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Fun While Playing GI [Spoilers]


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 21, 2012
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The Wall
It actually involves cutting ppl apart but not killing them. I'm working on the conditions for it still. It'll probably turn out to be an OP ability that only someone as strong as Netero/Meruem/the top 5 users can use but I dont think thats a problem...
like the indoor fish... nice


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Hong Kong
What are you talking about? A manipulation ability that manipulates people ala Shalnark or Illumi's is more than enough to beat the game. This isn't about interrogating other players for information. This is simply a case of making the other player say "book" and then taking his cards.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
What are you talking about? A manipulation ability that manipulates people ala Shalnark or Illumi's is more than enough to beat the game. This isn't about interrogating other players for information. This is simply a case of making the other player say "book" and then taking his cards.
I was thinking exactly the same thing.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 21, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
What are you talking about? A manipulation ability that manipulates people ala Shalnark or Illumi's is more than enough to beat the game. This isn't about interrogating other players for information. This is simply a case of making the other player say "book" and then taking his cards.
but what if you like to torture people :mono


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2013
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Marine Headquarters
Ok I finally finished creating the hatsu for my character and damn is it overpowered. Anyway here is my power for Greed Island. I'll be roleplaying as the character mentioned and I'm using the power I just made for him in the "Nen your own hatsu" thread.

Ok here's another set of hatsu for a different character. This guy is also has incredibly powerful nen like the one for my previous hatsu. He is a conjurer with some specialist and transmutation mixed in. The character has doctor/surgeon themed hatsu and they are fueled by the emotions of his incredibly dark past. I'll give u his backstory now so you won't have any question on how he created such powerful abilities. O

He grew up on an island that had no authority or parents (kinda like an island version of Meteor City without any adult supervision, if there is any), the island is pretty much in a constant state of anarchy. It was an overcrowded island with lots of teenagers and young adults. It was also extremely violent and ppl died there everyday, but the weapons used to commit these murders were mostly swords instead of guns as there were pretty much no guns on the island and the ppl of the island have a deep culture and history of swordsmanship so there is an abundance of these swords. They are made and sold in the underworld of the country so the gangs and cartels of this country use swords instead of guns. The island is considered a humanitarian crisis as there is no government and any attempt to make one usually results in the death of the person trying to bring a change. You could say that it is a country ruled by gangs and organized crime, cartels, and chaos even though there is no official government. The top gangs of the country are as organized, powerful, and brutal as cartels. There are also unorganized gangs where ppl just run around killing ppl for the smallest of things (like an argument, stepping on somebodies shoes, bumping into someone without saying excuse me etc.) and they are offshoots of the organized gangs and cartels.

Now this is where the user comes in. We'll say his name is "Law". Law was exceptionally gifted as a child and he studied medicine with his family who were one of the few doctors on the island. He had a photographic memory and was smart enough to be considered a full fledged doctor/surgeon at the age of 12. A week Law passed the exam to be considered a certified doctor/surgeon his family was killed by an upcoming cartel gang over a drug dispute. He had a mom and dad, two older brothers, and a baby sister (she was about 2-3 years old), they were all killed in front of him. However since Law was an incredibly smart child he was allowed to work as a doctor for the same cartel that killed his family. For the next 15 years he would be traumatized by what happened to his family. While he was working for the cartel that killed his family he had to do all sorts of things. He had to do things like treating stab wounds, amputating people's limbs after they had been nearly cut thru, trying to reattach limbs that had been cut off, disposing of dead bodies of enemies and allies, removing organs from people's dead bodies (sometimes ppl were even still alive and he had to remove their organs). He had lost a lot of patients and there was death and chaos all around him. While growing up in this chaotic environment he took a vow to never kill anybody despite what anybody tells him and to treat anybody who needed the treatment of a doctor.

