Re: Special A
It's not really "Epic Fail" like you say, Otaku-kun.
It's just that, for the most part, like what I know, VK scans is on a standstill. They quite slowed down with Special A. Then some other group decided to pick it up, and probably thought that they'd pick up on ch52 assuming that VK will continue to release and fill the gap some time. Somehow that group stopped as well.
Now this new group which released 39 and 40 probably had the same reasons why they won't be picking up 38, expecting VK to release, since VK never announced that they dropped the project. Or was it VN? Whatever the earlier group was called.
That's just my theory, but
Potato-Otaku, the group that recently released 39 and 40, said in their site that they'd
never scanlate 38. You can go to their site if you want.