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Keep in mind that if a translation is reserved,
you cannot use it.Also, if the group reserving a translation has had no activity for 2 months regarding the reserved series, the reservation will be removed and the translations may be used by other groups.
I ask two things of those who use my translations.
Do not, and I repeat, do NOT have someone from your group "proofread" my translation unless they are a native English speaker. I am a native English speaker myself, with a BA in writing, and more often than not when a group decides to "proofread" my translation, it comes out making no sense. Seriously, I'll be able to tell - and I will be MUCH less likely to continue helping groups who do this. As of March 13, 2012, I
will start to confront groups who continue to do this, despite my instructions here.
Send me a PM to let me know you're going to use it. It's just common courtesy, if I'm not already aware of it. Obviously if we've already talked or I have an already-established relationship with your group, this isn't necessary. This goes for translations into other languages, as well. I'm very likely to say it's fine, but I like to know if my translations are being used. :3 That being said,
if you do translate mine into other languages, please give me credit as the original Japanese to English translator. Common courtesy and all that.