Sweet! *downloads*[br]
Posted on: June 07, 2006, 01:36:57 AM_________________________________________________Don't kill me, i'm just being honest:
Your painting (skill) is about the same level as my empire army, but applied much better. Where my army tends to look rather dull compared ( and not only because there are NO big talony monsters etc in it ), yours looks frightingly alive ( on the pictures at least ), evne though you have less of a tendency to paint "only the spots you should". XD
So: i spend more time but yours look better.
My new wood elves on the other hand, well, if i took better pictures of them, they properly pwn that alien scum in awesome paintingness <3
( but that's mostly because... i have been painting FAR longer, your skill just evolves over time... My guess is that if you keep in this _awesome_ hobby you'll get better results with the same time of practice ). Blah, hope that came out right.
( i usually end up insulting people when i give a "quality control" XP )
My little brother on the other hand... would just laugh at the both of us... X_X
I'll get some pictures, don't tell him i said it, but... he's just way out of my league. XD ( even though i keep telling him how you cannot compare our two styles - which is true in a way - and we're at the same level approx. )...[br]
Posted on: June 07, 2006, 01:46:33 AM_________________________________________________
Slann Mage-Priest by Mini-Pim
(for those that didnt know, my name is pim, and this dude looks like a smaller clone of me, seriously... i call him my Mini-Me @_@)
High Elf Swordmaster Unit Champion by Mini-Pim
The green base on which the units are standing in size:
Lizardmen Lord = 50x50 millimetres ( 5cm / 2" )
High Elf Champion = 20x20 millimetres ( 2cm / 0.8" )