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Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation 6

Muhyo & Roujie 06


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Page 01
Roujie: もうすぐ12時・・・!!
It's almost 12 o'clock...!!
Roujie: あそこだムヒョ!!急いで!!
There it is, Muhyo!! Hurry!!
Muhyo: チッ
Roujie: カギがかかってる・・・!!
It's locked...!!
Muhyo: どいてろ・・・
Stand back...
Muhyo: 魔法律特例法、第8項により
Magic Laws
Muhyo: 『施錠解除』を
Section 8
Muhyo: 発令する
Side text: 焦る二人・・・開きし扉(ドア)の向こうに待つものとは・・・?!
The pair are in a hurry... But what awaits them beyond the opened door...?!

Page 02
Roujie: ノゾミちゃん、タカヒロ君、どこ
Nozomi, Takahiro, where are--
Muhyo: ヒッヒ、目の前にいやがったか
To think they'd be right here
Nozomi: だ、誰?あんたたち・・・!!
Wh- Who are you guys...?!
Takahiro: ユウタがビビっちゃったじゃんか・・・!!
Look, you scared Yuta...!!
Muhyo: アホめ・・・!!
You idiots...!!

Page 03
第6条 消えないモノ
Article 6 -- Things That Never Leave You
Text: 共に歩もう、慈愛の光と憎悪の闇、その境界線を
Let's walk together along this dividing line between
the light of love and darkness of hatred

Page 04
Roujie: えっ?!
Roujie: 亡くなった友達の幽霊をかくまっている・・・?
They're sheltering
the spirit of their lost friend...?
Mothers: ええ・・・私の娘と・・・
Yes... My daughter and...
My son was with her
We both saw it
Muhyo: いつからだ・・・
For how long...?
Mothers: え?
Muhyo: いったいいつ頃からかくまっているのかと聞いてんだ・・・!!
I'm asking you how long it's been
since they began sheltering him...!!

Page 05
Nozomi: でてけっ!!
Get out!!
Roujie: うわわっ
Nozomi: 母ちゃんに言われて来たって?!魔ホーリツ家だか知らないケド、ユウタは渡さないからね!!
You're saying my mother brought you here?! Well, I don't give a damn about your Magical Law crap
and we're not letting to take Yuta!!
Roujie: ちょっ・・・ちょっと聞いてノゾミちゃん。も、もう時間が無いんだ・・・!!
P- please listen Nozomi
Y- you're running out of time...!!
Nozomi: そんな脅し効くとでも・・・?
You think you can threaten me like that...?
Roujie: い、いや、そうじゃなくて・・・
N- no, that's not what I meant...
Takahiro: ま、まてノゾミ・・・
W- wait, Nozomi...
Takahiro: 魔法律って、確か霊に関係する事件を解決する
Magic Laws...
If I remember correctly, it's the thing they use to solve ghost-related problems...
Nozomi: だから何よ
So what?
Takahiro: 話を聞いてもらうんだ
We can ask them for help

Page 06
Takahiro: オレ達がユウタの霊をかくまってる事わかってくれるかもしれない・・・
They might understand
the reason we're sheltering Yuto's spirit...
Text (Takahiro): オレ達3人は幼なじみで
We three have been friends since we were kids
Nozomi: うわーっ
Takahiro: オレ達の秘密基地だっ!!
It's our secret hideout!!
Text (Takahiro): 近所のこの廃屋によく忍び込んで遊んでたんだ
We live around here and we often used to creep into this deserted house to play
Nozomi: テメェよくもユウタを・・・!!
How dare you bully Yuta...!!
Text (Takahiro): オレ達助け合ったり
We always helped each other
Text (Takahiro): 励まし合ったり
cheered one another up
Boy: ゴメン・・・
I'm sorry...
Takahiro: フラれてやんのっ(はっはっはっ)
He rejected you
Text (Takahiro): 時には
and at times
Text (Takahiro): ケンカをして
we also fought
Yuta: やめなよぉ
Please stop it
Nozomi: あ?
Text (Takahiro): 小・中・大と同じ学校で過ごした
But that was how we were, and we even went to the same school from elementary to high school
Text (Takahiro): 3人共絵が好きで、高校では一緒に美術部に入ってて
All three of us liked drawing and we joined the Art Club together in high school
Nozomi: おーっ、スゲー
Wow, that's great!
Yuta: エヘヘ
Takahiro: やるなあ、ユウタっ
You're really great, Yuta
Text (Takahiro): 廃屋にもしょっちゅう絵を描きに来てた
We often came here to paint pictures too

