WWWR v2.0 - it's all over - was the result really ever in doubt? | Page 14 | MangaHelpers

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WWWR v2.0 - it's all over - was the result really ever in doubt?


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Ok, seeing as people have asked - will post this here and see if we have any interest.

Have edited the rules slightly, but it's pretty much the same game.


Host + Players

Host - doesn't participate in game, but organizes it/sorts the replies/gives out the points
Players - it's kinda in the title...

The Game Rules
The game is divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1
Players will PM the host with a question/request, these questions/requests can be whatever the player wants to ask.
- e.g. 'What are is the first thing you think of when you hear the name 'Tom Cruise?'' or 'How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?' or 'What best sums up your life?' or 'Post something beguiling' (Tbh anything is ok, so long as it doesn't break forum rules).

Phase 2
Each player will then PM a reply to the question to the host - these replies can be text, pictures, songs, whatever the player feels is a suitable (or not) reply to that question.

Phase 3
The host will jumble the replies and then post the list to all the players (with names excluded for obvious reasons), each player will then PM who they believe wrote each reply to the host.

Each correct guess (which isn't guessing your own name) is worth 1 point.
If you correctly guess who wrote each answer (as in guess ALL correctly) you get an additional point.
If no one guesses your answer, you lose 3 points!

The winner is determined based on who has the most points.

In the case of a draw - a question will be asked by the host and the players who tied will answer - all other players will decide which answer is the funniest/most deserving/whatever - if still a draw, host will settle things.

Oh, also, any rule questions/decisions entirely up to host...

1st Totinona 37
2nd Grysun 26
3rd Organizized 24
4th kira 22
5th Farfy 21
6th A.ulq 20
7th Ustegius 19
8th Brandish 17
9th lakhan220 12
10th Empty 8
11th gnut 4
12th destiny 7
13th Evil3ye 0
14th WYIS -6

1st Totinona 37
2nd A.ulq 32
3rd Grysun 29
4th kira 25
5th Farfy 24
5th Organizized 24
7th Brandish 23
8th Ustegius 22
9th gnut 16
10th lakhan220 15
11th Empty 14
12th destiny 7
13th WYIS 0
13th Evil3ye 0

Numero uno said:
If you were a deity, what would you want to represent and be able to do?
1 - Organizized said:
God of misplacing small, important/valuable objects, humbling even the most brilliant of minds.
3 guessed
2 - Ustegius said:
The God of Ctrl+Z, with the power to undo every mistake ever made.
2 guessed
3 - lakhan220 said:
Strength, intelligence and justice
no one guessed... -3 points
4 - Brandish said:
God of Laziness, does nothing
1 guessed
5 - Grysun said:
I would be like Hades a god of the afterlife, but also have the powers of lightning because lightning is the best.
2 guessed
6 - A.ulq said:
I wonder if the doctor is interested in taking me for a ride:hmm
no one guessed... -3 points
7 - Totinona said:
I would want to represent love/understanding and be able to fly.
1 guessed
8 - destiny4ever said:
I would like to be Venus. Venus embodies love, beauty, enticement, seduction, sex and persuasive female charm among the community of immortal gods.
1 guessed
9 - kira said:
DESTRUCTION - destroy planets with a SNAP of my FINGER
3 guessed
10 - Evil3y3 said:
I would represent purity. Unpure brats would be punished by my exectutive punisher: the greasy strangler.
3 guessed
11 - EmptySoul said:
Time and the ability is to control Time :hip
2 guessed
12 - gnut said:
Represent spiritual harmony and be able to fart when ever i want to.
1 guessed
13 - WithYouInSpirit said:
I would represent Karma. Biting you in the ass.
1 guessed
14 - Farfalla said:
A cycle deity, able to renew souls (not only human ones) back to the Earth.
no one guessed... -3 points
Number 2 said:
Your best friend badmouths your favorite manga/anime, despite never having read/seen it! What do you do?
1 - A.ulq said:
Give them a doublemint to chew on:kappa
1 guessed
2 - destiny4ever said:
I would tell him that while I respect his opinion, he should give the manga/anime a chance before judging it so harshly.
9 guessed :derp
3 - gnut said:
Sleep with his mother.
no one guessed... -3 points
4 - kira said:
2 guessed
5 - lakhan220]STFU and go read it before you trash it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=#00ff00]1 guessed[/COLOR] [QUOTE="6 - Evil3ye said:
3 guessed
7 - Ustegius said:
Make fun of the series too in ironic tone, because my best friend would do anything that like seriously which means he must be trolling.
2 guessed
8 - EmptySoul said:
Tie them down and make them watch it :mono
3 guessed
9 - Brandish said:
Insult his/her family and threaten his/her life, eye for an eye
no one guessed... -3 points
10 - Totinona said:
If they seriously badmouthed it I would say "too bad for you :hmph you suck
1 guessed
11 - Farfalla said:
Call him/her a biggotaku, explain why I love the manga/anime and ask for an opportunity to watch/read a bit with him/her.
1 guessed
12 - WithYouInSpirit said:
Remove them from the premisis. Ideally from an upstairs window.
no one guessed... -3 points
13 - Grysun said:
I would argue a lot, likely leading to me badmouthing his favorite anime/manga in return.
1 guessed
14 - Organizized said:
Make him watch at least three episodes of it, then let him say whatever he wants about it. If he refuses and keeps badmouthing it, shotgun blast to the head (because he's not my friend but a robotic copy of him).
3 guessed
The third one said:
What movie scared you the most?
1 - destiny4ever said:
Chuckie and It-the Clown.
2 guessed
2 - Grysun said:
no one guessed... -3 points
3 - A.ulq said:
no one guessed... -3 points
4 - EmptySoul said:
5 guessed
5 - Ustegius said:
Rosemary's Baby. Or Shining. Or El Orfanato. Or Funny Games. Nah, Rosemary's Baby wins.
3 guessed
6 - WithYouInSpirit said:
Nyan Cat.
2 guessed
7 - lakhan220 said:
2 guessed
8 - Totinona said:
I don't watch scary movies, and the only thing I can remember that I found scary is a scene in a bathroom and the water being green in the bathtub..
1 guessed
9 - kira said:
The Ring ._.
no one guessed... -3 points
10 - Farfalla said:
I don't recall, tbh. I rarely watch scary movies as well, hate them all.
no one guessed... -3 points
11 - Organizized said:
Dunno about scared, but watching Eraserhead when I was like 10 definitely freaked me the hell out.
4 guessed
12 - Brandish said:
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2 guessed
13 - Evil3ye said:
1 guessed
14 - gnut said:
no one guessed... -3 points

