Archived - Want to know what's it's like being deaf? Have questions? | MangaHelpers

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Archived Want to know what's it's like being deaf? Have questions?

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2006
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United States
I'm sure some of you know by now I am deaf and wear a Cochlear Implant. Most of you also know GoldKnight is also deaf. If you would like to know what it's like being deaf, then ask away in this thread. I'll answer! Maybe GoldKnight too.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 31, 2006
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blindness and deafness have intersted me for a long time. I think people who are blind or deaf and learn to live with it, are the coolest most awesome dudes around.

sometimes i wonder what i would do I f I lost my sight or hearing and if I could get on with life. I could almost imagine getting used to not seeing but hearing is somehow different.

anyway my first question to you is this:
where you born deaf or was there a time when you could hear? and you said you have some kind of an implant, does this mean that you have some hearing when using it?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 28, 2006
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is it like a hearing aid, or is it different? i know about hearing aids cuz my grandma is kinda deaf, but her's is more of age-related...


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 25, 2006
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Like blind people, do other senses increases? Like sight or something?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2006
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United States
kiddo7 said:
blindness and deafness have intersted me for a long time. I think people who are blind or deaf and learn to live with it, are the coolest most awesome dudes around.

sometimes i wonder what i would do I f I lost my sight or hearing and if I could get on with life. I could almost imagine getting used to not seeing but hearing is somehow different.

anyway my first question to you is this:
where you born deaf or was there a time when you could hear? and you said you have some kind of an
implant, does this mean that you have some hearing when using it?
mozetsu said:
is it like a hearing aid, or is it different? i know about hearing aids cuz my grandma is kinda deaf, but her's is more of age-related...

I was born profoundly deaf. There is a scale of hearing loss, ranging from mild to profound, with profound being the worst.

When I say Implant, I'm referring to a device called the Cochlear Implant. A surgeon operates on the patient by making an incision behind the ear and taking out some stuff to put in a device. After the incision heals, An external device connects to the internal device through a magnet. So basically, the internal device is in the ear, skin separates the internal and external device, and they are connected by a magnet.

You can easily take off and on the external device, the magnet is just to transmit information to the internal device, which in turns send information to the hearing system and bypassing the cochlear. The Cochlear Implant is actually meant to substitute for the damaged cochlear.

The external looks much like a hearing aid, except the hardware and programming is entirely different. While a hearing aid merely amplifies sounds, the CI (cochlear implant) recieves sounds and transmits the sound as electronic data/sound. The brain eventually learns to interpret the electronic sound as words, etc.

The CI hearing quality is by no way equal to a normal ear. The range of sound/frequency is vastly inferior and the device is geared toward conversation between two people because technology has not yet advanced enough to be able to handle a crowd, etc. While I CAN talk to people, the more people that are talking or the louder it is, the less I am able to understand.

The CI and hearing aids are two ways to handle hearing loss, but CI is for people with at least severe hearing loss and hearing aids are for people that were born with mild/moderate hearing loss.

Geo said:
Like blind people, do other senses increases? Like sight or something?
People with profound or severe hearing loss have said they experience a quality in their eyesight, mostly the ability to detect motion. I actually have no experience in this, because my CI takes up the part of the brain for hearing. If that part of my brain wasn't used for my CI to hear, then that part of the brain might have been used towards augmenting my sight.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Aug 31, 2006
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So can you listen to music with the CI or does it disrupt notes?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2006
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Ive always wondered do people with impaired hearing use the vibrations that sound makes instead?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2006
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United States
gian said:
So can you listen to music with the CI or does it disrupt notes?
I can't really listen to music. This varies from person to person, but I can't hear the lyrics or really get the beat. I know someone with a CI who can, so I'm planning to buy an Ipod to try to be able to do the same. :)

DemonDays said:
Ive always wondered do people with impaired hearing use the vibrations that sound makes instead?
It's actually the other way around, vibrations create sound. So, no...


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2006
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MyOnlyStar said:
It's actually the other way around, vibrations create sound. So, no...
I meant it more as in feeling the vibrations, like a car coming down the road, you can feel the vibrations it makes on the road.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2006
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United States
DemonDays said:
I meant it more as in feeling the vibrations, like a car coming down the road, you can feel the vibrations it makes on the road.
I have no experience in this area, but on my part, no, I can't use those kind of vibrations. :dunno:

Ask Goldknight, he doesn't use a CI so he might know from his own experiences. Paging GoldKnight to this thread. :hi5

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Abu Dhabi
Never knew this thread was here until now, heh. Guess MyOnlyStar forgot to page me.

