survive martial arts battle" shonen trope.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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You're not wrong. This whole "culling game" thing is just another iteration of the "only the strongest will survive martial arts battle" shonen trope.
And we already had a tournament arc earlier in the story with the exchange students thing.

I'm confused of Kenjaku's motives here. Like the strongest survives, then what? A new vessel for Sukuna? But we already know Yuji is his kid in a sense so like....what's the end game here?
I hope we get some more light shed soon on the endgame of this arc. Because so far it just feels like an excuse to introduce more new characters into the story who will just lose to our MC's in battle.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Is it me or is this arc like.....really super repetitive?

Like the formula so far is

a) Two sorcerers meet (One from the main cast, a new one we don't know)

b) They fight.

c) The fight ends with one of them winning.


There's no new twists. Like it's all very straightforward. At least in Shibuya there was stuff like Sukuna intervening. Or even Toji appearing (As BS as this ended up being).

So far the arc just feels too vanilla. But maybe I am in a minority with this opinion here.
We are talking about an extermination tournament with lots of new characters.

Obviously, a lot is also spent on introducing them.

In the end, however, some of the characters' objectives were achieved (Itadori managed to have a rule inserted to save Tsumiki and Megumi met the angel), now Yuta must reach 400 points and they must find Kashimo.

Then we do not know if any other external elements will intervene.

And we already had a tournament arc earlier in the story with the exchange students thing.
Yes, but that was a rather light tournament, this one is more serious.

'm confused of Kenjaku's motives here. Like the strongest survives, then what? A new vessel for Sukuna? But we already know Yuji is his kid in a sense so like....what's the end game here?
We can't know because there are characters who give different versions of it.

According to Tengen he wants to force the evolution of humans into beings like him.

Sukuna does not seem to be included in his plan for now.

Because so far it just feels like an excuse to introduce more new characters into the story who will just lose to our MC's in battle.
To date the only one who has been killed is Reggie.

Higuruma, Hazenoki, Reimi and the two who are facing Yuta are alive and may have some future role.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Nov 18, 2020
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Fire Nation
And we already had a tournament arc earlier in the story with the exchange students thing.

I'm confused of Kenjaku's motives here. Like the strongest survives, then what? A new vessel for Sukuna? But we already know Yuji is his kid in a sense so like....what's the end game here?
I hope we get some more light shed soon on the endgame of this arc. Because so far it just feels like an excuse to introduce more new characters into the story who will just lose to our MC's in battle.
The arc is to set up new characters and plotpoints, because Shibuya already choped off a chunk of the cast, and a lot of the plot threads were used. Regarding Kenjakus goals, we still dont know exactly, but already Reggie mentioned that the Culling Games is a cover for something else. But we wont know that until we are near the climax, which could take a while.

And for me the reason is structured like this, as opposed to something lile Shibuya. Is because Shibuya was the culmination of a lot of characters and stuff that were already set up in the previous arcs, so it could go crazy with twist and stuff from the get go. Meanwhile Gege right now with the Culling Game has to come up with a lot of things from scratch and it takes time.

Also i wouldnt put this arc as similar as the exchange event with Kyoto. Both The exchange Event and Culling Game to me are as different as is Heavens Arena and Greed Island from HxH, the same way Genkais tournament is as different to the Dark Tournament from Yuyu Hakusho.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 17, 2019
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It's like, I know it's a battle shonen, and the fights are really entertaining, but it was one of my issues with Shibuya too. Need more actual plotting and story.

And again, it doesn't help that Yuta is so OP that I don't feel much tension with these fights in particular (Gojo has been sealed now for how many hundreds of days for that exact reason).

Though at least this arc has more of a reason for fight after fight after fight since it's literally a battle royale with points.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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In the end, however, some of the characters' objectives were achieved (Itadori managed to have a rule inserted to save Tsumiki and Megumi met the angel), now Yuta must reach 400 points and they must find Kashimo.
This could have happened even without the tournament. They could have just gone to look for Angel, like they did Hakari and Kirara. Considering they do want to unseal Gojo.

Yes, but that was a rather light tournament, this one is more serious.
That tournament was invaded though? Hanami and Mahito attacked, to steal those cursed objects. So that wasn't straightforward at all.

