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Discussion Meliodas


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 8, 2015
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I calculated this thoroughly. First before meliodas regained his lost power his base pl was 3370. It was noted that when he used the first stage of his demon power in which the mark appears on his forehead,his pl increased to 4400. After doing the maths i found out it increased by about 30.6%(approx) of his 3370pl thats about 1030pl increase.
After he used the second stage in which the black stuff started covering his body,hawk stated that his pl increased to 10,300, thats about 205.64%(approx) increase of his base 3370 pl,which is 6930 added to his 3370. If his power levels still increases by the same percentage when he activates his demonic powers now that his strength has finally returned then his new demonic power levels would be something like this.

1ST stage : base pl = 32,500
30.6% of base =9945
percentage added to base =32500+9945=(42445)- possible pl in demonic form first stage.

2ND stage : base pl = 32,500
205.64% of base = 66,833
percentage added to base = 32500+66833={99,333) - possible pl in demonic form second stage.

It might be possible but wow,how strong will it be,i'm sure his full demonic power must be in this range for him to have been a serious threat to the demon clan.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Well it's pretty much obvious the only commandements that are equal/stronger than he are his two brothers ( and maybe Monspiet since he shitted his paint one time sensing him)


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2010
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Well it's pretty much obvious the only commandements that are equal/stronger than he are his two brothers ( and maybe Monspiet since he shitted his paint one time sensing him)
If Monspiet is stronger than him so is Derrierie since she's more powerful than Monspiet.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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Well it's pretty much obvious the only commandements that are equal/stronger than he are his two brothers ( and maybe Monspiet since he shitted his paint one time sensing him)
Because Monspiet is the only one (from what we've seen) who has a destructive long-range attack, which was the only way to threaten the protagonists from that distance.
Additionally, Meliodas didn't have his power.

If Monspiet is stronger than him so is Derrierie since she's more powerful than Monspiet.
On what do you base that conclusion? There's nothing to indicate that Derrierie is stronger.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Because Monspiet is the only one (from what we've seen) who has a destructive long-range attack, which was the only way to threaten the protagonists from that distance.
Additionally, Meliodas didn't have his power.

On what do you base that conclusion? There's nothing to indicate that Derrierie is stronger.
Yeah, it maybe is just that. But Monspiet is life, Monspiet is love. I love characters like him, with swords and magic power. Hopefully he's badass, I'd really appreciate it :D


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2010
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On what do you base that conclusion? There's nothing to indicate that Derrierie is stronger.
Just a feeling I have and that he's seem to act like a servant towards her.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Well, my only objection to Mel having 100000 pl is that he didn't finish the war. The manga has shown a difference in power of merely 50% (say Mel vs 3 ghk class fighters each at a least 2000 pl) is no less than overwhelming to the point where even sheer numbers don't overcome it. Add to that that Mel's wrath did not kill fraudrin.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 8, 2015
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Well, my only objection to Mel having 100000 pl is that he didn't finish the war. The manga has shown a difference in power of merely 50% (say Mel vs 3 ghk class fighters each at a least 2000 pl) is no less than overwhelming to the point where even sheer numbers don't overcome it. Add to that that Mel's wrath did not kill fraudrin.
well,technically he didn't attack fraudrin, he just lost control obliterated the whole kingdom and fraudrin body was destroyed. I'm sure he might have killed him if he attacked him directly.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2012
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It is obvious that in the end Meliodas will be the rarest being at the world with super unimaginable origins. For now we have 3 proofs:
1- his age
2- his base form is equal to commandments with activated demonic power
3- his power of darkness( it doesnt seem like other demons have it)
There is also this thing about Meliodas being accursed. He was even named as real monster and we could see his shadow. This can lead us to conclusion why he is accursed and I think it has something to do with his real form, his possible final form, form of real "grim reaper".

I calculated this thoroughly. First before meliodas regained his lost power his base pl was 3370. It was noted that when he used the first stage of his demon power in which the mark appears on his forehead,his pl increased to 4400. After doing the maths i found out it increased by about 30.6%(approx) of his 3370pl thats about 1030pl increase.
After he used the second stage in which the black stuff started covering his body,hawk stated that his pl increased to 10,300, thats about 205.64%(approx) increase of his base 3370 pl,which is 6930 added to his 3370. If his power levels still increases by the same percentage when he activates his demonic powers now that his strength has finally returned then his new demonic power levels would be something like this.

1ST stage : base pl = 32,500
30.6% of base =9945
percentage added to base =32500+9945=(42445)- possible pl in demonic form first stage.

2ND stage : base pl = 32,500
205.64% of base = 66,833
percentage added to base = 32500+66833={99,333) - possible pl in demonic form second stage.

It might be possible but wow,how strong will it be,i'm sure his full demonic power must be in this range for him to have been a serious threat to the demon clan.
Also your calculation is correct now while he still recovers. His base form will be even stronger than now so power lvl over 100k is coming closer and closer. And as i said there is also possible 3rd stage, his final form. So power lvl over 200k is also possible. And it is even more possible If we calculate that demons are not final enemy because this is obvious.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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It is obvious that in the end Meliodas will be the rarest being at the world with super unimaginable origins. For now we have 3 proofs:
1- his age
2- his base form is equal to commandments with activated demonic power
3- his power of darkness( it doesnt seem like other demons have it)
There is also this thing about Meliodas being accursed. He was even named as real monster and we could see his shadow. This can lead us to conclusion why he is accursed and I think it has something to do with his real form, his possible final form, form of real "grim reaper".

