Most Dramatic/Emotional Moment
Everything from Chapter 1 to 306 is eligible for manga-related categories. As for the anime-related ones, it's everything from Season 1 to 4.
Use this site as source for references/nominations.
- All Might's final victory pose : 6.
- Mirio saving Eri and fighting Quirkless : 6.
- Hawks killing Twice : 4.
- Shigaraki killing his family as a child : 4.
- Todoroki using his left side/fire quirk vs. Deku at the Sports Festival : 4.
Eri smiling at the Culture Festival : 1.
- Shigaraki killing his family as a child : 9.
- Hawks killing Twice : 7.
- Mirio saving Eri and fighting Quirkless : 7.
- Eri smiling at the Culture Festival : 6.
- All Might's final victory pose : 5.
- Todoroki using his left side/fire quirk vs. Deku at the Sports Festival : 5.
Dabi revealing his identity : 4.All Might's "You can be a hero." to Deku : 3.All Might's true form reveal to the public : 3.Deku telling Eri's going to save and not let anyone die: 3.Endeavor's emotional state after the Dabi reveal : 3.The Todoroki Family reunion at Endeavor's bed : 2.
To view the rules and general info about the event, click [HERE].
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