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Mag Talk Weekly Shonen Jump (2024) - News and Discussion!

Your Favorite Chapters of Issue #28 (5 Choices At Most)

  • My Hero Academia 425

  • Jujutsu Kaisen 262

  • Mission: Yozakura Family 229

  • Undead Unluck 209

  • Me & Roboco 188

  • Sakamoto Days 169

  • The Elusive Samurai 159

  • Witch Watch 159

  • Blue Box 152

  • Akane Banashi 113

  • Kill Blue 56

  • Nue's Exorcist 53

  • Kagurabachi 36

  • Green Green Greens 26 - Final Chapter!

  • Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 17

  • Dear Anemone 16

  • Astro Royale 8

  • Kyokuto Necromance 7

  • Psych House 5

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 9, 2024
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If the next round is a round of 2 they could just end MHA/DA and it would give GGG more time to possibly outrank the series starting right now.
I just can't see how GGG can improve its ranking. The series' main appeal are deep characterisation and heartfelt interactions between people. And Jump's audience clearly doesn't really care about that.

Golf is just not interesting at all to read about without some supernatural elements.

Unless it somehow switches genre and go crazy like "Prince Of Tennis" I don't see how it can survive.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 3, 2023
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Are you telling me that the tall goth assassin GF in Mukuteru Aoi was genderswapped into a dude? I'm gonna cry...
Its a Girl (at least is what the sinopsis said):
"Supernatural Battle Action focusing on a teenage boy who encounters a strange woman who claims to be a friend of his father and introduces him to the world of necromancy. Thanks to a mysterious ring the boy inherited from his dad, he too can become a necromancer & interact with the spirit world in order to protect the people around him"
Last edited:


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 3, 2023
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United States
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #21 (2024) - ToC
Kyokuto Necromance (Cover & LCP, New Series by Fusai Naba, 54p)
One Piece
Mission: Yozakura Family
Astro Royale (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blue Box (Color Page)
Sakamoto Days
Kill Blue
Witch Watch
Undead Unluck
Me & Roboco
The Elusive Samurai
Nue's Exorcist
Green Green Greens
Dear Anemone
Shadow Eliminators (End of Serialization)

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #22/23 (2024) - Information
Group Cover
One Piece (Lead Color Page)
Kyoukutou Necromance (Color Page, 2nd Chapter)
Kagurabachi (Color Page, First of Two Consecutive, Vol. 2 Release)
Kamen Kitan Theo (Color Page, One-shot by Gotou Tougo & Matsuura Kento, 47p)
Astro Royale (23p)

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #24 (2024) - Information
Cycle Biyori (Cover & LCP, New Series by Kobayashi Omusuke)
Kagurabachi (Color Page, Second of Two Consecutive, Vol. 2 Release)
Can someone pick up the phone...Because I frickin' called it:
I expect both Nue and Kagurabachi to be in the bottom 5 for the next few weeks. Nue came off a poorly received arc which might have hurt its readership but before then has usually been consistently in the middle. Time will tell if it bounces back especially if the author goes back to what was well-received (the light novel hijinks). Meanwhile Kagurabachi has been consistently been around lower middle to the edge of the bottom 5 with a few jumps up. With TOI ending this week and SE looking to end next week there are only two series that are acting as a cushion: Dear Anemone (and as much as I love the series) Green Green Greens. Until the new batch starts getting ranked, I expect these three to continue being in the bottom 5: Undead Unluck, Nue's, and Kagurabachi.

I don't think any of the three are in real danger. Shonen Jump seems to do batches of two after a batch of three and Anemone and GGG are the 1st on the chopping block while both Nue's and Kagurabachi have stable sales: Nue's been consistently growing while KGB's had a great sales for its 1st volume. I expect SJ will wait until either starts to stagnate or fall in sales before actually even considering to axe them. Meanwhile UU has been a long-running stable series and is already close to a natural ending anyway.

I expect I'll have to suffer several more weeks of people in the Nue and KGB factions griping, sniping, and making insinuations about the other as tensions rise as both continue to be in the bottom 5 for the foreseeable future.
Now, excuse me while I dread the next few weeks as the next part of my prediction comes true.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 9, 2024
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Its a Girl (at least is what the sinopsis said):
"Supernatural Battle Action focusing on a teenage boy who encounters a strange woman who claims to be a friend of his father and introduces him to the world of necromancy. Thanks to a mysterious ring the boy inherited from his dad, he too can become a necromancer & interact with the spirit world in order to protect the people around him"
That is a very masculine hand and broad shoulder for a girl wtf hahaha.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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Okay, so it looks like they are going to try something different. But the one thing that really caught my attention is the fact that this will require masks and Venice, Italy. That is a theme that I always wanted to do and want to try to make a film or series out of. I guess the change might have come from a fan letter that I sent to Togo as both encouragement and notes they need to improve on. So let’s see if this will impress us in the next issue (and just to let you know the way I give fan letters is no different how I give my reviews here but more serious and less comedic and I don’t put the mangaka down. If anyone wants to see that letter I sent let me know, I have nothing to hide).
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #21 (2024) - ToC
Kyokuto Necromance (Cover & LCP, New Series by Fusai Naba, 54p)
One Piece
Mission: Yozakura Family
Astro Royale (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blue Box (Color Page)
Sakamoto Days
Kill Blue
Witch Watch
Undead Unluck
Me & Roboco
The Elusive Samurai
Nue's Exorcist
Green Green Greens
Dear Anemone
Shadow Eliminators (End of Serialization)