Page 07
Nozomi: キレイ・・・
It's beautiful...
Nozomi: それに比べて私のこの絵
And compared to that, my drawing...
Takahiro: 悲惨だな・・・
Yeah, it's terrible...
Takahiro: ひででで、自分で言ったくせに
Owowow! You said so yourself too!
Yuta: そうかなぁ
Hmm, but
Yuta: ボクこの絵スキだな
I like
this painting
Yuta: 大胆でノゾミらしい絵
It's got a bold streak to it
just like you, Nozomi
Yuta: タカヒロの絵もスキだよ、細やかでやさしい絵
I like your painting too, Takahiro
It's a warm piece with a delicate touch to it
Nozomi: エヘヘヘ~
Takahiro: うれしくても反応一緒かよ
You do this even when you're happy?!
Yuta: ねえねえ、2人共・・・
Hey guys...

Page 08
Yuta: 卒業までに3人でこのカベいっぱいに絵を描こうよっ!!
Why don't we paint this entire wall together
before we graduate from high school?!
Yuta: だめ・・・?
Can we...?
Nozomi & Takahiro: 何言ってんだよ!!名案じゃんっ!!
Of course we can!!
It's a great idea!!
Yuta: じゃあ絵の具沢山買わなきゃっ
Then we'll have to buy boxes of paints!
Takahiro: バーカ、こーいう時はペンキだよ、ペンキー
Hah, silly. We'll have to buy them in cans!
Text (Takahiro): でも・・・
-- But then...
Text (Takahiro): その年の冬、ユウタは事故で
That winter,
Yuta got into an accident--

Page 09
Text (Takahiro): 通夜の日
On the day of his funeral
Text (Takahiro): ユウタの死を納得できないオレとノゾミは
Unable to accept Yuta's death,
Nozomi and I
Text (Takahiro): 自然と廃屋に足が向き、そして
found ourselves making our way to our hideout, and there
Nozomi & Takahiro: ユウタ?!
Text (Takahiro): 幽霊になったユウタを見付けたんだ
we found
Yuta as a ghost
Yuta: やあ・・・2人共
Nozomi: そんときは本当にうれしかったよ・・・
We were so happy to see you...
Takahiro: うん!!生き返ったかと思ったしな!!
Yeah!! We even thought you were back alive!!
Nozomi: まあ、結局幽霊になってたけど・・・ユーレイだってユウタはユウタだもんっ
Well, he turned out to be only a ghost but...
Whatever his form, Yuta will always be Yuta
Nozomi: この一か月半一緒に絵の仕上げしてたんだ。今さら邪魔して欲しくないんだよ・・・!!
Over this past month and a half, we've been working on this painting together
We won't let you get in our way now...!!

Page 10
Muhyo: もうその辺にしとけ・・・
That's enough...
We're running out of time
Nozomi: は?何が?
Huh? What do you mean?
Roujie: お、落ち付いて聞いてね・・・浮遊霊は49日以上現世の定位置に放置すると
I- I want you to listen, but don't panick, ok? When a Fuyuurei
remains in one place in this world for over 49 days,
Roujie: 地縛霊という悪霊になるんだ・・・!!!
it becomes an evil ghost
called a Jibakurei...!!!
Yuta: うう・・・!!う・・・

Page 11
Nozomi: ユウ・・・タ・・・?
Takahiro: そ、そんな
Th- that can't be--
Nozomi: オ、オイ冗談やめろよ、悪霊だなんて・・・!!なあ、ユウタ・・・!!
An "evil ghost"? T- that's impossible...!!
Right, Yuta...?!
Yuta: アア・・・ノゾ・・・ミ・・・
Muhyo: はじまったか
It's begun
Roujie: あと3分・・・!!ムヒョ、どうしよう・・・!!
We've got 3 more minutes...!!
What're we gonna do, Muhyo...?!

