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Webtoon I Love Maschenny


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 9, 2021
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This is probably definitely going to be long. I'll try to keep it to a manageable length (I failed woefully), but so do buckle in and grab a cup of coffee (or other beverage of choice).

This may also contain spoilers for Tower of God up to S3 E100 (for anyone currently reading it). For those who aren't currently reading it, most of the spoiled events are 400 (or 500)+ chapters into the story.

Some Notes on the Setting
Some context on the setting of Tower of God is required to be able to appreciate the rest of the post. Feel free to skip this (quite lengthy) section if you're already familiar with the world of Tower of God, or if you can't be bothered to learn about it. Feel free to refer to it later if you run across unfamiliar terms.

All jargon are linked to respective fandom pages for anyone interested in further reading.

The Tower
Tower of God is set in an eponymous Tower. The Tower is divided into distinct regions known as "Floors".

Each Floor is divided into Three Regions: an Inner Tower, the Middle Area and the Outer Tower.

The Inner Tower is where tests are taken to "climb" or advance Floors.

The Middle Area connects the Inner and Outer Tower. Regulars and Rankers (will be explained later) can live there.

The Outer Tower is the residential district of the Tower inhabitants. The outer area of each Floor is as large as the Americas combined, and generally hosts populations in the billions of people (so the Tower has a total population several tens of times larger than the current global population).

134 Floors of the Tower have been explored so far.

Most people are confined to the Floor of their birth and cannot travel to other Floors.

Rankers and Regulars
There is however a way to climb through the Floors of the Tower from the 2nd up to the 134th Floor. People selected to climb the Tower are known as "Regulars". Those who have reached the 134th Floor become Rankers and receive an official Rank from the Ranker Administration Office.

Climbing the Tower takes around 500 years on average (Regulars can live for a long time). Rankers obtain an eternal youth contract.

The chances of a Regular becoming a Ranker have been compared to winning the lottery. There are around 100,000 Rankers.

The difference between a Regular and a Ranker is a qualitative jump. It's such that a Regular beating a Ranker would rewrite the very history of the Tower and prove that one is of another world. In fact, in the history of the Tower, only one person has officially beat a Ranker as a Regular (they are currently ranked #7) (this excludes the "Irregulars" [we'll get to them in a bit]).

To Regulars, the Rankers are "gods".

The top 1% of Rankers are known as "High Rankers", and they are on a different level entirely from the other Rankers.

The High Rankers are often referred to as "gods among gods".

Regulars and Irregulars
The people selected to climb the Tower (from within the population of the Tower) are regulars.

Irregulars are people who come from the outside and open the door to the Tower themselves.

They are instruments of change to the Tower. Nay, it is a prevalent belief that only Irregulars can bring change to the Tower.

Irregulars are not bound by any of the laws and restrictions of the Tower. They can grow freely without limits or an upper ceiling.

An analogy that is often used in the fandom is that Irregulars are the Players, while the regulars are NPCs. Imagine that each NPC is born with a level cap (it differs from person to person). Most NPCs cap at level 99 but the strongest of them has a level cap of say 999. The Players have no such cap and many of them have levels north of 5,000.

Zahard and the 10 Great Families
Several tens of thousands of years ago, Zahard and his companions were the first people to climb the Tower (they were all Irregulars). They founded a civilisation that spanned the entire Tower, and Zahard became King of this Empire.

The Great Warriors who climbed with Zahard became heads of their own Families (the "10 Great Families" and "10 Great Family Leaders"). The Great Families are massive political organisations that are comparable to sovereign kingdoms.

Zahard and the 10 Family Leaders are revered as gods and worshipped by even the High Rankers of the Tower. (A legendary High Ranker described himself as just another insignificant soul compared to them).

They are above even the most distinguished of the Regular High Rankers and are "masters of Fate and time". Many things are often said to be impossible, except for Zahard and the 10 Family Leaders.

