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Character Norman Thread

Brandish μ

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Norman "22194" Thread

This thread is for Norman's character discussion, and theories/predictions you might have for him.

Norman, like the Ray and Emma, is a very intelligent kid. He speculated Ray may be working for Isabella, and was able to formulate a plan that would evaluate his hypothesis of Ray, such that Ray also didn't figure it out.

He loves Emma, and his admiration for her can be considered a strength since it motivates him, but possibly a weakness as it leaves him naive at times. Norman has a polite demeanour.

Imo, he's got more of a solidified relationship with Ray and Emma, than Emma has with Ray (vice versa). Norman and Ray have a trusting relationship, though this does have limitations (they're still suspicious of the other). While Norman loving Emma is at this point unrequited but they're often together. So Norman is like the glue of the team. I think if one of the trio dies or gets captured, it will be Norman, because that would shake things up the most.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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By far my BEST character in the series.
I think the reason I prefer him to Ray is because somehow, he feels more human and relatable, as compared to Ray. Ray is a good character in his own right, but somehow I feel as if he's been written out to be this perfect kid who will always succeed at what he does, plus he doesn't even have any endearing flaws or weaknesses, so there's no room to relate with him.
Norman though:
-We've seen him get angry
-He has feelings for one of the girls in his academy
-We've seen him panic
They're little things, but somehow, I feel as if they make him more 'human' than any of the other 2 characters in the main trio.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 25, 2014
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I feel like he will at some moment hesitate and lose something important to him.
Just as he is the glue that binds the team, this moment of hesitation will mean a break-up of sorts, possibly even leading to a timeskip


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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Norman, a true "Neutral" character at his finest, I like how he is faring so far, unlike Ray and Emma, he isnt planning on doing extremes so confidently, which adds in hesitation to him, he´s the decisional trumpcard of the trio, he´s the one who really has the decision, over which extremes (Emma´s or Ray´s) are more pratical, and whose will be taken into action, both sides need him to make their plans work, however he knows there will be repercutions depending on who he sides which so for the time being he will play the neutral card, it´s also clear by his demeanor that he is most likely secretly plotting a escaping plan of his own, or at least on a basis that can ensure that the group remains United, he´s there to make the group United as well, since pro-emma and pro-ray paths will cause problems within the group, it´s also very clear that he values the advantages of both extreme sides and knows full well (or fears) that siding with extreme pro-emma will get all the kids killed, as we´ve shown in the nightmare, while at the same time, fearing the repercutions of going along with Ray´s plan, when it comes to sabotage being involved, but also giving great value to the capacity to get rid of the trackers all together.

It´s also clear that he wants to hide the fact Ray threatned sabotage to ensure the desired amount of escapes, which by itself made him more careful with how he acts right now and thus we havent seeing him pulling any serious stunts right now, compared to the one he did to find out Ray was a spy. His value as a character along with his neutral status, can easily be fixed if he decides to remain on such a status with oposing extremes within a group.
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 5, 2016
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Uchiha Clan
Norman was introduced as this highly intelligent individual whose willing to die for Emma but the way he expressed his love for her felt incredibly ominous. I think Norman will have an antagonistic role in the future since ch1 hinted that him and Emma would end up on opposing sides and his line of "I will do anything and everything, and even use myself" feels like that he isn't afraid to dirty his hands. And, tbh I feel like Norman is been held back by Emma, you can tell that he is always asking himself if he should stain his hands with evil to destroy evil or remain just and righteous. Overall I think that he is best suited to become a neutral evil character and seeing how things are developing so far it doesn't seem like I am too far off.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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One thing I've been getting from Norman of late, that sets him apart from Ray and Emma, is that he has a dark nature to him, a side that he even keeps secret to even Emma. Judging from the most recent chapter where it was shown that he had no intention of ever escaping by himself in the first place, despite all that planning and scheming and convincing by his other 2 closest friends, I think that goes to show that Norman is someone who doesn't allow himself to trust others with things, and likes dealing with stuff individually, as compared to a team. It either comes from the fact he doesn't exactly trust others as much as he lets on, or that he just likes burdening himself with things and taking the weight of the world on his shoulders. Gearing more to the second, but I think its a mix of both.
As for what is going to happen to him on the outside world, as I've speculated before, I think he'll be the first of the kids who comes into contact with William Minerva.
A little off topic, but I think that from last chapter, is the point in the story where the three kids will go their separate ways.
Norman will go meet Minerva.
Emma will go to the Mama's training camp
And Ray will die taking down Isabella.


