Voting Round 3 - Son Hak vs. Kojirou Saeki | MangaHelpers

Voting Round 3 Son Hak vs. Kojirou Saeki

Who wins?

  • Son Hak

  • Kojirou Saeki

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Plan Deviser
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind

Son Hak
Akatsuki no Yona

Kojirou Saeki
Prince of Tennis


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ok, so, in the previous round, I tried to provide my own perspective on Hak, which also explains why I nominated him for Best Husbando.
For this one, I decided to share some series moments with you so it stops being an abstract image for you guys and you can build your own. That should help you with your vote not only now but ahead, if we have the chance^^

That also leads to more honest votes and, for better or worse, I prefer it that way. Af caus my perspective will still be there, though, since I'll keep commenting. May the real best one, according to an instructed majority, win!

Again: if there's something in spoiler tags that explicitly warns you about content, then consider if you wanna check it in case you're planning on following the series.

This is one of my fav parts so far^^ What I get from it is that the root of his feelings is some profound admiration of the one he loves. The things he sees in his SO and the person's essence are crystal clear, and due to that his feelings are solid. It remains like that throughout all the series, Hak never seems to have any doubts about what the princess means to him.
Those are great feats in a husbando, someone whose feelings are immutable, who knows you deeply in spite of what you display, who gets dazed by things you didn't even know you had in you, and would love for others to aknowledge your value as well. You think you're just a shadow in his greatness, but in his eyes you're above everything, and that makes you wanna go further.

So, as I said before, Hak is the princess bodyguard. During the series, it's not uncommon for him to get harmed while protecting her. He's often seen as serious, harsh and mocking others, which makes him more interesting and not dull, but you also get a lot of examples of his selfless and concerned nature. I personally believe that before being a great partner one should be a great human being overall, and Hak not only act like that with the princess, but is often sheltering people in battles and providing for the group, he's a role model in his tribe (and also its Chief), no wonder he's so estimated there. If only more people had kind natures... maybe we'd be living different times.

As I said, he can be harsh xD I see that as La Pasión, though :hurr
He's a very manly character for the ones that appreciate it (altho I'm somewhat indifferent to that), but in spite of that, you can see the fire and will in his actions. Being loyal and committed and often reassuring, he's also objective and straightforward if by chance things weren't clear. He'll give his SO space if his feelings aren't reciprocated, but that doesn't mean he'll hide. Another important feat he has: he's determinated, secure, he gets himself out there, and also mature and sensible enough not to press on, if it's not the place. He stated it many times: he wants his SO to be happy, and that sufices.

So yeah, Hak abnegated a lot of things for Yona - titles, his homeland, safety and stability - but he claims he's home and free due to being by her side - not even with her, since they're not together. The way be gets torn between fearing about something bad happening to her and yearning for her to fight and strive and grow is also beautiful...

In a world where everything is so fickle... and relationships are so ephemeral, to the point that love doesn't even look like a bless or something lucky anymore, but utopia... I wanna believe people can still have partners like that^^ At least I see a lot of it in mine, and value it, which also makes me feel more certain of what I cherish deeply about my own SO, and what I like to see mirrored in characters I consider to be epic husbandos, like Hak <3

Just some cute fun to end^^

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九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Damn, that's really artistic way to campaign :zomg


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Easily Hak for me.

Especially Farfy's campaign.


Black Snakehead
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Damn, Lala you are going all out! <_>


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Farf vs Hardy? :zomg

Farfs won some massive points with that campaign but I’ll await the other side’s counter before voting. This will be interesting.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Damn, Lala you are going all out! <_>
Isn't that the point of campaigns? c.c
I'm saving something still, tho '-'

Farf vs Hardy? :zomg

Farfs won some massive points with that campaign but I’ll await the other side’s counter before voting. This will be interesting.
For the record, he did say that Hak is a better husbando xD


Saeki's Sandcastle Building Buddy
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jul 10, 2017
Reaction score
oof man wait a second, i don have fancy ass banners laying around since i do not prepare but i can figure out something that is not as image heavy
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Disclaimer: I'm a nice person and everything here is said cause of husbando wars. I do not condone, nor hate brother complexes. I don't dislike AnY. Anyways.

Okay, so first of all, it's not Hardy campaigning for Saeki, considering that guy can't get one argument fleshed out.

Second, while I do think that I'm probably going under, considering Akatsuki no Yona is a badly veiled reverse harem (which is why I stopped reading it unfortunately), and I have to do with about 3 pages of pure fanbook material and two tennis matches that my dear friend painfully translated for over 3 years (Not only Saeki's profile though), simply cause Tenipuri is that old, and sadly, not about some girl saving the kingdom with a band of hot boys. I feel it's important to note that AnY created its male characters with the husbando potential in mind, with Hak being the protective older brother type guardian stereotype. Gonna do my best with this limited content, considering Saeki is a minor character.

Despite this obvious advantage that AnY has, I will try to do my best to provide an in depth character analysis at the same level as Farfalla did. But again, I'm only human and I can't extrapolate more than is already possible. I've been stretching my limits already in the previous rounds.

That said, if it's only because of Hak that you might even remember, the teeniest, smallest thing about Saeki, and the passion of the Prince of Tennis fandom that lies behind it, I don't mind going down in style, cause ultimately my goal wasn't to win this entire thing (though it would be nice), it was to show you guys that sports anime actually put a lot of work behind their characters in a way that is maybe not comparable to a drama/history manga, really, I'm not going to lie to you guys about how Saeki rescued some damsel from a giant sea monster with his awesome tennis skills because he simply can't. He does not have a childhood friend (coming back to this later) he dotes on especially. And he has grown up like a normal, boring guy.

