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Mag Talk Weekly Shonen Jump [2021] - Discussion and ToC Talk

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Shinuki no Reborn

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Weekly Shonen Jump #52 (2021)
Dorondororon (New Series, Cover, Lead Color Pages)
My Hero Academa
One Piece
Witch Watch
Dr. Stone
Protect Me, Shugomaru! (Color Page)
Sakamoto Days
Blue Box
Mission: Yozakura Family (Color Page)
The Elusive Samurai
Me & Roboco (Color Page)
Magu-chan: God of Destruction
Black Clover
Undead Unluck
High School Family
Ayakashi Triangle

Weekly Shonen Jump #1 (2022) - Information
My Hero Academia (Cover, Lead Color Pages)
Dorondororon (Color Page)
Magu-chan: God of Destruction (Color Page)
Undead Unluck (Color Page)
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 17, 2020
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United States
Crazy to think that MHA will probably finish #4 for the yearly series sales and yet we might not see a single individual mha volume on the oricon volume sales list until like #75


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 27, 2013
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MHA and Dr. Stone ending kind of close to each other will RUIN me :biblethump
I'd expect 100 chapters for Dr. Stone and 150 for MHA (2 and 3 years, respectively). But maybe they'll be closer in ending.

At least you all are thinking that MHA ends sooner than that, right?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 10, 2019
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Undead was incredible, really fun action and showcasing abilities, with the mystery of Billy's abilities keeping things interesting. The last page was wicked raw

Mashle was good, I liked each part of it but it felt like three different chapters stitched together, with some really quick transitions that felt kinda off

Ayakashi was pretty good, solid action chapter

Magu was the usual Magu stuff, nothing to comment on. Maybe felt a bit weaker after a strong chapter last week

Roboco was good, a bit more wholesome than funny, but Roboco still got some strong gags herself

HSF was good, was a little bored by the chapter but the last page made up for it

Sakamoto was great, really fun action chapter. Reminded me of Kagura going berserk in Gintama

Elusive was pretty good, very interested in the "battle" next week, and got a good laugh from the Conan gag

Witch was pretty good, I found the gag of the chapter funny enough to carry this week

Blue Box was interesting, I like the focus on the tournament, but it feels like it's moving a bit too fast through things for me

Red Hood was alright, nothing bad but mostly waiting for the exam to end

Neru was good, looking forward to finally having a fight

Still undecided on P6, don't really hate it but not super into it


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2019
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MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Aug 23, 2013
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Issue #44 Authors comments

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ah and issue #45 preview since its not posted yet :

Dune is a thing in jpn too? I guess never thought of jpn translated eng books


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 17, 2020
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Issue #44 Authors comments

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ah and issue #45 preview since its not posted yet :

Komoto rivals Yui as a philosopher


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 5, 2017
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United States
This week's top 5:
1. Magu-chan: God of Destruction - Such a funny chapter, cute color page, and Magu-chan developing some human emotions is always nice to see. Quite a few parts in this chapter had me laughing out loud, umbrella form was an instant classic.
2. Mission: Yozakura Family - That cover and color page were both superb. Gondaira somehow finds a way to top himself time and time again. The chapter itself was amazing, and the extra chapter was insanely cute. Ai's introduction really warmed my heart.
3. High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku - This chapter was hilarious. I love that business guy, but that rooftop development at the end of the chapter had me laughing out loud. I hope that's not the last we see of that third year girl.
4. Sakamoto Days - Shin and Lu were both in peak form this chapter. Getting to see a different side of both of them was refreshing to see, and they really do make a nice duo.
5. Witch Watch - Although not quite as good as the last handful of chapters, this one was still filled with a decent amount of laughs. This was a pretty nice slice-of-life chapter, and the gang's unique personalities really play well off of each other.

