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7th Garden 10

+ posted by aegon-rokudo as translation on Jun 9, 2015 15:21 | Go to 7th Garden

-> RTS Page for 7th Garden 10


Root 10: take me home\\
inserted: mary and awyn in the past. Ashley’s feelings always filled the house with smiles.\\
text: year 710 since the week of declaration\\ kingdom of preiss, atora’s mountain recess\\
inserted: a gruesome past…\\
text: under the body of his mother shaking under the shade of a tree\\ the demon was born…\\
fil: fuuh\\
box: figol farm man\\
phil: hey hapah, kuren\\ how do you feel today?\\
sfx: hoo hoo\\ frrrr\\ I see I see\\
phil: I lost once again yesterday in the drinking contest\\
sfx: frrr\\
boss: it is a great thing that you are up so early in the morning, figol\\
phil: master!\\
boss: you should have an hangover, right?\\ I heard that you lost once again against Ashley\\
phil: well~~~ it is not like I can stop taking care of these guys just because of an hangover\\
phil: hey master!\\
phil: where will you go next?\\ you will go on a travel because of work once again, right?\\
boss: … no\\ I have just finished an important job after all\\
boss: I was thinking of taking things easily here for a while\\
aw: I’m sorry to have called you so early in the morning (you also have to work)\\
ash: what are you talking about? This is my cute son’s request after all\\
ash: you didn’t come a lot to me lately, so I started to feel alone\\
ash: a long time passed since we trained together\\
aw: I thought of challenging you when\\ I was sure to be strong enough to defeat you, but…\\
sfx: kusha\\
ash: I know that you are not neglecting your daily training\\ you have also killed the karna demon without any apparent difficulty after all\\
ash: show me how much strong you have become\\
ash: come at me\\
ash: hop\\
aw: I cannot hit you head on, just as expected, huh\\
ash: it is good to take the initiative\\
aw: you are avoiding them without any problems\\
ash: we are still not there yet\\ you are just full of openings\\
ash: put your\\ hips in it\\just like this!\\
aw: guwah!\\
ash: muh\\
aw: come down with me\\
aw: got you!!\\
ash: so\\ are we done already?\\
aw: fuh…!\\
aw: one more!!\\
?: geez…\\
?: to think that you would lose your footing on the hill behind the mansion\\
?: and I thought that you were doing better lately\\
aw: well…\\ I did that mistake once again…\\
aw: damn you Ashley…\\ next time I will…!!\\
mary: does it hurt a lot awyn?\\
aw: I’m totally fine!!\\
?: hey, don’t more\\
aw: ok\\
aw: young lady, your hand is hurt\\
aw: we have to disinfect it\\
mary: you cannot do that, awyn\\
?: what’s wrong!!?\\
ash: well\\
text there: hey, mary!?\\
ash: it is really easier to work after a little of movement in the morning\\
aw: the shionoki always continues to grow if you leave it alone\\ you have to prune the bad branches starting from the inside\\
aw: the middle branches also look bad\\ you have to cut the ones that grew too think\\
aw: attending to the garden is a good thing after all...\\ it calms down my heart…\\
aw: Ashley-san is strong\\ I cannot protect everyone from the threats out there with this level of strength…\\
aw: if I fought with that angel around here, then the damage would be…\\
aw: I wonder what I really did in that country\\ I could only talk, and my strength would not back up my words\\
aw: I just pulled wude’s leg to the bitter end\\
aw: I am\\ weak…\\
io: hello there!\\
aw: you…!\\ hum…\\
aw: iola… kun\\
io: here\\
io: hey~~~ (are you doing well?)\\ you have a lot of troubles in irein, right?\\
aw: why do you…?\\
io: you are worried about what happened after you fought, right?\\
aw: eh…?\\
aw: so…\\
aw: after the battle…\\ wude helped the people who ended up involved with the fight…?\\
io: many of the people there were killed by the rubble\\
io: she restored all the people she could\\
aw: that’s surprising…\\ she seems to never care about the people who die around her…\\
