Archived - Share Your High School Experience!! XD | MangaHelpers

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Archived Share Your High School Experience!! XD

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MH's Peacemaker
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 17, 2005
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United States
Hey, I told myself that I should make a light topic instead of a serious one this time. So this will be a light one. XD Tell us everything about your high school. Anything from the lame jokes that the chemistry teacher made in the class, to the trick you played on your friends during April Fool's Day, to your graduation day. Anything under the house. :nuts

I like to hear some really funny ones, sad ones, angry ones, happy ones, meaningful ones.....and so on. Come, share your experience being a high school student. :D


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 17, 2005
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There's one story that I love repeating every now and then in this forum. XD

Break had just ended, and two of my best friends were still having their orange since the teacher wasn't there yet. So the two were jsut sitting on the floor in the back (our seats were in the back; less chance of getting caught doing anything else other than work XD). They didn't notice the Economics teacher come in.

The class was really noisy and rowdy, so the teacher couldn't really see any of us in the back. Both the girls stood up, getting ready to go to their seats. Before I tell you what happened, we have this random habit of tring to throw the thrash from the back seat, to the bin. Since we were quite good in b-ball, it usually got in.

Except this time. XD

Alisson (who had the orange peels), turned around and threw (really, really hard toss, too) the peels. Sadly (or funnily XD), the teacher was standing jsut in front of her. So the peels hit right at her boobs, and a bit at her face.


I jsut wanted to keel over and die laughing. XD The look on her face was...something that should never ever be mentioned, but yet something to definitely remember. XD

I'm sure we've done worse stuff. But I can't remember. If I do, I'll post 'em here. :nuts

Ichimaru Gin n Tonic

MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 13, 2006
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One of the funniest moment in high school happened in my senior year (3rd year). It was a regular Saturday, and we were having our last class at around 1 PM (school starts at 6.45 AM everyday). The last class for that day was Sociology and the teacher was famous for being very strict. So every sociology class is a quiet one, since everyone (everyone used to talking or fooling around in class, that is) was too scared to do anything but listen to the teacher.

Suddenly the guy sitting next to me gave me a nudge. I glanced at him and made a silent "dude, what?" look.

He whispered, "i think i'm gonna fart and it's a big one," while looking very pale. I told him "so, ask for permission to go to the bathroom." Then he said, "I did go and if i ask for another permission she's just gonna mouth me before saying i can go."

I was on the verge of laughing, but i try to keep a cool straight face. "i think i can make it, class will only last for about 5 minutes, right?" said my friend. "Yup, 5 minutes. just go, man, " i told him after looking at my watch. He said "It's ok, i can hold it for 5 minutes," while his face was looking really worried. "Whatever, man." i started to get annoyed cause i dont wanna be caught talking in class.

A few seconds later, he said "I think I can make it without any sound." I just said, "what?!" and made a move for covering my nose while looking at the book. Just then, the teacher started walking towards my row while explaining about the ethics code as one of the product from a culture group or something like that.

As she was standing next to my seat, there was a loud, high pitched sound of farting. And then the whole class instantly exploded with laughter. Unlucky for me, i was laughing and instinctively trying to move away from the smell. I unconsciously got up from my seat while i was laughing and points my finger at my friend.

The teacher held her laughter and said, "That is one of the example of disregarding the ethics code," and then she looked at me. "And you... why are you so happy about and why are you standing up?"

So after class was over, my friend and i got sent to the principals office because it's the several hundredth times that he and i caused a riot in class. But, i managed to explain the whole situation to the principal and we got off with a warning.

Unfortunately for my friend, bad news travels fast. When we got to the bus stop everyone was laughing at him, even the first and second year was giving him the look. After the weekend, he came in to class with a sad look on his face. His girlfriend, who was a first year student, broke up with him. I felt sorry for him but that one moment was just priceless. So, even now he's known as my partner in crime in class and the guy who farted during sociology. Good thing he was a good football (soccer) player so, he's famous for that too, he always scored a hattrick (3 goals) in every match, even if we lost a game.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
May 18, 2006
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No memories of yours, Eileen-sama?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 19, 2006
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United States
my highschool experiences are all rather random moments... my favorite would be having a ten min long conversation right at the end of our last class of the day about weither or not someone could actually fit in a locker. i said no, mikey (milfy) said yes. being as we are both guys, neither of us would give in before it was proven. so the seven of us head down to kev's locker, as he never uses it, and he attempted to get our skinniest and shortest into the locker (which is about one foot by one foot by six feet high. 1 meter is roughly 3 feet, i think) which are riddle and milfy, respectivly. rid fit easily, but was too tall to get in there, so milfy went up. we got in with little effort. he had to dislocate his sholder, but he could do it. so i bowed, humbled, and said he was right, and went to give him the winnings ($10) from our bet. except, i noticed he wasnt putting out a hand to get it. i just kinda stared blankly at him, whle holding the money, trying to figger out why he wasnt gloating. then it set in: he was stuck. i was the first to figger it out, i burst out in a fit of laughter, and my friends just kinda looked back and forth between us, and right before any of them joined me on rolling on the floor, you could see that little flicker of amusment in there eyes. eventaully, we got him back out by pulling on the arm that he had poped out of joint. he didnt complain, but im sure it hurt like hell.