According to Tengen he wants to force the evolution of humans into beings like him.
I'm actually curious of the motives here, so I'll wait to be surprised.

Higuruma, Hazenoki, Reimi and the two who are facing Yuta are alive and may have some future role.
But they still lost, no? Even if they did not outright die like Reggie, they lost their battles.

But we wont know that until we are near the climax, which could take a while.
I just want something different. It gets really boring and repetitive redoing fights where you can guess the winner outright from the beginning. Throw in a wench somewhere in there, thats what made Shibuya nice.

Also i wouldnt put this arc as similar as the exchange event with Kyoto.
Sorry, I meant like they were similar in terms of how they were structured. New characters appear, tournament setting etc etc.
Exchange event was better since we had met those characters before and we had some precedent. Even though the Kyoto group has been mishandled ever since then (Todo the only one who does stuff now)

It's like, I know it's a battle shonen, and the fights are really entertaining, but it was one of my issues with Shibuya too. Need more actual plotting and story.
In Shibuya we at least knew the goals of the villains/arc (Seal Gojo, and contact Sukuna). Here there's nothing to go on. So it just feels like all these flashy battles are just....all style and no substance.

I just want a bit more story, is all.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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In Shibuya we at least knew the goals of the villains/arc (Seal Gojo, and contact Sukuna). Here there's nothing to go on. So it just feels like all these flashy battles are just....all style and no substance.

I just want a bit more story, is all.
Well... Shibuya was the culmination of all the previous arc. The Culling game is nothing but the beginning of the other arcs that will follow. I think the pacing is quite good and the fights are entertaining. We already have:
- Itadori getting the 100 points
- Megumi reaching the angel

Now we are dealing with the Yuta subplot and I suspect this will be wrapped up in the next 2-3 chapters. After this series of fights, the heroes will regroup and discuss their next step, and we will most likely see Kenjaku pull something that will ruin their plans.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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This could have happened even without the tournament. They could have just gone to look for Angel, like they did Hakari and Kirara. Considering they do want to unseal Gojo.
Yes, but they are competitors of the game

That tournament was invaded though? Hanami and Mahito attacked, to steal those cursed objects. So that wasn't straightforward at all.
YES, but the tournament between schools in the end did not have who knows what purpose or stake.

But they still lost, no? Even if they did not outright die like Reggie, they lost their battles.
Hazenoki did not lose and Reimi did not fight, however they are not dead so they can always reappear in the future.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Now we are dealing with the Yuta subplot and I suspect this will be wrapped up in the next 2-3 chapters. After this series of fights, the heroes will regroup and discuss their next step, and we will most likely see Kenjaku pull something that will ruin their plans.
Hakari has yet to fight, no? Unless he loses offscreen or something happens to him, I fear this arc might go till chapter 190 or so.

- Megumi reaching the angel
This bit I liked, because it felt like we were finally making progress in the plot.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Now we are dealing with the Yuta subplot and I suspect this will be wrapped up in the next 2-3 chapters. After this series of fights, the heroes will regroup and discuss their next step, and we will most likely see Kenjaku pull something that will ruin their plans.
There would also be Panda and Hikari against Kahsimo
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Unless he loses offscreen or something happens to him,
It wouldn't make much sense, he's been very hyped and I doubt he won't show us his fight.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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I don't think we will get to see Hakari fight yet. The reason is that we've been jumping from fight to fight and I feel Gege will try to move the plot a bit.

Also, I really doubt the Angel plan will go that smoothly. If Gojo is freed now by any chance, I can only assume that Kenjaku's plans are fucked. There isn't a single character out there who has displayed enough strength to beat Gojo so far (maybe Sukuna but that's debatable).


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Nov 18, 2020
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Fire Nation
This could have happened even without the tournament. They could have just gone to look for Angel, like they did Hakari and Kirara. Considering they do want to unseal Gojo.

That tournament was invaded though? Hanami and Mahito attacked, to steal those cursed objects. So that wasn't straightforward at all.

I'm actually curious of the motives here, so I'll wait to be surprised.

But they still lost, no? Even if they did not outright die like Reggie, they lost their battles.

I just want something different. It gets really boring and repetitive redoing fights where you can guess the winner outright from the beginning. Throw in a wench somewhere in there, thats what made Shibuya nice.