Sentiments aside, let's get this ball rolling.
I don't really have...any sections prepared to be fair? I mostly go based of my instincts, but I guess I can provide some topics and talk about them in a way I haven't done before.

Since my opponent is Hak, who probably has a lot of dramatic moments in the manga, I'll try to start with describing who, and what a Saeki is.

Saeki Kojirou is a third year (15, but keep in mind that the author originally created them in mind to be 18-19) in middle school at Rokkaku Middle school. Rokkaku lies in Chiba, probably along the sides of Kisarazu's beaches, in the Kanto regio. Saeki is the vice-captain of the tennis club, and the vice-president of the student council (you can see the pattern here). The first time we see him is as an "antagonist" or as the opponent of the protagonists in a doubles match.

Saeki is shown to be a refreshing, kind guy, that is a bit defenseless where it matters, but ultimately loved by his peers. He’s thoughtful, kind, charming and friendly all around, and I realize this sounds very biased and shallow, but it’s really what he is. And it’s not even driven up for the husband potential, because (girls don’t exist in POT cough) the reason Rokkaku was created was with in mind “them being the first good natured team and friends of the protagonists”, and having a family like atmosphere, to enable a sane upbringing (which does not sound like much, but consider that the other 7 rival teams:
Beat up their coach (Fudomine)
Manipulated its players to destroy their limbs (St. Rudolph)
Beat up everyone else in the school (Yamabuki)
Forced someone to retire to Germany (Hyotei)
Threw someone out of a plane for tennis (Rikkai)
Have an isolation cell and giant hole on campus. Walk on glass. (Higa is just fucked up)
Send someone to the hospital with 80% broken bones, a broken wrist, broken pride, whatever (Shitenhouji).

So what does have to do with Saeki? Saeki, ultimately does not do that. Yaaaay! No but seriously, he never came even close to injuring someone. I ran the statistics, and from all the main matches against rival schools, about 9/34 do not have someone getting injured. I just wanted to give you guys perspective on the situation here. He’s already a proper, normal human being at that age, mature and responsible. Does he have bad sides? Yeah he does unfortunately, and even if it isn’t the most husbando thing, I appreciate this side.
He is described as reckless and stubborn, even a tad egotistical at times. This does only however, relate to one specific event in mind:

Kai VS Saeki

This was a singles match went awry. Kai is a member of Higa, and they had beaten Rokkaku in 4 straight sets. While this quantified as a loss, rules say that all matches should be played, or at least, forfeited if the team wanted to.

Not only was Saeki pretty much downtrodden, being the last match, he also had to deal with the fact that Kai decided to smash a ball in his coach’s face. And well, youth, but the coach in this case was an man from well past his prime, old and mysterious, but very frail. He had to be shipped to the hospital, and all of Rokkaku ran away in a hurry to accompany their coach, assuming Saeki would forfeit and join them. Except Saeki didn’t cause FUCK YOU KAI. He stayed and fought back, despite all his teammates being gone, and having Higa’s call overwhelmingly against him. And yeah, you might think “pff assholes not worth my time”, but they were constantly jeering him, insulting him and generally just being asses.

Still Saeki persevered. And lost. But he was the only one who could score 4-6 against Higa. Their match history was a perfect 6-0 all the time, so I do feel that he works extremely well under pressure, which is an admirable side that comes with the stubbornness. And he only did this cause they attacked a precious person. The coach did not have to be a cute, defenseless girl. He stood up for his friends and his mentor.
I believe this is a good quality to have, respect and trust to those who are not romantical options.

He does not have, what I'd call, one or two steady childhood friends he’s dependently close on. That simply doesn’t feel realistic either, and it’s in fact a bit unhealthy to devote yourself to it. He has 10 of them. And those are his team, mentor and moved childhood friends. Because Hak's campaign ultimately relied on his relationship with others, I will include a segment and hope I can give insight to his character. All of these are from the fanbook by the way, so while I'm definitely biased, I'm not going assuming things. He's just that good.

Saeki's relationship with one of his friends.
Aoi Kentarou - 1st year.
Aoi is the actual captain of the tennis club, and this is a point I've said many times already: Japan is very heavy on its honorary system. I'm sure you are all familiar, but the senpai-kouhai system is very much enforced on society (or asian society in general).
The thing is, when they did the choosing of the captain, which is done by the coach, a mistake was made and Aoi got accidentally appointed as head of the tennis club. When he was in elementary school. Do you see the logic? So while they definitely do respect the coach decision's as final, guess who sucked it in and became the vice-captain?
Aoi is like the child from Rokkaku. He loves girls and is the straightest guy from the series (from the only two straights), but probably does not know what a boob is. He really loves girls.
A discography of his in-character character songs would be:
- I want to kiss a girl
- I want to hug a girl
- The great conquest of love

But... there is only one guy he is weak to.
You guessed right. Saeki. Aoi admires Saeki, and in turn, Saeki dotes on Aoi as if he was a little brother, but heck if there are no gay undertones to this.
As an example, some dialogue transcribed from the book (Had to dig for them and I translated them, so it sounds a bit rough, sorry):
Aoi: Sae-san is also really cool!
Saeki: Thank you, Kentarou.
Saeki then slowly caressed his hair and Aoi covered his mouth with two hands.
Aoi: Sae-san! I'm going in shock. (t/n it has a tone of SAE SHIT MAN STOP GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK IM STRAIGHT)

Upon seeing Fuji, Aoi said that he would also love to have Fuji's hairstyle.
Aoi: Would it suit me?
Saeki: I think it would suit you. (t/n includes a gentle smile)
Aoi: Sae-san...! What a gentleman! (t/n Kyaa noises implemented, hard to translate)
So yeah, he’s pretty charming. Honestly I can write this out for any of his teammates, but Aoi is my favorite character so >.>...

