Quarterfinal - Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) vs. Son Hak | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

Quarterfinal Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) vs. Son Hak

Who wins?

  • Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth)

  • Son Hak

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Hah, sneaky Erin-chi, you came out like... your dad (yeah, totally) xP
Maybe you can still use it against Reinhardt^^ *dunno anything about him yet*
Just joking around farf-chan, :p but still...

In any case congrats for your great campaign ♥, thats my mom for you ! Want to recruit you as a campaign manager :zomg


Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
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I was quite wondering if they already posted something that might help me with my decision. *Checking if they posted something*


Heeeeere we go, to the reasonable ones ò.ó '-'

Pardon my french @.@

Also, this is an AMA \o/ Bring me your questions or disagreements and I shall reply o/
(about Hak tho, rs)​
Well I totally lack Farfs creativity, so I can't entertain you with flashy designs and the likes... :( but I will give it my all, as much as time allows. Sadly I barely had any time yet and tomorrow will be a damn long day at work :emocat So instead of some long text let me provide you with the one Shirou video everybody has to see:

though yes, it's only partly the Shirou "version" I nominated, but it's funny and charming :3

What I can say is that Shirou definitely has all the qualities described by Farf above, I wouldn't nominate someone here who's "cool" but wouldn't make for a good husbando. Like I said in my last two posts (you can see HERE and HERE) he's a strong fighter but he's content with doing mundane work too, and just enjoying life with his loved ones.

I think some people might've gotten a rather bad or mixed opinion from Shirou in Fate/Stay Night, but I hope that the new films (Heavens Feel) will show you how great he is/can be. Or you could check out the Visual Novel and see for yourself, or even start reading and/or watching Fate/Kaleid Liner, but I don't want to ask for too much :p

In any case, I will provide more insight during my next post, but rest assured that Shirou would most likely put you first and care for you his whole life, you won't find many guys who are more reliable and faithful, not to mention protect you however necessary, should the situation demand it :nod
I must say these posts and your guys previous posts... they are quite good, really.
Also I still haven't voted yet in case if you might think I already have done it.

So let's see... which person will get my vote. Which move will I do?

In any case, I will provide more insight during my next post, but rest assured that Shirou would most likely put you first and care for you his whole life, you won't find many guys who are more reliable and faithful, not to mention protect you however necessary, should the situation demand it :nod
Oh, is that so? Well then, I guess I will wait for your next post Niichan-kun. I can't wait to see what you've more to tell but knowing you, it should be something that should totally amaze me, right? Ah, thinking about it already makes me quite curious especially since it's the Fate/Kaleid Shirou. I mean, Hak is quite amazing but so is Fate/Kaleid Shirou. Ah, I can't wait for it.

Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
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Ooooooooooor we could discuss the price of your vote and be more objective, Magu ^_^
Hm, What's this? Are you seriously trying to bribe me? Like really Farfosh? For real? Come on, Farfosh. That's just literally a low, cheap move you are trying to do here. Like please now your borders woman. My godness.... What a truly disgusting move. No shame at all. Ugh.

Is there anything you have to offer me anyway? If so please, enlighten me. I am all ears. actually all eyes since we read this and I can't hear you anyway =3=

Give her a mango.
May god bless your soul and that one day you will conquer the world.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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lulz, jokes aside, I'll let you and syx have your own judgement on the nominees since you guys walk mysterious ways, rs.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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After a long long meditation and balance of thoughts, I might have decided on Hak...

This new Shirou certainly looks better than the one from Fate Stay Night, I would like to know more about his story.
Hak attracts me better though, he's a little cheesy, but still better.

But @niichan is also a fan of Kogami :nomoar


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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After a long long meditation and balance of thoughts, I might have decided on Hak...

This new Shirou certainly looks better than the one from Fate Stay Night, I would like to know more about his story.
Hak attracts me better though, he's a little cheesy, but still better.

But @niichan is also a fan of Kogami :nomoar
I too am a fan of Kogami and support him. So go with Hak! :rolleyes:


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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After a long long meditation and balance of thoughts, I might have decided on Hak...

This new Shirou certainly looks better than the one from Fate Stay Night, I would like to know more about his story.
Hak attracts me better though, he's a little cheesy, but still better.