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
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Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
One thing I've been getting from Norman of late, that sets him apart from Ray and Emma, is that he has a dark nature to him, a side that he even keeps secret to even Emma. Judging from the most recent chapter where it was shown that he had no intention of ever escaping by himself in the first place, despite all that planning and scheming and convincing by his other 2 closest friends, I think that goes to show that Norman is someone who doesn't allow himself to trust others with things, and likes dealing with stuff individually, as compared to a team. It either comes from the fact he doesn't exactly trust others as much as he lets on, or that he just likes burdening himself with things and taking the weight of the world on his shoulders. Gearing more to the second, but I think its a mix of both.
As for what is going to happen to him on the outside world, as I've speculated before, I think he'll be the first of the kids who comes into contact with William Minerva.
A little off topic, but I think that from last chapter, is the point in the story where the three kids will go their separate ways.
Norman will go meet Minerva.
Emma will go to the Mama's training camp
And Ray will die taking down Isabella.
I noticed he had no hesitation when he said they would kill Krone. That shocked me. I get what you mean about his dark nature. Norman is highly intelligent so it wouldn't surprise me if he has a slight superiority complex. Also, that time when he was panicking and he said "I won't lose to mama" makes me also agree with you about him being the one to shoulder the burdens, which is good and bad. Good as in he's dependable and you know he'll most likely always have a plan for any situation. Bad as in he allows the others to be too dependent on him. A bit like a mama bird, he takes such good care of the others that it might be hard for them to fly without him. And that's what worries me.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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I noticed he had no hesitation when he said they would kill Krone. That shocked me. I get what you mean about his dark nature. Norman is highly intelligent so it wouldn't surprise me if he has a slight superiority complex. Also, that time when he was panicking and he said "I won't lose to mama" makes me also agree with you about him being the one to shoulder the burdens, which is good and bad. Good as in he's dependable and you know he'll most likely always have a plan for any situation. Bad as in he allows the others to be too dependent on him. A bit like a mama bird, he takes such good care of the others that it might be hard for them to fly without him. And that's what worries me.
Hmm, would you define it as a superiority complex though? I was thinking of it as something else, kind of like he views himself as a martyr? If anything I'd say he has a hero complex.
Although I do agree with you on him shouldering the burdens thing, but if I were to add a downside, I think that the thing with him, he won't exactly allow himself to show weaknesses in front of others. Like, if he decides on something and it doesn't work out, he won't ask for help, or even inform any others that he's failed (Ray did this already, which was a plus one to his character since it showed flaws). Norman doesn't even allow himself to break down or cry in front of other people, which shows an incredible amount of emotional strength, but I think that one day he'll just break down completely, and that will be the mark of his character development imo, or well, the start of it.
And yeah, I think with him out of the picture, this will be also crucial for Emma's character development. Norman babies her WAY too much, and always makes sure to never show weakness in front of her so she doesn't have to worry. It's one thing I don't like about him, he acts as if others can't handle the truth, and keeps so much to himself. WHy wouldn't he share about the pen if he knew he was going to die?:-_-


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 7, 2009
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Can we really label Norman's behavior as "dark natured"? While I agree with your overall thoughts, I wouldn't describe any of the examples as such, unless my perception of "dark nature" differs from yours. What I associate with dark nature goes more towards villainous acts, which is not the case with Norman's decisions or actions. Even if you consider to kill someone - given the circumstances - it doesn't necessarily mean you are dark-natured, which is the case in regards to Sister Krone in my opinion.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Can we really label Norman's behavior as "dark natured"? While I agree with your overall thoughts, I wouldn't describe any of the examples as such, unless my perception of "dark nature" differs from yours. What I associate with dark nature goes more towards villainous acts, which is not the case with Norman's decisions or actions. Even if you consider to kill someone - given the circumstances - it doesn't necessarily mean you are dark-natured, which is the case in regards to Sister Krone in my opinion.
It isn't exactly dark in the literal meaning of the word, I think the correct term would be....questional? Or controversial?
I mean, look at the other 2 kids. Their motives are pretty clear cut, and you don't need to dissect them or see underneath the underneath.
Emma-Making sure all the kids escape peacefully.
Ray-Making sure Norman and Emma escape successfully.
But with Norman, look at his motives, the ones we know off already.
-Killing Krone. (That kill was stolen from under him though, I'm still salty about this :-_-)
-Crushing Isabella completely
For a kid his age, I'd say this is pretty much a red flag for a disturbed psyche. Again, not in the literal meaning of the word, it's more metaphorical than anything.
Does that make more sense?