Well, another one of his childhood friends are the Fuji brothers. They were close to him, but moved to Tokyo, presumably work. They ended up in opposing teams (St. Rudolph VS Rokkaku) and Saeki was perceptive enough of the whole situation (Basically the manager is an asshole that drives his teammate’s bodies to the extreme for the sake of winning, and the boy he’s manipulating admires him on a lot of levels), to willingly lose against him for the sake of preserving his shoulder, while making an offhanded comment about it later to him, so he would realize.
He’s socially aware that not everyone has the same familial structure, the same bonds as he does, and he has a broad, open mind.

Another example is the club policy. Rokkaku’s club looks like a beach hut, serves ice cream and cooks for its members, by the members. That’s why it gets frequently mistaken for a hut, and while everyone is always “STOP COMING BY OUR CLUB”, Saeki is the only one who is “oh sure, why not? Enough ice cream for everyone” and everyone else is “WELL I GUESS??”

He’s a bit defenseless, as remarked by the official gay (yes, not all anime are gay bait) which makes him so charming because he cares about everyone equally. Hot girl? Ice cream. Pervert teen? Ice cream. It’s a bit of a flaw, but it works. This does not mean he’s entirely naïve though. He is very wary around the aforementioned shit manager for good reasons. That manager asked him to send some elementary schoolers to St. Rudolph. Saeki was “hell no”.

Talking about perception, he has bar 1 the best sight in the series. He can recognize stars with the naked eye. As a friends in physics told me about her astrophysics THAT SHIT IS HARD. I can only say that he has zoomie eyes. Which does help in one of his other non-tennis hobbies that are sadly not elaborated much upon. He does horseback archery (with one of his teammates). Consider me swooning and impressed. In tennis, he uses it to “Mark” people. If I had to put an archetype on it, he would be a hunter.

(He actually says "That's no good, you left me free~")

And for the record. He’s officially called the most useless handsome man of POT, which says A LOT when the cast is over 100 guys. The useless stems from the fact that he 1. Does not use it to its full potential 2. It’s oozing everywhere. I tried to refrain from using his physical good looks though. In the stage plays, they casted Saeki based on 1. Acting 2. Handsome 3. Vocals. Dreamy~
He likes puppies and sandcastles. Which are both adorable qualities. He’s a bit stupid in that regard, but I find it endearing. Who would not want a husbando who Is excited about the simple things in life, and not embarrassed by it.

Here’s a comic I translated and scanlated exactly for that purpose (sorry, I’m a one man team and still learning the basics of it ^^’)

He has the idiot moe. And he’s a minor character I really hold dear as you can see.
This is not everything I have to say, but I’m going to cut it short here. If you actually went through all this….wow. I have to save some of my arguments.

As for Hak.

This is one of my fav parts so far^^ What I get from it is that the root of his feelings is some profound admiration of the one he loves. The things he sees in his SO and the person's essence are crystal clear, and due to that his feelings are solid. It remains like that throughout all the series, Hak never seems to have any doubts about what the princess means to him.
Those are great feats in a husbando, someone whose feelings are immutable, who knows you deeply in spite of what you display, who gets dazed by things you didn't even know you had in you, and would love for others to aknowledge your value as well. You think you're just a shadow in his greatness, but in his eyes you're above everything, and that makes you wanna go further.
The big question I’d want to ask if this protective undying love extends to anyone but Yona. It’s simple psychology that people you grew up with are the most dear to you. For me, what I read, this feels like Hak and Yona share some kind “security dependency” which is totally okay since Hak indeed looks like a supportive and nice leading dude. He protects his tribe, but how much of that stems from the fact that he was raised to be a guardian? It’s an implemented honor, not something that’s inherent in his nature.
Also, going by the history he has with Yona, it is the most likely that he has developed brotherly affections. That's simply how the brain works to be fair, and I'm going to be honest and say that's not a good basis for a relationship. If Hak developed affections for anyone else, he would not act the way he does now. Princess is always his number 1, which is honorable, but man I don't want to marry a dude with a shrine dedicated to some red shrimp.

So, as I said before, Hak is the princess bodyguard. During the series, it's not uncommon for him to get harmed while protecting her. He's often seen as serious, harsh and mocking others, which makes him more interesting and not dull, but you also get a lot of examples of his selfless and concerned nature. I personally believe that before being a great partner one should be a great human being overall, and Hak not only act like that with the princess, but is often sheltering people in battles and providing for the group, he's a role model in his tribe (and also its Chief), no wonder he's so estimated there. If only more people had kind natures... maybe we'd be living different times.
Seems all good, but don't want to live in a world with brothersister complexes. I'm sure one of the other participants here would though, apologies.