To them, even the elite High Rankers of the Tower are nothing but bugs.

Zahard's King contract makes him invulnerable to harm from the inhabitants of the Tower. The 10 Family Leaders also have their respective immortality contracts.

Zahard's Princesses
Once every several hundred years, a girl is chosen to receive a portion of the King's power and become one of his Princesses. They are adopted daughters of the King, and members of the Zahard Family (this also includes the servants and subordinates of Zahard and his Princesses).

A Zahard Princesses is "an existence which, at times, serves as a sword to defend the authority of the King and at other times, is worshipped by the citizens of the Tower".

There are many criteria for becoming a Princess (beauty, talent and power, but most importantly, one must be capable of properly receiving the King's power). Zahard's Princesses acquire a body that is "tens of thousands of times" stronger than ordinary people:

And even Regular Princesses obtain basic physical capabilities that exceed average Rankers.

The Zahard Princesses are considered the "ultimate species" in the Tower.

After becoming a Ranker, the Princesses that proved themselves may be selected to receive a 13 Months Weapon. The 13 Month Princesses are the "acknowledged" or "chosen" Princesses. If ordinary Princesses of Zahard are royalty, then the 13 Month Princesses are high royalty.

There is a competition among the Princesses to gather the 13 Month Weapons. Whichever Princess gathers all the Months becomes the Queen. However, to date, no Princess has ever gathered even three of the 13 Months Series.

On a side note, Princesses from the 10 Families are especially influential and powerful. If a Princess is a direct descendant of one of the 10 Great Family Leaders, she will become the "central power" of her Family in the future.

Why I Love Maschenny
Khun Maschenny Zahard is not just my favourite female character, but probably also my favourite character in general (at least right now). It's a bit of a disservice to reduce her to the status of a mere waifu, but I'd nonetheless like to submit why I find her character so compelling.

If you're going to read only one section, please read "Philosophical Alignment". It's the section that speaks the most to why I find Maschenny such a deeply compelling character (and addresses what is [sort of] unique about her).

Who is Maschenny Zahard?
Maschenny Zahard hails from the Khun Family (one of the 10 Great Families) and is one of the Princesses of Zahard. She's a direct daughter of the Family Leader and her mother's bloodline is very distinguished — nay, actively revered — within their Family:

(The above comment was made about her younger brother).

She is also the only Princess of Zahard in the history of the Khun Family to be awarded one of the 13 Months Weapons.

She's someone of the highest pedigree. Her exact age is unknown, but she was involved in an event that took place several thousand years ago.

She is a regular High Ranker.

Extraordinary Talent and Ability
Competence is sexy, and extraordinary competence is extraordinarily sexy.

Maschenny Zahard is one among the Top 100 High Rankers. (Recall that High Rankers are themselves the top 1% of Rankers and are regarded as "gods amongst gods"). Maschenny is in the top 1% of them. The absolute cream of the crop.

Even among the 13 Months Princesses, she's one of their strongest:

Maschenny's stratospheric status applies not just to her combat ability, but also to her political influence (she wields considerable power within her Family and the Zahard Empire).

Arrogance or Just Justified Confidence?
Something else that I find admirable in characters is arrogance backed up by an appropriate level of ability. Characters mouthing off without the ability to back it up are annoying. Characters who know their status and place in the world and act appropriately on the other hand are very appealing. Confidence in one's (high) level of ability is an attractive trait.

Maschenny is often considered by many to be extremely arrogant. I would posit that rather than recklessly overestimating herself, she's simply well aware of where she stands in the world. This is no more apparent than during her debut.

She runs into Ha Yuri Zahard (another Princess of Zahard and formerly a Top 500 High Ranker). Yuri had recently acquired a second 13 Month Weapon (after which her Ranking rose considerably). Maschenny jokes that two Months is a little too heavy for a child like Yuri (she's only 500+) to carry. Yuri retorts in kind that bearing a 13 Month Weapon must be difficult for Maschenny due to her advanced age.