io: what is the impression you have on my aunt, awyn?\\
aw: hum…\\ she is stubborn…\\ cold-hearted\\ and she gets angry easily\\
aw: she is single minded, and sticks to her ways no matter what you say to her\\
aw: the more I talk about her the more I get irritated…\\
io: a lot of…\\ sad things happened to her…\\
io: and she is not able to hold back herself any longer…\\
io: her eccentricity is a little difficult to deal with\\
io: but she is still part of my family\\ so help her, please\\
near io: bye bye\\
aw: wude talked about iolia and liz\\ those are the names of the first man and woman created by god…\\
aw: there are a lot of things that I want to ask to that kid, but… (by the way, where does he live…?)\\
wu: ouch\\
hao: ahahah, are you alright?\\
hao: wude, you are good with fatigue duty and things like that, but\\ you are not suited to this kind of work with your hands\\
box: haoma maid servant\\
wu: eheheh…\\ you are really good at sewing, haoma-san\\
wu: I’m surprised that I suck so much at this as well…\\ I could do this in an instant with my “restoration skills”… \\ (I just cannot create things that do not exist)\\
hao: come on, let me teach you\\
hao: I couldn’t do it at the beginning as well\\ and even now irmina is not good at this (she is still asleep because of her hangover)\\
hao: everything will be fine if you begin from temporary sewing\\
hao: as long as you can use one needle, then you will be able to use many of them at the same time…\\
sis: no choice then, maria\\ give it to me, I will do it for you!\\
ir: wude!\\ wude!\\
?: what the hell is she doing…?\\
wu: hum…\\ what’s wrong, senpai…\\
ir: what is your relationship with awyn, wude!?\\
wu: excuse me?\\
ir: I often see the two of you secretly talking to each other\\
ir: awyn is a simple guy after all\\... and you know\\ if you continue to stick to him like that, he could begin to misunderstand things\\
wu: I see…\\
wu: irmina-senpai, do you like the gardener?\\
ir: uguh…\\ n-not in particular\\
wu: don’t worry, I’m not making any moves toward him\\
wu: but talking about possibilities, you also have to think about how he could act\\
wu: maybe he is the one who comes to inopportunely talk with me, you know?\\
wu: ah\\ hey\\
sfx: flat\\
ir: I cannot win!!\\
wu: hey\\ it was a joke, ok?\\(and why are we comparing breasts…?)\\
wu: the gardener showed me around the mansion when I was for the first time introduced here(under asheley-san’s orders)\\
ir: I-I see…\\
wu: but it is strange that you find something good in him\\
wu: you cannot rely on him, he is really weak and he is only talk (bla bla bla)\\
ir: d-don’t tell such bad things about him… (I didn’t expect that you had such a wicked tongue)\\
wu: well he is…\\ really a good person…\\
ir: fuaaah\\ I did it again…\\
aw: are you hurt irmina?\\
phil: you did it again, huh awyn\\
hao: get an hold of yourself\\
ash: that vase was expensive, you know?\\
aw: I’m sorry\\
ir: he would take the blame for other people mistakes even if no one asked him…\\ without thinking about if he could get hurt or not…\\
wu: I see…\\
wu: geez… he really is a naive guy all the way to the marrow…\\
ir: l-let’s stop talking about awyn now!\\ m-more importantly! Are you getting accustomed to the mansion, wude!?\\
wu: what?\\
ir: you still feel cold and formal around here, wude\\ I was wondering if you were still holding yourself back even after some time passed since you came here…\\
ir: do you understand that we are a family now?\\
ir: the fact that you came to this mansion means that a lot of things happened to you as well, right?\\
wu: eh?\\
ir: it’s alright! I know! There is no need that you tell that to anyone!\\
wu: o-ok…\\
ir: it must have been tough!!\\
wu: excuse me…?\\
ir: well maybe it is the time\\ I should tell you about me?\\
wu; about you?\\
ir: yes, about when I came here\\
ir: 4 years ago…\\ I was a slave\\
ir: my home village was a beautiful rural town in a country in the south\\ I had a father, a mother, 2 older brothers and a little sister\\