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #22/23 (2024) - Information
Group Cover
One Piece (Lead Color Page)
Kyoukutou Necromance (Color Page, 2nd Chapter)
Kagurabachi (Color Page, First of Two Consecutive, Vol. 2 Release)
Kamen Kitan Theo (Color Page, One-shot by Gotou Tougo & Matsuura Kento, 47p)
Astro Royale (23p)

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #24 (2024) - Information
Damn, what a bottom 5. I really hope that MHA and JJK will end soon to give GGG a fighting chance. Otherwise it’s gone. Oh and with a lack of cushions, I guess Nue and Kagurabachi are really in the hot seat. As for Dear Anemone, we all should have seen this coming. But the one thing I hope for is a batch of 1 like we had back in 2021 when Candy Flurry got canned and was replaced with Pppppp.
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #21 ft. Kyokuto Necromance (New Series by Fusai Naba)
Great cover, but will it be good.
Kyokuto Necromance Lead Color Pages

Great color pages. Really like the mystique.

Kagurabachi fans vs Nue fans when they start poking each other for hitting the bottom 5.

Editorial saw all the fighting here and decided Nue and Kagurabachi could sit in the bottom five together.

Chojo ain't letting up.
Is someone giving information to Shueisha? I mean yes I send letters to the artists and Nakano, but I honestly never told him about this forum. And that’s the truth.

Chojo is definitely the one who's 100% here to stay. I find it funny like 60% of the time, but the humor probably resonates more with Japanese audiences. But what really makes it functional as a mainstay is that it can just as easily be serious and heartfelt when it needs to be.

Also, I already saw some snippets of doujinshi stuff regarding the gorilla, so it's got all the competition beat on the only front that matters.
I resonate with Chojo. So I have no complaints here.

Unless the next round isn’t for 15-20 more issues GGG is surely a goner. Or if MHA/JJK ends that could spare it in the next round, I suppose.

Unfortunately Dear Anemone will probably dodge the U19 since I doubt they will start the next round within 8 issues…

Everything else should definitely be safe for at least the next batch.
That is what I am hoping for with GGG. I definitely know that MHA and JJK are ending soon. That last chapter of MHA pretty much confirms we are now in the end game.
My problem with GGG is that its good but its not good enough to replace any of my favorites if I was actually sending in a top 3 survey. Like, GGG is always in the top 5-7 range for me.
GGG was always in my top 5 when I vote here. Although when I went back to my old messages here I remembered when I said for one of my reviews for Tenmaku Cinema that the flashback for Tenmaku was “to good”. And I compared that with Oga’s flashback a couple of weeks back. I hope that isn’t the red flag that showcases the end. But one thing that is showcasing about GGG is that it isn’t rushing and the pacing is good. So it isn’t showing any signs of it rushing to an end.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 24, 2023
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United States
Problem for Green Green Greens is that even if it does sell decent, the magazine is in a place where it simply doesn't allow passable starts to grow like it did during 2020, allowing stuff like Yozakura to become a hit and PPPPPP to get a stay of leave. You can have a great start but stagnate from there, but the magazine just isn't empty like it was before, MamaYuyu is proof of that, in 2019, it would've stuck out for a bit and maybe have reached a year. Green Green Greens needs to get really lucky or it might have to share the same fate as Beast Children. Shame, he clearly found his voice after whatever Beast Children was.

Shinuki no Reborn

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
I had to delete a bunch of comments, the 2 roots of the problem and the ones quoting it, so i'm asking to both @SharkBait and @Stivie, don't make directly provoking comments literally quoting the other member by name, and please don't answer to the quote when you know pretty damn well that it will just derail the thread, and i don't care if "ohh i'm not the one who started", no one here is a kid to be playing "he did first", just report the comment, i think everybody is quite tired of the comedy vs serious discussion so let it die for now.