As for feeling the vibrations that a vehicle makes on the road, depends on the vehicle really and how loud it is. A motorcycle, interestingly enough, I can feel the vibrations more than a car. Some trucks, also. I used to live close to a railroad and I definitely could feel the train even from my own room in an apartment I was living in at the time. But a normal car, not usually. You really do have to look both ways when crossing a street if you're deaf, never hurts to be cautious.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 16, 2006
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Do you find that reading lips is an actual art you can acquire or do you find that it's kind of fake?

Do you can make out words when looking at a persons mouth, but you can't really understand what someone is saying if you randomly look at them from a distance, or do you find you know what anyone anywhere is saying as long as you have a clear view of their mouth?


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
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United States
My father is actually legally deaf. It's really hard talking to im sometimes cause he is old and doesn't know sign language. I also have second cousin who is born deaf and she has been teaching me sign language. I haven't talked to her inawhile though because she lives pretty far.

My father can hear a little bit on cell phones though but our regular phone in the house he can't hear too well in.

@refii I'm not too sure about reading lips but I think you need a clear picture of their mouth because thats what my dad does since he can't use sign language h reads lips and you need to be a distance so he can read your lips. Also i'm not too sure if this is only my dad but you need to talk at a normal speed so he can read your lips.

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Abu Dhabi
refii said:
Do you find that reading lips is an actual art you can acquire or do you find that it's kind of fake?
Fake? No, it's a pretty ingenious skill to have. It takes a great deal of experience reading the lips because in English only around about 30% of the language is definitely shown on the lips, the rest is all guesswork depending on the context of what's being said. It takes a lot of smarts and people-reading ability to be great at it. Most deaf people are at least average at lip-reading just out of necessity (including myself) but there are these whose lifestyle practically depends on being able to be a great lip-reader. But there's still a high probability of misunderstanding people either way. That's why I mostly like to discuss business on paper or via instant messaging on the internet (like I do with my photography agencies). It's also good to have the information handy whenever I need it anyway so I don't forget, just like a grocery list.

Do you can make out words when looking at a persons mouth, but you can't really understand what someone is saying if you randomly look at them from a distance, or do you find you know what anyone anywhere is saying as long as you have a clear view of their mouth?
Distance doesn't really matter as long as you can see the lips clearly.

deathshadow25 said:
My father is actually legally deaf. It's really hard talking to im sometimes cause he is old and doesn't know sign language. I also have second cousin who is born deaf and she has been teaching me sign language. I haven't talked to her inawhile though because she lives pretty far.
Yeah, deaf people who can't communicate are kind of a sad circumstance, but it still happens a lot, especially with older people. But we just passed into a new era where communication has never been more easier for deaf people. So hopefully that's something we'll be continuing to improve on for future generations of kids. Most important thing is deaf kids having patient and understanding and loving parents taking care of them, which I had in my case.

Cool that you're learning sign language.

Something I'd like to add about that though. Whenever people are trying to learn sign language, they are usually so excited about it, they can be annoying at times for deaf people. So be sure to try to keep your conversation casual and easy going so you don't scare off your second cousin, heh.

@refii I'm not too sure about reading lips but I think you need a clear picture of their mouth because thats what my dad does since he can't use sign language h reads lips and you need to be a distance so he can read your lips. Also i'm not too sure if this is only my dad but you need to talk at a normal speed so he can read your lips.
Yes, normal speed is right as well. Talking too slow can actually be a hindrance because it's not the normal flow of speaking that deaf people are more accustomed to watching.


Manga Editor
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Czech Republic
Is the sign language tough? How long does it take you, to learn it?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
Aladar said:
Is the sign language tough? How long does it take you, to learn it?
There're a lot of people who take ASL (american sign language) at my school, and they say it's not that hard.

Without hearing aids, can people who were born deaf hear themselves speak? This has been bothering me since I was soo little. One more, if one were to born deaf and can't hear anything at all, is it highly likely that he would be mute also since he can't hear others, don't know what words sound like , and therefore cannot make the sound of the words?
Yes, this may sound very ignorant, but I'm very curious, I've always been, since I was so little, I've also asked my dad about this a lot of times but he can't give me the answer.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 9, 2006
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United States
MyOnlyStar said:
I'm sure some of you know by now I am deaf and wear a Cochlear Implant. Most of you also know GoldKnight is also deaf. If you would like to know what it's like being deaf, then ask away in this thread. I'll answer! Maybe GoldKnight too.
Huh. I wouldn't have thought I'd see a thread like this on here. I'm mostly deaf myself (There's none in my right ear and probably a 75% loss in my left). Sign language has been a bit of a struggle for me simply because the town I live in is very small. I haven't really ran into anyone else who needs it or uses it, so I don't get much practice.