Don't bust a gnut over this question said:
What came first...the chicken or the egg?
1: lakhan220 said:
2 guessed
2: Organizized said:
There were like millions of years worth of egg-laying animals before even the first birds evolved, not to mention chickens. (To answer the question as it was intended, the first chicken hatched from an egg laid by something other than a chicken as we know it - it's called mutation.) tldr; The egg.
4 guessed
3: A.ulq said:
5 guessed
4: kira said:
the chicken because Battou came first :derp
5 guessed
5: Totinona said:
Perhaps the chicken?
4 guessed
6: Brandish said:
Neither, and both.
2 guessed
7: Ustegius said:
Egg. Dinosaur egg.
2 guessed
8: destiny4ever said:
the chicken
2 guessed
9: Grysun said:
Of course it can only be the egg. See, there's actually two ways I could answer this and both end with egg as the answer.

First answer: it's more likely that an egg was first some sort of mineral that was further changed as time passed, and then under certain weather conditions managed to develop into the first creature similar to a chicken, rather than a chicken appearing without the need for an egg.
Second answer: it's also possible that a creature that was not a chicken laid an egg that was damaged or corrupted in some other way, be it earlier death of the said creature before the egg was laid or that after the egg was laid that weather or other factors caused some strange mutations that would lead to a creature different from the parent creature. That was the birth of the first chicken, or the creature's eggs would keep changing over the time until it became what we would define as a chicken.

Either way, it's an egg.
6 guessed
10: gnut said:
3 guessed
11: Farfalla said:
Dunno, but now you come first in my new dead-to-me list.
10 guessed
12: EmptySoul said:
1 guessed

Not in my onna! said:
Favourite game to play at the moment (or in the past if you don't have a current one)?
1: destiny4ever said:
1 guessed
2: kira said:
Keep Calm And Panic :XD
2 guessed
3: Grysun said:
エスカ&ロジーのアトリエ ~黄昏の空の錬金術士~
3 guessed
4: A.ulq said:
2 guessed
5: lakhan220 said:
5 guessed
6: gnut said:
4 guessed
7: Totinona said:
Overwatch! Zarya is waifu :box
3 guessed
8: Farfalla said:
Overwatch with friends D:
8 guessed
9: EmptySoul said:
The game "It" when i was younger
no one guessed... -3 points
10: Ustegius said:
Scumbagstion the Game.
3 guessed
11: Organizized said:
This game. (Can I have my brown-nosebonus-points now?)
3 guessed
12: Brandish said:
Canasta. Power went out a few weeks ago and have been playing this since. I often lament the wasted pure canasta's because I've already made it dirty with a wild :feelsbadman
4 guessed