me and my friend are walking down the stairs to our second class. its our senior (forth) year, the last quater, 8:45 in the am. as were walking, were completely silent, then i look at him and say: "ya know, if i ever get rabies, im gunna go around and bit everyone" he just looks at me and burst out laughing. "what?" "ryan, that was completly random"


me, kev, and milfy are in our second period class (the one we were heading to, but a different day). there are only 7 of us in there, including cam and jimmy, the kings of all that is smelly farts. god i hated that. i was traped between them and a wall, so i walways got a wiff of it. but i digress. this computer lab is like empty (it was a java class) and this annoying high-pitched buzzing is kill my head. so im looking around, trying to figger out what it is, and i see both kevin and milfy doing the smae. so after a while, the headaches are killing us, but no onle is saying anything. i finnaly complain over my shoulder (the instructors desk was three tables behind me, i was in either the first or last row, depending on how you look at it). and she just says something along the lines of "yeah, whatever". after a while, kev complains, and she says somthing along the lines of "if this is a joke, it isnt funny" finnaly, my head is killing me, and the three of us get up and scour the room. after about 4 mins of annoucing to each other where it was louder and quiter (it seemed to be coming from everywhere) milfy hit the power button on a monitor, and all three of us sigh, as one, as the sound goes away. it wasnt until she saw that that the teacher stoped thinking we made it up. only the three of us, which were all part of the same clique could hear it. not terribly funny i know, but really odd and ironic.


this one takes some history of me and my friends:

since my sophmore (second) year, ive been able to fake a seizure. its a great way to get out of class, and it scared the crap out of people. i would roll my eyes back, and crunch my neck back, making my head shake really badly, the rest of my body, id just shake.

one of the kids that kinda forced his way into the group was a kid named kyle. he loved the matrix, and dressed in this heavy black leather jacket all year, even summer, so we called him morpheus, which he hated. and he loved kevin. i mean, like stalked him. he said he wasnt gay, but non of us really beleived that, or liked him for that matter, just kinda tolerated him. he liked me and riddle just as much. he would corner us and have stupid ass conversations about the dumbest things. and he loved to argue more than me. i can not say that about anyone else. ive never met anyone else would could argue as much as me. sometimes we would save each other from him something like "hey rid, can i talk to you in private for a second?" but that only lasted for a few moments befor he butted his way back in. the rest of the time we just sat back and laughed at the victom. and he could get real upset

at the end of the day, 12 or so of us would hang out between two glass doors, and just hang out. i got my fun from grossing and kreeping people out, so i would either add a lysp to my voice and talk like i was gay, hit on all the guys, or i would... <_< >_> well, you remember they are glass doors, right? about 50 people would be on the other side waiting for a bus, most of whom, we didnt like. on top of that, those doors were locked, so one of us had to let them in. when someone we didnt like came to the door, i would... make crude gestures... ah what the hell... i would hump the door until they got grosed out enough to leave. i guess a weird otaku having door sex creeps them out.

so this one day on our senior year (morpheus was a year behind us, a junior) we are in our usaul hang out spot. i was doing my gay thing, and having fun, then me and kev start wrestling. morpheus tried to get his attention, but is rather soft spoken, so we pretended to not hear him, then he said "kev" louder, but we were having fun. thats when i figgered out we was in a bad mood. i felt this hand on my shoulder, and he just pulls me off kev (we were still standing). suddenly without my center of balence, i stumble backwards, and come crashing down, arms flailing. now, next to these doors are three windows, one atop the other, all with metal case instead of molding. well, my head comes down and i get the corner of this right to the back of my head. there was a spark of black, then i was seeing in double vision, and all noise (and it had been loud) stoped right then; they all saw me hit. but i still had some semblence of wits. after about 2 seconds, i rolled my eyes back in my head, slumped my head back, and started jerking my upperbody, while faking swallowing my tongue. i hear one of the girls, prolly ashley, as she didnt have any classes with me, "oh my god, shannon, go get the nurse!" and i hear her start off toward the door by my head. "shannon, stop" im fairly sure that was kevin. the laughing he was holding back made it hard to tell, "dont bother." "but hes hurt!" seeing my chance, i reach over suddenly, and grab her leg, which is right next to my head and just made some noise. something like "ahh" or "argh". she screamed, and jumped three feet backwards, and at least 2 feet high. grinning, i look around, my vision less blury by now. about half of them, the half that have seen my preformance before, are laughing their asses off, the other half looked as shooked as shannon was. kevin gave me a hand up, and as he did so i noticed that morpheus had slunk out of the room, and shannon was giving me one of those "i will get you back ten times worse for this" looks. so i ask for an aspirin, and go on with the day.


