Explaining the gears | MangaHelpers

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Explaining the gears

Fuuji Genichiro

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 28, 2015
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Ok i said i would do this a while back.

This is an acceleration of luffy's bloodflow using peristalsis in his veins, This is effectively an 'adrenaline rush' but only to the extreme. A Normal person, well.......there heart would explode :D, but the elasticity and durability of luffy's body make's this possible. This is said to affect his lifespan, i think this is because the accelerated blood flow has some subtle yet permanent effect on his organs, and should only affect his life significantly if he uses it repeatedly for many years.

A huge increase in speed, and since force is mass times acceleration, there is significant increase in the power in his attacks.
The aforementioned life span decrease, he also takes more damage from any wounding attacks, as the acceleration of blood-flow makes blood clotting near impossible, and internal damage from attacks is also increased. also a noted decrease of stamina

http://:// http://
This involves luffy biting his finger and then blowing compressed air into his bones, increasing the weight of whichever body part he wants.He can also manipulate the air inside him and move it to different body parts.When this was first shown, there was a time limit where afterwards he would deflate into this:
probably because holding the air in his bones at a certain compression rate takes some of his energy, and when he gets tired, he ends up losing more 'air' than he took in in the first place. This hasn't been seen since.
MASSIVE increase in raw power, and because of the size, he can take out multiple enemies at once.
A decrease in speed, and sometimes the weight of his arms make in vulnerable in combat.

now for what i really wanted to explain.
GEAR 4th

no spoiler, just look at it
And luffy's scar becomes the batman insignia.
So this is actually a bit more complex, He combines gear second and third, and with the internal pressure from gear third, he applies haki to his skin to increase the tensile strength of his rubber to not just withstand the pressure, but also allowing him to change his shape while air inside him is pressurized, The shape of his arms allow him to retract them, and using the increased tensile strength and the compressed air, allows him to increase the power of his punches by several orders of magnitude using some spring mechanics, like what bellamy does.
Imagine a slingshot or a catapult with a ton of compressed air as the load.

-on a side note, his arm is actually acting like a gun-
This also allows him to absorb damage, as the elasticity allows him to change shape without losing any of the pressure, So there's a cushion effect.
The benefit of allowing him to change shape means he can do this:
in a nutshell, gear second speed, gear third weight, and the benifit of being able to change shape while maintaining the compressed air and using the pressure from the air to increase the force of his punches using newtons thrid law. (every action has an equal and op.............)

Unbelievable attack power, decent speed boost, the ability to tank blunt force attacks without taking damage (to an unknown extent).


Being able to keep the air inside him and compressed needs alot of strength to maintain, luffy;s physical strength isn't enough for this, so he uses haki to his skin in the aforementioned way to hold up all the air inside him. Which is why the haki is distributed in that pattern along his shoulders and legs, he has to keep the haki in that state otherwise he would deflate. But that haki is being used even when he isnt directly attacking, so there is a unavoidable waste of haki, which then drains him at a faster rate, so while it allows him to use more of his power in single attcks, it is in a less efficient way, and shuld be used a last resort to quickly KO opponents, otherwise, as demonstrated, this happens:
OFC, keeping compressed air inside his body has also pute tremendous strain on luffy's insides, but i think the haki applications to his rubber could help with that.

More remains to be seen on this, but i think we could discuss it here.
Also, i used no wikia's for my explanation, all this is from my understanding, if i did anything wrong up there, please tell me so it could be corrected (and ill give credit for correcting me)

I Am Atomic

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 20, 2014
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United Kingdom
Gear second is not in anyway related to Adrenaline rush. As many people knows Adrenaline is produced when you are in a fight or flight situation or when you are under stress. In that situation our neurones send out signals to the brain; the brain does so many stuff which I could not even remember for my exam. Finally the brain releases a hormone which goes to the adrenal medulla (or is it adrenal cortex?) and attach itself to the receptors on the surface and this makes the adrenal medulla (or cortex) release adrenaline into your blood.

When luffy fights in normal mode there is adrenaline and when in gear 2nd mode there is also adrenaline but there is no indication that there will be more adrenaline in gear 2nd. Gear 2nd just increases blood flow rate which brings in more oxygenated blood into his body which means he can do further stuff than a human does.