So yeah, Hak abnegated a lot of things for Yona - titles, his homeland, safety and stability - but he claims he's home and free due to being by her side - not even with her, since they're not together. The way be gets torn between fearing about something bad happening to her and yearning for her to fight and strive and grow is also beautiful...
Going by his wikia page, he has this quote here:
“When I’m with the princesss, I lose my mind.”

Now I assume this probably means that he has so much affections for her that he can’t control, but man, if my hubby said that to me, despite how flattering and romanticized it’s made out to be here, I would call the friggin cops and change all the locks. It’s cute when someone is bothered by you. It’s not cute when they want to give their entire life, devote it to you, obsess over you. Which is all reasonable, since this is a reverse harem and completely unrealistic towards that. And he is a guardian…so yeah. It's clashing.
And the whole thing makes him sound like a 'nice' guy. "HEY GIRL JUST SNIFFING UR HAIR MAKES ME HAPPY pls hold my hand :'c"

In a world where everything is so fickle... and relationships are so ephemeral, to the point that love doesn't even look like a bless or something lucky anymore, but utopia... I wanna believe people can still have partners like that^^ At least I see a lot of it in mine, and value it, which also makes me feel more certain of what I cherish deeply about my own SO, and what I like to see mirrored in characters I consider to be epic husbandos, like Hak <3
/Takes out poetry book
Life is sad. Life is sand. Relationships wash away. Just like a sandcastle.

Obviously vote Saeki. Or at least acknowledge his existance :'c



The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Saeki Kojirou is a third year (15, but keep in mind that the author originally created them in mind to be 18-19)
Yeah, won't lie. Had I known that before, I'd have voted for Jin. Same reasons why I'm going with Maes this round. In the Waifu Wars, some people were very strict about not having a minor as a sexual partner, which wives are. I don't see why minor girls are lolis but minor boys are "intended to be something else so it's fine". Equal treatments, right? There are some things about husbandos I'm not comfortable with and this is one of them, one of the reasons why I didn't nominate Armin as well (even tho he's 19+ currently, but hasn't appeared yet).

He does not have, what I'd call, one or two steady childhood friends he’s dependently close on. That simply doesn’t feel realistic either, and it’s in fact a bit unhealthy to devote yourself to it.
That's just twisted^^"
First: childhood friends you keep for life and value a lot are rare, but real, and a treasure for the ones that have them. I know two people I have as ones of the most important in life are 2 old friends. We grew, we changed, we got apart, and I'd still trust in then as if we were 14 again, and go to their aid.
Second: Hak isn't dependently close to them. He got apart from Soo Won, for obvious reasons. He'd get apart from Yona as well, as he was planning to on Chapter 8, but she asked him to stay with her. And well, he's in love, he believes he can do more for her, and that got him to stay, not some obsessive dependency.
Whenever in doubt of something, you need facts to speak for you.

The big question I’d want to ask if this protective undying love extends to anyone but Yona. It’s simple psychology that people you grew up with are the most dear to you. For me, what I read, this feels like Hak and Yona share some kind “security dependency” which is totally okay since Hak indeed looks like a supportive and nice leading dude. He protects his tribe, but how much of that stems from the fact that he was raised to be a guardian? It’s an implemented honor, not something that’s inherent in his nature.
Also, going by the history he has with Yona, it is the most likely that he has developed brotherly affections. That's simply how the brain works to be fair, and I'm going to be honest and say that's not a good basis for a relationship. If Hak developed affections for anyone else, he would not act the way he does now. Princess is always his number 1, which is honorable, but man I don't want to marry a dude with a shrine dedicated to some red shrimp.
His commitment protection-wise does extend to others, as I said in my post. Later I can pick up some pages about him declaring he's be looking over their current friends as well, and about his feelings and stance over the Wind Tribe. In spite of where his attitude towards his tribe comes from (gratitude for being raised there, and as a leader, or just nature, which seems to be the case to me, since he replicates this to others he met later), it's a fact his affectionated behaviour is still there, and there's nothing bad about the roots for that.
And also, I disagree. Of course I wanna be #1 for my husband. I don't wanna be the center of his life, but if I got to be the sole one he decided to spend the rest of his days with, romantically and sexually-wise, it is only natural that that happened 'cause I'm special to him.

Going by his wikia page, he has this quote here:
“When I’m with the princesss, I lose my mind.”

Now I assume this probably means that he has so much affections for her that he can’t control, but man, if my hubby said that to me, despite how flattering and romanticized it’s made out to be here, I would call the friggin cops and change all the locks. It’s cute when someone is bothered by you. It’s not cute when they want to give their entire life, devote it to you, obsess over you. Which is all reasonable, since this is a reverse harem and completely unrealistic towards that. And he is a guardian…so yeah. It's clashing.
And the whole thing makes him sound like a 'nice' guy. "HEY GIRL JUST SNIFFING UR HAIR MAKES ME HAPPY pls hold my hand :'c"
It doesn't matter if he said that once, if he demonstrates many times otherwise, even remarking he promised to keep the composure. How many times don't we exaggerate our sayings? Let actions speak for themselves (again, later when I'm not at work, I can pick up some pages to portrait that as well).

Life is sad. Life is sand. Relationships wash away. Just like a sandcastle.
And yeah xD I guess we're going for different ideals. Hence why I said I'd rather leave it open for what people prefer, identify with, and will support based on knowledge.