ir: I would go to school in them morning and attend to the fields in the afternoon with my family\\ maybe we were poor, but I really loved those days\\
ir: but a country near to us began a war\\ and my village that was near the border immediately became part of the battlefield\\
ir: my country lost\\ all of my family was killed\\ and my hometown was destroyed\\
ir: I was lucky enough to survive, and the place that I ended up to was a slave trade centre\\
?: you did another mistake, irmina!!\\
?: we will never be able to sell you like this!\\
ir: I’m sorry!\\ I’m sorry!\\
ir: I always thought that I would die sooner or later\\
ir: haa\\haa\\
ir: and that this was some kind of test that god gave me and endured it\\ the only thing I could rely on was my pride\\
ir: cough\\ haa\\
ir: I will not…\ lose…\\
ir: then\\
ir: my saviour appeared…\\
?: dear guest we have better slaves on sale\\ irmina is really useless…\\
boss: is this enough?\\
ir: mister…\\ why did you choose someone like me…\\
boss: our house keeper\\ said that she needed another maid\\
boss: from today onward you are\\ irmina, the maid servant\\
ir: I was so happy…\\ the first time I came to this mansion everything was dazzling\\
ir: I was from a foreign country\\ and yet everyone treated me as a maid\\
ir: that’s why I love everyone here\\ all the people in the mansion and those in town!\\ and even the garden that awyn made!\\
ir: ah what did I just say!?\\
ir: it is not like that\\ you didn’t understand it in the wrong way, right!?\\
ir: from time to time you have a really sad look in your face…\\ so I thought that something similar happened to you\\
ir: if you want to talk about your past you can do it without any worries, and no one will ask you about it if you don’t want to\\ that is the silent rule among us servants\\
ir: I told you about me because I wanted you to know\\ I’m sure that also figol and haoma will tell you their stories as well\\
ir: awyn never talks about himself\\ but that’s totally fine\\
ir: but you must know one thing clearly \\ you became part of our family in the moment you set foot in this mansion!!\\
ir: but I was here before you, so I am you big sister, ok? (now I’m not the one in the lowest position anymore!)\\
wu: big sister…\\
wu: why?\\
ir: eh?\\
wu: you were driven off from your place\\ everything was taken from you\\ yet why can you still smile like that?\\
ir: well\\
ir: at the beginning it was still difficult after all…\\ and even now from time to time I suddenly feel like crying, but…\\
ir: this could be only something a little selfish but…\\ I think that my family would not want that I am sad forever…\\
ir: that’s why\\ I always smile\\
ir: In this place\\ I want to smile and live for their sakes as well!\\
sfx: gacha\\
sfx: patan\\
boss: do you like this mansion?\\
boss: aunt maria?\\
wu: I told you to stop calling me that\\
wu: master\\
io: do you like how I look when I am this mansion’s master?\\ I really look cool, right?\\
wu: what the hell is this mansion!!?\\
wu: who told you to make it into an orphanage!\\
wu: if you really had to gather miniatures, you could have gathered different kinds of them\\
wu: like an assassin or a slaughter or something\\
near io: I made her angry after all…\\
wu: and about that happy go lucky guy!\\
wu: I was going to die there!\\ if I had someone I could use in his place I would have left him behind in irein!\\
io: liz was the one who chose awyn\\ I was against that\\
io: but\\ doesn’t he resemble her a little?\\
io: he is honest, just like my mom\\
wu: don’t change the subject\\ I told to the two of you to gather strong pawns!\\ so that I could get this world back one day!\\
wu: you only gathered useless fellows…\\ and my calculations went disarray\\
wu: who would have fought with me next if that gardener died?\\
wu: a maid? A farmer?\\ is there some sword master in village or something!?\\