Do you know why smaller animals like rabbits can run faster than us even though we are bigger? It's to do with the blood flow. Humans have laminar blood flow and smaller animals have turbulent blood flow. Turbulent blood flow allows the rabbit to run faster than us, but the only problem is that the animals with turbulent blood flow will have a shorter life span than animals with laminar blood flow. Therefore luffy could be changing his laminar blood flow to turbulent blood flow.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
I don't think there is any easy reasonable explanation for either Gear 3rd or Gear 4rth since both have the same core principle of Luffy blowing air into his body. We are clearly shown that Luffy has to bite a hole to allow him to get the air inside his bones or muscles, yet once he is done blowing the air in its as if the hole disappeared so the air just doesn't blow out. Similarly, we have to just believe that all the bones and muscles in the body are directly connected together to make a single "container" that air can just be blown into through a single entry point without Luffy having to inflate individual bones and muscles at a time. Other than these core issues, there are smaller issues that arise when trying to explain 3rd and 4rth gear. Only gear 2nd makes an ingenious use of the properties of rubber to get the desired effects of speed etc from the increased blood flow by having Luffy pump his own blood.We just have to accept the gear abilities as given for the most part because there really isn't much explaining we can do.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Hasn't luffy mostly gotten rid of the adverse effects of gear 2 by now? We have seen him use it recently and as far as we have seen it does not seem to have the same negatives effects as before. Nowadays it does not actually even tire him and he can enter it at will rather than having to physically pump his blood as before. Of course, this makes no logical sense as by definition the gear should completely wreck his body regardless of training considering the temperature should at least fry his brain and even if it doesn't he by definition is using his body's energy extra fast so regardless of how much he has it should tire him.

As for gear 3, I am not sure it really makes him slower, at least in regards to his base form. Has the manga ever made this point? I also doubt there is a logical explanation on why luffy used to shrink. Logically shrinking should be the precise opposite side effect to gear 3 (or 4 for that matter). Luffy in gear 3 blows air inside his bones, logically the side effect should be that after inflating himself like that for an extended period of time he should be rather flaccid until he gets back to normal. Given the circumstances, I think this particular weakness was meant to be something like a joke. And also, if luffy's bones were flaccid he would be kinda unable to move which would leave luffy in a particularly vulnerable position rather than the comedic relieve we got. Oda probably also had gear 4 figured out by then so he probably didn't want both forms to have the same weakness.

As for gear 4, I am not sure if the weaknesses it has shown are more haki related than to the actual inflating of his muscles. When using gear 4 luffy is not stretching or inflating more than he usually does. If anything it's less. So I would argue that the weakness gear 4 has shown is mostly due to luffy's haki limitations. Luffy overuses his haki which leaves him entirely unable to move. Logically gear 4 should be less stressful than gear 2 or 3. I mean, he is not overusing his body's energy as in gear 2 and he is not stretching quite as much as he does with gear 3. So logically the main limitation gear 4 has is not luffy's physical stamina or stretching capacity but rather his haki which needs to be constantly activated for the gear to do its intended job.Once luffy's haki gets stronger and is able to use gear 4 more freely it is probably going to be the gear which has less negative side effects overall. Unless the next step is to combine gear 3 and 4 (I guess it would be gear 5... or 7 lol) to turn himself into a haki covered giant.

Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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So logically the main limitation gear 4 has is not luffy's physical stamina or stretching capacity but rather his haki which needs to be constantly activated for the gear to do its intended job.
This can't be right, even when Luffy regained his Haki which we saw he had done after breaking Rebecca's sword with his haki claded head, he was still physically exhausted.

Joker's issue wasn't with whether Luffy had the Haki to sustain it, initially he asked just how many minutes could he maintain the form for? Implying Gear 4th puts stress on his body.

Rayleigh makes the same statement in regards to the stress on his body too.

If the Haki were the issue, Rayleigh and Joker should have mentioned Haki. As far as we know, Haki doesn't exactly harm the user, but it probably depends on how exactly it's being used; the issue here is more with his body than Haki.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
This can't be right, even when Luffy regained his Haki which we saw he had done after breaking Rebecca's sword with his haki claded head, he was still physically exhausted.

Joker's issue wasn't with whether Luffy had the Haki to sustain it, initially he asked just how many minutes could he maintain the form for? Implying Gear 4th puts stress on his body.