Destiny don't quit! said:
What is the crazies thing you have done in the name of love?
1: EmptySoul said:
Nothing crazy
no one guessed... -3 points
2: gnut said:
convinced myself they were the one
no one guessed... -3 points
3: Ustegius said:
Falling in love with 5 years older single mother with two kids was crazy enough in the first place.
5 guessed
4: Brandish said:
Not sure. I don't do many crazy things. By my definition of crazy of course
1 guessed
5: Totinona said:
Nothing too crazy I'm afraid :XD (I think? :wonder)
5 guessed
6: destiny4ever said:
Allow my heart to give love another chance.
4 guessed
7: Grysun said:
Not sure, it's rare that I'd fall in love that much to do anything really crazy. I guess a noteworthy occasion is that I almost went all the way to a different country for a one sided love... Not something I'd want to remember.
4 guessed
8: kira said:
gave up my sanity
2 guessed
9: A.ulq said:
no one guessed... -3 points
10: Organizized said:
Broke my hand punching a street sign, in stupid anger, instead of another guy (who was harassing my girlfriend) because she's opposed to violence and didn't think it was worth it.
3 guessed
11: lakhan220 said:
4 guessed
12: Farfalla said:
Go to a foreign country alone to meet my virtual SO.
7 guessed

Someone - can't remember who said:
How would you like to be buried?
1: lakhan220 said:
As a normal dead would be but grandly. Bury all friends and enemies of mine alongside me. They would be sad without me :3c. They need to come together.
1 guessed
2: A.ulq said:
I would like to be buried normally
3 guessed
3: Ustegius said:
I want to become a tree. Preferably a maple or an oak.
2 guessed
4: Brandish said:
In a sea of paperwork and women; in death as in life :wowsoBOB
6 guessed
5: kira said:
with my burning body in a wooden raft being sent out to the sea. :XD
1 guessed
6: gnut said:
4 guessed
7: Farfalla said:
Creamyation~ toss it whereva, but if you can feed some plants with it, then awesome.
4 guessed
8: Organizized said:
John Goodman spreading my ashes all over Jeff Bridges' face. "Goodnight, sweet prince."
3 guessed
9: Grysun said:
1 guessed
10: Totinona said:
I don't really want to imagine my burial/funeral, but probably cremation to save space in the cemetery.
1 guessed
11: EmptySoul said:
2 guessed
Don't s.ulq about this question said:
What kind of sickness have you lied about so you wouldn't go to work/school?
1: Grysun said:
I don't think I ever did
2 guessed
2: Totinona said:
Mostly colds/headaches and stomach aches. :d
2 guessed
3: gnut said:
From headaches to Bubonic plague
no one guessed... -3 points
4: lakhan220 said:
High fever
3 guessed
5: Ustegius said:
I never faked ill :paperbag
no one guessed... -3 points
6: Brandish said:
Gastro. I adore the faces of teachers/professors when they see this one :kappa
no one guessed... -3 points
7: Organizized said:
Wish I could say something funnier than eye-infection. Was commited to the part though, wore an eye patch and everything.
4 guessed
8: kira said:
headache, tummy-ache, nose-ache, butt-ache, soul-ache. :m3j
1 guessed
9: EmptySoul said:
1 guessed
10: Farfalla said:
I never did it, school was fun, we'd play cards and football a big part of the time.
1 guessed
11: A.ulq said:
That some drunk on the bus vomited on my school uniform
1 guessed
keep your replies nicely organizized said:
Hell's grooviest demon, 'Sweet', has risen and is making everyone sing what's on their mind (a la Broadway), from their deepest secrets to... well, dry cleaning. Describe your inevitable show-stopping number.
1: Ustegius said:
The awkward silence that empties the audience hall after going on for hours.
3 guessed
2: lakhan220 said:
6 guessed
3: Totinona said:
It would be a lot of me singing (talking) random stuff to myself then. To the instrumental of Romeo & Juliet's "Verone". Or "La Haine"(nikushimi in jp). Or any other musical done by Takarazuka. (sorry it wasn't a more fun description)
3 guessed
4: Grysun said:
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there~
2 guessed
5: gnut said:
4 guessed
6: Organizized said:
A song about having to adapt to an extrovert world. A solemn solo intro about trying to fit in builds into a bombastic and hopeful big-band-rock number where I sing about how great the world would be if everyone respected that some people can be intelligent without loudly needing to prove it; great fun to be around if you take the time to get to know them.
After the mid-number saxophone solo and tap-dancing segment it turns into a full-ensemble number with dancing all over the stage while I alone maneuver through it like a fish in the sea (choreographically showing how easy and wonderful life could be if the world adapted to introverts rather than the other way around) until the music suddenly stops: the rest of the people are all stood around me pressuring me to talk, but I can't get a single word out whereupon they walk away and leave me to be alone without giving me a chance.
But anyway, I haven't really thought much about it.
6 guessed
7: EmptySoul said:
When we were young (adele)
1 guessed
8: A.ulq said:
no one guessed... -3 points
9: Brandish said:
Right now I'm starving, so this song would be about food. Fried chicken will do, so they'd be doing the chicken dance.
2 guessed
10: kira said:
It's... wait for it-t-t...