This vow of his almost led to him being beaten to death on multiple occasions for not killing when told and treating anybody who asked for his help. He pushed this ideal to its limits and became the best doctors/surgeons in the county (and one of the best in the world). He was able to treat anyone's wounds, he could amputate calmly and precisely, he could perform complicated and complex surgical procedures by himself and with great efficiency, he could even remove organs cleanly and sometimes without killing the patient, and he was also able to dispose of dead bodies without even blinking or showing any emotion (even though he still hated doing so and hated death in general). When he turned 16 it came time for him to buy a high-grade katana as was tradition for any gang member in his country (younger ppl are in gangs and use swords but they usually use very low grade katana or other very low-grade swords, they call them throwaways because they are low quality and are usually thrown away after they are used to kill). He was very opposed to this at first but after he was almost killed himself by an enemy he learned that he would need a way to defend himself. Once he bought his sword and trained in kenjutsu he developed a fighting style that was designed to not kill his opponent but to slash and maim them. When he had to fight someone (usually to defend himself as he wasn't sent on missions like rest of gang members) he gained a reputation for being a great fighter. He became known as the "Dark Doctor" or the "Surgeon of Death". The latter was ironic because he never killed anybody. Instead when he fought his aim was to maim or amputate an opponents limbs to disable them and to keep them from fighting anymore (this fighting style reflected his skills as a surgeon). He could also treat the person he cuts if he so chooses and he usually did because not a lot of people wanted to fight him after he gained his reputation.

When he turned 24 the cartel he was apart of was falling apart and the leader was about to be killed by a rival leader. The rival leader offered Law an opportunity to fight with them and kill the leader who was the same one who ordered the death of his family. Law declined the offer as it went against his beliefs and he decided to leave the island to take the hunter exam and become a treasure hunter. His goal is to find a legendary treasure which is rumored to be on an island in the seas of the outside world and use the money and whatever else is apart of the treasure to economically uplift his country, eliminate the cartels who run it, and establish a powerful and democratic government dedicated to the prosper of its people and all people (after they get their act together of course). The treasure is that of a legendary and ancient pirate crew who sailed the seas around the outside world and the dark continent who successfully returned from their journey telling of the things and riches they found but were killed off by the government of their country to protect a certain secret. Before the captain died however he gave one last speech as to where his treasure and the map to it are. This started an age of exploration all around the world to find the legendary treasure and go to the outside world but it ended in disaster and a huge catastrophe occurred in the human world. Ever since then it has been taboo to talk about the treasure and the outside world (eventually illegal to go there or even talk about it in most countries).

At the age of 25 Law easily passed the hunter exam. Later on he met one of the top 5 users (what incredible luck he has) and they taught him nen and he developed the following hatsu in a period of about 5-6 years. At the end of his training he is considered by some to be the 6th strongest nen user in the world (this is a debated topic in the HxH world and Hunter association, mostly by ppl who haven’t felt or seen his power) but he is extremely powerful regardless. He also learns through from his teacher that he has subconsciously been using nen ever since he was born which is why he is so powerful.

Sorry for the fanfic lol, but anyway here are his powers...

Blade of the Dark Doctor
Type: Conjuration/Specialization
Ability: It can cut anything, but kill nothing. (Its a type of spatial slice/manipulation so it can also be used on non living things. It causes no pain to a living person, it just separates their limbs from their body and they still function as usual). When an opponent is cut they don't bleed their body is just separated so if he cuts ur arm off it won't bleed or hurt it will just be detached from your body. It works the same as it would if it was attached.
Vows and Limits: Law cannot kill a living being with a sword or he'll die via heart attack. The sword itself cannot kill any living being no matter what. When a limb is cut off it still functions the same way it did while it was attached, so you can still move it (however since it is detached from your body it is harder to maintain proper nen and nen control in the detached limb and will lessen the further away it is from your body unless you are a strong enough emitter u can still apply a lot of nen at a farther range). Also at the point of separation Law must apply a layer of extra nen to protect your insides from infection or to stop blood from falling out. This is done at the moment of the cut provided Law has enough nen. Considering his incredibly high and strong nen pool its not really a problem for him.
Notes: This is the first hatsu created by Law. It is designed to cut off an opponents limbs using the same fighting style he developed in his home country but keeping the opponent from harm (bleeding and causing them pain like before in his country). The amount of aura needed to create this sword is about 50% of his overall battle aura but once it is conjured he should be able to de-conjure and re-conjure it at will (I think all conjurers can do this cant they?) but he still will have used up 50% of his aura.

The sword resembles a large and oversized nodachi that is as tall as him (he is 6'3) and it weighs several tons. It is also conjured with a sheath made out of steel. The sword is also made of steel (but is augmented with the strength of his aura like all conjured items I suppose).

With all of the aura put into the sword to make it plus all of the power his emotions and conditions to go with the sword and make it extremely powerful even without Law using shu to enhance it. For example if he used the sword "bare" so to speak of it could cut thru an enhancer as strong as Uvogin using Ko/Ryu to block like butter (remember this sword can cut thru anything including nen, however if your nen is strong enough you can block it) but someone as strong as Netero could block it using Ko/Ryu. If Law enhances his sword using Shu/Ko/Ryu it can becomes strong enough to slice thru an aura as powerful as Netero's. Your aura would have to be as strong as post-nuke Meruem or Ging and the top 5 users to be able to block his sword if he uses Shu on it. He usually doesn't use Shu to enhance his sword because as a conjurer has has to put a lot of nen into his enhancement to make it strong enough to overpower a nen user who can block his bare "sword". (this guy is pretty f*ckin strong isnt he?)