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #21 (2024) - ToC
Kyokuto Necromance (Cover & LCP, New Series by Fusai Naba, 54p)
One Piece
Mission: Yozakura Family
Astro Royale (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blue Box (Color Page)
Sakamoto Days
Kill Blue
Witch Watch
Undead Unluck
Me & Roboco
The Elusive Samurai
Nue's Exorcist
Green Green Greens
Dear Anemone
Shadow Eliminators (End of Serialization)

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #22/23 (2024) - Information
Group Cover
One Piece (Lead Color Page)
Kyoukutou Necromance (Color Page, 2nd Chapter)
Kagurabachi (Color Page, First of Two Consecutive, Vol. 2 Release)
Kamen Kitan Theo (Color Page, One-shot by Gotou Tougo & Matsuura Kento, 47p)
Yozakura is high! And Chojo is also high! But to be honest, i'm not exactly taking Chojo placements at face value, remember, it's a gag manga, obviously being placed this high means good reception but who knows how much the volume will sell, Roboco with all the amount of promotion peaked at 27k in a month, but leaving vol copies aside, no doubt is at least safe for like 2 rounds.

lmao at both Kagurabachi and Nue in the bottom 5 & 4, now no one can say anything for the other, who knows, maybe both will get axed like PPPPPP, remember, getting many color pages doesn't mean anything right? :derp

Let's not forget that some other series got hit with an axe even after multiple color pages or still got dumped into the bottom ranks after a series of color pages. It ain't safe till it nabs the LCP.
Apparently getting multiple color pages do mean something now, specially when isn't Nue getting them ;)

I don't see how JJK/MHA ending could have any influence on GGG if the series keeps on being bottom 3 every week. They will just axe it anyways, not like it makes any difference.
Series getting a extended life due to a older series finishing or simply editors starting only 1 or 2 series isn't uncommon


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
Reaction score
Y'know. It just hit me.

If Nue and Kagurabachi lose all the cushions and become the bottom 2...

Isn't that a good thing?

It would mean that the magazine's so completely stacked that even the lowest titles on the mag have strong followings and sales, with no risk of cancellation. It'd be like the 2010s era where the mag is just so goddamn stacked that it was hard for any new series to break in. I didn't really think about it that way, but it kind of makes sense, right?


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
Can someone pick up the phone...Because I frickin' called it:

Now, excuse me while I dread the next few weeks as the next part of my prediction comes true.
I was going to write a whole disseration on the futility of these Nue vs Kagurabachi debates, but you already hit the nail on the head in your og post. Both are probably gonna be pretty consistent in the bottom 5 for a while, fans of either may as well accept that fact now and save themselves the headache for the next few months.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 9, 2024
Reaction score
But one thing that is showcasing about GGG is that it isn’t rushing and the pacing is good. So it isn’t showing any signs of it rushing to an end.
This is not a reliable thing to count on at all. MMA looks like it's starting a new arc, then BOOM! OPEN END! Two On Ice looks like the author is chilling and taking their time and BOOM! END!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Problem for Green Green Greens is that even if it does sell decent, the magazine is in a place where it simply doesn't allow passable starts to grow like it did during 2020, allowing stuff like Yozakura to become a hit and PPPPPP to get a stay of leave. You can have a great start but stagnate from there, but the magazine just isn't empty like it was before, MamaYuyu is proof of that, in 2019, it would've stuck out for a bit and maybe have reached a year. Green Green Greens needs to get really lucky or it might have to share the same fate as Beast Children. Shame, he clearly found his voice after whatever Beast Children was.
Exactly. I said the same thing many times before. And we are not in 2020 where we had 5 major hits, we are now at 15 where there are a lot of decent series and only 3 hits (OP, MHA, & JJK). So there is no more room to be good, you have to be exceptional in order to stay. It also doesn’t help that some of the years have a large batch of series (ex. 3 from 2020, 3 from 2021, and 4 from 2023).
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

This is not a reliable thing to count on at all. MMA looks like it's starting a new arc, then BOOM! OPEN END! Two On Ice looks like the author is chilling and taking their time and BOOM! END!
No it started to show some signs of trouble during and after the Drop Out and it shows.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
Apparently getting multiple color pages do mean something now, specially when isn't Nue getting them ;)
Don’t you feel like this is kinda adding fuel to the fire a bit though? The same fire you’re trying to put out in the very same post?


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 11, 2024
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Exactly. I said the same thing many times before. And we are not in 2020 where we had 5 major hits, we are now at 15 where there are a lot of decent series and only 3 hits (OP, MHA, & JJK). So there is no more room to be good, you have to be exceptional in order to stay. It also doesn’t help that some of the years have a large batch of series (ex. 3 from 2020, 3 from 2021, and 4 from 2023).
I'm not so sure about this, remember mha, jjk and maybe even uu and yozakura are all in nearing their finale. That means that only one piece is gonna remain as the heavy hitter in the magazine. I don't think that jump can afford to be so axe heavy right now.....

Or maybe they'll continue axing new series after new series, speedrunning to find the next big thing. Who knows anymore?


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 4, 2024
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United Kingdom
Y'know. It just hit me.