Rayleigh makes the same statement in regards to the stress on his body too.

If the Haki were the issue, Rayleigh and Joker should have mentioned Haki. As far as we know, Haki doesn't exactly harm the user, but it probably depends on how exactly it's being used; the issue here is more with his body than Haki.
The stress it puts on his body would be because of his haki though. Also, there are at least a few other references in the manga about luffy overusing his haki. Just compare the other gears to what gear 4 does. How is gear 4 any worst than gear 2 or 3? Gear two should actually be far worst considering what it does... Gear 3 focuses well more on size as well. In turn gear 4 does not actively consumes... calories I guess and for the most part does not push his stretching capacities to the limit. Also worth noting, wasn't luffy recovering until he got his haki back? Overall gear 4 is mostly about haki and integrating it with his abilities. There is no logical reason inflating his muscles would specifically be more stressful than pumping his blood faster or inflating his bones.

Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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The stress it puts on his body would be because of his haki though.
Overusing Haki doesn't affect his body, that's just depleting his Haki. People can fight without Haki, it's not like Haki is his Life force or Energy.

If Haki was what had Luffy exhausted, then when he regained it, he shouldn't have been exhausted.

And Rayleigh and Joker did say it's his body that his Gear 4th was taking a toll on, not his Haki.

Gear 4th uses much more energy that Gear 2nd:
  • He's using Turbulent flow as Barrier pointed out.
  • He's increasing the hardness of his skin in order to manipulate it.
  • He's compressing air in his expanded muscles which means his metabolic rate is incomparable to rate of Metabolism in Gear 2nd.

The toll on his body and the overuse of Haki are 2 different things.

Can't forget that a body can be fatigued and that's evident and logical in the Manga, but there's no such implications that imply that Haki can cause fatigue.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Overusing Haki doesn't affect his body, that's just depleting his Haki. People can fight without Haki, it's not like Haki is his Life force or Energy.

If Haki was what had Luffy exhausted, then when he regained it, he shouldn't have been exhausted.

And Rayleigh and Joker did say it's his body that his Gear 4th was taking a toll on, not his Haki.

Gear 4th uses much more energy that Gear 2nd:
  • He's using Turbulent flow as Barrier pointed out.
  • He's increasing the hardness of his skin in order to manipulate it.
  • He's compressing air in his expanded muscles which means his metabolic rate is incomparable to rate of Metabolism in Gear 2nd.

The toll on his body and the overuse of Haki are 2 different things.

Can't forget that a body can be fatigued and that's evident and logical in the Manga, but there's no such implications that imply that Haki can cause fatigue.
Didn't he run out of haki because he overuse it though? In the end that is just semantics. If running out of haki leaves him unable to move then it is pretty clear using haki has a physical tool on him.

I don't see much evidence to suggest luffy is changing how his blood flows through him for that matter. At this point that is just a theory and one that would be particularly hard to prove at that. Also, where is the evidence of luffy's increased metabolism in gear 4? It's not like in gear 2 where luffy sweats everything he has... If it was something similar to gear 2 then we would see it through all of gear 4.

Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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Didn't he run out of haki because he overuse it though? In the end that is just semantics. If running out of haki leaves him unable to move then it is pretty clear using haki has a physical tool on him.
Read the chapter again, Luffy said he could move even after overusing Haki which he had depleted.
So, Haki being depleted there was not the issue, he was too weak to move because he just expended too much energy.

If Haki depletion was the reason for the state he was in, he should have lost consciousness from depleting his Haki, or been completely incapable of moving, so it really can't be the case.

You're also not looking at things holistically. It's not like he just activated Haki and then stood for 20 minutes, and then collapsed. He's moving, he's evading attacks, he's expending energy and using powerful attacks. So, physically, he's far from idle; at the very least, it's a combination of physically expending so much energy and Haki.

However, it isn't Haki that stops him from being able to move, Luffy just stated he's capable of running even without Haki completely depleted. And we still have Rayleigh and Joker not saying his Gear 4th's weakness is to do with Haki, but the toll it takes on his body, it's a physical thing.