Also when a limb is detached from your opponents body it can be reattached just by putting it back to its original position. It can also be attached to any other solid surface but can always be removed until it is put back in its original position so once its back to its original position it can't be detached again and is back to normal. So for example if Law cuts your arm off he can go and stick it to a tree and leave. You (or anybody) would have to pull off the arm from the tree (not really hard but is stuck so you gotta use a little force) and reattach your arm. If you attach it anywhere else on your body it will just be stuck and you'll have to pull it off again to put it in the right spot. So Law uses this ability primarily just to troll people and confuse them. It is dangerous however because if he cuts you into enough pieces you are basically at his mercy. He can hide your body parts, throw them down the river, throw your head in the ocean and make you drown, etc.

Nen Scalpel
Type: Transmutation
Ability: Allows Law to transmute the aura in his hand (can be used with individual fingers as well) to resemble a scalpel. It has the same abilities as his sword.
Conditions(V&L): Same as "Blade of the Dark Doctor"
Notes: The purpose for this ability is to allow him to be able to use the effects of his sword on a much smaller and precise scale or to be able to use the same power as his sword if he can't use his main ability for some reason. He can also use this to cut out the internal organs of a person. Once it removes a persons internal organs from their body it must encase it in a nen shield (usually in the form of a cube) to protect it from outside infection and to keep it functioning properly. This is done on contact with the organ after it has been removed. Unlike Gon's Scissors the range for this ability only extends a few centimeters/inches out from his hand and fingers.

It's basically a mini handheld version of his sword.

Counter Shock
Type: Transmutation
Ability: Law puts his hands together and rubs them up and down like a defibrillator then places it upon an individual to give them an electric shock (like a defibrillator obviously). The power of the shock depends on how powerful the nen Law uses to transmute electricity is.
Conditions: Law can't use this technique to kill a living thing or he will die via heart attack (since Law knows how much electricity can kill a human it is easy for him to use it without killing). He can use it however to KO, paralyze, stun, or even if he uses it one someone head he can give them brain damage or even make them go brain dead (doesn't count as killing them)
Notes: The amount of electricity produced is directly proportional to how much nen he uses. If an opponent is strong enough to resist the nen of his electricity they can also resist the electricity itself. Or if they are just durable against electricity in general it won't harm them (like how Killua is resistant to electricity, so he wouldn't be harmed by this hatsu at all).

"OR" or "Operating Room" or just "Room" for short
Type: Conjuration/Specialization
Ability: Conjures a large sphere made of an incredibly thin and transparent film like material. It also allows him to use the techniques: Flying Spatial Slice, Scan, Tack, and Shambles while he is inside of the "room". You can walk in and out of it without disturbing its shape.
Conditions: There aren't really any Vows and Limits to this technique...
Notes: It almost looks like En but it isn't. Law uses this to his advantage to make ppl think he is an emitter using a manipulated sword when he use really a conjurer using a specialized sphere of nen. While within Law is within his "room" he can use his 4 special techniques that can only be done inside his room. He can increase and expand the size of the room at will and extremely fast. Its maximum range is over several kilometers. It takes over 40% of his nen to create and extend it to max range but if he de-conjures his room he absorbs all of that nen back unlike his sword. This process is also done extremely fast because of his extremely fast aura control (Ryu).

It also coats anything inside of the room with a thin layer of the Law's nen allowing him to spatially manipulate them using tack or shambles. It can be easily resisted by a nen user however. In order for Law to be able to spatially manipulate a nen user (use shambles on them) he must cut them into pieces so they can't use nen properly and resist his nen. So for example if he cut off Gon's arm he could use shambles on his arm to spatially manipulate it but if he used it on Uvogin (for this example we'll say he has far stronger nen and nen control than Gon) he wouldn't be able to manipulate his arm and therefore he would have to cut him into more pieces to disrupt Uvo's flow and control him easier. So if he were to cut someone in half it would not be enough because a significant amount of nen would still be left in their bodies to resist his. So he would have to keep cutting them to mess with the power and distribution of his opponents nen to gain proper control over them.

