Hilary Clinton is a bad person
Strong statement there. What makes her worse than any other establishment candidate (or would you say the same about them all)? Her husband is looked upon favourably and I'm sure Obama will be as well. Her policies are most likely to be centre-right politics much like theirs (probably more like Bill Clinton though), which is why she wouldn't be my first choice, but other than that I see little reason for concern. Out of those of you who would consider voting for a Democrat generally speaking, is there something else about her that you don't like, which sets her apart from other candidates? As far as I can tell, the only thing particularly different about Clinton from the others (other than her being a woman) is that people already *know* about and/or remember her best and worst public moments, while few know all that much about the pluses and minuses of folks running against her (aside from Donald Trump).
I ask because when I watch mainstream US news coverage, all I hear is "horse race" talk. Every single conversation seems to be about whether X and Y will help or hurt a candidate's chances to win. Increasingly, they've started using cute sports-related graphics that entirely acknowledge and embrace that they've become sports commentators rather than informers of the public on important matters.
It's not much different in Canada, but recently I heard about our news media that in the distant past, news agencies used to focus on what the
outcome would be if a candidate was elected-- what kind of leader the person would be and the consequences/benefits that could bring-- not in terms of charisma or popularity, but in terms of expected policies. Nowadays, everyone seems to be encouraged to base their vote entirely on instinct rather than information.
Canadians have been taken in by a party leader who does all he can to impede the flow of information out of his government at all levels. (I mean seriously, you think your media have a tough time with Obama? This year, our prime minister literally refused to appear on televised political debates.) Learn from our mistakes, please.