Question - Has One Piece ever challenge your worldview?? | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Question Has One Piece ever challenge your worldview??


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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“I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.” ― José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 26, 2020
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United Kingdom
It’s more given me the “Avatar” effect if anything. But only slightly. But it more made me appreciate how our world is run to a degree since we do have dictators we also have a parliamentary system and it’s not run by the celestial dragons I’m thankful for that. Those guys are the worst.
Speaking of manga, Gantz affected me largely.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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I find it pretty weird that you claim it does or should. Not everyone will have their worldview challenged, and some people will be rocked if/when they connect OP to real life.
Yeah but we also already had this discussion and you refuse to understand what socialization means. You genuinely believe in a psychological narrative, that someone either has the "forces of good" within them or must be evil. I don't know, I think this is a mindset pretty much born out of being socialized in America, at least that is what American media is constantly suggesting.

I also do not understand the second sentence? Never heard that term "to be rocked". What does it mean, I genuinely ask?
No theme or storyperspective in One Piece was new to me, so it didn't challenge my Worldview. I was around 17 when One Piece started airing in Germany and by that point I've seen a lot of tv shows and movies. Those movies shaped my Worldview a lot more. Maybe McNuss was simply very young when he got into One Piece.
17 isn't really too old to be ahead of being influenced by media. Likely that One Piece was not central to shaping your values, very unlikely it had no effect at all though.

People older than 17 prove all the time here that their mindset, their preferences, values, etc. have been greatly influenced by anime/Manga, just not necessarily by One Piece which does have quite a lot of ethical differences compared to the average Shonen.

But yes, obviously the history of your acquisition of cultural capital, as well as the content of it, is central to what influence it is going to take on your habits.

I also said it didn't start with One Piece, and I don't consider elementary school times as a very young age. I can still remember everything what happened before (which most people apparently cannot), thus I might just be more aware of what shaped me.
“I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.” ― José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote.
That's a fairly interesting quote here. Based on Ortega, most people here as mass-humans would argue based on comfortability, conformism, intolerance and opportunism, while only the excellent few can break out of this habits and thus further distinguish themselves from the rest as an elite.

Probably one of the reasons why sociology went out of favor, as it formulates very uncomfortable truths. The scapegoat ideology of psychology is much more comfortable for the masses.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Yes OP has helped changed my perspectives on certain views. Best example would be Ivankov & his band of Trans- Characters……OP learned to be more accepting and understanding of others.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 4, 2021
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17 isn't really too old to be ahead of being influenced by media. Likely that One Piece was not central to shaping your values, very unlikely it had no effect at all though.

People older than 17 prove all the time here that their mindset, their preferences, values, etc. have been greatly influenced by anime/Manga, just not necessarily by One Piece which does have quite a lot of ethical differences compared to the average Shonen.

But yes, obviously the history of your acquisition of cultural capital, as well as the content of it, is central to what influence it is going to take on your habits.

I also said it didn't start with One Piece, and I don't consider elementary school times as a very young age. I can still remember everything what happened before (which most people apparently cannot), thus I might just be more aware of what shaped me.
I never denied that media affected or shaped me. It simply wasn't One Piecein my case in particular.
But this thread isn't about how One Piece influenced me as a person but if it challenged my worldview and honestly it simply didn't. I can't think of a single plotline or theme in OP that was new to me or presented in a unique manner I ve never seen before.
If its different for you, than good for you and everybody else who feel like you.
Just don't act like you know how I or other people here were affected by One Piece.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
I honestly find it pretty weird how everyone claims it didn't.

That we are self-determined and everything came out of our own is such a modern mindset and such a blatant lie.
It mustn't influence you as much as it did me. Well, actually you could also say it didn't, since I started with this story before it even started, kinda. Creates a weird the chicken or the egg scenario...

But regardless, with any kind of fiction you extensively consume is going to take a major influence on you.

Collectively, these influences shape the zeitgeist and things do change. Take the improvements in terms of LGBTQ rights in the western world. Is One Piece the reason for that? Heck, no. But it majorly influenced men that grew up in the early 2000s, at least here in Germany, probably in the other countries where it succeeded, too. There's other pieces of influence, my parent's generation had other pieces of influence, etc etc. There's thousands of such piece's of influence and this is but one, and quite literally.
I think we have to be careful of conflating One Piece not changing a persons world view vs works of fiction in general changing a persons world view. I can't speak for the others in the thread, but when I claim that One Piece hasn't changed my world view that is not the equivalent of I came up with my world view in a vacuum.

If you were to ask me what works of fiction in my formative years (grade school) changed my world view I'd be pointing to things like 1984 (Orwell), The Crucible (A. Miller), Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), etc. From a more non fiction/philosophy side of things I'd say Zhuangzi (excerpts as I didn't read the whole thing until adulthood), Analects (Confucius), Meditations on First Philosophy (Decartes) etc.

