Voting Round 3 - Kotarou Katsura vs. Kogami Shinya | MangaHelpers

Voting Round 3 Kotarou Katsura vs. Kogami Shinya

Who wins?

  • Kotarou Katsura

  • Kogami Shinya

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The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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He looks better.

Especially he is my brother's nomination.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2017
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Damn, I can't decide! They are both sexy :redface


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 15, 2017
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Kotarou Katsura Campaign[post=4672691]I. Kotarou Katsura: Brief Overview[/post]
[post=4675526]II. Kotarou Katsura: Brief Overview II[/post]

Introduction Alright. I won't lie, Kogami is great. He is an amazing character, one who sticks to his principles, is intelligent, and won't shy away from delivering actions he feels are just. Simply put, he is one bad mofo, in a good way of course. Likewise, I'd say the same about Katsura, he opposes his country because of what he believes in, despite his enigmatic personality, Katsura is also someone who is extrememly intelligent and shrewd, and he can also be a bad mofo when required. You likely can't go wrong with either of these free spirited G's, but of course, Zura is here to compete for your vote. So let's get it rolling.

Hold Up, Hold Up

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. "WTF is this BS". Just wait a second though. Let me explain. Katsura's extraordinary amount of influence worldwide is not to be underestimated, just keep reading to find out.

The Plumber

One chilly night, Katsura was waiting in line with hundreds of other people all eager to get their hands on the latest gaming console(yes, if you want someone to chill and play games with, Zura is your guy). By chance he ends up in a gaming contest, and Zura being the competitor he is, gets really into it. For reasons unknown to this day, he role plays as an ordinary plumber named Katsuo and puts in a lively performance. What we didn't know at the time was that a top gaming executive was at the game, and seeing Zura's performance, they gained the inspiration to create a game series based on a plumber. Yep, you guessed it, that series being Mario.

TLDR: Because of Zura, Mario was created.

Movie Star Do you know these movies?

So you're probably wondering, what's up with the Smith movie posters? Simple. Take a look at this:

What does this mean? Well...what people don't know is that Katsura has been the one acting in these movies. Katsura IS Will. It's his stage name and he changes his appearance so that he can live a normal life without dealing with the negatives of being a celebrity.

TLDR: Zura is actually an A-List Actor responsible for many box-office blockbusters.

Zura Rap Take a look at this: The noble known for his mad dancing skills and ability to drop a sick beat.

Not even today's chart toppers could resist and take inspiration from DJ Zura.

Aside from lyrical prowess, hIs dancing skills are also largely influential.

TLDR: Zura's past of rapping and dancing has led to a cultural movement where today's top music artists have taken inspiration from his skillset.

High Knees Ever heard of high knees? Yep, the exercise designed to improve running form, speed, and flexibility, also used to avoid injury. Guess who teaches that to little kids:

The gracious individual that he is, dedicating his time to teaching children the basics so they can adopt a healthy lifestyle all while dealing with the government that he fights to change.

TLDR: Zura teaches kids exercise drills in an attempt to lead them towards a healthy lifestyle.

Dat Hair Because Katsura's hair is literally indestructible, in order to benefit the human population, he was willing to let hair product makers test their products on him in order to see how safe and effective they were. The results:

TLDR: Because of Zura, you can now wash your hair.

Disclaimer: Plz Reed Dis
Ok, ok. You're probably confused as heck or think I'm trolling. Let me assure you, that I'm not. I admit I decided to have a little fun with this post and make a story out of it, all while depicting many of the daily scenarios that Katsura happens to find himself in. He's too hilarious and quirky for me not to take advantage and make a post on those things. I wanted to depict just how random and unique Katsura is, whether it's rapping on the streets, impersonating an actor, exercising with kids while being chased, swimming at the pool, or just playing video games. In the previous round, a comment was brought up about Katsura and the shonen demographic, and how with him as a husband you would always have to be worried for your safety. Katsura, despite his goofiness, is an intelligent individual who picks his battles wisely, over the course of the series, he's fought about 5 times give or take. Take away the fighting, and you have a guy who's just like any other individual out there, just trying to make the best of life and having fun while doing so.

TLDR: There is none lol, you'll have to read the paragraph above<_>.

Vote for Katsura!

"Zura and his many faces."

Also, I will make another post. This time I will go into his character, more into his personality, his relationships, and how his actions and behaviors make him worthy of your vote. This post provided feats of a husband who'd always surprise you with a good time, the next post will provide feats on a deeper emotional level.

TLDR: A more serious post is on the way.

P.S. I have a strict "no trash talk" policy, but I will just say one thing:
Kogami will disappear and never return, see ending of PP season 1. Is that a trait you want in a husbando? Apologies Lambu :p. Best of luck:verily.

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Damn, those amazing campaigns from @Gryffindor :XD
I have to admit you portrayed Katsura's randomness perfectly up there, this will be a close battle. :hip

Both nominations are quite different in regards to what you seek in a husbando, I mean, they have very different personalities with the good points that each carry with them. I ask of you people to please not vote so fast, I will explain Kogami's charms and my reasons to choose him soon. :verily

Wait for me please! :darn


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2017
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@Lambu's Boo

Eyes/Face: 13/15
Charisma / Personality: 8/10
Hair: 8/10
Muscles: 9/10
Husband Material: 3.5/5

Fabio er I mean Kotarou

Eyes/Face: 13/15
Charisma / Personality ?:10 (not sure about it)
Hair: 10/10
Muscles: 9/10
Husband Material: ?/10

Help me or no points for @Gryffindor! :sad


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Well, time to talk a little about Shinya Kogami.


