Question - Has One Piece ever challenge your worldview?? | MangaHelpers

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Question Has One Piece ever challenge your worldview??


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Just curious. One Piece fandom is really large. Across culture, religion, politics, and nationality.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
A little bit


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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Of course!
Every piece of literature changes my worldview in one way or another.

For One Piece, it made me corny about just enjoying the moment and I value a lot more people who are just accepting their deaths. It gives me some peace of mind.


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Challenge my worldview? In what way? Aren't our worldviews constantly challenged because of our different experiences in life?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
I sometimes wish it did but to be honest One Piece isn't really that deep. Although the story is vast and touches on many topics, I think the story doesn't really have a fresh or radical take on the topics it brings up. I think for it to challenge my world view the story would have to have a message that's unexpected.

Besides I'm not sure I'd enjoy the story as much if it did what is needed to challenge my world view. I come to One Piece to be entertained and to dive into the fantasy of it all.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
One Piece challenge by world view by extension. It does shape how I view friendship in general and what not. But through my interaction with the One Piece fandom, I learned a lot. That people actually doesn't share the same values. When a work is super popular and enjoy by people from all walks of life. They may enjoy the work in different way. Like the reasons I enjoyed Game of Thrones is very different than how majority enjoyed Game of Thrones.

But it changed my entire world view during the Charlie Hebdo and Paris Terrorist Attack. I was on a forum with a large membership who are ethnically from the Middle East. iI do wonder at time, if Arabasta was the reason why One Piece had a large Middle East fanbase. Arabasta anime started before or around the Afghanistan War. The interesting thing is that most of them living in the west. I thought at the time. Young people, living in the west, enjoying the same hobbies, and in particular since One Piece is huge in all of our lives. I thought we had some fundamentally basic values. We did not.

Well the Charlie Hebdo thread in particular on that forum and read the reaction from some of these members. Members who debating over One Piece facts or power level, etc. It was astonishing to me. It broke my simple world view about exposure through culture, or education could change people, etc. My world view was very naive then.

Of all the things that shaped my world views so strongly, were reading fellow One Piece fans reacting to Charlie Hebdo. We all have our bias, and what ticked us.

Lord Rayleigh

Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2008
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One Piece challenge by world view by extension. It does shape how I view friendship in general and what not. But through my interaction with the One Piece fandom, I learned a lot. That people actually doesn't share the same values. When a work is super popular and enjoy by people from all walks of life. They may enjoy the work in different way. Like the reasons I enjoyed Game of Thrones is very different than how majority enjoyed Game of Thrones.

But it changed my entire world view during the Charlie Hebdo and Paris Terrorist Attack. I was on a forum with a large membership who are ethnically from the Middle East. iI do wonder at time, if Arabasta was the reason why One Piece had a large Middle East fanbase. Arabasta anime started before or around the Afghanistan War. The interesting thing is that most of them living in the west. I thought at the time. Young people, living in the west, enjoying the same hobbies, and in particular since One Piece is huge in all of our lives. I thought we had some fundamentally basic values. We did not.

Well the Charlie Hebdo thread in particular on that forum and read the reaction from some of these members. Members who debating over One Piece facts or power level, etc. It was astonishing to me. It broke my simple world view about exposure through culture, or education could change people, etc. My world view was very naive then.

Of all the things that shaped my world views so strongly, were reading fellow One Piece fans reacting to Charlie Hebdo. We all have our bias, and what ticked us.
A lot of peoples in the world have hearts of stone and not hearts of flesh. This is deeply connected to their civilization (religion and culture). Significative changes in people mindset take ~200 years and it requires a continuing national will. One Piece can do nothing about it. There is also the fact that peoples have different experiences as nations hence they did not see one event the same way with their own history.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
One Piece challenge by world view by extension. It does shape how I view friendship in general and what not. But through my interaction with the One Piece fandom, I learned a lot. That people actually doesn't share the same values. When a work is super popular and enjoy by people from all walks of life. They may enjoy the work in different way. Like the reasons I enjoyed Game of Thrones is very different than how majority enjoyed Game of Thrones.

