Some people on this forum already knows a few words, and I think you all know one Dutch word, namely "Apartheid" But here are some basic Dutch words. If you know all these words, you will survive in this tiny country full of...roads...
dankjewel - Thank you
Hallo - Hello
Hoe is ie - What's up
Dit is troep - This is crap
Geef me een joint - give me a joint
Ik wil je neuken - I want to fuck you
*:d dirty mind* that's how you recognize a dutch man
Thanks for the translation! ( to be used in ShgnLW's future threads ) = Bedankt voor de vertaling!
Well done! = Goed gedaan!
Great work! = Mooi werk!
Thanks for the info[rmation]! = Bedankt voor de info[rmatie]!
Wow, you're pretty! = Wauw, jij bent knap/mooi!
I want to have sex with you! = Ik wil met je naar bed!
I want to swim in the garbage! = Ik wil zwemmen in het vuilnis!
I actually know two very pretty Dutch girls online who I talk with MSN quite a lot - and one of them I've talked to on a webcam. They're both very cool and taught me some Dutch... which I guess I might as well run off here...
Feel free to correct me on anything you might see as a mistake...
Yes = Ja
Yeah = Jep
No = Nee
Sorry = Sorry
What = Wat
Good Morning = Goede morgen
Good Night = Welterusten (?) or goede nacht ( are there two ways to say it? )
Good Day = Goedemiddag
Good-Bye = Doei or daag
Interesting = interessant
You're welcome = graag gedaan
Here you go (?) = alsjeblieft
How are you? = hoe is het met jou?
Are you doing well? = gaat het goed?
How is your day going? = hoe is je dag?
Did you have a fun day? = leuk dag gehad?
I'm super! = met mij gaat het super!!
I'm happy to hear that = goed om te horen
and you? = jij ook?
sweety! = lieverd!
have fun = veel plezier
sexy girl = sexy meisje
fun girl = leuk meisje
fun boy = leuke jongen
'zou je iets mij willen drinken, jij geweldige sexy vrouw? =
'do you want to have a drink with me, you awesome sexy woman?'
wil je iets met me gaan eten, jij geweldige sexy vrouw?
will you have lunch with me, you awesome sexy woman?
I know = ik weet het
I don't know = ik weet het miet
sweet dreams = fijne dromen
a hug and a kiss for you = knuffel en kus voor jou
It is good = hij is goed!
kut = cunt
klote = balls
klootzak = ballsack
Hufter = jackass
godverdomme = goddamn
fuck / shit are the same
Well... that's all I can think of at the moment
P.S. Khal, I'll be sure to remember 'Goed gedaan!', 'Mooi werk!' 'Bedankt voor de info[rmatie]!' ... but don't expect me to say 'Wauw, jij bent knap/mooi!' to you anytime soon...
Goodbye = Tot ziens!
Bye = Dag/Doei ( and some thousands of other ways to say goodbye )
Gold Knight said:
P.S. Khal, I'll be sure to remember 'Goed gedaan!', 'Mooi werk!' 'Bedankt voor de info[rmatie]!' ... but don't expect me to say 'Wauw, jij bent knap/mooi!' to you anytime soon...
You could just say: "Wauw, ik aanbid u, oh groot orakel, neergekomen als messias op aarde om ons nederige schepselen te verlichte, ook al ben ik onwaardig!" to me
Note that "knap" could mean both "pretty" ( good-looking ) and "smart" ( good-thinking ), so you could say "wauw, jij bent knap!" if someone made some beautiful colouring or something... ( though "mooi" only means "handsome/pretty/good-looking" when directed to a person )
It's ment to be 'Ik weet het niet' but that may be just a typing fault.
And there are so many ways to say goodbye, almost every (and there are a lot *cough cough cough*) district in the netherlands has it own way.
en ShgnLW, dat is gemeen om de rest te laten zeggen dat jij hun meester bent :P
A dutch will says this: Ik heb altijd gelijk - I'm always right
Jij hebt geen gelijk- You're not right
You will say this: Jij hebt gelijk - You're right
Ik heb geen gelijk - I'm not right
Het spijt me - I'm sorry
This is all you need to now, A dutchman is ALWAYS right, remember that, because he self will also think he's right.
I'm thinking of studying in netherlands next year, I like the country (put aside Geert Wilders and guys actually voting for such a !$#&!/?-self zensorship to avoid getting banned-) and some of it's legal interpretations in specific :>
Plus my hown town is close to the border and I guess the language shouldn't be too hard to learn for Germans
Is a High German accent considered to be rude in Netherlands, like it is in Swiss?
Considering we put up with morrocan/turkish accents, I'd say no.
Geert Wilders... the guy shouldn't even be in the government at all. I mean, seriously, what sort of politician has time to publish a glossy mag about himself?
I mean, for someone like Patricia Paay I can understand why she would do such a thing, but come on! The guy's supposed to lead by example, especially during economical recess! And yet all he does is whine and hinder the others that are seriously trying... well, maybe not that hard, but at least they're doing something other than twiddling their tumbs.
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