This man is a member of the MWPSB, the Police of the 22nd century, but he's not exactly a full-fledged detective... He's an enforcer, a "human hound" for the actual detectives of his division. He was demoted to that position after his Psycho-Pass dramatically increased when one of his partners (an enforcer) was brutally killed, years before the series began.
Before that incident Kogami was a much more emotional person (hanging out with his partner and subordinates and showing a more playful personality), but after that he lost faith in the system and wished for revenge.

His personality became much colder and distant, he started to consider himself an instrument for justice: "Im just a beast used to hunt beasts"
But things start to change when he meets Akane, a new detective to the division that trusts the system but at the same time holds her own judgement towards people, such contradiction shakes Kogami's perspective...


He's a man of culture with a quiet demeanor but decisive attitude, he likes to take risky methods to solve cases and tries to understand other people's minds as a hobby. He also has a particular sense of humour since he likes to tease Inspector Akane from time to time.
His view of life is "to live long enough to reach your goals" and his goal is nothing else but protect people, thats the duty of a detective for him and not catching criminals.
For that, he is also consequent with his wish and knows that, were the system to fail, only he would remain to ensure justice, so he trains his body to the maximum despite having such a powerful weapon like the Dominator (MWPSB guns)

Oh god, he's ripped...

Akane... :hurr

Sure Kogami is not such a playful or funny guy like Katsura, but he's also a much more deep and charismatic man, its amazing the huge influence that Kogami gives to Akane, making her a great inspector and develop as a person.
As for the spoiler that Gryffindor posted at the end of his message.

The letter from Kogami to Akane before leaving:

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people. That's why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can't judge him. As long as I'm a detective, I can't touch him. This case made me aware... that the law can't protect people."

He wanted to be by Akane's side, but that wasn't the right thing to do. He was willing to sacrifice his own freedom for the sake of justice and Akane understood it, and still she had to get him before it happened, and yet...

I'll say what I said in the last round: He's not an easy guy, but a great partner I would easily feel attracted to, I would want to know more and more about him and fix his broken self, that man truly deserves love and affection.
So please give him a chance! :vbunny

Vote for Kogami!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2017
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Well, time to talk a little about Shinya Kogami.


This man is a member of the MWPSB, the Police of the 22nd century, but he's not exactly a full-fledged detective... He's an enforcer, a "human hound" for the actual detectives of his division. He was demoted to that position after his Psycho-Pass dramatically increased when one of his partners (an enforcer) was brutally killed, years before the series began.
Before that incident Kogami was a much more emotional person (hanging out with his partner and subordinates and showing a more playful personality), but after that he lost faith in the system and wished for revenge.

His personality became much colder and distant, he started to consider himself an instrument for justice: "Im just a beast used to hunt beasts"
But things start to change when he meets Akane, a new detective to the division that trusts the system but at the same time holds her own judgement towards people, such contradiction shakes Kogami's perspective...


He's a man of culture with a quiet demeanor but decisive attitude, he likes to take risky methods to solve cases and tries to understand other people's minds as a hobby. He also has a particular sense of humour since he likes to tease Inspector Akane from time to time.
His view of life is "to live long enough to reach your goals" and his goal is nothing else but protect people, thats the duty of a detective for him and not catching criminals.
For that, he is also consequent with his wish and knows that, were the system to fail, only he would remain to ensure justice, so he trains his body to the maximum despite having such a powerful weapon like the Dominator (MWPSB guns)

Oh god, he's ripped...

Akane... :hurr

Sure Kogami is not such a playful or funny guy like Katsura, but he's also a much more deep and charismatic man, its amazing the huge influence that Kogami gives to Akane, making her a great inspector and develop as a person.
As for the spoiler that Gryffindor posted at the end of his message.

The letter from Kogami to Akane before leaving:

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people. That's why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can't judge him. As long as I'm a detective, I can't touch him. This case made me aware... that the law can't protect people."

He wanted to be by Akane's side, but that wasn't the right thing to do. He was willing to sacrifice his own freedom for the sake of justice and Akane understood it, and still she had to get him before it happened, and yet...

I'll say what I said in the last round: He's not an easy guy, but a great partner I would easily feel attracted to, I would want to know more and more about him and fix his broken self, that man truly deserves love and affection.
So please give him a chance! :vbunny

Vote for Kogami!


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
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Even though Lambu crushed my image of an irl Kogami, I'll still vote for him.

\o go Kogami
:luv :luv


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Shinya is a great Husband.His relationship with Tsunemori signifies it.

Kogami and Tsunemori are colleagues; she, as a rookie Inspector and he, as an Enforcer under her supervision. Their first time working together reminds Kogami that justice comes before duty and helps him rediscover what being a detective is truly about. He also considers that her way of living is the correct one and holds great respect towards her. They establish a friendly rapport with Tsunemori giving him the latitude to work in his own way as she learns from his experience. Before leaving the MWPSB, he leaves Tsunemori a letter letting her know he's sorry about breaking his promise and that he won't ask her forgiveness but, should they meet again, she should judge him as necessary. He also expresses his appreciation for the chance to work with her.

A cook if necessary

Japan .

Great Inspector



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 21, 2011
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Impressive campaign Griffindor, but in the end, I decided to support Kogami. Zura is cool and has splendid great moments in the series, but the fact that he has a penguin which seems a bit weird (I'm still at volume 10, tho) refrains me from voting for him.
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