I don't see much evidence to suggest luffy is changing how his blood flows through him for that matter. At this point that is just a theory and one that would be particularly hard to prove at that. Also, where is the evidence of luffy's increased metabolism in gear 4? It's not like in gear 2 where luffy sweats everything he has... If it was something similar to gear 2 then we would see it through all of gear 4.
Not really a theory, observable fact. When he's in Gear 4th, he's steaming and red like is the case with Gear 2nd.

Logically, why wouldn't an increase in muscle mass and expenditure of energy not require faster metabolism? Physiologically, it's consistent.

Fuuji Genichiro

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 28, 2015
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Gear second is not in anyway related to Adrenaline rush. As many people knows Adrenaline is produced when you are in a fight or flight situation or when you are under stress. In that situation our neurones send out signals to the brain; the brain does so many stuff which I could not even remember for my exam. Finally the brain releases a hormone which goes to the adrenal medulla (or is it adrenal cortex?) and attach itself to the receptors on the surface and this makes the adrenal medulla (or cortex) release adrenaline into your blood.

When luffy fights in normal mode there is adrenaline and when in gear 2nd mode there is also adrenaline but there is no indication that there will be more adrenaline in gear 2nd. Gear 2nd just increases blood flow rate which brings in more oxygenated blood into his body which means he can do further stuff than a human does.

Do you know why smaller animals like rabbits can run faster than us even though we are bigger? It's to do with the blood flow. Humans have laminar blood flow and smaller animals have turbulent blood flow. Turbulent blood flow allows the rabbit to run faster than us, but the only problem is that the animals with turbulent blood flow will have a shorter life span than animals with laminar blood flow. Therefore luffy could be changing his laminar blood flow to turbulent blood flow.
hmmm, ok, adrenaline is a hormone, when this hormone is released, guess what it does?? :D :D
it accelerates blood flow, thats all it does, accelerated blood flow means oxygen can reach the muscles faster, meaning more energy an be expended at a time, basic diffusion results in the lungs speeding up (otherwise you die), and thats all it is mate, and guess what gear second does :D
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Read the chapter again, Luffy said he could move even after overusing Haki which he had depleted.
So, Haki being depleted there was not the issue, he was too weak to move because he just expended too much energy.

If Haki depletion was the reason for the state he was in, he should have lost consciousness from depleting his Haki, or been completely incapable of moving, so it really can't be the case.

You're also not looking at things holistically. It's not like he just activated Haki and then stood for 20 minutes, and then collapsed. He's moving, he's evading attacks, he's expending energy and using powerful attacks. So, physically, he's far from idle; at the very least, it's a combination of physically expending so much energy and Haki.

However, it isn't Haki that stops him from being able to move, Luffy just stated he's capable of running even without Haki completely depleted. And we still have Rayleigh and Joker not saying his Gear 4th's weakness is to do with Haki, but the toll it takes on his body, it's a physical thing.

Not really a theory, observable fact. When he's in Gear 4th, he's steaming and red like is the case with Gear 2nd.

Logically, why wouldn't an increase in muscle mass and expenditure of energy not require faster metabolism? Physiologically, it's consistent.
actually, haki depletion WAS the problem, an increase in muscles mass however DOES mean you need a faster metabolism, which is why i said accelerated blood flow was a part of gear 4th, the thing is that holding the form of gear 4th requires a lot of tensile strength, luffy has nowhere near enough power to do so, so he applies haki to rubber to get the required tension and compression. when he doesnt have any haki left, it become impossible to maintain the form. which is why he deflated, ofc, using it takes a toll on his body since, he didnt rest 3 days for fatigue, he was injured. So we can say that gear 4th also takes a toll on his body. the gear 3rd componenent could be the cause , since using it has never caused luffy injury, this is part of why i assumed that there was a little gear 2nd involved
--- Double Post Merged, ---
This can't be right, even when Luffy regained his Haki which we saw he had done after breaking Rebecca's sword with his haki claded head, he was still physically exhausted.

Joker's issue wasn't with whether Luffy had the Haki to sustain it, initially he asked just how many minutes could he maintain the form for? Implying Gear 4th puts stress on his body.

Rayleigh makes the same statement in regards to the stress on his body too.

If the Haki were the issue, Rayleigh and Joker should have mentioned Haki. As far as we know, Haki doesn't exactly harm the user, but it probably depends on how exactly it's being used; the issue here is more with his body than Haki.
as i said.....luffy is really good a disregarding his own injuries and fighting on, so as long as he isnt dead, he will keep fighting, so as long as he has haki he will keep gear 4th up, the issue is when his haki runs out
he gets f%*ked


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
As far as the accelerated metabolism i found some evidence it is a thing. When luffy uses gear 4 his body is constantly emitting steam, similar to what goes on with gear 2.