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
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Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
Hmm, would you define it as a superiority complex though? I was thinking of it as something else, kind of like he views himself as a martyr? If anything I'd say he has a hero complex.
I meant superiority complex in regards to his intelligence. While Ray can be described as intelligent as well, Norman I believe is a bit more advanced and would be aware of this. So he would trust more in his own plans than to follow any of the others because he's smarter. That's why I said only "slight" because he's not narcissistic. Look at that time Emma was showing them the Morse code. He was so surprised she would actually figure something that complex out. It was funny but also a hint to his thought process that the intelligence aspect is his forte.
Can we really label Norman's behavior as "dark natured"? While I agree with your overall thoughts, I wouldn't describe any of the examples as such, unless my perception of "dark nature" differs from yours. What I associate with dark nature goes more towards villainous acts, which is not the case with Norman's decisions or actions. Even if you consider to kill someone - given the circumstances - it doesn't necessarily mean you are dark-natured, which is the case in regards to Sister Krone in my opinion.
I look at it in that he and Emma discovered the secrets of the orphanage together. I find that he easily shifted into "survival at all costs" mode very quickly. Whereas you see hesitation in Emma, Norman's reaction to any situation is to do what needs to be done no matter how bad. I mentioned the hesitation in Emma's character because for all intents and purposes those kids were raised in a loving happy home. This is new territory so it makes more sense imo if there was more second guessing and hesitation on his part, not in regards to the escape but as to how. I mean calmly declaring you would kill someone without first trying to suggest alternatives is a bit dark for an 11 year old boy. But maybe shades of grey would be a better description. I think he walks a fine line between both extremes. I wouldn't even blink too hard if Norman somehow became an antagonist. He's a character that has the potential to be a real threat for whichever side he chooses.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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I meant superiority complex in regards to his intelligence. While Ray can be described as intelligent as well, Norman I believe is a bit more advanced and would be aware of this. So he would trust more in his own plans than to follow any of the others because he's smarter. That's why I said only "slight" because he's not narcissistic. Look at that time Emma was showing them the Morse code. He was so surprised she would actually figure something that complex out. It was funny but also a hint to his thought process that the intelligence aspect is his forte.
Oh, that makes more sense then. The Morse Code thing is a pretty good sign, I think that would be the first time someone else in the series has picked on something that he didn't? He's the one who mostly picks up on the little details that other people missed, like when he realized what Krone was planning immediately she started talking, or the pen (This is still on him, no buts:P) , so I think he takes pride in that as part of the team.
Imagine if he ever gets to HQ, all the hints he'll pick on there :wtf


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 21, 2016
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Russian Federation
I want to share some little findings. My unnecessary long thoughts on Norman, Emma and his chances to be alive placed under the spoiler tags. I don't think you have to read it.

Maybe this has been discussed already, but take a look at the logo of the series. There were three lines symbolising the main trio and now one is missed.
Unfortunately (I must admit, he's my favorite), Norman can actually be deceased and gone for good, never to return.
First, he had too much focus in the beginning (compared even to Emma, the protagonist) with all these insights of his inner thoughts. He was overwhelmingly significant too, practically carrying the role of the leader and the actual responsibility for Emma's reckless goal. In addition, he got a personal color page in Chapter 25.

Some japanese readers even pointed that Emma feels more like a heroine rather than a hero and were hoping it will change soon. To be honest, they were right, Emma has relied on Norman without questioning for way too long and wasn't capable to actually orchestrate this escape on her own. But judging from the recent chapter, this is no longer the case and that better days are ahead for her as a character. Emma has understood ("it have always worked because Norman was always next to me", "I can't do anything without Norman") and overcame her helplessness at the same time. And since Ray, despite all his capability, has a crucial flaw of giving up too early (he reminds me a bit of Killua because of this) now Emma can not only be the ideological inspirer but actually fulfill the role of leader and protagonist, replacing Norman (or she's going to accept Isabella's offer). If my and BasedAnon's assumption is true and she even wears his old clothes at the end of chapter, it directly symbolizes her intention of substituting him. It could mean that Norman as he is, has served his purpose in the story (babysitting at the early stages and creating momentum for Emma's character development later).
The magic pen ensures his plot armor, you say? Here's my second finding.

