Voting Round 2 - Marian Cross vs Kaiman | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 2 Marian Cross vs Kaiman

Who wins?

  • Marian Cross

  • Kaiman

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Plan Deviser
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind

Marian Cross


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Best luck @AwkwardMisha and yup Dorohedoro is fantastic ! ( I have only watched the anime though, and still need to read the manga)

1st huge thanks to everyone who voted for Marian ! :zomg
I will try if I can to come later to convince you why Marian is the best husbando.

You can check meanwhile, the previous campaign here : Presentation

*2021 I couldnt edit the collage, sorry <3 (actually it's, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 -> eternity : lifetime greatness)
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 29, 2021
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So we meet on the battlefield Erin :bishie

The echo of ages will sing our glorious battle~

thank you everyone for voting our scaley soft boi until now

I will post soon more about our lovely boi and why he deserve to be recognised as nr 1 beAsto husbando

Until then i will also leave his introduction here: ScaleyBoi

Please warm up your gyozas and stay tuned for more


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall

A Caring Man & A Father Figure

For some reason, I will avoid spoiling the context. It is too long and unnecessary for the campaign. But Marian had to take Allen (who was morally and physically abused)from a circus where he was working to the place where he was staying (a kind of house/orphanage). And despite he never get to take care of a child, he started to get attached to him, and he took care of him as a father would do with his very child. He was also the one who gave him a name. By naming him, he gave him an identity, too. He was acting with Allen as a father would do; he used to wash his sheets, prepare his meals, and nurse him, and stay at his side as long as the boy needed him, and created a father-son bond with him. That is a major trait of a husband quality-wise.​
Not only does he provide parental duties, but he gave to the child who never gets to be loved some affection. But, even Allen's presence was something Marian needed, and something that changed him somehow. Mother (the lady working in the place) said about Marian: - "despite seeing him off countless times, in the past before, the memory of that man’s radiance, in the sun that day, remains with me even now!" He even crafted and gave a golem, Timcampy to Allen ( a kind of familiar), at 1st to help him to sleep, then when Allen left for the Black Order, to give him a companion and a guide, as Tim was created by Marian, it can "communicate" with him, it was a way for him to stay “in touch” with him. When he's taking care of Allen, we can see only kindness and affection/tenderness in his eyes. He is the kind of character who shows pride and confidence, with a touch of sass, but deep down inside, he appears to show more sensitivity and probably vulnerability, too, and honestly, I’m more interested in that kind of husbando. We don’t know yet about his past, mystery surrounds him, but I assume he probably went through hardships.​

Marian Cross‘s "radiance" : Mother's quote

Cross brought Allen
to his place

Marian cooking (it's from a dgm fanbook)

Cross giving a name to Allen, giving in a name to a child is basically to adopt him/her, Marian was like a kind of foster father to Allen.

Marian feeding him and washing his sheets

In short

That’s what was Marian to Allen, and how much he cares about him, and a man who can be so thoughtful with a child burdened with a troubled past, which is not even his child, will do at least that much, if not more, for his waifu. Not only he is caring, funny, and kindhearted, but he’s among the strongest exorcists, and one of the most knowledgeable characters of the story. And, therefore, he appears having all the qualities expected for a family man, and is qualified as a great husbando. Not to mention that he’s also such a handsome man, the hottest of the manga, I don’t believe that appearances matter, I, personally don’t care about that, but that’s just an extra point worth to be mentioned and just chief’s kiss.​

In all honesty, I'm short of inspiration, I have been nominating Marian for years and I think I already covered everything I have to say about him. He is a side character who doesn't appear a lot, so I have trouble bringing novelty. The rythm of serialization (quarterly) doesnt help either, very little happened over last years, i dont have really new material to provide, and I also lost a little motivation to campaign, I'm not giving up or anything, but... I have already said everything i could say in previous campaigns over last years. I can work on presentations, and improve a little the cosmetic aspect, but the content I'm providing you is very similar to what i have already done in previous wars, I'm just readjusting rephrasing, adding/removing some things. I'm sorry in advance for those who genuinely care about the campaigns and feel it sounds redundant or boring. And I hope neither Misha nor the readers will take this as a sign of disrespect, This part, is for most of it, only recycling stuff I have written a couple of years ago, i hope noone will take this badly, it is still my work, and I did commit a lot into it, it s just that I'm lacking of inspiration, time and motivation to do more than this.​

Nb - I will reupload panels later, for better legibility in case thay are too small. sorry
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 19, 2021
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Man, I remember falling in love with Marian when I was watching D.Gray Man for the first time. Still loves his character personality and ambiguity — I'm re-reading the manga since early this month. Him and Allen chemistry together is a priceless reading.
On other hand, I really like Kaiman's character and his friendship with Nikaido.
Love both mangas and characters. Tho, Marian takes this one for me, took my love back in the day, 13 years ago.

Good luck for both. Lovely campaign. 🥰
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