Hannibal Psyche

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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actually, haki depletion WAS the problem, an increase in muscles mass however DOES mean you need a faster metabolism, which is why i said accelerated blood flow was a part of gear 4th, the thing is that holding the form of gear 4th requires a lot of tensile strength, luffy has nowhere near enough power to do so, so he applies haki to rubber to get the required tension and compression. when he doesnt have any haki left, it become impossible to maintain the form. which is why he deflated, ofc, using it takes a toll on his body since, he didnt rest 3 days for fatigue, he was injured. So we can say that gear 4th also takes a toll on his body. the gear 3rd componenent could be the cause , since using it has never caused luffy injury, this is part of why i assumed that there was a little gear 2nd involved
as i said.....luffy is really good a disregarding his own injuries and fighting on, so as long as he isnt dead, he will keep fighting, so as long as he has haki he will keep gear 4th up, the issue is when his haki runs out
he gets f%*ked
That much I understand, I know Gear 4th can't function without Haki due to the strength it gives his body to compress air and to allow for the intricate control he has over his body; this is why Joker says his control over his body is fair, but the fact it's forced with Haki implies his control over his body is not good enough to be considered as "Mastery" or "Awakened" in other words.

It's the stress of forcing his body to accustom itself to this tension that makes him exhausted as well as the fact that he has increased metabolism on top of that stress that results in his fatigue.

Though, the Haki helps him maintain the form, it's not the Haki that depletes his physical stamina. Seems we're saying the same thing. I made my analysis of Gear 4th quite a while ago.
Gear 4th


  • Activate haki
  • Inhale Air
Purpose of Air

The air adds more mass to Luffy's muscles which makes them much more powerful. The difference between air in the muscles than in the bones is muscles still retains flexibility even with increases in mass while bones less so. The more air Luffy takes in, the more mass he gains, the greater the power he holds.

Purpose of Armament Haki

Hardened Armament Haki in general makes things stronger when activated, but haki is also a physical thing so to speak which is why it's described as being hard or steel like.

Due to Hardened Armament Haki being a hard substance, Luffy is able to use this haki to compress all the air he inhales into his body.

Luffy can somehow pull his fist within itself and release all that tension with explosive power; he does this by manipulating his body's springy nature to act like a spring which allows him to restract his fist into itself. Don't you ever wonder why he doesn't do this without haki? I'll elaborate on why.

The Retraction of Gear 4th and Hardened Armament Haki

1 - Highest concentration of hardened armament haki
5- Lowest concentration of hardened armament haki
Note: As the model above shows, there are different segments of haki concentration which I'll give explanation for.

Different concentrations of haki along his limbs; his fist being the hardest as it's got the greatest hardened armament concentration and it gets less hard the further a part of his limb is from his fist, this is consistent all the way to his shoulder and this also applies to his legs too.

The reason for this?

The harder part of his limbs can retract into the soft which allows him to ultimately retract his fist into his limbs for maximum power output on release. It's because of this consistency of Hardened Armament haki that Luffy:

  1. Can't walk, he has to bounce because his limbs will always retract into themselves.
  2. Can retract his arms into itself as well as his legs.
  3. It's also why he can pull off attacks like Culverin.
Haki Useage Summary:
  1. Haki is compressing all the air.
  2. Haki is acting like a shell for Gear 4th which is why he's only able to use Gear 4th with Hardened Armament Haki.
  3. Haki is also acting as a form of offence and defence.
Usually, haki only acts as a form of offence and defence, but Luffy is using haki to do more than strengthen and defend himself, he's using it to control his DF which is why Joker says Luffy's Gear 4th is a fusion of Haki and Rubber.

Physical Downsides

The compressing of air forcefully with haki also means he hurts himself as a result of all the air pressure he's storing and because he's using so many different concentrations of haki along his limbs, he ends up wasting not just haki as he's not using 1 consistent coat which is usually the case when normal people and Luffy does only when in Gear 2nd and 3rd.