The best of the rest:
6. Undead Unluck - Pretty good chapter, and that color page was quite nice as well. If Billy weren't such a lackluster villain, this chapter probably would've cracked the top 5. Andy was really popping off this chapter.
7. Mashle - An alright chapter, but I'm glad that some of the past rivals are making reappearances after some absences. Hopefully they'll get to play a decent role in this arc since it's pretty clear that Lemon and Finn are never going to get to really have a prominent role in the central plot.
8. Ayakashi Triangle - Nice to see Suzu really showing some power growth, but I'm still not really sold on the villain development going on right now. I think it could've been less sudden of a turn of events. I wish this series would take its foot off the gas pedal a bit.
9. Me & Roboco - The non-Roboco parts of this chapter were alright, but almost every joke that focused on Roboco really fell flat. Yet another shining example of Roboco being best when its namesake main character is tucked away in the background rather than front and center.
10. Blue Box - On one hand, I'm glad the author seems to be speeding through the sports-focused part of the story, but on the other hand, even this felt a bit too quick. Hopefully next week will be the last chapter focused on the badminton for awhile.
11. PPPPPP - I think I'm dropping this one. I want to enjoy this series, but the storyline is quite weak, and the art is actually even weaker.

Mankichi Togawa

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 26, 2014
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This JJK chapter has been pretty fun. Very good start of an arc which promises is going to be very dynamic.

My top-3 this week is:
1. Jujutsu Kaisen
2. Dandadan special chapter
3. Undead Unluck

If I have to add a fourth manga because Dandadan doesn't count, then SAKAMOTO DAYS or the Yozakura Family special chapter (the normal chapter of Yozakura has also been very good).


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Sep 14, 2019
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Magu: Nice little chapter. Nothing special
PPPPPP: This chapter kinda rush to me. Should have spend more time on the two kids.
Red Hood: I always hate when a story try to be meta and blink to the audience, really take you out of the story. Red Hood main problem is that it paced itself too thin, spend too much time introduce new characters without focus on the one that it already have. Like Velou characterization right now is extremely thin and shallow. 100 bland characters < 1 solid, well-develop character

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Haven't done this in a long time, but eh, why not?

MYF: Nice 100th chapter. Great cover, love the CP and the AI extra chapter is just adorbs. <3

OP: WOOT! ZORO FIGHT (i refuse to call him Zolo)! That's what I'm reading OP for! Oh yeah, Luffy is fighting Kaido and Momo is still a coward, kaykay, next.

MHA: Unnamed guard was a real hero even. Dunno if he had quirks or not, but he was pretty damn ballsy until his last moment. Not sure I like the way Stein is handled though, I really liked his anti-hero character who went around killing all the heroes he deemed "unworthy" to be called such. And I feel that aspect of his is missing now.

JjK: I'm starting to not give a crap about this arc, like at all. I just can't get into it for some reason unlike the previous ones.

Magu: Cute, but boring.

BB: Bro! Damn, son! This was my first reaction. Then came last page and my reaction was DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! Taiki doing an Osamu was like ouch, man. What a way to hit home the difference in skill. Poor bastard. So BB will go the true and tried and traditional sports way after all. Real rough for Taiki, but if he can not only do an Osamu but also pull one, then he got this in the bag... later down the road, that is.^^;

P6: I just don't like the art. Really liked Furusu's piano panel, you could feel that she was "smashing" the room with her art style at the instrument. Her backgroundstory and revenge characterization while being a hard-working poor girl, who sleeps at school and has to support her irresponsible broken mother is pretty good. Same with how quick she was to judge MC for his poor playing and then to apologize for it when he showed his true power.
Which I didn't liked again. If he plays horribly how can he invoke such images that warp reality? I get that it is his empathy but at least show us DIFFERENCES, like how poorly he plays the piano in normal mode and when he enters his warp reality mode, how it is different: Like have his fingers sink into the piano keys, like they are water, to show he is "touching" the true essence of music as an art - to touch people's heart.
Similar to how Souma stripped people naked with his cooking,
Anyway, already off to face one of the brothers? That's real quick, I like it. It's a good pace at least (something Red Hood could take a lesson in...), only question is if it can gather enough interest in the WSJ audience to stay alive and survive the axe.

UU: Dayum, that was brutal! The eyes and the battle but that ending was clearly taking the cake though! That was just BRUTAL, but like the metalhead meme way, like supermad respect Andy, bro. Really wonder what Billy's power is called like. Heard someone making up the theory it is called Unoriginal and if that's the case, I gonna have a good kek when the name is revealed. Like it would fit so perfectly. xD

M&R: Meico is a true angel. If we ever get Android Maids like that, humanity is doomed forever.

