Haven't done this in a long time, but eh, why not?
MYF: Nice 100th chapter. Great cover, love the CP and the AI extra chapter is just adorbs. <3
OP: WOOT! ZORO FIGHT (i refuse to call him Zolo)! That's what I'm reading OP for! Oh yeah, Luffy is fighting Kaido and Momo is still a coward, kaykay, next.
MHA: Unnamed guard was a real hero even. Dunno if he had quirks or not, but he was pretty damn ballsy until his last moment. Not sure I like the way Stein is handled though, I really liked his anti-hero character who went around killing all the heroes he deemed "unworthy" to be called such. And I feel that aspect of his is missing now.
JjK: I'm starting to not give a crap about this arc, like at all. I just can't get into it for some reason unlike the previous ones.
Magu: Cute, but boring.
BB: Bro! Damn, son! This was my first reaction. Then came last page and my reaction was DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! Taiki doing an Osamu was like ouch, man. What a way to hit home the difference in skill. Poor bastard. So BB will go the true and tried and traditional sports way after all. Real rough for Taiki, but if he can not only do an Osamu but also pull one, then he got this in the bag... later down the road, that is.^^;
P6: I just don't like the art. Really liked Furusu's piano panel, you could feel that she was "smashing" the room with her art style at the instrument. Her backgroundstory and revenge characterization while being a hard-working poor girl, who sleeps at school and has to support her irresponsible broken mother is pretty good. Same with how quick she was to judge MC for his poor playing and then to apologize for it when he showed his true power.
Which I didn't liked again. If he plays horribly how can he invoke such images that warp reality? I get that it is his empathy but at least show us DIFFERENCES, like how poorly he plays the piano in normal mode and when he enters his warp reality mode, how it is different: Like have his fingers sink into the piano keys, like they are water, to show he is "touching" the true essence of music as an art - to touch people's heart.
Similar to how Souma stripped people naked with his cooking,
Anyway, already off to face one of the brothers? That's real quick, I like it. It's a good pace at least (something Red Hood could take a lesson in...), only question is if it can gather enough interest in the WSJ audience to stay alive and survive the axe.
UU: Dayum, that was brutal! The eyes and the battle but that ending was clearly taking the cake though! That was just BRUTAL, but like the metalhead meme way, like supermad respect Andy, bro. Really wonder what Billy's power is called like. Heard someone making up the theory it is called Unoriginal and if that's the case, I gonna have a good kek when the name is revealed. Like it would fit so perfectly. xD
M&R: Meico is a true angel. If we ever get Android Maids like that, humanity is doomed forever.
TES: Really liked the historic side check on Sadamune in his role as the one who had written down all the etiquette rules. Gives him a new side besides his goon status. Now to see if our hero is as good in dodging words as he is in dodging swords, spears and arrows.
SD: Real nice! Love those two power development, gonna make them real useful later on. Lu's 4th drunken state looks amazing, please more of that. But disappointed in their opponent though, not gonna lie. I expected more after that hype.
Mash: So now what was a 9 students tournament became a 12 student tournament because reasons aka the students decided that themselves and nobody of authority effing bothered to stop them. Ok, fine, whatever. I honestly have no idea how this Wizard Society could even survive a single year considering its students can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they are powerful. Teachers and Headmasters mean shit apparently, the students even can get away with killing them because "might makes right". It's bloody stupid in my opinion. If someone kills someone just because then they ain't a figure you should respect in society but put behind bars or at least kill said person first before you get killed. Like how does buying bread even work in this kind of society? "Hey baker, I want some bread." "Sure thing, that makes ten bucks." F you, I kill you and take your bread, MF!" "Not if I kill you and take your money first, AH!" Like come ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon~
HSF: Dad having the high school life 99% of all students wished to have. Bro is living his school life to the fullest and enjoying the heck out of it.
AT: Matsuri, my boy... maybe you are better off staying as a girl, you're making a perfect damsel in distress, not gonna lie. Suzu was amazing again and showing off why she is actual MC while real MC is actual Main heroine. Was great to see Suzu outskilling her opponent. Matsuri should start visiting a cooking course, that she can support Suzu with great dishes and sweet deserts, lol.
WW: Boring.
RD: GOD, wrap up already!!! This kind of pacing would be fine after you have been sort of established, but when you are still trying to get all the attention you need to survive the axe? Heck no! I like Bonkers and Porschen and the other what-their-names, but like there are too many too early introduced into the series. They can't shine because they hardly find the time to do so and worst of all, whenever they try they take away time from the two supposed main characters. I think this series would have profited more if a) the village part had been cut in half at least and b) if after the village destruction more time would have been spend on Velou and Grimm, to showcase Grimm teaching Velou the basics of being a hunter and about Grimm's past and ofc her explanation about the hunters guild and all the fantastic creatures they hunted to extinction. They could have hunted down a Werewolf who escaped from the village for example and have made it that Velou's soft heart wasn't able to kill the WW for whatever reason and let it run, just to later come after the remains of some victim, who happened to travel into the way of the WW. Like I get this is a shounen but having everyone pass an exam that was made to pass a handful is dumb, most of those "hunters" will die on their first mission, you did do them no favors with giving them handouts. Velou is too idealistic for an organization that wants a genocide on all demi-humans on the world. An Eren-type would have fit this type of story much better. That and some pacing, this isn't even turtle speed, this is sleepy snail speed for crying out loud. I like the idea of this world and the world building that has been hinted at but we see too little of that due to too many characters fighting for screen time and for the battles and talk to take so very long.
I doubt this will make the cut and I gonna feel sad about it, but if it does die in the coming weeks, then it has made its own bed.
Neru: Boring.