Maschenny's response is pretty telling:

The sick burn aside, she makes it clear in no uncertain terms that she considers Yuri to be someone far beneath her (she refers to herself as "an Unni [elder sister] that is like the pinnacle of the Tower [for you]"). Considering the chasm between their Ranks, this seems like a fair assessment.

Ambition and Drive
Maschenny Zahard is driven. She is willing to place her life on the line for her goal(s) and will strive towards their pursuit with every fibre of her being. A copy of her that she made when she was a child fought against (a younger copy of) the King until the point where even her vastly superhuman body could no longer keep up and just collapsed on her.

Considering that Zahard Princesses have bodies "tens of thousands of times stronger than ordinary people", you can get a sense of just how hard she pushed herself.

Maschenny Zahard is very ambitious. She opposes the prevailing world order in the Tower.

She seeks a particular kind of change in the Tower and has stated on more than one occasion that her goals align with a rebel executive that wants to tear down King Zahard.

So she opposes the King? Many others do that, what exactly makes her special?

I'd say that it's that she's proactive about the change she desires. She dares to believe that the world she seeks is something that she can bring about with her own hands.

This ambition (to change the Tower through her own effort) has been described as arrogance and hubris by another Top 100 High Ranker (Ha Jinsung) and even the omniscient Narrator.

I'll cover this in more detail in the next section.

Philosophical Alignment
The aspect of Maschenny Zahard's character that speaks to me the most on a personal level, must be our philosophical alignment.

Unlike most other Regular High Rankers in the story, Maschenny has a very strong internal locus of control. While most of the people who oppose Zahard are in slumber or simply waiting on the Irregular protagonist to deliver their salvation, Maschenny is actively pursuing her salvation with her own two hands.

She rejects the notion of sitting around on her two thumbs waiting for an Irregular to save her, calling it foolishness:

She declares that to accomplish her goal, she'll drown the Tower in rivers of blood:

Maschenny isn't necessarily right. No, she's in all likelihood wrong. Per lore, only Irregulars can realise meaningful change. The King she seeks to oppose is for very good reason revered as a god and is "a master of Fate and time". He states that he can "see all causes and effects from the same height as God", and knows how to play around with Fate:

He is not someone that can be bested by the scheming and machinations of an ordinary Regular.

Even the Narrator castigates her for her hubris in daring to go against the tide. Maschenny isn't a protagonist either (she's at best a tertiary character in the series), so it's not like there's any narrative supporting her efforts in breaking the mould.

Her philosophy of forging her salvation with her own two hands is almost certainly wrong.

But it's exactly because she's doomed for failure. Because there's no way that she can possibly succeed, that it's so empowering to see her try. In a world where everyone is implicitly fatalist, and have already resigned themselves to powerlessness in the face of the Irregulars.

In a world where everyone has given up on forging meaningful change with their own hands.

Seeing someone totally reject that mentality. Someone reclaim agency after aeons of oppression and helplessness have stripped it away. Someone insist that they'll realise their salvation with their own hands is exhilarating.

Maschenny may be doomed for failure, but I'll cheer her along every step of the way.

If you're interested, I have a much longer write-up delving into Maschenny's philosophy.

Epic Speeches
Oh, and did I mention that she has some of the best speeches? On many an occasion, when she goes off on one of her long speeches, I get chills.

When she strong arms Yuri into making a wager with her:

When Ha Jinsung mocks her proclamation that there would be a war soon, and insists that such cannot happen as the ruling class of the Tower abhors change, she retorts with a powerful exhortation:

This is not just a manifesto on the feasibility of war in the face of long seated and buried grudges, but also an affirmation of Maschenny's grudge. To her, rage is not the kind of emotion that can ever fade with time. The only rage she knows intensifies with every passing day and only gets more entrenched as she recalls those memories.