"Room" exclusive techniques:

Flying Spatial Slice-Makes the effect from Law's slash with his sword (not his scalpel) extend to the end of the rooms range. Similar to a flying air slash or wind slash you would see in another series. For example if he made a slash gesture towards a house without actually touching it with his sword it would still be cut in half if within range of his room and withing the angle and direction of his slash. The slash is cannot be stopped by any object and extend all the way to the edge of the room. So if Law were to extend his room beyond the house into a forest behind it he would also cut the trees that were at the same angle of the slash. The only way to resist this slash is to use nen. However this slash isnt that powerful since it uses emission. It can be block be most nen users. It is primarily used to cut objects and ppl who can't use nen so that they can be used in conjunction with his other room techniques.

Scan-When used it emits a pulse of nen that extends to the edge of the room allowing Law to scan everything in the room for about a second, similar to a radar ping. Effectively making his room into a greater version of En. Allowing him to use a better version of nen without even using En. Since it is basically an emission technique it costs a lot of aura to use and it can't detect a nen user that is using zetsu or In. This prevents Law from spamming is but after it is used once because of Law's photographic memory he can remember where everything is (or where it was before its position was moved). Mainly used to detect objects in the room to use tack and shambles on and not to detect other nen users.

Tack-Allows Law to propel any object in his room under the control of his nen to the edge of his room. Similar to sticking something to a wall with a thumbtack it will stay stuck on the edge of the room once it reaches the edge. When an object is propelled by Tack it's motion cannot be stopped unless you can overpower the nen manipulating it or it reaches the edge of the room (when it reaches the edge its motion is stopped instantly). It uses manipulation to propel an object in a straight line in the direction that Law chooses. He has to focus on the object and use his fingers to choose the direction and propel the object, so he usually propels one object at a time (however it is possible to propel multiple objects at once while the others are in motion, he can also use shambles on them mid flight). Law can choose which side he wants to tack to the edge of his room so for example if he uses tack on a pointed boulder he can use it on the bottom of the boulder and it will rotate mid-flight so the bottom edge will be tacked to the edge. This allows Law to rotate the boulder even though it has to move in a straight line. Law uses this effect in conjunction with Shambles to allow him to propel the object in any direction and use it anywhere in the room. Shambles also doesn't slow down the acceleration and force behind the tack to make it more effective in a combat scenario.

Shambles-The greatest technique Law can use in his room, it falls under the category of "specialization". Allows him to "swap" any object with another in his room using spatial manipulation. He can swap anything coated with his nen in the room (which is everything but objects coated with another's nen) including himself. He can also swap an object with a volume of air that is the same size and volume as the object. This is known as an "air swap". It is much harder to do than a regular swap and takes much more nen but once used it looks appears to be like teleportation and will confuse your opponent. Law can use this on and object propelled by tack to teleport the object closer to the opponent and make it much harder to dodge and since tacks acceleration won't be stopped by Shambles it can be used as an incredibly dangerous attack. For example if Law cuts a huge rock and uses tack to throw it at you and you jump high in the air to dodge it he can use shambles+tack again to change the angle the rock was thrown towards you and teleport it close to ur location so you can't dodge in midair all without losing the speed used in the previous tack. It is an incredible dangerous ability and powerful ability and combination. Law can also use Shambles and Tack on himself to teleport of move faster.

With all of these abilities combined plus Law's intelligence, photographic memory, and incredible level of nen and efficiency-(which is max for each category) he is regarded as one of the strongest and most powerful hunters in the HxH world.

Sorry for the lol fanfic and length of this post but I've had been thinking of these abilities for a long time and now I can finally have them shared and posted somewhere.
If your wondering why someone so strong is playing GI its because he like to play it in his downtime while he is on his adventure.
... I sure don't want to run by you in the game, then.
:teehee After reading my post u definitely won't lol.
like the indoor fish... nice
:hee I think you mean to say like indoor fish times 1 million :derp
What are you talking about? A manipulation ability that manipulates people ala Shalnark or Illumi's is more than enough to beat the game. This isn't about interrogating other players for information. This is simply a case of making the other player say "book" and then taking his cards.
Ehh I think I want my ability to be a little more... complex :smoke :invalid
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
United States
It actually involves cutting ppl apart but not killing them. I'm working on the conditions for it still. It'll probably turn out to be an OP ability that only someone as strong as Netero/Meruem/the top 5 users can use but I dont think thats a problem...
I see it's an OP ability in more than one sense.

OP = Over-Powered
OP = One Piece