Sorry, I meant like they were similar in terms of how they were structured. New characters appear, tournament setting etc etc.
Exchange event was better since we had met those characters before and we had some precedent. Even though the Kyoto group has been mishandled ever since then (Todo the only one who does stuff now)

In Shibuya we at least knew the goals of the villains/arc (Seal Gojo, and contact Sukuna). Here there's nothing to go on. So it just feels like all these flashy battles are just....all style and no substance.

I just want a bit more story, is all.
The point is, you cant simply expect the main characters to start losing again this early after all the shit they went through Shibuya. Especially since Gege killed half of the cast in there and in post Shibuya chapters aswell. Also each fight concludes with something relevant for the plot, after the fight with Higuruma the first rule got added, after the fight with Reggie Megumi passed out and got taken by Angel so we opened another plot point there, we are yet to see what is going to provide Yutas colony, then we will probably go to Hakari aswell, right now we are in a "Jojo phase" where we will get some fights after fights with different people until we go full circle and reach the climax, it may sound repetitive, but its kind of necesary if you are setting up new characters and plotpoints, for then shit hitting the fan during the climax and afterwards. Shibuya and Culling Game arent the same, one is an explosive culmination of a whole built up of multiple arcs, and the other is an special place to set new characters and plotpoints from scratch.

The Exchange Event was also as much straightforward at the beggining btw, and all the tokyo folks won their fights. We simply havent even reached the halfway point of Culling Game. Plus all the fights to me have been leagues better and though out than the ones in Exchange Event
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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It wouldn't make much sense, he's been very hyped and I doubt he won't show us his fight.
You can hype a new character by having them defeat Hakari, I think. It would still get the message across.

Also, I really doubt the Angel plan will go that smoothly. If Gojo is freed now by any chance, I can only assume that Kenjaku's plans are fucked. There isn't a single character out there who has displayed enough strength to beat Gojo so far (maybe Sukuna but that's debatable).
The endgame of this arc for the characters is to unseal Gojo. Unless Angel somehow ends up dying so they're fucked.

, right now we are in a "Jojo phase" where we will get some fights after fights with different people until we go full circle and reach the climax, it may sound repetitive, but its kind of necesary if you are setting up new characters and plotpoints, for then shit hitting the fan during the climax and afterwards.
I guess that's a way of looking at it.

Apparently Gege wanted to end the manga in 2 years (?), so I was not even sure we had that much to go after this arc.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 177 Title: Sendai Colony 4

Ryuu starts to banter with Yuuta. He then tells Yuuta that in his past life he was someone who 'eats (enjoys) in moderation', he fights, he meets women, just enough. To be honest, it's not quite a life that could be regretted.

But that unambiguous life is exactly what makes it so annoying, because everyone else looks at you with "What else do you even want?" written on their face. Ryuu then says that he doesn't have the "sweets" in his life.
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You can hype a new character by having them defeat Hakari,
Without even showing him fight? It would be a bad move.

Even though the Kyoto group has been mishandled ever since then (Todo the only one who does stuff now)
I honestly don't see the problem.

Mai and Mechamaru are dead, Miwa and Momo are useless, Kamo is useless because there is Choso who does everything he can do, but better .....
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right now we are in a "Jojo phase"
Always thought, we have gone from "figths with supernatural monsters" to "figths with weird characters with weird powers"
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Apparently Gege wanted to end the manga in 2 years (?), so I was not even sure we had that much to go after this arc.
Well that's at least another fifty chapters, and in fifty chapters you can tell a lot of things ....
--- Double Post Merged, ---



Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 7, 2009
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Wait a second. If he is pulling the ring, then it really means that the Rika we saw is the real curse and not just some Shikigami he created after the events of JJK 0

I am really looking forward to the next chapter, but he will most likely wipe out the floor with these two now.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 7, 2015
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Wait a second. If he is pulling the ring, then it really means that the Rika we saw is the real curse and not just some Shikigami he created after the events of JJK 0
We will find out only in the next one

I am really looking forward to the next chapter, but he will most likely wipe out the floor with these two now.
Maybe Uro resists more, the hint of flashback will mean something.
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However, Yuta had the wedding ring in the prequel finale as well, for that matter.
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