But it changed my entire world view during the Charlie Hebdo and Paris Terrorist Attack. I was on a forum with a large membership who are ethnically from the Middle East. iI do wonder at time, if Arabasta was the reason why One Piece had a large Middle East fanbase. Arabasta anime started before or around the Afghanistan War. The interesting thing is that most of them living in the west. I thought at the time. Young people, living in the west, enjoying the same hobbies, and in particular since One Piece is huge in all of our lives. I thought we had some fundamentally basic values. We did not.

Well the Charlie Hebdo thread in particular on that forum and read the reaction from some of these members. Members who debating over One Piece facts or power level, etc. It was astonishing to me. It broke my simple world view about exposure through culture, or education could change people, etc. My world view was very naive then.

Of all the things that shaped my world views so strongly, were reading fellow One Piece fans reacting to Charlie Hebdo. We all have our bias, and what ticked us.
That's an interesting take! Glad that OP has had such an impact on you. Seems like more than the contents of the story itself, OP has gotten you to have conversations with people you normally might not have and as a result exposed you to other world views.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
Has One Piece ever changed my world view? No. I've been reading since 2008ish I think clicked a random chapter by accident and it turned out to be the Luffy vs Rob fight and I just couldn't stop reading it.
One Piece was never really philosophical or anything like that like other manga. But it has helped me threw the darkest of times (my family, some really bad breakups, depression,joblessness, a certain pandemic to name a few) in my life even if it was just a quick breather and for that it I will always be thankful to Oda and to this community.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
Has One Piece ever changed my world view? No. I've been reading since 2008ish I think clicked a random chapter by accident and it turned out to be the Luffy vs Rob fight and I just couldn't stop reading it.
One Piece was never really philosophical or anything like that like other manga. But it has helped me threw the darkest of times (my family, some really bad breakups, depression,joblessness, a certain pandemic to name a few) in my life even if it was just a quick breather and for that it I will always be thankful to Oda and to this community.
This is pretty much it for me too. One Piece has been a consistent part of my life so it has been one of those things in life that is consistently there for me to escape to. It hasn't itself changed anything about how I view the world but it is a source of comfort and joy. This is one of the reasons I dread its end. Like Naruto ending was a big hit for a similar reason.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Other than making me want a nakama, nope.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
Probably on small scale it has had an effect, but I'm afraid that stories very rarely change people suddenly like that.

I mean, you'd be suprised how many radical right minded people who support their chosen dictator (Bolsonaro, Putin, Trump, etc) I've met, who cite Star Wars as their favorite film of all time. Had a talk about this with one Trump supporter, asking him why he likes SW so much. He said that he likes the simple setup of good vs bad, and how the good wins in the end. No woke, no bullshit. He related with the rebels, fighting against an evil government. I asked him, that wouldn't he in the galaxy far far away, be an Empire supporter? Militaristic dictatorship, where all criticism is silenced with threats of violence. Pointed to every detail I could, that the Empire is closer to far right ideology than what he describes as "woke liberals". That Trump actually tried the exact thing Palpatine did, to dismantle the Senate. Nope, he'd be one of the good guys, fighting against the evil Biden. In their version of Star Wars, Trump is Luke and Obama is Palpatine. Even if it doesn't make much sense after you start to compare the details.

So people really just take what already supports their world view from fiction. If there isn't anything to take at all, like any mind trick can't twist it to support your ideas, it's "just shit series".