Also your calculation is correct now while he still recovers. His base form will be even stronger than now so power lvl over 100k is coming closer and closer. And as i said there is also possible 3rd stage, his final form. So power lvl over 200k is also possible. And it is even more possible If we calculate that demons are not final enemy because this is obvious.
He's known as the "accursed demon" because of his acts of heresy and betrayal.
From what we know, some or all demons have a latent form which resembles a spiky monster, as seen with Meliodas and Fraudrin.

As for your power level estimation... eh...
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
well,technically he didn't attack fraudrin, he just lost control obliterated the whole kingdom and fraudrin body was destroyed. I'm sure he might have killed him if he attacked him directly.
Even then, shouldn't Mel be more than strong enough to have defeated all the demons by himself? If he has 60k and the others downwards of 30k, considering gallan seems to be a mass of raw strength himself, then shouldn't Mel be able to kill them all?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 8, 2015
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Even then, shouldn't Mel be more than strong enough to have defeated all the demons by himself? If he has 60k and the others downwards of 30k, considering gallan seems to be a mass of raw strength himself, then shouldn't Mel be able to kill them all?
Mel said he couldn't take all of them out at once, as merlin estimated all the demons pl should be around 260,000 and if the fully recovered their magic it could be above 300,000 while according to the assumption meliodas max pl is 99,333. 300,000+ > 99,333


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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Mel said he couldn't take all of them out at once, as merlin estimated all the demons pl should be around 260,000 and if the fully recovered their magic it could be above 300,000 while according to the assumption meliodas max pl is 99,333. 300,000+ > 99,333
Power levels do not stack up like that; this was made clear when the whole kingdom was fighting Demon Hendy, who had 5800PL.
The Sins, on the other hand, had Meliodas with 3370, Gowther with 3100, Ban with 3220, King with 4190, Diane with 3250, Gilthunder with 1970 and tons of other Holy Knights - their power levels combined far exceeded 20.000, but they could barely harm Hendy.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Power levels do not stack up like that; this was made clear when the whole kingdom was fighting Demon Hendy, who had 5800PL.
The Sins, on the other hand, had Meliodas with 3370, Gowther with 3100, Ban with 3220, King with 4190, Diane with 3250, Gilthunder with 1970 and tons of other Holy Knights - their power levels combined far exceeded 20.000, but they could barely harm Hendy.
This. PL do NOT stack like that.
It is obvious that in the end Meliodas will be the rarest being at the world with super unimaginable origins. For now we have 3 proofs:
1- his age
2- his base form is equal to commandments with activated demonic power
3- his power of darkness( it doesnt seem like other demons have it)
There is also this thing about Meliodas being accursed. He was even named as real monster and we could see his shadow. This can lead us to conclusion why he is accursed and I think it has something to do with his real form, his possible final form, form of real "grim reaper".

Also your calculation is correct now while he still recovers. His base form will be even stronger than now so power lvl over 100k is coming closer and closer. And as i said there is also possible 3rd stage, his final form. So power lvl over 200k is also possible. And it is even more possible If we calculate that demons are not final enemy because this is obvious.
Nah, Mel will more likely have a power of 100K+ when he'll recover his full strenght and he'll be finished with mastering all of his power. And because he's a demon but also has some interactions with the goddess (normal demon don't live 3000+, Meliodas could very well be a mixt between demon and goddess), he'll also have the power to create and destroy the world and its beings. Maybe to even blow the sun. Not a single character won't even come close to him.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Oct 22, 2015
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United States
I dunno, I think having 100k power in his power of darkness form is believable. I think so because even if Mel does have that kind of power in that form, his character has been set up for the whole story in a way that makes him not want to use it.

Think about it - he only used even the first stage when he was forced into a corner. After drinking the deadly poisons in that town next to Baste dungeon, when Ban was just about ready to kill him with his own stolen strength, when Gilthunder used a powerful lightning bolt and a full-strength thrust... the list goes on and on, but one thing they all have in common is that whenever Mel willingly uses the demon powers (not counting Hellblaze, because even humans can learn how to use that), he's backed into a corner with absolutely no other way to either counter his opponent or even survive in general. Not to mention Galan, whose overwhelming power totally crushed his weakened demon powers.

And then there's the fact that all those times, he was operating with less than a tenth of his full power (which we still have yet to put a number to because he's out of shape). Now that he has his strength back, even if he needs to whip back into shape, I don't see him breaking out the demon mark or the power of darkness form against anybody who wouldn't kill him otherwise.

Mel is afraid of his own power. He doesn't want to wipe a whole country off the map again, and we all know his power makes that possible. So I think having 100k power in his final stage, which he can barely even control, is reasonable, simply because next to no one could even push him that far, so he'll probably only have to use it a few times in the whole of this arc.