Page 12
Roujie: 僕はあの3人にあきらめろなんて言えないよ・・・!!
I can't tell those three
to just give up...!!
Yuta: オオオ・・・ゴボアッ!!
Nozomi: いやだ、ユウタ!!しっかり・・・!!
No, Yuta!! Hold on...!!
Nozomi: うわあああ!!
Yuta: アアアアァ
Takahiro: ユ、ユウタは!!ユウタはどうなっちまうんだっ!!
Y- Yuta!! What will happen to Yuta?!
Muhyo: 強い思念でこの世に残ろうとしていた霊は実体を持つが、49日を過ぎると意志が霊気に飲まれはじめ
A ghost with a strong desire to remain in this world will acquire a solid form
but once 49 days pass, their conscience will be overcome by their aura

Page 13
Muhyo: そしてタチの悪い化け物級の地縛霊となる
and they'll transform into
a nasty Jibakurei monster
Yuta: アッ、ガバァッ
Roujie: 苦しそうで見てられない・・・ムヒョ・・・!!早くなんとかしてあげて・・・!!
I can't stand watching him suffer...Muhyo...!!
Please, help him now...!!
Nozomi: 頼む!!あんた達の力を貸してくれっ
Please!! Help us out!!
Nozomi: その魔法律とかで・・・ユ、ユウタを生き返らせるか元に戻してやって・・・!!
With those things you call Magic Laws...
Please bring Yuta back to life or turn him back...!!!
Nozomi: たのむ・・・!!

Page 14
Muhyo: バカか、オメェ
What an idiot
Muhyo: 「生き返り」だと?
"Bring him back to life"?
Muhyo: んなモノはこの世には無い・・・!!
That's impossible...!!
Muhyo: 元に戻す?浮遊霊にか?ククク
"Turn him back"? Into a Fuyuurei?
What's the point of that?
You're going to make this sap suffer again...?
Nozomi: テ・・・!!
Nozomi: テメェッ!!言わせとけば・・・!!!
You bastard!!
How dare you...!!!

Page 15
Roujie: ま、待った!!!聞いて!!
Please listen!!
Roujie: ムヒョの言ってる事はきっとこういう事なんだ・・・ユウタ君はこうなる事をわかっていながら、この世に留まり続けてたって事
I think this is what Muhyo's trying to say...
Yuta probably knew that this will happen to him if he stayed
and yet he remained in this world
Roujie: それは自分の為じゃなくて
But Yuta didn't do it for himself
Roujie: 2人の為に
He did it for
the two of you
Yuta: ハァァ・・・ハァァ・・・
*pant* *pant*

Page 16
Yuta: 絵・・・カ。完成・・・ハァァ
The painting...I wanted...
to finish it...
Yuta: 僕ガイナクナッテモ・・2人ガ・・・サミシクナイヨウニ・・・・
So that when I'm gone...both of you...
won't have to be sad...
Yuta: 幽霊ダッタ時モ・・・
Even after I became a ghost...
Yuta: あ~、そこらへん色違ぅっ!!
No~! You've got the wrong color!!
Nozomi: ゴ、ゴメン・・・
Oops, sorry...
Takahiro: トホホ
This is too much...
Yuta: 楽シ・・・カッタヨ、ハアアッ。ノゾミ・・・タカヒロ・・・?
I had...lots of fun

Page 17
Yuta: ドコニイルノ・・・?
Where are you...?
Roujie: ・・・ムヒョ、もう・・・!!
I can't...!!
Muhyo: わかってる
I know
Nozomi: ここにいるよ・・・ユウタ・・・
We're here...
Nozomi: ずっと・・・一緒だよ・・・!!
We'll always...
be together...!!

Page 18
Muhyo: 魔法律第2002条
Magic Law, Article 2002
Yuta: ホント?
Muhyo: 『免罪発令』により、この霊の罪である
"Pronouncement of Acquittal". With this, the ghost's crime of
Muhyo: 『長期現世無断滞在』の罪を
"Illegal long-term stay in the world of the living"
Takahiro: うん・・・
Muhyo: 非利己的行為と見なし
will be justified as a selfless act,
Nozomi: 本当さ・・・
Of course...
Muhyo: 『銀の梯子(はしご)』により浄土行きとする
and he will be sent to Heaven with "The Silver Ladder"

Page 19
Muhyo: オイ、行くぞ
Hey, we're going
Roujie: うん・・・
Roujie: ユウタ君・・・ちゃんと天国行けたよね・・・
Yuta... He'll make it to Heaven, right...?
Muhyo: ・・・あたりめーだ
...Of course
Muhyo: 魔法律の裁きは絶対だからな・・・!!
After all, judgements passed by
the Magic Laws are absolute...!!
SFX スゥー・・・ *drift*
SFX ピンッ *ping*
Side text: 刻まれし思い出は、永遠(とわ)に・・・この場所に・・・
Their memory will remain, never to fade, forever...in this place...
Bottom text: 次号、再びあの少年がムヒョの下へ・・・?!一緒に来た少女の写真に写るものとは?!
Next chapter, that boy will be visiting Muhyo again...?! And he'll be bringing a girl along, but what's that in her pictures?!

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