From One Piece fandom, I'd say the Fishman Island arc is a great example. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the theme of that arc is racism, and that racism is bad. Yet you can for example check the first pages of the OP live-action thread to see that there definitely is racism in the fandom. The larger the fandom is, the more likely it is you will eventually encounter people who do not share your same values. Even if you'd think someone who reads One Piece would be supportive to diverse world where everyone can be as goofy and weird as they want to be, without being persecuted, it's still a nope. There is always someone who veils racisms, trans- or homophobia into "criticism", "opinions", "being a realist" or "just facts of life".

So I'd wish OP or any other big media IP would change worldviews. But I'm unfortunately doubtful. But maybe a bit at a time.

Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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One Piece should not be a reason for anyone's world view to change. That would be quite terrible.
It means that person is either not reading enough or paying attention to the world around them, or conversing with people who have good insights or knowledge to pass on.
One Piece shouldn't be anything other than entertainment.
If One Piece was the reason anyone developed a sense of morality, it shows there is a deficit in said person's environment'
However, if one lived in a dictatorship where such values were NEVER expressed, and One Piece is the only thing to highlight such values... then that would be the only context in which One Piece should influence one's world view. It would be quite worrisome to say the least for a Manga to play the role of what friends, family, school, mentors and society for the most part should instil in an individual.

The only world view (which it isn't) that One Piece or any form of entertainment should give to someone is self-belief, inspiration and motivation, but that's more of a personal thing than a world view.


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
One Piece should not be a reason for anyone's world view to change. That would be quite terrible.
It means that person is either not reading enough or paying attention to the world around them, or conversing with people who have good insights or knowledge to pass on.
It's not like those are mutually exclusive things. I think art can challenge world views and offer perspective. And the more pop culture entertainment still qualifies as art. Besides, it's not like people can also influence with bad views or pass on toxic knowledge and bad habits.

One Piece shouldn't be anything other than entertainment.
Entertainment can also be meaningful and educative.

If One Piece was the reason anyone developed a sense of morality, it shows there is a deficit in said person's environment'
However, if one lived in a dictatorship where such values were NEVER expressed, and One Piece is the only thing to highlight such values... then that would be the only context in which One Piece should influence one's world view. It would be quite worrisome to say the least for a Manga to play the role of what friends, family, school, mentors and society for the most part should instil in an individual.
As said, I don't think anyone is talking about a vacuum here. I think that series and stories that support these values that might have also been presented elsewhere, do exactly that. Representation of the values and idea in pop culture make them seem more universal and thus they might sink in better.

The only world view (which it isn't) that One Piece or any form of entertainment should give to someone is self-belief, inspiration and motivation, but that's more of a personal thing than a world view.
But aren't self-confidence, inspiration and motivation factors in world view and general attitude towards life?
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Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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But aren't self-confidence, inspiration and motivation factors in world view and general attitude towards life?
That is not a world view, a world view is surely something like politics which One Piece is pretty much based on, politics, inequality, racism, morality, etc.

Entertainment can also be meaningful and educative.
Yes, it can be insightful in artistic sense, but if it's the MAIN source of your world view? There's something wrong with said person's surroundings.

It's not like those are mutually exclusive things. I think art can challenge world views and offer perspective. And the more pop culture entertainment still qualifies as art. Besides, it's not like people can also influence with bad views or pass on toxic knowledge and bad habits.
I'm not talking about art, sure, can get x y z from art.

But if a MANGA is changing your world view on things like:
There's a huge problem with that person, their surroundings or both.

Imagine learning that someone's reason for not murdering people or being racist was because they saw art or some manga... that is insane. That is a problem.

Art should not be the source of someone's core value or world view.

Parents, experiences, mentors, teachers and education should be what aid to shape our world view, not Kaido.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I feel personality attacked
If there's something wrong in society, it's not necessarily that person's fault for how they view the world. And fair, there are countries and places where things are really bad. In that sense, it is great One Piece helped.