MH's Peacemaker
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 17, 2005
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United States
LOL at all of you. These are some really precious moments of high schools that we should never forget.

DZ, do you think that the teacher would still remember the thing until today? XD She must be so humiliated at that moment.

Gin, the lesson of this story : Never sit beside someone who likes to fart.

rabb, your stories make me go speechless. XD I never knew that morhpeus actually lives in real world until today. XD for mine, well I'll think of one since ibra asked. Right now, I can't think of one, but when I do, I'll post it here.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
rabb, I find your locker story very inspirational. My friends and I always thought about doing so ourselves, but we could never find someone who's small enough to fit our tiny 2ft tall locker... :xp


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 19, 2006
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United States
i know a guy in cirque de cilet (yes i know i spelt that wrong) he's chinese, about 5 foot, and im sure he could fit.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
Well, unfortunately, I don't think I've seen any of those at my school.
Well, I know someone who is yet to reach 5 ft, but being a nerd and all, she wouldn't do it for the sake of $5. :bored


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2006
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I have many high school experiences. But one of them nearly got me expelled from school >.<

Bleh... It was chemistry class. At one moment, we were learning chemical reactivity and stuff. Yeah, the teacher was late. So, my friends and I (4 total), thought it would be great to make our own experiments. We then took out the magnesium sulfate from the cupboard and then made a circle inside the lab and lighted it up >.>

It's fun but only before the bell rang >.> We totally forgot about the smoke detector ^^ And the next thing we know, all the students in that lab block were drenched <.< We got cannings and 2 weeks leave from school. Not to mentioned made compulsory to social works <.<


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 17, 2005
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Oh noes. Baxxie's planning on burning up MH! :omg

But seriously, duuuuuudde. O_O; What did your parents say?[br]Posted on: December 10, 2006, 10:53:58 AM_________________________________________________
me, kev, and milfy are in our second period class (the one we were heading to, but a different day). there are only 7 of us in there, including cam and jimmy, the kings of all that is smelly farts. god i hated that. i was traped between them and a wall, so i walways got a wiff of it. but i digress. this computer lab is like empty (it was a java class) and this annoying high-pitched buzzing is kill my head. so im looking around, trying to figger out what it is, and i see both kevin and milfy doing the smae. so after a while, the headaches are killing us, but no onle is saying anything. i finnaly complain over my shoulder (the instructors desk was three tables behind me, i was in either the first or last row, depending on how you look at it). and she just says something along the lines of "yeah, whatever". after a while, kev complains, and she says somthing along the lines of "if this is a joke, it isnt funny" finnaly, my head is killing me, and the three of us get up and scour the room. after about 4 mins of annoucing to each other where it was louder and quiter (it seemed to be coming from everywhere) milfy hit the power button on a monitor, and all three of us sigh, as one, as the sound goes away. it wasnt until she saw that that the teacher stoped thinking we made it up. only the three of us, which were all part of the same clique could hear it. not terribly funny i know, but really odd and ironic.
That happens to me aswell, at home.

I usually turn off any pwer switch on at that time. I hate high pitched sounds like that. ><

I do know that older people won't be able to hear them as clear as we do, which is because they're old. Usually it's the younger children who can hear high pitched sounds like that, whereas the parents have no idea why the child is complaining. ><


MH's Peacemaker
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 17, 2005
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United States
Hey, I have one too.

This is something a bit embarassing and bad. Never do this, people. Not good.

Well, I was being the benevolent person in the class during my Year 7 and 8. This happened when I was in Year 7. I was benevolent, not to my money, but to my knowledge. I had this whole gang of guys and girls of about 10 people and they all depend on my knowledge. XD See where I'm getting at?

It's final exam and we're all set for the feat. One is sitting behind me, one beside me, a few in fronts of me, another 2 on my south west. XD Everything was in mutiple choices, so it was too easy for people to copy from one another. What happened was that they all copied from my answers. I was kind enough to leak ALL my answers to ALL of them. We made signs like scratching our head with 3 fingers to indicate C or scratch the face with 1 finger to indicate A and so on. Everything was fine, everyone was happy with their "gains" from me and I felt good being able to help my friends in exam. Too bad, one week later, ALL of us were called to the afternoon supervisor's office. >.> Someone reported the incident. Of course, in her office, not one of us wanted to confess about our wrongdoings and they lacked evidences and proofs to charge us. However, during the whole interogation moment, my afternoon supervisor tried to humiliate me. She scolded me for being so naughty even though I was smart. She scolded me for playing football with guys. (Since when football is sin?) and so on. At last, we were released with a harsh warning and we were so relieved. Since then, we didn't repeat the same thing because it was the final exam already. Guess what, we started again the whole gang thing at the start of Year 8. This time around, we didn't get caught. Even until Year 11, I still continued to give out answers voluntarily to people who wanted it and no, I've never been caught ever since. :kukuku I'm still proud of it but don't EVER EVER do it. Don't take stupid risk unless you are sure that you won't get into trouble. XD