Just to end my reply: dealing with pressure, being respected, being trusted, bein charming, being skilled, being kind, those are all features Hak share, so they aren't advantages over him. Also, since you mentioned Saeki is just a regular human or something, having zoomie eyes doesn't fit that xD So both have unrealistic things on their account, simply 'cause manga series are fantasy territory.

You're a formidable apponent, with a solid, appealing and coherent campaign, a good nominee, and PoT has an army of fans that are actively participating in this event, so don't be so sure you're going down now xD Heck, I'm spending a lot of time and energy trying to think how to pull out a victory here, even though I honestly believe Hak is more fit than Saeki for this...

This is gonna be a bible fight, it seems ç.ç Hope people enjoy it somehow lmao


Saeki's Sandcastle Building Buddy
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jul 10, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah, won't lie. Had I known that before, I'd have voted for Jin. Same reasons why I'm going with Maes this round. In the Waifu Wars, some people were very strict about not having a minor as a sexual partner, which wives are. I don't see why minor girls are lolis but minor boys are "intended to be something else so it's fine". Equal treatments, right? There are some things about husbandos I'm not comfortable with and this is one of them, one of the reasons why I didn't nominate Armin as well (even tho he's 19+ currently, but hasn't appeared yet).
I kind of dislike these kind of discussions but I feel it's entirely different in this case. While shotas are definitely very much a thing right now, just like lolis, it does not have the same kind of standard behind it. Yeah, double standards exist, and I understand everyone asks for equal treatment in this regard, but it's not the same at all. I'm not going further on this cause that will become a sore discussion for both of us, but I respect your opinion on this.

That's just twisted^^"
First: childhood friends you keep for life and value a lot are rare, but real, and a treasure for the ones that have them. I know two people I have as ones of the most important in life are 2 old friends. We grew, we changed, we got apart, and I'd still trust in then as if we were 14 again, and go to their aid.
Second: Hak isn't dependently close to them. He got apart from Soo Won, for obvious reasons. He'd get apart from Yona as well, as he was planning to on Chapter 8, but she asked him to stay with her. And well, he's in love, he believes he can do more for her, and that got him to stay, not some obsessive dependency.
Whenever in doubt of something, you need facts to speak for you.
Hm okay, I guess it's not an obsessive dependency. I wouldn't know cause I have not read the manga and my campaigning style is by dragging the opponent (nothing personal), but it doesn't change that their relationship stems from a sibling one. Frankly, they seem to hit all those flags. It's kind of a physiological impairment to fall for someone you consider a brother or sister, even though it does happen, but those are indicators for mental illness. (source that one psychiatry class i have to take, having childhood friend dudes i consider as a brother and would never think of dating)

His commitment protection-wise does extend to others, as I said in my post. Later I can pick up some pages about him declaring he's be looking over their current friends as well, and about his feelings and stance over the Wind Tribe. In spite of where his attitude towards his tribe comes from (gratitude for being raised there, and as a leader, or just nature, which seems to be the case to me, since he replicates this to others he met later), it's a fact his affectionated behaviour is still there, and there's nothing bad about the roots for that.
And also, I disagree. Of course I wanna be #1 for my husband. I don't wanna be the center of his life, but if I got to be the sole one he decided to spend the rest of his days with, romantically and sexually-wise, it is only natural that that happened 'cause I'm special to him.
I agree that personality is shaped by the environment and that genetic factors dont play a role at all. He's a cool dude. But so is Saeki.
Still a sister complex.
And you disagree with what? You want to be the sole one to spend the rest of his days with, but if it comes to it, he will probably abandon you for Yona. Cause she is his number 1. Now of course, if we look at it from the perspective of Yona alone, he's a good husbando in those regards, but literally no one else tops her, simply because the plot asks for it. I concur: 1. Good husbando (albeit incesty) for Yona 2. Not so good husbando for everyone else, if we take him in the universe as he is right now.
Of course, I can't really debate that because ultimately tennis is not as heavy focused on drama and romance as AnY. I can't really predict how Saeki would fare if he were placed inside that kind of universe. I however do believe he would act the same in regards to romance? I can only derive from the otome games, which were pretty neat, but Saeki was not written as a love interest like Hak was.

It doesn't matter if he said that once, if he demonstrates many times otherwise, even remarking he promised to keep the composure. How many times don't we exaggerate our sayings? Let actions speak for themselves (again, later when I'm not at work, I can pick up some pages to portrait that as well).
Oh boy am I glad my husband says creepy things to me but never does them. Let actions speak, yes, but there's still the implying that he's a kettle ready to burst at anytime. Simply cause he's not doing it, doesn't justify the entire thought process behind it.
I could rob you right now, but I won't do it, even though I REALLY HAVE THE IMPULSE TO ROB you. It's a bit different in this case where it's more, I could do unspeakable things cause I love her so much, but I love her so much I won't. I can't speak for everyone, but this is definitely the feelings I get from this dude.

And yeah xD I guess we're going for different ideals. Hence why I said I'd rather leave it open for what people prefer, identify with, and will support based on knowledge.