TES: Really liked the historic side check on Sadamune in his role as the one who had written down all the etiquette rules. Gives him a new side besides his goon status. Now to see if our hero is as good in dodging words as he is in dodging swords, spears and arrows.

SD: Real nice! Love those two power development, gonna make them real useful later on. Lu's 4th drunken state looks amazing, please more of that. But disappointed in their opponent though, not gonna lie. I expected more after that hype.

Mash: So now what was a 9 students tournament became a 12 student tournament because reasons aka the students decided that themselves and nobody of authority effing bothered to stop them. Ok, fine, whatever. I honestly have no idea how this Wizard Society could even survive a single year considering its students can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they are powerful. Teachers and Headmasters mean shit apparently, the students even can get away with killing them because "might makes right". It's bloody stupid in my opinion. If someone kills someone just because then they ain't a figure you should respect in society but put behind bars or at least kill said person first before you get killed. Like how does buying bread even work in this kind of society? "Hey baker, I want some bread." "Sure thing, that makes ten bucks." F you, I kill you and take your bread, MF!" "Not if I kill you and take your money first, AH!" Like come ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon~

HSF: Dad having the high school life 99% of all students wished to have. Bro is living his school life to the fullest and enjoying the heck out of it.

AT: Matsuri, my boy... maybe you are better off staying as a girl, you're making a perfect damsel in distress, not gonna lie. Suzu was amazing again and showing off why she is actual MC while real MC is actual Main heroine. Was great to see Suzu outskilling her opponent. Matsuri should start visiting a cooking course, that she can support Suzu with great dishes and sweet deserts, lol.

WW: Boring.

RD: GOD, wrap up already!!! This kind of pacing would be fine after you have been sort of established, but when you are still trying to get all the attention you need to survive the axe? Heck no! I like Bonkers and Porschen and the other what-their-names, but like there are too many too early introduced into the series. They can't shine because they hardly find the time to do so and worst of all, whenever they try they take away time from the two supposed main characters. I think this series would have profited more if a) the village part had been cut in half at least and b) if after the village destruction more time would have been spend on Velou and Grimm, to showcase Grimm teaching Velou the basics of being a hunter and about Grimm's past and ofc her explanation about the hunters guild and all the fantastic creatures they hunted to extinction. They could have hunted down a Werewolf who escaped from the village for example and have made it that Velou's soft heart wasn't able to kill the WW for whatever reason and let it run, just to later come after the remains of some victim, who happened to travel into the way of the WW. Like I get this is a shounen but having everyone pass an exam that was made to pass a handful is dumb, most of those "hunters" will die on their first mission, you did do them no favors with giving them handouts. Velou is too idealistic for an organization that wants a genocide on all demi-humans on the world. An Eren-type would have fit this type of story much better. That and some pacing, this isn't even turtle speed, this is sleepy snail speed for crying out loud. I like the idea of this world and the world building that has been hinted at but we see too little of that due to too many characters fighting for screen time and for the battles and talk to take so very long.
I doubt this will make the cut and I gonna feel sad about it, but if it does die in the coming weeks, then it has made its own bed.