... Show-stopping! :hip
2 guessed
11: Farfalla said:
Ohhhhhh I'd go back to my teen days and sing Chiquititas non-stop. It's catchy, you could sing and dance along with me.
7 guessed

Fix them with your Evil3ye said:
On a scale of 1 to 37 of insane-ness, 1 being "hmm, his socks aren't a matching pair", 37 being "OMG HE'S DRINKING WATER WITH POTASSIUM DENTURES", how hot is your dad?
1: Totinona said:
Eh.. I'm not even sure how to rank him based on that description. XD I suppose he has aged alright.. :oh
5 guessed
2: A.ulq said:
gunna probably say 17
1 guessed
3: kira said:
2 guessed
4: Grysun said:
He could likely still get a young woman if he wanted one, so... high 30s?
3 guessed
5: Farfalla said:
He'd be damn hot once he's set on fire, due to the amount of alcohol in his system
1 guessed
6: lakhan220 said:
6 guessed
7: EmptySoul said:
whyd u wanna know :wowsoBOB
3 guessed
8: gnut said:
Never knew my father.
1 guessed
9: Brandish said:
19 coz Kalium
1 guessed
10: Ustegius said:
I'd say about 16 at "Puts trash bags on the roof of his car while getting the key from the pocket to open the doors -> Drives past the garbage can shelter and about 5 minutes later there are weeks worth of garbage all over the highway."
1 guessed
11: Organizized said:
37. As that's the average body temperature of human beings. Sorry, I only use Celsius as a temperature scale
no one guessed... -3 points
... one is enough said:
What is first thing tht comes to your mind on hearing word EN8D ?
1: Organizized said:
The word “what”. Closely followed by the words “the hell kind of question is that”.
5 guessed
2: EmptySoul said:
A certain Pink haired MC
3 guessed
3: Farfalla said:
After googling, steel? o.o
7 guessed
4: Totinona said:
enaited? eneighted? :XD *google* oh steel..? :oh
6 guessed
5: Brandish said:
Idk wtf stfu
2 guessed
6: Ustegius said:
So do you smoke that or is it something to be injected right in the vein?
6 guessed
7: gnut said:
Please explain what it is first.
1 guessed
8: kira said:
5 guessed
9: A.ulq said:
What does"EN8D" stand for?
2 guessed
10: lakhan220 said:
Carbon 0.36-0.44%
Silicon 0.10-0.40%
Manganese 0.60-1.00%
Sulphur 0.050 Max
Phosphorus 0.050 Max
3 guessed
11: Grysun said:
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.
1 guessed
Ustegius says 'roll out!' said:
What is your spirit animal?
1: Totinona said:
Bunnies. Though I like cats a lot and would love to aspire to be like them. :noworry
8 guessed
2: kira said:
Amidamaru! :hip or anything but fish :verily
4 guessed
3: Brandish said:
3 guessed
4: EmptySoul said:
3 guessed
5: A.ulq said:
Don't have one.
1 guessed
6: gnut said:
no one guessed... -3 points
7: Organizized said:
According to the four tests I just did, I'm a either an Elk, a Whale, a Wolf or a Bee. So I decided my spirit animal is a giant sea wolf with horns and wings.
6 guessed
8: lakhan220 said:
6 guessed
9: Grysun said:
Ren Hakuryuu
6 guessed
10: Ustegius said:
Jake the Dog
4 guessed
11: Farfalla said:
An elephant *o* (jokes on the memory part)
8 guessed
Just a walking corpse said:
Eat a bowl of Vomit or lick everyone u knows feet?
1: Brandish said:
Lick vomit covered feet O0
1 guessed
2: Organizized said:
Spontaneous answer is “no thanks”. But to play along, I’d go feet-lickin’ because I don't know that many people anyway.. :derp
3 guessed
3: EmptySould said:
3 guessed
4: lakhan220 said:
no one guessed... -3 points
5: gnut said:
Definitely the feet if i really have to choose.
1 guessed
6: Grysun said:
My answer is OBVIOUS. :) :kappa
no one guessed... -3 points
7: Ustegius said:
Is it everyone I've met, or everyone I really know know? Would those people all be at the same place or do I have to travel after them around the world to lick the feet? If it is around the 200 people I have on my Facebook, they are are all in the same place and a fast lick is okay then that. If I need to spend rest of my life travelling the world just to lick the feet of all the people I have ever met, then I'll just drink the vomit and that is it. How large would the bowl of vomit be though?

