Predictions - future power ups. | MangaHelpers

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Predictions future power ups.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 8, 2015
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meliodas has already gotten his, the only sins except meliodas and escanor who might power up are diane and king. I dont see how ban, gowther or merlin will increase their power, ban still has his physical hunt, but i dont see merlin increasing power unless she has a spell that allows her to do so,same with gowther unless maybe merlin has been limiting his power to prevent him from going full psycho.
King power might increase due to his age increase, i believe that king does not have his wings because of his long lifespan as the fairy king in which he still a child even though he his thousands of years. Meliodas reflecting his disaster power back at him with greater force will accelerate his growth to the age where he will grow his wings and his power will increase with age increase.

As for diane,matrona already said she had potential to be stronger than her and be the most strongest giant ever. it was stated that the giant clan are the most strongest physically and their strength are unrivaled even by demons,matrona strength was close to the demons,what will happen is that matrona will train diane,maybe back in megadozer and diane strength might increase to be greater than hers making her strong enough to face the demons.

The only people left that may power up are arthur and elizabeth. I dont know what arthur power will be but maybe its something related to excalibur. As forelizabeth i still believe that she isnt a druid but godess or she is half druid and godess. From what we know so far of druids i dont think the power she displayed during the hendricksen battle was druid power but the godess powers.
P.S. The druids at ishtar didnt have the symbol elizabeth has on her right i see her awakening more of her goddess power in future battles which can be crucial to the battle. p.s the demons might just be all hype and not be that hard to defeat,seriously,see how easy and fast fraudrin was defeated by fodders with pl less than 3000.