From the realm of manga/anime I'd say Fullmetal Alchemist, Pokemon the first movie, Digimon Tamers, etc had an impact. These introduced very specific ideas that hadn't been covered in my life at the time I read/watched them. By the time I was in high school I stopped seeing anything in anime/manga that was novel or rich enough in substance to influence my world view.

Where One Piece and most manga/anime fail in this world view category for me is they rarely if ever have something new to say on any given subject matter that I haven't already been introduced to in school, living life, the people in my life, work etc.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
i think its made me more aware of a lot of things i had no idea about, thanks to Oda's narrative of real world inspirations... but in all, its not changed my view of a known thing... not yet atleast...
what will it change?


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Yeah but we also already had this discussion and you refuse to understand what socialization means. You genuinely believe in a psychological narrative, that someone either has the "forces of good" within them or must be evil. I don't know, I think this is a mindset pretty much born out of being socialized in America, at least that is what American media is constantly suggesting.

I also do not understand the second sentence? Never heard that term "to be rocked". What does it mean, I genuinely ask?
I have no idea what you mean by that, and I'm sure you made it up. But my point still stands, which you haven't proven wrong at all. Not everyone will have their worldview changed by a fictional work of art, and it's quite ignorant to expect that.

Might be, especially with how Hollywood movies tend to portray people as good or bad, and rarely grey.

Surprised. Shook. Kinda like how Enel was when Luffy wasn't affected by lightning or what happened to Luffy after Ace died.

Lord Rayleigh

Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2008
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Oda probably has the greatest presence/place in my day-to-day life but in terms of world view he can’t compare at all with authors like Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Fustel de Coulanges, Hegel, Aron, Camus. People analyzing and thinking deeply about ancient civilization, society and history are the most impactful writers in that regards.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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I have no idea what you mean by that, and I'm sure you made it up. But my point still stands, which you haven't proven wrong at all. Not everyone will have their worldview changed by a fictional work of art, and it's quite ignorant to expect that.

Might be, especially with how Hollywood movies tend to portray people as good or bad, and rarely grey.
We had that debate in the red pill thread in the general discussion forum, that was what I was refferring to. I conceded back then but what I wanted to add is I just think that the american YouTube left is taking a wrong approach in constantly highlighting bad right wing ideologists with their reaction videos, rather than having a thought out sociological thesis to why these people are appearing and have so much success in the first place. I had such a thesis from the german political discourse that I tried to convince you of, but my vocabulary in that regard is more limited than my vocabulary on manga, so I conceded.

Yeah and the fact that you acknowledge that probably has to do with the fact you also consumed other media, which in turn is produced from and reproduces different values. One Piece might just be a tiny piece here, anime/manga probably a larger judging from how active you've been here for a long time, but there's probably hundres to thousands of pieces that constructed that particular view.

It actually goes beyond that, like for example, the main character of a series is dealing with alot of stress in life, amongst that problems in his job, chances a psychologist appearing in that series are much higher than the character joining a labor union to fight for his rights as a worker and to increase his social capital.

But speaking about cultural differences, the huge amount of cigarretes in anime/manga and One Piece in particular, shouldn't that challenge the average american, which try to abstain children from that as much as possible, and afaik smoking is also very out of fashion in general even though the average german still thinks of cowboys when opening up his cigs and tobaccos here are full of native americans on the packages? Even if that has never been an active question in your mind, I think that there are a lot of things that influence our viewpoints and habits subconciously.

Or the portrayal of women and Sanji, there has been so much controversy here on that board over that and my viewpoint here is totally different from a lot of others here in this board, they are challenged by it. Mayhaps that is even the best example as cultures across the globe are so vastly different on this matter.
I'd also say the average Manga/anime recipient is changed in his perception towards that vs someone who doesn't consume anime/manga. If I'd say the portrayal is exactly like we'd do it in germany, I'd be lying despite there being less prudery, and it would probably be one of the reasons many non-anime/manga consuments cannot get into the aesthetics of anime/manga.

Impact on your aesthetic view in general should not be underrated for a series with One Piece, which has been there for decades and is served on a weekly dosis, and taste in turn is very fundemental to your world views, but not something we have 100% reflected through and through.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
We had that debate in the red pill thread in the general discussion forum, that was what I was refferring to. I conceded back then but what I wanted to add is I just think that the american YouTube left is taking a wrong approach in constantly highlighting bad right wing ideologists with their reaction videos, rather than having a thought out sociological thesis to why these people are appearing and have so much success in the first place. I had such a thesis from the german political discourse that I tried to convince you of, but my vocabulary in that regard is more limited than my vocabulary on manga, so I conceded.
Didn't I say that's something we should do, depending? Like, a lot of former bigots have changed their outlook after talking to someone on the other side.

Yeah and the fact that you acknowledge that probably has to do with the fact you also consumed other media, which in turn is produced from and reproduces different values. One Piece might just be a tiny piece here, anime/manga probably a larger judging from how active you've been here for a long time, but there's probably hundres to thousands of pieces that constructed that particular view.
Not necessarily. The only thing OP has influenced me in is being more like Luffy, relaxed and having people be comfortable around me. But that's about it, and that's not really a worldview thing.