This is ultimately why when Luffy loses his haki, he also loses the ability to move because he's physically over-exhausted and as you'll notice, he literally deflates like a balloon which is proof that he's compressing air in his muscles like a balloon.

And don't forget that while he's using his muscles in such an arduous manner:

  1. He's also using similar mechanics of Gear 2nd, literally increasing blood flow to sustain the increased demand for nutrients from the blood and oxygen.


It's because of this haki overuse and streinuous use of his muscles that Gear 4th is so powerful and also dangerous, but ultimately, it shows that Luffy hasn't mastered his Devil fruit; if Luffy had mastered his abilities, he would very likely be able to use Gear 4th without wasting haki:

  1. A Gear 4th without haki except on his fist would mean his haki never got depleted quickly.
  2. He'd be able to fight for much longer.
And even without needing to use haki, the fact that it's physically streinuous might possibly imply Luffy will still need to develop something almost as strong as Gear 4th, but more sustainable because it seems it'd always be streinuous; Luffy however might overcome the physical demand by simply becoming stronger, so a lot to look forward to!

I Am Atomic

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 20, 2014
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United Kingdom
hmmm, ok, adrenaline is a hormone, when this hormone is released, guess what it does?? :D :D
it accelerates blood flow, thats all it does, accelerated blood flow means oxygen can reach the muscles faster, meaning more energy an be expended at a time, basic diffusion results in the lungs speeding up (otherwise you die), and thats all it is mate, and guess what gear second does :D
Are you serious? Do you know what you are talking about? So what you are implying is that the reason for Luffy's increase in blood flow is because of adrenaline rush? So let me ask you something; how does luffy releases his adrenaline? No one can release their adrenaline in their body voluntarily.

What actually happens is that luffy contracts his blood vessels to increase the blood flow with his rubber ability. Learn the structure of a vein and artery. We humans also contracts our blood vessels involuntarily and that is why we can feel our pulse. Our blood vessels (arteries and veins) have elastic fibres covering them (artery has more than veins) which allows them to expand and contract or otherwise it would explode (literally). Luffy takes a step above and increases his blood flow forcefully by contracting his blood vessels. If it was anybody else apart from luffy then their blood vessels would explode but luffy has his DF ability. So with high blood flow = more oxygen, respiration and other stuff.

Since there is a high blood flow there is not enough oxygen to keep the body running therefore Luffy breathes harder; just like someone running a marathon or something. The lungs have air sacs called Alveoli; these are also elastic which means it expand when more air is breathed in otherwise this would explode as well. With Luffy's DF the elasticity can be evolved in this scenario too.

I do agree that adrenaline is released but the same unit mass per amount of blood.

P.S. Next time make sure that you know what the hell you are writing about.

Fuuji Genichiro

Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 28, 2015
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Are you serious? Do you know what you are talking about? So what you are implying is that the reason for Luffy's increase in blood flow is because of adrenaline rush? So let me ask you something; how does luffy releases his adrenaline? No one can release their adrenaline in their body voluntarily.

What actually happens is that luffy contracts his blood vessels to increase the blood flow with his rubber ability. Learn the structure of a vein and artery. We humans also contracts our blood vessels involuntarily and that is why we can feel our pulse. Our blood vessels (arteries and veins) have elastic fibres covering them (artery has more than veins) which allows them to expand and contract or otherwise it would explode (literally). Luffy takes a step above and increases his blood flow forcefully by contracting his blood vessels. If it was anybody else apart from luffy then their blood vessels would explode but luffy has his DF ability. So with high blood flow = more oxygen, respiration and other stuff.

Since there is a high blood flow there is not enough oxygen to keep the body running therefore Luffy breathes harder; just like someone running a marathon or something. The lungs have air sacs called Alveoli; these are also elastic which means it expand when more air is breathed in otherwise this would explode as well. With Luffy's DF the elasticity can be evolved in this scenario too.

I do agree that adrenaline is released but the same unit mass per amount of blood.

P.S. Next time make sure that you know what the hell you are writing about.
This is an acceleration of luffy's bloodflow using peristalsis in his veins, This is effectively an 'adrenaline rush' but only to the extreme.
go google what those two words mean
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
also, to answer my rhetorical question
guess what gear 4th does?
the answer isnt "release adrenaline"
the answer is "speed up blood flow" which is why i used the word "effectively"