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Dragonzair said:
But seriously, duuuuuudde. O_O; What did your parents say?
Bleh... got a lot of lectures, grounded, no allowance, no phones, no games, no PC and TV >.>


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
Eileen said:
This time around, we didn't get caught. Even until Year 11, I still continued to give out answers voluntarily to people who wanted it and no, I've never been caught ever since. :kukuku I'm still proud of it but don't EVER EVER do it. Don't take stupid risk unless you are sure that you won't get into trouble. XD
I've done that too, but we didn't really come up with a system. There would be a couple people sitting right by me and somehow they would get the answers from my paper and somehow pass it on to everyone else. I just have to find the correct answers and write the letter of the answer very big right by the number of the problem.
We've never got caught, strangely. The teacher(s) just know that there's something really strange going on, but they couldn't possibly suspect me, their model student (I was a class moderator). Who would think that someone so quiet and diligent would be engaged in such a scheme?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 19, 2006
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United States
Pevee said:
Eileen said:
This time around, we didn't get caught. Even until Year 11, I still continued to give out answers voluntarily to people who wanted it and no, I've never been caught ever since. :kukuku I'm still proud of it but don't EVER EVER do it. Don't take stupid risk unless you are sure that you won't get into trouble. XD
I've done that too, but we didn't really come up with a system. There would be a couple people sitting right by me and somehow they would get the answers from my paper and somehow pass it on to everyone else. I just have to find the correct answers and write the letter of the answer very big right by the number of the problem.
We've never got caught, strangely. The teacher(s) just know that there's something really strange going on, but they couldn't possibly suspect me, their model student (I was a class moderator). Who would think that someone so quiet and diligent would be engaged in such a scheme?
I've done that as well. are system was much less eyeraising then everyone scratching there head all day. *poof* *magicly is sitting at a normal school desk with a m/c test in front of him* *puts his left elbow down on the left corner and circles (A). then brings his hand down so its on the upper left corner, and fills in (B). shifts his weight and pencil hand, and repeats the process on the right side, filling in (C) and (D) respectivly.* i was never suspected. at least, not in those big ones. mr jarabek (10th grade biology) always thought i cheated at everything. but he hated everyone who wasnt a jock. he couldnt beleiive that i was smarter than his beloved vollyball team. so whenever i had him as a proctor, i would tell everyone they were on there own.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 13, 2006
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Jamaica i have to b out of high school to have an experience??? welp, i have to wait 2 more years


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 19, 2006
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United States
did you just call me a welp?! XD
oh come on, if you have a story, share it! these are pretty funny


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
rabb said:
*poof* *magicly is sitting at a normal school desk with a m/c test in front of him* *puts his left elbow down on the left corner and circles (A). then brings his hand down so its on the upper left corner, and fills in (B). shifts his weight and pencil hand, and repeats the process on the right side, filling in (C) and (D) respectivly.* i was never suspected. at least, not in those big ones.
There's no way he would have get you, I don't even really understand it myself.
I hate those kind of teachers, they would be like "Oh, it's okay, I'll give you a B anyways because you have a couple of games this week." discrimination!

九尾写輪眼 said: i have to b out of high school to have an experience??? welp, i have to wait 2 more years
No you don't I'm a sophomore right now (10th grade).


MH's Peacemaker
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 17, 2005
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United States
Not only did we scratch our head, we stilll have lots of other codes. It chnaged everytime so as not to arise any suspects from teachers. XD Sometimes, one would be kind enough to raise up his hand and called to the attention of the teacher. While the teacher attended to that kid, we used this golden opportunity to discuss any any questions as possible. Once the kid got the signal that we're done, he would quickly dismiss the teacher and poof, everything was back to normal. Sometimes, we brough calculator into our class, so we just put papers in between the calculator and its cover, pass around the calculator and shared answers. XD Then again, mostly I would only start doing this kind of "benevolent" job once I was done with my own test. If hadn't finish, I would not answer anything from my friends. :D


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 17, 2005
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WAHHAHAHA. Leen-chan rocks. XD

We do that as well, but no system. I like your idea. XD But what bothers me is, how was anyone able to realize you all were cheatring? o.O

She scolded me for playing football with guys. (Since when football is sin?) and so on.
Monster. What the heck is her problem? o.O
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