Oh, wait, why the heck would I do either. Screw you, I'm my own boss. You go lick the feet and drink the vomits. :oh
4 guessed
8: Totinona said:
I don't know that many people so "lick everyone I knows feet".:doge I want to avoid vomiting the vomit. :barf
4 guessed
9: kira said:
1 guessed
10: A.ulq said:
no one guessed... -3 points
11: Farfalla said:
Lick the feet of all people I know, after demanding that they get them washed first o.ô (if they wanna walk over some chocolate first, I'd appreciate it ever more)
9 guessed

Last edited:


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
And it's all over

The winner will, probably come as no surprise
Congrats @Totinona

Now onto the vital scores

In this final round, the scores were as follows

1st Totinona 23
kira 20
Empty 14
4th Organizized 13
5th Brandish 12
6th Farfy 11
7th Grysun 10
8th Ustegius 8
9th A.ulq 6
10th gnut 5
11th lakhan220 3

Totinona 23
2nd kira 20
3rd Organizized 16
4th Empty 14
5th Grysun 13
6th Brandish 12
7th Farfy 11
8th A.ulq 9
9th Ustegius 8
9th gnut 8
11th lakhan220 6

The final scores

1st Totinona 60
2nd kira 42
3rd Organizized 37
4th Grysun 36
5th Farfy 32

6th Brandish 29
7th Ustegius 27
8th A.ulq 26

9th Empty 22
10th lakhan220 15
11th gnut 9

12th destiny 7
13th Evil3ye 0
14th WYIS -6

1st Totinona 60
2nd kira 45
3rd Grysun 42
4th A.ulq 41

5th Organizized 40

6th Farfy 35

6th Brandish 35

8th Ustegius 30

9th Empty 28

10th gnut 24

11th lakhan220 21

12th destiny 7

13th WYIS 0

13th Evil3ye 0

Hope you guys enjoyed, but now it's all over



Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Zimb post that answer statistic thing again when you have the time please :bishie
Answer statistic thing?

I have done the guess counts now [see OP] - if that is what you meant?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Fun Forum
Guessed Orgz as Ustie again and vice versa. :fail
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Whoever saved me from -3 :worship


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not seeing the difference between lakhan and emptysoul and feels like the 3rd time I got them both right but at each other's answer :darn


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 21, 2016
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire
finally! :zomg it's the comeback round! :hip


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 21, 2016
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
just saw the questions this round.. it's gonna be even more impossible to catch Tina :XD


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
I can't quite believe only 6 people guessed my answer for Q3...

Also, that second place will be mine! #semirealisticgoals #tinahasalreadywon


Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Torumekian Empire
One of Ustegius' previous set gave a clue for 1 question...
Orgz set a nice trap the with Lebowski

Gonna answer soon.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Also surprised that only 2 recognized Jojos opening. Or atleast didn't link it to Gry :oh


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Just @EmptySoul's PM left

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Round 4 - final round
After making out with my dog, she tried to make out with my dad! Thank God we stopped her before she whipped out his EN8D...

