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Chapter 29 - New mission
As the light cleared, the three Noah were left in an empty clearing.
The fuck? swore Schwindelmagier, holding her katana over her shoulder. Whered the toys go~? Jacques attempted to take a step forward, but was tossed back by some invisible force. Schwindelmagier giggled.
Interesting. He mused as he dusted himself off. What is this?
Wont matter when its dust. I.A smirked walking up and placing his hands on the whatever-it-was. Nothing happened. So I.A took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated. As his frown got deeper and deeper , Schwindelmagiers smirk got wider and wider.
Cant do it can ya? She laughed.
Like you could do better I.A spat back as he stomped away to lean against a nearby tree.
Drama Queen. Schwindelmagier muttered under her breath. Jacques sighed, those two always got under the others skin.
At any case, it seems we cant get back in. Jacques said calmly.
Should we wait till one of the members comes out? I.A asked.
Nah, its too large an area to watch it all. Schwindelmagier retorted.
Then shall we go looking for the next one? I.A suggested.
That seems best Jacques replied. And with that, they were off
THAT WAS NEAT!! Tabby shouted. It-went-VOOSH-and-then-it-felt-so AWESOME-when-it-passed-over-me-like-diving-into-a-pit-of-bubbles-LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!!
What was that about cheese and crackers? You talk way to fast Rinvak sighed.
You sure it wasnt something about swimming competitions? Zeran said, as he watched Tabby skip about the clearing. Flames had left a few minutes ago, but they had stayed to make sure the protection was sound, and that the Noah were defiantly shut outside.
---ke-bubbles-or-fluffy-kitties-or-maybe-bunni-- Rinvak tuned her out.
So this was Flames mission I guess. Zeran whistled, clearly impressed as he gazed at the shimmering mostly transparent wall in front of them.
Sure as heck seems useful. I hope this doesnt mean that were stuck on the inside though.
Hope not. Well, it seems all clear to me, guess we should head back
Mkay. Ill fetch the squirt Rinvak said, running off to fetch Tabby, who was still skipping in circles talking at high speeds.
One binding/gagging of Tabby and a three minute walk later, minute walk later Rinvak entered Liones office. Zeran had wandered off somewhere, and Rinvak had dumped Tabby on her bed before heading to report. Flames was there too, watching as Lione examined a three-headed spear.
--A fine weapon. Lione was saying as she walked in. The spear looked rather strange to her, but she figured it was some tribal thing, and decided not to ask.
Ah, Rinvak! Did the protection take to the area?. Lione said as he glanced up from the spear.
I think, no one came through while we were there.
Thats good news. Now that we have a safe place to shelter bookmen, we can begin to search out and bring as many of them as possible here. Spread the word, I want to form teams made of two exorcists and one finder, and someone take along the finder Ying with them, she is a competent healer and an okay fighter, and she would be a great asset. Got it?
Finding and bring back Bookmen, teams of two exorcists, one finder; make sure Ying goes along. Got it. Rinvak said as she turned to leave.
Hey Rinvak, before you go, Ive got something to add. Lione said suddenly. Youve been doing well with your training, so you can pick the teams this time.
Eh? What the heck was he talking about? Rinvak thought. Even if I do, hell end up making changes as he sees fit. Then she saw his smile. Oh. Oooooh. Nice. No brat with me this time. Slick Can do chief! This was going to be fun.
((Don't know how to do the spoiler tags, gomenasai XD))
Don't really care who the teams end up being, but can Tabby's brother please go with her? I'll get his profile and Rinvak's up tomorrow, unless someone needs them desperatly before then. Lengo could go too, dun wanna leave him out =D
As the light cleared, the three Noah were left in an empty clearing.
The fuck? swore Schwindelmagier, holding her katana over her shoulder. Whered the toys go~? Jacques attempted to take a step forward, but was tossed back by some invisible force. Schwindelmagier giggled.
Interesting. He mused as he dusted himself off. What is this?
Wont matter when its dust. I.A smirked walking up and placing his hands on the whatever-it-was. Nothing happened. So I.A took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated. As his frown got deeper and deeper , Schwindelmagiers smirk got wider and wider.
Cant do it can ya? She laughed.
Like you could do better I.A spat back as he stomped away to lean against a nearby tree.
Drama Queen. Schwindelmagier muttered under her breath. Jacques sighed, those two always got under the others skin.
At any case, it seems we cant get back in. Jacques said calmly.
Should we wait till one of the members comes out? I.A asked.
Nah, its too large an area to watch it all. Schwindelmagier retorted.
Then shall we go looking for the next one? I.A suggested.
That seems best Jacques replied. And with that, they were off
THAT WAS NEAT!! Tabby shouted. It-went-VOOSH-and-then-it-felt-so AWESOME-when-it-passed-over-me-like-diving-into-a-pit-of-bubbles-LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!!
What was that about cheese and crackers? You talk way to fast Rinvak sighed.
You sure it wasnt something about swimming competitions? Zeran said, as he watched Tabby skip about the clearing. Flames had left a few minutes ago, but they had stayed to make sure the protection was sound, and that the Noah were defiantly shut outside.
---ke-bubbles-or-fluffy-kitties-or-maybe-bunni-- Rinvak tuned her out.
So this was Flames mission I guess. Zeran whistled, clearly impressed as he gazed at the shimmering mostly transparent wall in front of them.
Sure as heck seems useful. I hope this doesnt mean that were stuck on the inside though.
Hope not. Well, it seems all clear to me, guess we should head back
Mkay. Ill fetch the squirt Rinvak said, running off to fetch Tabby, who was still skipping in circles talking at high speeds.
One binding/gagging of Tabby and a three minute walk later, minute walk later Rinvak entered Liones office. Zeran had wandered off somewhere, and Rinvak had dumped Tabby on her bed before heading to report. Flames was there too, watching as Lione examined a three-headed spear.
--A fine weapon. Lione was saying as she walked in. The spear looked rather strange to her, but she figured it was some tribal thing, and decided not to ask.
Ah, Rinvak! Did the protection take to the area?. Lione said as he glanced up from the spear.
I think, no one came through while we were there.
Thats good news. Now that we have a safe place to shelter bookmen, we can begin to search out and bring as many of them as possible here. Spread the word, I want to form teams made of two exorcists and one finder, and someone take along the finder Ying with them, she is a competent healer and an okay fighter, and she would be a great asset. Got it?
Finding and bring back Bookmen, teams of two exorcists, one finder; make sure Ying goes along. Got it. Rinvak said as she turned to leave.
Hey Rinvak, before you go, Ive got something to add. Lione said suddenly. Youve been doing well with your training, so you can pick the teams this time.
Eh? What the heck was he talking about? Rinvak thought. Even if I do, hell end up making changes as he sees fit. Then she saw his smile. Oh. Oooooh. Nice. No brat with me this time. Slick Can do chief! This was going to be fun.
((Don't know how to do the spoiler tags, gomenasai XD))
Don't really care who the teams end up being, but can Tabby's brother please go with her? I'll get his profile and Rinvak's up tomorrow, unless someone needs them desperatly before then. Lengo could go too, dun wanna leave him out =D