Just to end my reply: dealing with pressure, being respected, being trusted, bein charming, being skilled, being kind, those are all features Hak share, so they aren't advantages over him. Also, since you mentioned Saeki is just a regular human or something, having zoomie eyes doesn't fit that xD So both have unrealistic things on their account, simply 'cause manga series are fantasy territory.
Likewise you don't have any advantage over Sae either, unless you bring his actually supported incesty crush on Yona.
And for the record, zoomie eyes just means extremely good eyesight. And yes, while it's rare, it's not impossible for both sharpness and dynamic vision to be combined together. I said it was hard, but not unrealistic. He uses a lot of eyedrops and eats tons of urchins to improve/keep his vision, so it actually has a lot of base irl.
Urchins have Vitamin A, aka retinol, Retinal, a derivate from Retinol is the main substituent used for hyperpolarizing the cells of the eye, starting a bunch of metabolic pathways. Anyway, the thing is just, it makes you see faster, which enhances his motion vision. As for his accuracy and details, those can be attributed to the cones in his eyes, which can genetically differ. Heck, going by this reasoning he can probably see a bigger variety of colours.
A creative husbando everyone.
But that aside, yes while manga is unrealistic, husbando qualities should not be romanticized to the point of "it's fictional so it's okay if he does this".

You're a formidable apponent, with a solid, appealing and coherent campaign, a good nominee, and PoT has an army of fans that are actively participating in this event, so don't be so sure you're going down now xD Heck, I'm spending a lot of time and energy trying to think how to pull out a victory here, even though I honestly believe Hak is more fit than Saeki for this...
Aww...No it's just that I know a lot of stuff about my favorite team Rokkaku and that I entered the thing as a joke...To be fair, Saeki is only remembered as "that handsome hot dude" (If he gets remembered at all, because Rokkaku is the 2nd least popular school from the 9) but not a lot of people seem to know about his personality cause "hot", so I just wanted to change that. I'm really pulling at straws here :'D
But you had the most votes previous round, and even though my opponent didnt campaign at all, he got 14 of them. Heck, even in the first round I won with three votes while the opponent didn't campaign. + Everyone here knows you already :'C while I am a scrub forced in here by Kazzie and Hardy.
Can't win against the popular guys...But I do believe Saeki is a wonderful guy with many husbando qualities, that are not emphasized upon.
And I'm not into tsunderes :v.

This is gonna be a bible fight, it seems ç.ç Hope people enjoy it somehow lmao
They better.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ok, I don't get where your brother-sister complex argument is coming from xD Care to explain it again? I prolly brainfarted and was unable to comprehend it. So far it looks like you're stretching a context to fit your scenario, like when people say "oh I feel sad hence I must be depressed" while clinically he/she's not emtionally sick, but kinda the opposite, he/she's just a human being that is not a psycopath, lol.

And you disagree with what? You want to be the sole one to spend the rest of his days with, but if it comes to it, he will probably abandon you for Yona. Cause she is his number 1. Now of course, if we look at it from the perspective of Yona alone, he's a good husbando in those regards, but literally no one else tops her, simply because the plot asks for it. I concur: 1. Good husbando (albeit incesty) for Yona 2. Not so good husbando for everyone else, if we take him in the universe as he is right now.
Of course, I can't really debate that because ultimately tennis is not as heavy focused on drama and romance as AnY. I can't really predict how Saeki would fare if he were placed inside that kind of universe. I however do believe he would act the same in regards to romance? I can only derive from the otome games, which were pretty neat, but Saeki was not written as a love interest like Hak was.
That's not what a husbando is, or at least not how it should be. According to the wiki: it's a fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga or video game) to whom one is attracted and, in some cases, whom one considers a significant other. You're not measuring how likely it would be for you to be the SO, you're evaluating what appeals to you in a love interest. If you follow that path then a lot of nominations are just bad, since those characters alrdy have their SO (Holo and Lawrence, Mikasa and Eren, Maes and Gracia, Guts and Casca, Ban and Ellen, Erwin and Mary, and so on). It's actually easier to say it's doubtful to know if Saeki would be a good husbando 'cause you have no references for him in a romantic field, but then again, it's about what appeals to you the most, so we can go there as well. It does help me that, unlike Saeki, Hak is a love interest so we do have enough ground to base our claims that he's something attractive as a husbando - to whoever likes how he behaves with Yona.

Oh boy am I glad my husband says creepy things to me but never does them. Let actions speak, yes, but there's still the implying that he's a kettle ready to burst at anytime. Simply cause he's not doing it, doesn't justify the entire thought process behind it.
I could rob you right now, but I won't do it, even though I REALLY HAVE THE IMPULSE TO ROB you. It's a bit different in this case where it's more, I could do unspeakable things cause I love her so much, but I love her so much I won't. I can't speak for everyone, but this is definitely the feelings I get from this dude.
Uh? XD People burst, people say things without thinking, people feel lost and compelled and confused and overwhelmed at times, all of us, that doesn't make us all sick or dangerous or abnormal o.o That's another stretch^^" And yeah, people have thoughts and feelings that they'd be ashamed of others finding out but that doesn't mean those aren't things that others don't feel as well. We're animals, we still have instincts, urges, and having awareness and control over them is what set us apart from many things.
Also, "lose control" is so vague and subjective and could go so many ways... "I lose control of my thoughts and can't think straight", "I lose control and feel like I could just kiss her already", "I lose control and also my sleep", etc.
If anything, as you said, that just makes Hak feels more real, authentic and relatable.

