Quarterfinal - Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) vs. Son Hak | Page 3 | MangaHelpers

Quarterfinal Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth) vs. Son Hak

Who wins?

  • Shirou Emiya (Parallel Earth)

  • Son Hak

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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
I'm quite busy lately and I'm pretty certain that I will not be around on the last day of the voting to do my usual last minute votes xd. However I saw Niichan post and honestly it was worth the wait. Well I have been thinking who I should vote for but I think that I will go for Shirou. To be honest I actually don't even think that my vote might matter at this point since I actually do think that Hak will pass this round (which will be deserved also) but oh well we will see in the end. I haven't been wrong with that so far, would be funny if it would be the case in this round lol. Anyway, also I like this Shirou version a lot and I have no doubt that Hak is a great husband especially the things Farfosh has mentioned (I have only seen a bit of the anime so far and still have yet to read the manga which wasn't really much of my interest tbh but after reading those things about Hak.. I think I might start reading it because of her lol) but I find Shirou the better one atm imo. Sorry Farfosh. :/

No gifs or editing images. Typing on mobile.
Thanks magi, I really appreciate it :blush AnY definitely got me interested as well, after all this campaigning from Farf.

Oh and just how are you getting the idea that Hak will advance? Maybe because you're aware that Farfs is campaigning heavily in the background and is making everyone she knows vote for Hak? :teehee It couldn't be, I must be wrong :toc But I don't mind either way, all is fair in love and war, and I'm sure she would love to beat my nomination especially :amuse Just would've prefered more activity here, but if I made some people more interested in checking out Fate/Kaleid that's all I could ask for.

If Kogami advances you may pay the price for this betrayal.
Nah, there's no price to pay. It's all cool, everyone is free to vote for who he/she prefers :mono
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