But @niichan is also a fan of Kogami :nomoar
Thanks for not yet voting and giving me a chance to show you more about Shirou :zomg look below for a long post about him : D

ofc, I knew things would turn out like this... :( but at least Magi was waiting, so maybe I can convince a few others with this post as well. If not, thanks for reading this long post anyway ;)

Oh, is that so? Well then, I guess I will wait for your next post Niichan-kun. I can't wait to see what you've more to tell but knowing you, it should be something that should totally amaze me, right? Ah, thinking about it already makes me quite curious especially since it's the Fate/Kaleid Shirou. I mean, Hak is quite amazing but so is Fate/Kaleid Shirou. Ah, I can't wait for it.
Oh Magi, you're such a darling :teehee Life is keeping me busy but I don't want to disappoint you, so here it is~ ofc I will try to be as spoiler-free as possible. Most pics are inside spoilers to avoid making this post way too big xD

The story of Shirou Emiya (Fate/Kaleid Liner)

So those familiar with Fate/Stay Night might know that during certain routes of the story, Shirou embraces the ideal to the right, but in Kaleid he actually goes for the what's on the left side.

Ofc this isn't exactly an easy process. Surviving a disaster at his hometown, he wants to follow after the ideal of his saviour Kiritsugu. But even as a kid he can't help but realize that he simply can't kill all his emotions for the greater good.

The cause behind this is a girl (called Miyu) they rescue, and she's crucial to saving humanity and earth. All of this leads to him being torn between what he considers "right" and what he himself wants.

Even after his foster father's death, he still struggles with his decision, but in the end he does realize that he wants to bring Miyu happiness. That doesn't necessarily mean he's willing to give up his ideal, but that he wants to put her first. In the end, her wish is what makes him change his mind.

After his decision, life turns for the better and he's truly enjoying the mundane life he has with his foster sister and his friends. You can really see that this is what he really wanted all along, and that Kiritsugu's wish was a burden he finally managed to cast aside.

But ofc, things couldn't just end on such a happy note. For various reasons, things took a turn for the way worse and a certain group of people took Miyu to save humanity. And that's how he came to make a decision once and for all. He chose to abandon his view of justice to save Miyu.

So how come he was willing to abandon this ideal that defined almost his whole life? You could say he actually realized that something was inherently wrong with him ever since Kiritsugu rescued him. He was copying his foster father to cope with reality at the time, because he was an empty page that latched onto his saviour. There's a certain part where he acknowledges all of this:

So after this realization, where does his path go? You can be sure that it's far from sunshine and happiness, but once he makes up his mind he continues on no matter what. And while there's a lot of sadness and sacrifice, he turns into a true badass.

I'm going to skip the part on how exactly he got there, even though I wanted to at first. It just is a pretty big spoiler, and I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone who might potentially check out Fate/Kaleid Liner. But as you can see, just as I said, he's willing to hurt and kill other humans, if it means protecting those close to him (which is something UBW Shirou probably wouldn't do).

But using a power beyond your limit naturally has it's price, so this is why his appearance is changing more and more. Nevertheless, he continues to push himself past his limits (and to be even more badass).

So this is where I will end my lengthy talk about Shirou :XD I hope this post of mine could give you a little idea about his character and what makes him really charming and interesting to me. Even better if it makes you check out the anime/manga : D No matter if Shirou advances or not, I'm grateful for each and every vote from you guys! Especially to those who were willing to wait, like my dear magi :hee

Oh, I almost forgot. I've been going on and on about how great Shirou is even in regards to cooking and the likes, so here's a little extra for all of you.

It's absolutely not an overstatement, he's the best cook you could ask for :toc


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Thanks for not yet voting and giving me a chance to show you more about Shirou :zomg look below for a long post about him : D

ofc, I knew things would turn out like this... :( but at least Magi was waiting, so maybe I can convince a few others with this post as well. If not, thanks for reading this long post anyway ;)

Oh Magi, you're such a darling :teehee Life is keeping me busy but I don't want to disappoint you, so here it is~ ofc I will try to be as spoiler-free as possible. Most pics are inside spoilers to avoid making this post way too big xD

The story of Shirou Emiya (Fate/Kaleid Liner)

So those familiar with Fate/Stay Night might know that during certain routes of the story, Shirou embraces the ideal to the right, but in Kaleid he actually goes for the what's on the left side.