Another compelling speech of hers is the reaffirmation of her motivations to Ha Jinsung. It's in some respects, Tower of God's equivalent of Doflamingo's Throne Wars speech:

Or her monologue at the start of the Nest:

Or her reply to Jinsung on her machinations at the Nest:

Control and Manipulation
Maschenny Zahard is the epitome of a girl boss. I mean just look at her:

Like, Yass Queen. Doesn't she just ooze authority?

Maschenny is very good at manipulating and controlling people. As a High Ranker, she wields her tongue with incredible skill and has made it her greatest weapon, more dangerous than any spear. The pen is oft said to be mightier than the sword, and in the world of Tower of God, this isn't shown any more clearly than with Maschenny Zahard.

It's very refreshing to see a High Ranker accomplish things through means other than raw combat ability.

Other High Rankers regularly seem to get caught up in her pace and end up dancing to her tune.

After her debut in the prologue of Season 2, she reappears 200+ chapters later as the power behind the Regular Princesses that staged the Name Hunt Station:

This already created some expectation of her as a big shot who was pulling strings in the background.

Immediately following this mention of her involvement, she gives Yuri Zahard a call and strong arms Yuri into making a wager with her over their respective 13 Months Weapons. Yuri's reaction to this is pretty chilling, as she felt as if she was being swept up in a massive predetermined flow:

Basically from the very moment they met, Ha Jinsung has been dancing in her palms. (Mind you, Ha Jinsung is an Ancient (Top 100) High Ranker (dating him at several tens of thousands of years old)).

The evolution of Jinsung's perspective on her is a pretty impressive thing to behold.

When they first meet up, he belittles her as "delusional":

He later chastises her for overestimating herself:

Warning her that she knows nothing about the Ancient Warriors and even less about the Irregular protagonist:

Some years pass, and some of the Maschinations begin to bear fruit. Jinsung does a complete about-turn, seeming to drastically revise upwards his evaluation of her.

He recognises her as the principal instigator of the current conflict:

And one of the actors driving the war forward:

Finally, he arrives at an epiphany, concluding that she's someone that's far more dangerous than he had ever imagined:

Many other High Rankers seem to get trapped in her pace, but as a lot of these schemes have not yet borne fruit, I'll leave them out for now.

Perhaps the most epic display of authority from Maschenny is when she finally meets the protagonist.

He arrives at his destination and Maschenny gives him a call. She reveals that she's the one responsible for the operation and for luring him to the current battlefield. During the conversation, one of the protagonist's allies asks her whose side she's on. Her response is such an absolute power move:

She tells them to their face that they cannot amount to anything but pawns to be used by her and other more powerful people. And then asks them if they want to be used by her, all the while belittling them as little children. The protagonist subsequently consents to do her bidding.

This moment was so powerful, because before this interaction, the protagonist (with a little help from his allies) had just defeated a legendary High Ranker, so fandom expectations of his strength were pretty high. Maschenny nonetheless schooled them.

Maschenny often smiles/grins to herself when things go her away/her pawns do as she wishes. It's exhilarating:

She's a Blood Knight
Maschenny loves to fight and can be downright sadistic at times.

She was excited to fight Zahard after witnessing his terrifying might:

She derives boundless joy from the thrill of combat:

And was willing to fight to her death for the sake of her pleasure:

She claims that the smell of blood in the air is what gets her in the mood for a fight:

And once speculated that she was a psycho that couldn't live without bloodshed and combat:

She's insane in a sexy way? Watching Maschenny fight with her life on the line is very entertaining.

I think we all need a little crazy in our life, it keeps things from getting too boring.

If you're interested in a more thorough coverage of this aspect of her character, I have a dedicated thread on it.

All of the above is just to say: please step on me Maschenny!

If Maschenny sounds like a character you enjoy, and you know any other characters that seem to match what I listed, then do please share. I'm always looking for new waifu to simp for stories to appreciate.

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