Neru: Boring.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 20, 2020
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1. Dandadan: This gives me a great chance to talk about how much I love the series in this topic. It is weird, fast-paced, original and refreshening, no wonder it's having great success. This one-shot is a good highlight of all the over-the-top-ness of the series and hopefully is a hook for everyone undecided whether to follow it. Absolutely nailed.
2. Mission: Yozakura Family (Chapter 100): Looks like Gondaira saved the juicy part for the 100th chapter. We have very strong revelations from Kawashita but in the end too many people appeared at once. At least everyone had a cool entrance.
3. Sakamoto Days: The sidekicks looked very strong proving to be good Shinpachi and Kagura to Sakamoto's Gintoki. There's also great storytelling in the opponent's transition from frightening to frightened. Suzuki would be a great action movie director, also because the pace is so fast that the arcs would be better adapted in movies rather than anime series.
4. Blue Box: The major selling point of this chapter was definitely the ending. After all the build-up, it was very sudden and unexpected, and makes you wonder how will the story go on from there. But now that we know all the vulnerabilites of Taiki, isn't it time to break also Chinatsu a little?
5. Undead Unluck: Action! Strategy! Power analysis! This is a huge step up from the boringness of latest chapters. The only thing that bothers me is that it still emits those final battle vibes, but it can't be the case.
6. The Elusive Samurai: From a battle of fists to a battle of wits, one of those Death Note-worthy fights where inner dialogue is running wild and a single mistake can mean game over. I wonder who of those two is the real Kira.
7. Mission: Yozakura Family (Chapter Ex): This is one of the rare Yozakura breather chapters that have great quality, perhaps it was also saved for this special issue. It was fun to see Ai interacting with every sibling while Mutsumi scoldes the trainers and the trainee. She's a great addition to the cast.
8. Ayakashi Triangle: Everyone talks about Academia and Stone ending soon, but what about this? It is at least the setup for the most important battle until now. Even if it would turn out to be just a faction of a major arc villains, both them and the main party are doing wonders and my interest for this series has returned once more.
9. My Hero Academia: Not a particularly interesting chapter. The first half with the security guard was very solid, the second is important for the plot but with a rather boring execution.
10. One Piece: A transitional chapter where nothing really interesting happens. I'm actaully surprised that this wasn't happening in a while with One Piece.
11. Jujutsu Kaisen: So, the main game has started, with a bunch of brand new people attacking our heroes for game reasons. There are still many things I don't get about this game, for example what is the real purpose of all of this and what is the reward at the end (no, don't answer me, I know they were stated already somewhere).
12. Witch Watch: A disappointing week overall for comedy mangas. Up first, a classic Witch Watch situation with good moments here and there but overall not very inspired. I have to note though that the weird classroom was revisited again, that's good news.
13. Magu-chan: God of Destruction: Most of those comedy chapters weren't really bad, they were just taking a safe route. For example, this is a classic chapter of Magu on a mission, where the hero is in danger, someone of the cast appears and saves the day with their powers, until the heartwarming moment at the end. A great tenth chapter, but at over sixty chapters you start to expect something with more effort.
14. Highschool Family: Here we also have a sub-par chapter of HSF, at least to my likening. The idea for the chapter gag was funny at first, but then was overused until it stopped being funny towards the end. Him rejecting the girl with a crush was very wild, though. What a bad boy.
15. Mashle: I feel like this series doesn't know anymore what it wants to be. That comedy part in the middle totally ruins the atmosphere: if you want to be dark, stay dark from beginning to end, otherwise just be comedy. Mood whiplashes are not for everyone.
16. Me & Roboco: To close up the comedy disappointing week, here's a chapter of Roboco. I don't have anything else to add but: I miss when she was launching Gorilla all the time.
17. The Hunters'Guild: Red Hood: So, this protagonist called Bonkers is very cool, right? Strong, smart, with an interesting motivation and with a lot of focus throughout the chapter, he surely can carry the series on his own...wait, what do you mean he's not the protagonist?
18. PPPPPP: I fear that my interest is fading away. Everyone has a tragic backstory that feels forced on us, the teacher can deduce your personal life by watching you playing the piano, the tension built by the exam setup is already gone because the exam itself is already over, and we are immediately moving to the next challenge that I hope won't be resolved within a week. This is less of an Act-Age spiritual successor and more of an Act-Age handmade cosplay.
19. Neru: Way of the Martial Artist: In a week full of disappointments, the disappointment of the week goes to Neru, where the only interesting character is demolished one chapter after his introduction. "I have my reasons why I won't fight anymore!" "Ok cool, but would you fight again at my side?" "Well, sure, why not?", and that was the redemption arc.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 7, 2016
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If he's still working as an assistant to other Jump mangaka I'm sure he'll at least be hoping for another try in WSJ.

Has he done any oneshots recently?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 17, 2019
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Back in February:


Shinuki no Reborn

伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Kind of. You think Kimura gonna get another shot at a series in WSJ?
Funny thing the 1st volume sold 5k copies, so isn't like the series was some monumental failure hated by the world, but personally i think his style is probably more suited for Plus.

Yozakura popularity poll

Voted for Ai-chan in the first day.

So no one told Akimoto he was supposed to draw Dragon Ball instead of Kochikame? lol


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2019
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United States
That Undead Unluck chapter was 🔥

Funny how I never thought a big Shonen Jump showdown would involve character names like Andy and Billy but here we are and it’s hype
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