Media Gallery Guide | MangaHelpers

Media Gallery Guide

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Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Welcome to the new guide for our Xenforo Media Gallery.

This thread will serve as an introduction the gallery and how to use it. We will cover the basics of uploading images and post-upload editing and managing your media within the gallery.

Accessing the Media gallery is pretty straight forward. The easiest link is located along the forum navigation menu:

Hovering over this will bring up the following menu:

Mark Viewed: This option will mark all uploaded images as "Viewed", as such they wouldn't show up on the "New Media" page anymore.

Search Media: Opens up a media search page. You can look up media by username, keywords, categories and sort the display order here.

Add Media: This is where you go to upload your images onto the library. We will cover this in depth below.

Your Media: This page will bring up all media that you have uploaded on the forum, regardless of what categories they were put in. The gallery displays 15 image thumbnails per page.

Your Albums: When uploading new media, you get the option to add to either category or create/add to album. Clicking on this link will show you any albums that you have made.

Watched Media: All your work plus any other media that you follow will be shown here. To follow another artist's media, click on the image and the "Watch Media" option will appear on the top right of the page, next to

Watched Albums: All albums that are publicly shared will appear on this page.

Watched Categories: Any/All categories you follow will show up here. Once there you can adjust how you are alerted for new content within each category by following the navigation menu on the bottom left.

New Media: This page will list all media uploaded to the gallery in order of most recent. Once on the page you can clear all the media by clicking on the "Mark as Viewed".


When uploading, choose the "Add Media" from the dropdown Media menu and the screen below will come up.

Before all else, make sure you're choosing the correctly between category/album before uploading your media.

Uploading to Category: Use this for uploading official manga art to their respective categories or art contest media.

Uploading to Album: When uploading media you will be asked to choose between category or album. If you do not have one already, you'll see an option to create one. We suggest all artists with an Artist Gallery thread create an album to easily keep an eye on all their work.

Upload an Image: This tab will be the most used. You can upload images from your device or you can upload them from a URL. Formats allowed for images are png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif.
Please be aware that there is a max image size(when you click upload an image, it'll show up) and max items per upload.

Alternatively, at the bottom left of every media page you can view "Your Statistics", which will list how many albums you have, how many images/videos you have uploaded and how much space you have used. Registered Users have a max quota of 50MB, Artists have 100MB.

Upload a Video: Formats allowed for video are: avi, m4v, mov, mp4, ogg, webm, wmv. Please be aware that there is a max video size( when you click upload a video, it'll show up).

Once your media has been uploaded you can change its title and add some notes for it (see image above). Use this space to note what the piece is being used for, any inspiration/credits due.


After you've uploaded your media, you have a couple more edit options.

Use Media as Avatar: The person icon on the top left will allow you to set media images as your avatar. You will be prompted to confirm before continuing.

Edit Media: Choosing this will allow you to edit the media title and its description.

Move Media: Allows to you move your media between categories and your own album. Especially handy if you mis-clicked and ended up in the wrong category. If you're struggling on moving your media, speak to a Global/ Admin for assistance.

Delete Media: You'll be promoted to delete your media.

Download Media: Saves the media onto your device.

Full Size Media: Loads the media in its full dimensions.

View Media in Lightbox: Dims the background screen, highlighting only the selected media.

Media Tools: A few more editing options are available under the Media Tools options; such as cropping your image, rotating and flip.

Change Thumbnail: Upload a new image for your media thumbnail.

Watch Media: Similar to bookmarking. The media will show up on your "Watched Media" page once selected. Should anyone comment on a media you watch, you'll receive an alert.

Managing your Media

Once you have uploaded and edited your media, you are ready to share it to the forum.

Share Page: Provides a link to the page with a view of the image.

Share Image: Provides a link to the full image.

Share Image Thumbnail: Provides a 300x300 link to the image. Once posted, clicking on the thumbnail will bring you to the image.

Share BB Code: Provides a link to the image, including the BB code attached.

Share BB (With Thumbnail) Code: Same as above, except it provides a 300x300 thumbnail.

Once you've copied your share link, you can post your media in the thread by clicking the photo icon above the text box(red arrow).

Please bear in mind our Forum Rules, in particular the guidelines set for using the media gallery:

  • The Media Gallery is for hosting forum related works only; such as the various Art Contests we host, official series art (as volume/magazine covers, colourspreads, calendars, etc.) Merchandise/toys and others can be uploaded using image hosts and artist galleries. Use image hosts (tinypic, photobucket, postimage, imgur, etc) for personal photos, fanarts, scans for discussion threads, screenshots, etc.

  • Please ensure that any media that you upload is an original piece created by yourself( for contests and artist galleries) and crediting/sourcing any material you used to complete the piece. This goes back to the first point of using image hosts for fanarts.

  • The same forum rules apply in the gallery, so when commenting please be constructive with your feedback; be it positive or negative, it should be done to encourage and help the artist improve. No spamming please.

  • Ensure that you choose the correct category/gallery when uploading your art. If you are submitting for an Art Contest, the first post in each submission thread will tell you which categories to use, so it is your responsibility to check this correctly.
  • Please note that the gallery does not have an unlimited amount of disk space, as such there is a Maximum Storage Quota: 50MB for Registered Users and 100MB for Artists. So use the gallery reasonably; especially artists who have threads/albums here on the forum.
If you have any questions or have problems trying to upload, please post them here and we'll answer as soon as possible. Alternatively contact a Global Moderator or Administrator to assist you.
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