May I ask if it you became deaf before or after the Implants? There's been discussion about me getting them, but only as a last resort o_o;


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2006
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United States
I was born profoundly deaf due to Waardenburg Syndrome. I highly recomend CI's,...but i've had them since I was four so I don't really have experience without them.

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Abu Dhabi
Was browsing for old threads... happened to come across this one again. Late replies, but better late than never...

Is the sign language tough? How long does it take you, to learn it?
Well, Sign Language was the first language I learned, so I'm sure it took me as long as it did for you to learn your own initial language. For later vocabulary, it sort of went hand-in-hand. I learn new English words, then learn the signs for them.

There are occasionally different "local signs" for certain words though - one of the most annoying things about sign language is that I always had to change a few signs that I had gotten into the habit of signing, whenever I moved to a new state. Even within America, it's really not an universal language at all, which is annoying XD

There're a lot of people who take ASL (american sign language) at my school, and they say it's not that hard.
Not that hard... BUT easy to forget. Gotta keep in practice somehow.

Without hearing aids, can people who were born deaf hear themselves speak? This has been bothering me since I was soo little. One more, if one were to born deaf and can't hear anything at all, is it highly likely that he would be mute also since he can't hear others, don't know what words sound like , and therefore cannot make the sound of the words?
Yes, this may sound very ignorant, but I'm very curious, I've always been, since I was so little, I've also asked my dad about this a lot of times but he can't give me the answer.
Well, my deafness was so profound that, I guess, hearing aids were difficult for me - they did warn me whenever there was a sound, but I could never tell what it was, where it came from, etc. Though, of course, I would know that the sounds were coming from myself when I was making them, since, what else could it be? XD

Huh. I wouldn't have thought I'd see a thread like this on here. I'm mostly deaf myself (There's none in my right ear and probably a 75% loss in my left). Sign language has been a bit of a struggle for me simply because the town I live in is very small. I haven't really ran into anyone else who needs it or uses it, so I don't get much practice.
Yeah, I've always had that problem myself since middle school. I'm lucky to have parents who learned sign language themselves as well, because otherwise I would probably have forgotten it all by now, I bet.

May I ask if it you became deaf before or after the Implants? There's been discussion about me getting them, but only as a last resort o_o;
It is pretty much the last resort, but they're getting better and better, apparently, every five years. It may come to a point where there won't be any deafness anymore.

I don't have implants myself (and I'm glad I refused because at the time implants sucked, to be frank) - just because I didn't like the idea of having something stuck inside my head, and I was pretty much used to being deaf and I was always able to handle it well, and I didn't really see hearing as being that important in my life. It really depends on whether you believe that it could help your life to a great extent, or whether it'll be just the same ol same.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 17, 2005
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Aiyah, this reminds me of the thread Ken-chan made at NF :D I always wondered about the CI, so it's nice to know how it works.

Without hearing aids, can people who were born deaf hear themselves speak? This has been bothering me since I was soo little. One more, if one were to born deaf and can't hear anything at all, is it highly likely that he would be mute also since he can't hear others, don't know what words sound like , and therefore cannot make the sound of the words?
Yes, this may sound very ignorant, but I'm very curious, I've always been, since I was so little, I've also asked my dad about this a lot of times but he can't give me the answer.
Well, my deafness was so profound that, I guess, hearing aids were difficult for me - they did warn me whenever there was a sound, but I could never tell what it was, where it came from, etc. Though, of course, I would know that the sounds were coming from myself when I was making them, since, what else could it be? XD
This also includes the fact that not knowing how words sound like, can also create problems with words written down, or typed.

I mean by, if someone starts typing in leet language, it would be hard for deaf people to undestand what is being written (to be honest, trying to read it normally is bothersome and wastes time a well).

One question, when around others who don't know sign language, would you prefer to gesture in an easy way to them (and them to you), or just have them write down to you, and vice versa?

Reason I',m asking is, if I do visit Ken-chan, I was wondering whether I should come prepared with a mini-board, or those magnet-pen thingies :D
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