If Nue and Kagurabachi lose all the cushions and become the bottom 2...

Isn't that a good thing?

It would mean that the magazine's so completely stacked that even the lowest titles on the mag have strong followings and sales, with no risk of cancellation. It'd be like the 2010s era where the mag is just so goddamn stacked that it was hard for any new series to break in. I didn't really think about it that way, but it kind of makes sense, right?
You had me at Nue hitting bottom 2


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
Reaction score
Don’t you feel like this is kinda adding fuel to the fire a bit though? The same fire you’re trying to put out in the same very same post?
Don't worry about it. I think our mod gets that I'm not hotheaded enough to get heated over a little playful baiting. Nue will have to personally walk into my house, empty out my fridge, murder my entire family and sleep on my bed, and only then will I be angry enough to start barking.

'sides. I still maintain my original stance about color pages losing their original precedence, and I won't take the double color pages as complete immunity for KGB. LCP or nothing, I'm putting down all my chips.

Shinuki no Reborn

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #21 ft. Kyokuto Necromance (New Series by Fusai Naba)
Kyokuto Necromance Lead Color Pages

I was expecting something more interesting in the magazine cover but the lead color page is pretty good, it's weird to say that the author "evolved" since Aliens Area because he always had good art but clearly had to cut corners with AA due to also working in a month series at the same time, but here it really looks like his art got more refined compared to AA chapter 1, but well, please be good too! 🙏

Astro Royale Color Page
Standard 2nd chapter color page but nice.

Don’t you feel like this is kinda adding fuel to the fire a bit though? The same fire you’re trying to put out in the same very same post?
Not really, i had to delete comments because Shark was directly provoking Stivie over the comedy vs serious stuff discussion, this is just me being sarcastic about how one manga getting cp non stop doesn't mean anything but it does when other series get kkkk
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Don't worry about it. I think our mod gets that I'm not hotheaded enough to get heated over a little playful baiting. Nue will have to personally walk into my house, empty out my fridge, murder my entire family and sleep on my bed, and only then will I be angry enough to start barking.

'sides. I still maintain my original stance about color pages losing their original precedence, and I won't take the double color pages as complete immunity for KGB. LCP or nothing, I'm putting down all my chips.
But it wasn't directed at you, i just quoted you because you were talking about it so i used to make a "in general" targeted comment kkkk


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Y'know. It just hit me.

If Nue and Kagurabachi lose all the cushions and become the bottom 2...

Isn't that a good thing?

It would mean that the magazine's so completely stacked that even the lowest titles on the mag have strong followings and sales, with no risk of cancellation. It'd be like the 2010s era where the mag is just so goddamn stacked that it was hard for any new series to break in. I didn't really think about it that way, but it kind of makes sense, right?
Yes it does. I went back to 2010 and it was so tight that the only sad casualty was Psyren. But that does ask the question. Did Jump push these series for so long that they became that way. I mean come on, why did Nisekoi have to be in year 2 for so long? But yes, the 2010’s looked like it was so competitive. I mean you had 2012 which was a solid year with Haikyu!!, Sakki K., Assassination Classroom, and Food Wars!. They were really stacked when you have 3-4 series from one year staying for so long (2015 had Black Clover, The Competitive Dance Club, Samon the Summoner). And then you go into the second Dark Age when Kochikame, Bleach, Toriko, Nisekoi, and Assassination Classroom came to an end. And World Trigger went on Hiatus. And then in 2017 with that batch of 6. Not only was the 2010’s more competitive, but a time of significant change to pass down to the next generation as the old guard left.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score
I just can't see how GGG can improve its ranking. The series' main appeal are deep characterisation and heartfelt interactions between people. And Jump's audience clearly doesn't really care about that.

Golf is just not interesting at all to read about without some supernatural elements.

Unless it somehow switches genre and go crazy like "Prince Of Tennis" I don't see how it can survive.
Actually if it goes ham into the over the top FujoBait genre it may survive.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
I'm not so sure about this, remember mha, jjk and maybe even uu and yozakura are all in nearing their finale. That means that only one piece is gonna remain as the heavy hitter in the magazine. I don't think that jump can afford to be so axe heavy right now.....

Or maybe they'll continue axing new series after new series, speedrunning to find the next big thing. Who knows anymore?
I am aware about their endings. It is just that MHA and JJK are really close, like 5-6 months close. MYF and UU are in their ends, but not fully near their end ends. And yes OP will be that flagship that will hold until it ends. What I am referring is the whole new gen of hit series. And I agree that they can’t be as axe heavy as they were before. So that means things might be slow. I think now that we got rid of the cushions we are now seeing which series are worth keeping and which ones are of not high priority. Not easy after 4-5 years of recovery to find new hits. But then again, not everything can be like Mashle that knew how long it was but lasted for that short amount of time.