If I grew up as a child soldier, I might think it is okay to shoot people because they didn't give me what I want. While it may not be my fault for this view because I was born in such a place, at some point, that child becomes an adult who thinks it is okay to kill people and then we hold them accountable regardless of their upbringing.
It's a tough question, but overall, it is good OP can change views, but the bigger problem would still be there would be 100s of other people in the same place who are likely not reading One Piece and may not adopt this core values because they didn't read OP.

It would be similar to not knowing 1+1=2 even though someone when to school, but only learnt that from OP. Great that OP taught something interesting, but the bigger issue is the education system in that place.

I am not attacking you, I am more saying One Piece changing a person's core values is more indicative of the environment that person comes from.
If One Piece was the reason anyone developed a sense of morality, it shows there is a deficit in said person's environment'
We can't help what environment we come from. Not attacking you, just saying the problem that comes with Manga being the reason someone has a world view.

Another aspect of this is.... if someone read One Piece and thought Joker's world view was great.. then they'd think it's okay to hurt people. That would be problematic... more so since artistic content can be interpreted in anyway someone wants to interpret it in a sense.
Entertainment should just be entertainment imo.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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I honestly find it pretty weird how everyone claims it didn't.

That we are self-determined and everything came out of our own is such a modern mindset and such a blatant lie.
It mustn't influence you as much as it did me. Well, actually you could also say it didn't, since I started with this story before it even started, kinda. Creates a weird the chicken or the egg scenario...

But regardless, with any kind of fiction you extensively consume is going to take a major influence on you.

Collectively, these influences shape the zeitgeist and things do change. Take the improvements in terms of LGBTQ rights in the western world. Is One Piece the reason for that? Heck, no. But it majorly influenced men that grew up in the early 2000s, at least here in Germany, probably in the other countries where it succeeded, too. There's other pieces of influence, my parent's generation had other pieces of influence, etc etc. There's thousands of such piece's of influence and this is but one, and quite literally.

And it works, no kidding. One Piece is especially a favorite among the large muslim minority here in Germany, and this is also the group first among anime consumers. These are people whose parent or grandparent generation still grew up with a conservative religious mindsets, where anything "gay" is a taboo.
See, it always creates these chicken or egg scenarios, what came first, the change of zeitgeist or One Piece, but in this particularly example One Piece is particularly early (for a children's product anyways), being from 1997.

I could go on and on with other examples, but this is mayhaps the most simple to understand. The Fishman plot would be another, it is obvious what it represents.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Parents, experiences, mentors, teachers and education should be what aid to shape our world view, not Kaido.
But Oda is a person, too. He is clearly including certain topics in his story for a reason. In fact most arcs tackle themes from an aesthetic perspective. Take Syrup village for example, which has a theme about liars, you have Kuro, Jango and Sham as bad liars and Usopp the good one, there is a clear distinction between what kind of lie is what and I don't know, I watched this when i was seven...

It's not the first story with a "liars" theme, many kids media tackled that including my favorite anime, or pinocchio, which also was one of the german-japanese anime I grew up with, but I mostly knew it from what my mom told me about it because I barely could watch every episode as a toddler, the entire fact that I could was because my parents allowed me to. You fail to see how a person's socialization is connected.

The biggest influence lies with a person's early childhood socialization mostly through their parents. That really sets the tone for your tastes. If you grew up with sports or something and were not allowed to watch tv or read comics, then chances you enjoy fiction like One Piece in general and anything like it could even leave a mark on you are rather low. However, as life goes on, the factors influencing you increase and change, in any case, someone that reads comics or watches anime is influenced by them.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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I honestly find it pretty weird how everyone claims it didn't.
I find it pretty weird that you claim it does or should. Not everyone will have their worldview challenged, and some people will be rocked if/when they connect OP to real life.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 4, 2021
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No theme or storyperspective in One Piece was new to me, so it didn't challenge my Worldview. I was around 17 when One Piece started airing in Germany and by that point I've seen a lot of tv shows and movies. Those movies shaped my Worldview a lot more. Maybe McNuss was simply very young when he got into One Piece.
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