Aww...No it's just that I know a lot of stuff about my favorite team Rokkaku and that I entered the thing as a joke...To be fair, Saeki is only remembered as "that handsome hot dude" (If he gets remembered at all, because Rokkaku is the 2nd least popular school from the 9) but not a lot of people seem to know about his personality cause "hot", so I just wanted to change that. I'm really pulling at straws here :'D
But you had the most votes previous round, and even though my opponent didnt campaign at all, he got 14 of them. Heck, even in the first round I won with three votes while the opponent didn't campaign. + Everyone here knows you already :'C while I am a scrub forced in here by Kazzie and Hardy.
Can't win against the popular guys...But I do believe Saeki is a wonderful guy with many husbando qualities, that are not emphasized upon.
And I'm not into tsunderes :v
Dw, Hak isn't that well known nor popular. Many heard of AnY but never checked or dropped it after some time cause Yona is such a brain cancer '_'
We'll both have to work our arses here xD

And yeah, I imagine only us will be reading each other if we go on for 5 days in this pace xDDD
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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Also, "lose control" is so vague and subjective and could go so many ways... "I lose control of my thoughts and can't think straight", "I lose control and feel like I could just kiss her already", "I lose control and also my sleep", etc.
Also "I lose control of my hips, niichan ><".


Saeki's Sandcastle Building Buddy
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jul 10, 2017
Reaction score
Ok, I don't get where your brother-sister complex argument is coming from xD Care to explain it again? I prolly brainfarted and was unable to comprehend it. So far it looks like you're stretching a context to fit your scenario, like when people say "oh I feel sad hence I must be depressed" while clinically he/she's not emtionally sick, but kinda the opposite, he/she's just a human being that is not a psycopath, lol.
LOL sorry ^^' If I go hard I go hard.
Don't worry, I just go based by what I see. What I see is, Yona and Hak are childhood friends. Since they have grown up together from such a young age, it's natural for a sibling relation to form, or at least that's how it is stated theoretically.
I know you have the entire "yeah but they're not actually related", point is that the romantic relationship is based that, and despite how much people love to rave around childhoodfriends to lovers, if it's young as that, it feels unnatural, because the brain registers those persons differently. If it does turn into love, it's a malfunction, and yes, that's entirely human. I never said he was a psychopath for it. I never said that he's a mental nutjob, only that it's an indicator for something probably not being right, a leadup.
And while I know that all humans have problems, it doesn't mean that it can just be overlooked, because I think it's a valid argument. I just don't think it's the best way to start a relationship.
It does help if I knew how old Yona and Hak were back then, so I can go more into detail about development, but that's up to you.

That's not what a husbando is, or at least not how it should be. According to the wiki: it's a fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga or video game) to whom one is attracted and, in some cases, whom one considers a significant other. You're not measuring how likely it would be for you to be the SO, you're evaluating what appeals to you in a love interest. If you follow that path that a lot of nominations are just bad, since those characters alrdy have their SO (Holo and Lawrence, Mikasa and Eren, Maes and Gracia, Guts and Casca, Ban and Ellen, Erwin and Mary, and so on). It's actually easier to say it's doubtful to know if Saeki would be a good husbando 'cause you have no references for him in a romantic field, but then again, it's about what appeals to you the most, so we can go there as well. It does help me that, unlike Saeki, Hak is a love interest so we do have enough ground to base our claims that he's something attractive as a husbando - to whoever likes how he behaves with Yona.
Fair point. This is definitely what I did mean in my first post, that AnY has the advantage that the guy was written to appeal to girls, and the love story. That's why he probably ends up coming out better as a husbando, because the plot needs his husbando qualities to shine.
But, if you want to go there, I can absolutely pull out my stuff from the dating sims, which while not manga plot canon, give a good indication of what he is like, since they're essentially branch side stories that had to be approved and were written by the author. I've only played two of the three, and one was in japanese, so I don't remember all that much.
So basically, I kind of said that Saeki did not do dramatic saves, but I guess I found some of them.
MC and a lot of tennis boys are on a ship, on a cruise to tennisland. What happens? The ship crashes. The first thing that happens, on all the routes is this:

Saeki (and Bane) were rushing through the hallways looking if anyone was still trapped, and were trying to rescue them. The ship was sinking, and Saeki basically took MC while Bane took her friend and helped them swim to the shore.
By the way, this does not happen solely with girls. Again, Saeki has also saved another guy from drowning.

Growing up by the beach has its advantages. One of them knowing how to perform CPR, first aid and whatnot useful things that were not taught to him cause he's a warrior.
(Also yes POT is hella gay)

He's considerate and gentle, even if it's in a stupid way. When he taught MC tennis, he kept complimenting her, despite MC SUCKING BALLS (the tennis kind of course) and she called him out for it. He was just :' D. He's the same way with other tennis players though, so I can't really say this is romance specific. He throws out small, and genuine compliments, and it's just part of his personality.

Oh, and he threw himself in front of MC to protect her from dinosaurs. It was an interesting game.

So this makes clear that Hak is definitely not the only one who gets hurt for his loved ones in a dramatic fashion.
There's more...but again it would become a wall.

Uh? XD People burst, people say things without thinking, people feel lost and compelled and confused and overwhelmed at times, all of us, that doesn't make us all sick or dangerous or abnormal o.o That's another stretch^^" And yeah, people have thoughts and feelings that they'd be ashamed of others finding out but that doesn't mean those aren't things that others don't feel as well. We're animals, we still have instincts, urges, and having awareness and control over them is what set us apart from many things.
Also, "lose control" is so vague and subjective and could go so many ways... "I lose control of my thoughts and can't think straight", "I lose control and feel like I could just kiss her already", "I lose control and also my sleep", etc.
If anything, as you said, that just makes Hak feels more real, authentic and relatable.
"many things"
Like, animals? '-' I mean, yeah we probably differ from plants...they aren't out true roots anyway.
It's very vague, which means that it can also be taken the bad way. Again, he's human and authentic, but for me personally, it's not a desirable trait. Just like Saeki's stubbornness isn't.