But speaking about cultural differences, the huge amount of cigarretes in anime/manga and One Piece in particular, shouldn't that challenge the average american, which try to abstain children from that as much as possible, and afaik smoking is also very out of fashion in general even though the average german still thinks of cowboys when opening up his cigs and tobaccos here are full of native americans on the packages? Even if that has never been an active question in your mind, I think that there are a lot of things that influence our viewpoints and habits subconciously.

Or the portrayal of women and Sanji, there has been so much controversy here on that board over that and my viewpoint here is totally different from a lot of others here in this board, they are challenged by it. Mayhaps that is even the best example as cultures across the globe are so vastly different on this matter.
I'd also say the average Manga/anime recipient is changed in his perception towards that vs someone who doesn't consume anime/manga. If I'd say the portrayal is exactly like we'd do it in germany, I'd be lying despite there being less prudery, and it would probably be one of the reasons many non-anime/manga consuments cannot get into the aesthetics of anime/manga.

Impact on your aesthetic view in general should not be underrated for a series with One Piece, which has been there for decades and is served on a weekly dosis, and taste in turn is very fundemental to your world views, but not something we have 100% reflected through and through.
Why would it? Especially when American media is full of smokers? A lot of Americans probably weren't active in trying to stop their children from smoking, especially when tobacco companies have tried their best to get kids to take up smoking.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
But speaking about cultural differences, the huge amount of cigarretes in anime/manga and One Piece in particular, shouldn't that challenge the average american, which try to abstain children from that as much as possible, and afaik smoking is also very out of fashion in general even though the average german still thinks of cowboys when opening up his cigs and tobaccos here are full of native americans on the packages? Even if that has never been an active question in your mind, I think that there are a lot of things that influence our viewpoints and habits subconciously.
But hasn't smoking reduced tremendously? I mean when i moved to the US in 2008, people would smoke everywhere... onw if you see someone smoking, it really feels odd... Nobody smokes on the road, mainly because of restrictions and successful anti smoking campaigns. Which maes the point, the real world is more influential in changing your world view than the fake world...


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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Didn't I say that's something we should do, depending? Like, a lot of former bigots have changed their outlook after talking to someone on the other side
Yeah but you can only reach individuals via talking, and it might not work out. No, you have to stop the reasons for why people become increasingly susceptible to these mad ideas, and the main reasons for social desintegration and subsequent anomic behavior, in this case people becoming susceptible to extremist ideas like red pill ideology and whatever other crap is floating around (racism etc), are a lack of social security and a fast changes of norms and values without granting every member of society the neccesary ressources (such as education) to cope with these changes.

Why would it? Especially when American media is full of smokers? A lot of Americans probably weren't active in trying to stop their children from smoking, especially when tobacco companies have tried their best to get kids to take up smoking.
Is it, especially kids media? I mean there is a reason why 4kids edited them out completely.
We've get most of your major kid shows, and none of them contain smokers. Our shows also don't, but we've otherwise had no problem airing japanese anime full of smokers like One Piece or Detektiv Conan towards young children.

Most "American in Germany" Youtubers (there's a ton of them, it sells very well) point out the vast number of smokers here as a huge difference, especially women smoking, of which I also cannot recall any example from american media immediately.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
Can we keep way from the real world politics as much as possible. I've noticed that it been popping up in several threads that don't really have to do with them and Japan's politics are different than the West. I get that One Piece is pretty liberal but I get enough of this conversation in real life. And the question was how this is affecting my life not my politics. I would not get your politics from fiction.

But like I said before is affected my day today and a bit of how I view literature. Like if I'm going to read an epic it's going to be like how vast is it going to be I would view One Piece as a base. It might not have the most depth that other stories have when doing their world building like say Lord of the rings or Dune. But in my opinion it's more vast than all of them.
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 4, 2021
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Can we keep way from the real world politics as much as possible. I've noticed that it been popping up in several threads that don't really have to do with them and Japan's politics are different than the West. I get that One Piece is pretty liberal but I get enough of this conversation in real life. And the question was how this is affecting my life not my politics. I would not get your politics from fiction.

But like I said before is affected my day today and a bit of how I view literature. Like if I'm going to read an epic it's going to be like how vast is it going to be I would view One Piece as a base. It might not have the most depth that other stories have when doing their world building like say Lord of the rings or Dune. But in my opinion it's more vast than all of them.
To be fair, 'worldview' includes politics as well. What you have described is how One Piece affected your view on entertainment media as a whole which is totally fine and all, but this thread goes beyond media insight. At least as far as I am concerned. And Tv Shows, Books, Movies oder Manga can challenge or affect someone's worldview. And One Piece is about politics as well. More so than Dragon Ball or other (but not all) shonen stories.