Remember the fake spoilers in which Norman gave Krone's tracker to Phil? They can turn out to be prophetic.
In the bonus illustration for the volume 2 a mysterious person shows - or gives - Krone's pen to Phil . Someone in suit. A left-hander. Everyone assumed this is William Minerva himself but it could be just Norman before leaving.

If Norman didn't bring the pen and left some endeavours which are significant for the escape but still unknown to us (all these "things are already not going her way", "destroy Mama's plans" he kept saying) he can really be dead to raise the stakes and create tension. Yes, his fate left unclear, but it could be done to not spoil the meaning of Tifari.
Still, I hope there's more to him than just a louser, martyr and trampoline for Emma's rise.

Many people have justly complained that Norman held Emma back but the reverse is equally true. Yes, just as Mama said, Norman is honorable, self-sacrificing and kind in heart, but he's also cunning, manipulative, rational and has no hesitation in lying. He's a player who visibly enjoys mindgames. And he's willing to switch to cruelty really easily. But idealizing Emma, Norman was disgusted by this part of him and would never allow it to function at its full potential.

So it would be insanely interesting to see how far this character could go on his own in precarious environments, without responsibility for his family, without his love, without the need to be a good boy or even a good man.
Of course, the missing line might just symbolize parting ways with other children or a drastic change in his character (I hope, not to the point of becoming a villain). And we're still reading a shounen, if Shirai didn't lie about his intention to tell the message of "Friendship, Effort, Victory" through this story. I simply want to say that both possibilities are almost equal.

Please excuse my ESL. I'm not good at English.
Update: Damn, it took me too long to write this post and BasedAnon outpaced me with the logo.
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The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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I think Norman is in the verge of falling into darkness now.

I am pretty sure he will not die as of now.And seeing the person/persons during his shipping Norman was pretty shocked so i feel those persons(let's for the sake of convenience consider them to be a group) they will turn him into a dangerous antagonist.

As in one volumes it was said that the children will leave the orphanage so i think they will meet up with Norman in the outside world.

Brandish μ

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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Is Norman alive? How would you feel if he were?

Without going into detail, I think he's alive. It's not my preference though.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Is Norman alive? How would you feel if he were?

Without going into detail, I think he's alive. It's not my preference though.
I want him to be alive, but that scene with him talking to Ray after the escape just feels ominous enough for me to believe he's dead.
Also, I don't think the author would go out of his way to redeem Ray (or character development, depending on how you want to view it) if Norman was still alive out there. That suicide save with Ray would feel ultimately pointless if Norman was still alive out there.
I feel as if he had to choose between who he would save and keep alive between Ray and Norman. So it ended up being Norman who had to go.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Will the authors kill Norman off-panel?

I doubt that.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2017
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United Kingdom
Is Norman alive? How would you feel if he were?

Without going into detail, I think he's alive. It's not my preference though.
I have very little doubts he's alive. That last scene he had is practically pointless if he's dead, we'll never get context on it if he is.
On a side note, his imaginary appearances in Ray and Emma's heads show the impact he's had on the both of them while he's not there physically so I personally think it means very little outside that. He organized the escape and he's not there to see it, it's a sweet little way to show us, the readers, his side through those two when he cannot offer it himself.
I also see people freaking out when he's not on coloured pages and whatnot, but if he's not with the main cast it makes little sense to include him at that point so I think it doesn't mean much either.

I'd feel fine, honestly. I like Norman and I don't expect this to stick so I have no reason to be disappointed if he comes back.


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
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Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
I think he's alive. That final scene where he was in the room waiting to be shipped can be one of two things. Either he saw something different to the demons he expected which gives him at least a 60% chance for survival or the author knew how much of a favorite Norman was and decided to spare the readers the image of him dying, which I think is too sentimental. If he's dead then that's fine since his influence will live on but I do think he's still out there.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
May 15, 2014
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Galactic Empire
IMO Norman has too much potential to be killed off this early. Also, if minor characters like Connie and Crone had memorable deaths, then it's only fitting that Norman, who was a main character in the first arc, goes out with a bang. Who knows, maybe the way Isabella's plan fell apart after his 'death' could be the author's way of depicting that: that his deeds lived on and he achieved victory from beyond the grave.

Since this is a shounen and in shounens it's more likely than not that characters survive, I will actually be shocked if it was revealed that Norman really died that night.