Dw, Hak isn't that well known nor popular. Many heard of AnY but never checked or dropped it after some time cause Yona is such a brain cancer '_'
We'll both have to work our arses here xD

And yeah, I imagine only us will be reading each other if we go on for 5 days in this pace xDDD
LOL I definitely dropped it cause Yona was so....:'v girl pls.
I thought Hak won the popularity contest in 2014. That's pretty impressive.
I also know 90% of the active Western fandom that is not on facebook. It's popular in Japan, but I guarantee you that the western fandom is pretty very small. It does not help that Saeki last appeared 10 years ago and got majorly fucked by the anime cause the anime caught up with the manga.
My boy.
Anyway yeah...I'd prob read the first two posts and call it quits, but I decided to do this simply cause I really love POT with a passion, and it's important, so sharing the salty love I have at any moment I can is already wonderful enough.
And yes, please have fun :D!


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
LOL sorry ^^' If I go hard I go hard.
Don't worry, I just go based by what I see. What I see is, Yona and Hak are childhood friends. Since they have grown up together from such a young age, it's natural for a sibling relation to form, or at least that's how it is stated theoretically.
I know you have the entire "yeah but they're not actually related", point is that the romantic relationship is based that, and despite how much people love to rave around childhoodfriends to lovers, if it's young as that, it feels unnatural, because the brain registers those persons differently. If it does turn into love, it's a malfunction, and yes, that's entirely human. I never said he was a psychopath for it. I never said that he's a mental nutjob, only that it's an indicator for something probably not being right, a leadup.
And while I know that all humans have problems, it doesn't mean that it can just be overlooked, because I think it's a valid argument. I just don't think it's the best way to start a relationship.
It does help if I knew how old Yona and Hak were back then, so I can go more into detail about development, but that's up to you.
lmao dw you weren't offensive nor anything.
Ok idk enough about psycology to go further in the topic with you but I think that saying that everybody that grows to love someone they knew ever since they were a child as having a sibling complex sounds like generalization, and I'm kinda skeptical about having that as a rule or something o.o
I don't recall their age but they were quite young, yeah.

Btw, it's nice to see that the athletical type would go out of his way to save people from a sinking ship but imagine how big of a douche he'd be if he'd just leave them to die considering he's in way better shape than the majority xD

"many things"
Like, animals? '-' I mean, yeah we probably differ from plants...they aren't out true roots anyway.
It's very vague, which means that it can also be taken the bad way. Again, he's human and authentic, but for me personally, it's not a desirable trait. Just like Saeki's stubbornness isn't.
Yeaaaah I'm not a fan of specicism talks ç.ç I don't like to draw that line separating every single animal from us 'cause there are different levels of development and intelligence in the animal kingdom. It does separate us from some of them (a worm is an animal alrdy) and from "malfunctioning" human beings as well.

I guess that, in the end, Hak and Saeki share a lot of things (and, welp, some of them are even very generic) and what they hold as unique could be up to taste. We're basically just describing them so people can decide for themselves.

And damn xD I wish I had statistics for this war.

If anything, Holy, the event alrdy served to bring you to new areas in MH, and soon we can drag you to Mafia Game *-*


Saeki's Sandcastle Building Buddy
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jul 10, 2017
Reaction score
lmao dw you weren't offensive nor anything.
Ok idk enough about psycology to go further in the topic with you but I think that saying that everybody that grows to love someone they knew ever since they were a child as having a sibling complex sounds like generalization, and I'm kinda skeptical about having that as a rule or something o.o
I don't recall their age but they were quite young, yeah.
lol yeah ITS A FINE LINE BETWEEN SHITPOSTING. And yeah, it's just an abnormality that's a bit more taboo to talk about in our med community. At that age I'd guess there's probably a sibling bond turned weird, but I'm not here to psychoanalyze :'3c

Btw, it's nice to see that the athletical type would go out of his way to save people from a sinking ship but imagine how big of a douche he'd be if he'd just leave them to die considering he's in way better shape than the majority xD
To be fair, with the case where he rescued the one drowning dude, Saeki was the only one who jumped into action. And he didn't even notice the drowning person.
Another sporty boy just pointed and yelled, Saeki jumped in. I can only imagine he was cheering him on from the sidelines.
As for the ship, all of them were tennis boys but I guess, what do you really do in that situation...can't blame people for having panic reactions QQ.

lYeaaaah I'm not a fan of specicism talks ç.ç I don't like to draw that line separating every single animal from us 'cause there are different levels of development and intelligence in the animal kingdom. It does separate us from some of them (a worm is an animal alrdy) and from "malfunctioning" human beings as well.
Aah...the philosophy's too convoluted for me ^^'

Yeah, they're both pretty awesome husbandos (even thought Saeki is bette- /shot) but yeah, this was a very fun campaign. Dw, I don't dislike Hak nor did I mean to shit on his sister complex so much, it's just, the saltier the war the tastier.

Oh, I just made mine up. But really, I know the most of them....ahaha....

Mafia game? Can we actually kill people?

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