This rounds questions
Fix them with your Evil3ye said:
On a scale of 1 to 37 of insane-ness, 1 being "hmm, his socks aren't a matching pair", 37 being "OMG HE'S DRINKING WATER WITH POTASSIUM DENTURES", how hot is your dad?
  1. Eh.. I'm not even sure how to rank him based on that description. XD I suppose he has aged alright.. :oh
  2. gunna probably say 17
  3. 1337 :mono
  4. He could likely still get a young woman if he wanted one, so... high 30s?
  5. He'd be damn hot once he's set on fire, due to the amount of alcohol in his system
  6. Hottest
  7. whyd u wanna know :wowsoBOB
  8. Never knew my father.
  9. 19 coz Kalium
  10. I'd say about 16 at "Puts trash bags on the roof of his car while getting the key from the pocket to open the doors -> Drives past the garbage can shelter and about 5 minutes later there are weeks worth of garbage all over the highway."
  11. 37. As that's the average body temperature of human beings. Sorry, I only use Celsius as a temperature scale
... one is enough said:
What is first thing tht comes to your mind on hearing word EN8D ?
  1. The word “what”. Closely followed by the words “the hell kind of question is that”.
  2. A certain Pink haired MC
  3. After googling, steel? o.o
  4. enaited? eneighted? :XD *google* oh steel..? :oh
  5. Idk wtf stfu
  6. So do you smoke that or is it something to be injected right in the vein?
  7. Please explain what it is first.

  8. What does"EN8D" stand for?
  9. Alloysteel
    Carbon 0.36-0.44%
    Silicon 0.10-0.40%
    Manganese 0.60-1.00%
    Sulphur 0.050 Max
    Phosphorus 0.050 Max
  10. 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.
Ustegius says 'roll out!' said:
What is your spirit animal?
  1. Bunnies. Though I like cats a lot and would love to aspire to be like them. :noworry
  2. Amidamaru! :hip or anything but fish :verily
  3. Sloth
  4. Panda
  5. Don't have one.
  6. Badger
  7. According to the four tests I just did, I'm a either an Elk, a Whale, a Wolf or a Bee. So I decided my spirit animal is a giant sea wolf with horns and wings.
  8. Lion
  9. Ren Hakuryuu
  10. Jake the Dog

  11. An elephant *o* (jokes on the memory part)
Just a walking corpse said:
Eat a bowl of Vomit or lick everyone u knows feet?
  1. Lick vomit covered feet O0
  2. Spontaneous answer is “no thanks”. But to play along, I’d go feet-lickin’ because I don't know that many people anyway.. :derp
  3. Lick

  4. Definitely the feet if i really have to choose.
  5. My answer is OBVIOUS. :) :kappa
  6. Is it everyone I've met, or everyone I really know know? Would those people all be at the same place or do I have to travel after them around the world to lick the feet? If it is around the 200 people I have on my Facebook, they are are all in the same place and a fast lick is okay then that. If I need to spend rest of my life travelling the world just to lick the feet of all the people I have ever met, then I'll just drink the vomit and that is it. How large would the bowl of vomit be though?

    Oh, wait, why the heck would I do either. Screw you, I'm my own boss. You go lick the feet and drink the vomits. :oh
  7. I don't know that many people so "lick everyone I knows feet".:doge I want to avoid vomiting the vomit. :barf

  8. Lick the feet of all people I know, after demanding that they get them washed first o.ô (if they wanna walk over some chocolate first, I'd appreciate it ever more)
That's it - it's almost over

The final part, as they say, is up to you!



Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
I have a confession. I'm almost always left with Empty, A.ulq and kira (and sometimes Brandish) for last. Then I just fill them in at random. I can't tell them apart at all.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Also, I had forgotten what I answered for the fourth one and was about to put Ust down for mine, before realizing my mistake. @Farfalla , I guess I see your problem...


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I have a confession. I'm almost always left with Empty, A.ulq and kira (and sometimes Brandish) for last. Then I just fill them in at random. I can't tell them apart at all.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Also, I had forgotten what I answered for the fourth one and was about to put Ust down for mine, before realizing my mistake. @Farfalla , I guess I see your problem...
First part: same, but I try to have in mind some impressions such as: Brandish have sassy acid answers and Kira is the nice guy among them. Empty spams emotes. And Id add Lak-chan to that bunch. Of course Im not doing well with points so my method is pretty flawed o.o

Second part: :lmao

Ustie said you guys need a DNA test but I just think you two at some point pulled out an inverted fusion. You should meet, fuse back and become a higher being and maybe rule over Scandinavia *-*


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
First part: same, but I try to have in mind some impressions such as: Brandish have sassy acid answers and Kira is the nice guy among them. Empty spams emotes. And Id add Lak-chan to that bunch.
Actually i havent used a single emote for the past two rounds :derp

Will PM in a few more hours Zimby if u dont mind