Ofc this isn't exactly an easy process. Surviving a disaster at his hometown, he wants to follow after the ideal of his saviour Kiritsugu. But even as a kid he can't help but realize that he simply can't kill all his emotions for the greater good.

The cause behind this is a girl (called Miyu) they rescue, and she's crucial to saving humanity and earth. All of this leads to him being torn between what he considers "right" and what he himself wants.

Even after his foster father's death, he still struggles with his decision, but in the end he does realize that he wants to bring Miyu happiness. That doesn't necessarily mean he's willing to give up his ideal, but that he wants to put her first. In the end, her wish is what makes him change his mind.

After his decision, life turns for the better and he's truly enjoying the mundane life he has with his foster sister and his friends. You can really see that this is what he really wanted all along, and that Kiritsugu's wish was a burden he finally managed to cast aside.

But ofc, things couldn't just end on such a happy note. For various reasons, things took a turn for the way worse and a certain group of people took Miyu to save humanity. And that's how he came to make a decision once and for all. He chose to abandon his view of justice to save Miyu.

So how come he was willing to abandon this ideal that defined almost his whole life? You could say he actually realized that something was inherently wrong with him ever since Kiritsugu rescued him. He was copying his foster father to cope with reality at the time, because he was an empty page that latched onto his saviour. There's a certain part where he acknowledges all of this:

So after this realization, where does his path go? You can be sure that it's far from sunshine and happiness, but once he makes up his mind he continues on no matter what. And while there's a lot of sadness and sacrifice, he turns into a true badass.

I'm going to skip the part on how exactly he got there, even though I wanted to at first. It just is a pretty big spoiler, and I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone who might potentially check out Fate/Kaleid Liner. But as you can see, just as I said, he's willing to hurt and kill other humans, if it means protecting those close to him (which is something UBW Shirou probably wouldn't do).

But using a power beyond your limit naturally has it's price, so this is why his appearance is changing more and more. Nevertheless, he continues to push himself past his limits (and to be even more badass).

So this is where I will end my lengthy talk about Shirou :XD I hope this post of mine could give you a little idea about his character and what makes him really charming and interesting to me. Even better if it makes you check out the anime/manga : D No matter if Shirou advances or not, I'm grateful for each and every vote from you guys! Especially to those who were willing to wait, like my dear magi :hee

Oh, I almost forgot. I've been going on and on about how great Shirou is even in regards to cooking and the likes, so here's a little extra for all of you.

It's absolutely not an overstatement, he's the best cook you could ask for :toc
Man... This post was glorious :emocat

Well I took a decision (Hak is pretty good aswell) and I might not have voted for Shirou but now Im even more interested in this version of him, it looks awesome.
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Purity of Magi

The Witch of Miracles
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 28, 2014
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I'm quite busy lately and I'm pretty certain that I will not be around on the last day of the voting to do my usual last minute votes xd. However I saw Niichan post and honestly it was worth the wait. Well I have been thinking who I should vote for but I think that I will go for Shirou. To be honest I actually don't even think that my vote might matter at this point since I actually do think that Hak will pass this round (which will be deserved also) but oh well we will see in the end. I haven't been wrong with that so far, would be funny if it would be the case in this round lol. Anyway, also I like this Shirou version a lot and I have no doubt that Hak is a great husband especially the things Farfosh has mentioned (I have only seen a bit of the anime so far and still have yet to read the manga which wasn't really much of my interest tbh but after reading those things about Hak.. I think I might start reading it because of her lol) but I find Shirou the better one atm imo. Sorry Farfosh. :/

No gifs or editing images. Typing on mobile.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2017
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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If Kogami advances you may pay the price for this betrayal.
Why is it a betrayal? :( I've never been a fan of Shirou, I find him a rather bland character. The fact that nii's campaign made me doubt in this matchup is already great. :hmph


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
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My vote goes for Haku.
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