io: humans die really quickly so we couldn’t gather them well\\ you should be a little thankful for our efforts you know?\\
io: while you were sleeping\\ we built this village and gathered people\\
io: waiting for thousands of years for your return…\\
io: but you know, we renounced on our revenge\\
io: isn’t fine to just live in peace in this place?\\ I think that ur-kun would overlook this village if we talk with him\\
wu: stop joking around\\ are you telling me to just live in this mansion without doing anything?\\
wu: the precious things were stolen to me\\
wu: and the people who just smile around in this mansion just make me puke\\
wu: I didn’t come here to play around\\ I’m back for my revenge\\
wu: I have already killed one of them\\
wu: and I cannot go back\\
wu: I don’t need a place to go back to!!\\
io: this world will be destroyed\\
io: all the things\\ that you and my mother loved\\
io: aunt maria\\ this mansion\\
io: was…\\ created by liz for your sake\\ so that you could forget about everything and live with a smile on your face…\\
aw: asheley-san\\
ash: gardener\\
ash: a lot of time passed since the last time so maybe you have forgot, but\\ we still didn't have done what we generally do after training, right?\\
aw: d-…\\ do I still have to do that…?\\
ash: sure\\
ash: come here and let me hug you!!\\
aw: housekeeper… the gardener is already 17 years old…\\
ash: I want to hug you~~!\\ I helped you with your training, right~~~?\\
near aw: I still have some work left to do…\\
ash: the inner muscles of this slender body are not so bad…\\ it seems that you really are not neglecting your training\\
aw: stop touching me like that\\
aw: but… I’m still not even comparable to you yet…\\
aw: why are you so strong?\\
ash: fuhohohoh\\ we have a totally different life experience after all\\
ash: there was a time when I was known as the black panther of the southern seas\\
aw: you are saying stupid things once again…\\
ash: but for you to ask me to training all of the sudden, did something happen?\\
aw: please train me tomorrow, Ashley-san!!\\
ash: didn’t we stopped training together because you were worried about my work?\\
ash: eh?\\
aw: I just hated…\\ feeling so weak…\\
aw: I didn’t know anything\\
aw: about the existence of angels and demons\\ about what is happening in the world\\ the reason why I’m fighting\\ if I really can protect everyone in all the battles ahead of me\\
wu: you ended up in a sorry state, gardener\\
aw: I have to become so strong that\\ I can stick to my convictions no matter the choices I have in front of me\\
aw: If I don’t have the power to change my ideals into reality\\ then everything will end with useless words\\
ash: 6 years passed since I brought you here in this mansion\\ you really grew up\\
ash; when I first met you\\ you had the eyes suitable for those of a demon\\
ash: I don’t know what you think but\\ I really consider you my own son\\
ash: and it is not just you\\ also the master, lady mary\\figol\\ haoma, irmina\\
ash: and wude…\\ they are all part of my family\\
ash: don’t worry, you are strong\\ because you are the son I have trained until now\\
ash: just do it steadily\\ gardener\\
hao: pffft\\
hao: figol, irmina\\ (come here a moment)\\
hao: I want to show you a pleasant thing\\
aw: aaaaaaaah\\
ash: do you really think that you can escape my hug?\\
aw: let me go
boss: well~~~ everyone is in peace like always\\
fi: ah, master!\\
fi: hey master!\\
fi: next time you go on a travel, why don’t you bring me with you?\\
boss: oh, a new travel, huh, sounds good\\
boss: maybe a year from now…\\
boss: if… everyone will have a smile on their faces then…\\
?: this world is so big~~!!\\
ir: ashely-san hug me too~~!\\ ash: fuhohoh, you spoiled brat~~\\
aw: damn all the servants in this mansion…\\
sis: just stay here maria\\ you really are shy in front of strangers after all\\
inserted: what is the demon thinking after she was touched by kindness?\\

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