Another point I'd like to mention: while the calculations are (probably) correct mathematically, I highly doubt they'll be that exact if and when they show up. Everybody who's had their power level analyzed so far has had a power level divisible by both five and ten, from what I remember, and I don't think they'd break that trend for strength-returned Mel, no matter how special of an existence he is. So it'll likely be close to the percentages the OP mentioned, but rounded to numbers divisible by both five and ten, just like everybody else's power level.

EDIT: Forgot the address how he didn't kill Fraudrin with the attack that wiped out Danafall. This is just speculation, but I think that attack, when used on a wider area like that, is unfocused. In other words, Fraudrin's body lived because the attack's power was spread out over such a wide area that not as much 'power density' would have hit him, or anything in its range, for that matter. Combine that with how demon bodies are naturally much stronger than human bodies, and we get an explanation for why all the humans and the kingdom itself were eradicated, but Fraudrin's body remained, though still in a near-death state.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 15, 2012
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I dunno, I think having 100k power in his power of darkness form is believable. I think so because even if Mel does have that kind of power in that form, his character has been set up for the whole story in a way that makes him not want to use it.

Think about it - he only used even the first stage when he was forced into a corner. After drinking the deadly poisons in that town next to Baste dungeon, when Ban was just about ready to kill him with his own stolen strength, when Gilthunder used a powerful lightning bolt and a full-strength thrust... the list goes on and on, but one thing they all have in common is that whenever Mel willingly uses the demon powers (not counting Hellblaze, because even humans can learn how to use that), he's backed into a corner with absolutely no other way to either counter his opponent or even survive in general. Not to mention Galan, whose overwhelming power totally crushed his weakened demon powers.

And then there's the fact that all those times, he was operating with less than a tenth of his full power (which we still have yet to put a number to because he's out of shape). Now that he has his strength back, even if he needs to whip back into shape, I don't see him breaking out the demon mark or the power of darkness form against anybody who wouldn't kill him otherwise.

Mel is afraid of his own power. He doesn't want to wipe a whole country off the map again, and we all know his power makes that possible. So I think having 100k power in his final stage, which he can barely even control, is reasonable, simply because next to no one could even push him that far, so he'll probably only have to use it a few times in the whole of this arc.

Another point I'd like to mention: while the calculations are (probably) correct mathematically, I highly doubt they'll be that exact if and when they show up. Everybody who's had their power level analyzed so far has had a power level divisible by both five and ten, from what I remember, and I don't think they'd break that trend for strength-returned Mel, no matter how special of an existence he is. So it'll likely be close to the percentages the OP mentioned, but rounded to numbers divisible by both five and ten, just like everybody else's power level.

EDIT: Forgot the address how he didn't kill Fraudrin with the attack that wiped out Danafall. This is just speculation, but I think that attack, when used on a wider area like that, is unfocused. In other words, Fraudrin's body lived because the attack's power was spread out over such a wide area that not as much 'power density' would have hit him, or anything in its range, for that matter. Combine that with how demon bodies are naturally much stronger than human bodies, and we get an explanation for why all the humans and the kingdom itself were eradicated, but Fraudrin's body remained, though still in a near-death state.
Meliodas was afraid of his own Wrath.


Unlike before, he shouldn't hesitate to let lose since he's now in control. The guy provoked the 10 Commandment's to disperse - hastening their recovery in the process - knowing that innocent lives will perish.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Oct 22, 2015
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United States
Meliodas was afraid of his own Wrath.


Unlike before, he shouldn't hesitate to let lose since he's now in control. The guy provoked the 10 Commandment's to disperse - hastening their recovery in the process - knowing that innocent lives will perish.
I actually don't buy that at all. First off, it was coming from another character (whose love for Mel blinded her to the problems at hand, let's not forget), not Mel himself. And second, he hasn't once used the demon powers yet, though he hasn't needed to since before he got his strength back anyway. Third, no matter how many times he relived one traumatic event to learn how to control his wrath in that event, that was only one event, one set of circumstances in his three-thousand year and counting lifespan. I'm sure there were many other events throughout history that caused him to lose himself in wrath, and he would likely have to go through the same hellish process for each individual event in order to learn to accept that event and not lose himself in wrath.

So I don't buy for a second that he actually has complete control of his wrath, like the blind, smitten Druid woman said. That's not how psychology works, especially with sentient, intelligent beings such as high-class demons.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2012
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In myths Meliodas is titled as strongest and absolute warrior. What Nakaba says about him being not as strong as for example Escanor is partly true partly fake. If we consider that power is based on magic and strength it is obvious that Meliodas will never be strongest but he has huge cheat :D Spirit can alter other stats. Do you know why Meliodas is called sin of wrath? His wrath is getting stronger and stronger while getting mental and physical damage. Wrath is equal to spirit. So while wrath is getting stronger his spirit also and it means that he can use this spirit to strengthen other stats. Basically Meliodas can have almost limitless power because spirit has no boundaries. Only his body can prevent him from releasing more power. I think he can live so long also because of his spirit. His spirit makes him special.